module Data.Serviette
( rawSqlStr
, SqlQuery(..)
, SqlResponse(..)
, SqlResultQuery(..)
) where
import Data.ApiDataTypes
import Data.Text hiding (concat, foldl, map)
import Data.Aeson
import TextShow
import Data.Maybe
import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (append, foldl)
extractAction :: Action -> Text
extractAction (Action t) =
if t == "SELECT"
then append t " "
else if t == "DELETE"
then append t " FROM "
else if t == "INSERT"
then append t " INTO "
else error "Action parameter id wrong"
extractTableName :: TableName -> Text
extractTableName (TableName t) = t
extractColumnName :: ColumnName -> Text
extractColumnName (ColumnName t) = t
extractOperator :: Operator -> Text
extractOperator (Operator t) = t
getActionArg :: SqlQuery -> Action
getActionArg q = action q
getSelectTableArg :: SqlQuery -> TableName
getSelectTableArg q = selectName q
getSetFieldsArg :: SqlQuery -> Maybe [SetField]
getSetFieldsArg q = set q
getJoinTableArg :: SqlQuery -> Maybe [JoinTable]
getJoinTableArg q = joinTables q
getWhereConditionArg :: SqlQuery -> Maybe [WhereCondition]
getWhereConditionArg q = whereCondition q
getFormatArg :: SqlQuery -> Int
getFormatArg q = getFormat $ Format $ format q
formatSetStr :: SetField -> Text
formatSetStr j = (foldl append "" (" set " : [(extractColumnName $ columnName j) , " = " , (formatFieldValue $ setFieldValue j) , " ," ]))
formatJoinStr :: JoinTable -> Text
formatJoinStr j = foldl append "" (" join " : [(extractTableName $ tablename j) , " on " , (extractColumnName $ field j) , " " ,(extractOperator $ operator j) , " " , (extractTableName $ withTable j) , "." , (extractColumnName $ withField j), " " ])
formatFieldValue :: FieldValue -> Text
formatFieldValue a =
case a of
IntField x -> showt x
TextField x -> showt x
DateField x -> showt x
formatWhereConditionStr :: WhereCondition -> Text
formatWhereConditionStr j = foldl append " " (" where " : [ (extractTableName $ whereTableName j), "." , (extractColumnName $ whereField j) , " " ,(extractOperator $ whereOperator j) , " " , (formatFieldValue $ whereFieldValue j)])
formatToSqlResultQueryType sql = SqlResultQuery (getActionArg sql) (getSelectTableArg sql) (getSetFieldsArg sql) (getJoinTableArg sql) (getWhereConditionArg sql)
getErrors :: SqlQuery -> Text
getErrors s = t
t =
case action s of
Action "SELECT"
| isJust (set s) -> " Do not use SET in SELECT query "
| Data.Text.null (extractTableName $ selectName s) -> " You are missing the FROM table name in SELECT statement "
| otherwise -> ""
Action "DELETE"
| isJust (joinTables s) -> " Do not use joins in DELETE query "
| otherwise -> ""
Action "UPDATE"
| isJust (joinTables s) -> " Do not use joins in UPDATE query "
| otherwise -> ""
Action "INSERT"
| isJust (joinTables s) -> " Do not use joins in UPDATE query "
| otherwise -> ""
getWarnings :: SqlQuery -> Text
getWarnings s = t
t =
case action s of
Action "SELECT"
| isNothing (whereCondition s) ->
" You are probably missing WHERE statement "
| otherwise -> ""
Action "DELETE"
| isNothing (whereCondition s) ->
" You are probably missing WHERE statement "
| otherwise -> ""
Action "UPDATE"
| isNothing (whereCondition s) -> " You are missing WHERE statement "
| otherwise -> ""
Action "INSERT"
| isNothing (set s) -> " You are missing the SET statement "
| otherwise -> ""
rawSqlStr :: SqlQuery -> ByteString
rawSqlStr s = encode $ SqlResponse {response = alltext, errors = getErrors s , warnings = getWarnings s}
alltext = foldl append "" [(extractAction $ getAction sql) ,(extractTableName $ getSelectTable sql) , setFields , joins , whereConditions ]
setFields = case getSetFields sql of
Just x -> Data.Text.init $ foldl append "" $ fmap formatSetStr x
Nothing -> ""
joins = case getJoins sql of
Just x -> foldl append "" $ fmap formatJoinStr x
Nothing -> ""
whereConditions = case getWhereCondition sql of
Just x -> foldl append "" $ fmap formatWhereConditionStr x
Nothing -> ""
sql = formatToSqlResultQueryType s