cabal-version: 2.4 name: servant-client-js version: synopsis: A servant client for frontend JavaScript description: An experimental servant client using JSaddle and the Fetch API to support HTTP streaming license: BSD-3-Clause license-file: LICENSE author: Morgan Thomas maintainer: copyright: 2020 Morgan Thomas category: Servant, Web extra-source-files: library exposed-modules: Servant.Client.JS build-depends: base ^>= , binary , bytestring , case-insensitive , containers , exceptions , http-media , http-types , jsaddle , monad-control , mtl , semigroupoids , servant , servant-client-core , text , transformers , transformers-base if impl(ghcjs) build-depends: , ghcjs-base , ghcjs-prim hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010