{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Network.Shopify.Orders (
    Order(..), Address(..), LineItem(..), OrderShipping(..), ShopifyProperty(..), OrderFulfillmentStatus(..), OrderFulfillment(..), DiscountCode(..), TaxLine(..)
  , OrderQuery(..), OrderStatus(..), FinancialStatus(..), FulfillmentStatus(..)
  , TransactionFailed
  , fulfillOrder, captureOrder
  , queryOrder, queryOrders
  ) where

import Data.Int
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JS
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Network.HTTP.Types (renderQuery)
import Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike (toQueryValue)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Typeable

import Network.Shopify.Types
import Network.Shopify.Connection

data OrderQuery =
    OQCreatedBefore UTCTime
  | OQCreatedAfter UTCTime
  | OQFinancialStatus FinancialStatus
  | OQFulfillmentStatus FulfillmentStatus
  | OQGreaterThen OrderID
  | OQStatus OrderStatus
  | OQUpdatedBefore UTCTime
  | OQUpdatedAfter UTCTime
  deriving (Show)

isStatusQuery :: OrderQuery -> Bool
isStatusQuery (OQStatus _) = True
isStatusQuery _ = False

encodeOrderQuery :: OrderQuery -> (BS.ByteString, Maybe BS.ByteString)
encodeOrderQuery (OQCreatedBefore t) = ("created_at_max", dateToQuery t)
encodeOrderQuery (OQCreatedAfter t) = ("created_at_min", dateToQuery t)
encodeOrderQuery (OQFinancialStatus fs) = ("financial_status", toQueryValue $ financialStatusToQuery fs)
encodeOrderQuery (OQFulfillmentStatus fs) = ("fulfillment_status", toQueryValue $ fulfillmentStatusToQuery fs)
encodeOrderQuery (OQGreaterThen oid) = ("since_id", toQueryValue $ show oid)
encodeOrderQuery (OQStatus sts) = ("status", orderStatusToQuery sts)
encodeOrderQuery (OQUpdatedBefore t) = ("updated_at_max", dateToQuery t)
encodeOrderQuery (OQUpdatedAfter t) = ("updated_at_min", dateToQuery t)

financialStatusToQuery :: FinancialStatus -> T.Text
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusNull = "abandoned"
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusPending = "pending"
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusAuthorized = "authorized"
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusPaid = "paid"
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusPartiallyPaid = "partially_paid"
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusVoided = "voided"
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusPartialRefund = "partially_refunded"
financialStatusToQuery FinancialStatusRefunded = "refunded"

fulfillmentStatusToQuery :: FulfillmentStatus -> T.Text
fulfillmentStatusToQuery FulfillmentStatusNil = "unshipped"
fulfillmentStatusToQuery FulfillmentStatusPartial = "partial"
fulfillmentStatusToQuery FulfillmentStatusFulfilled = "shipped"

orderStatusToQuery :: OrderStatus -> Maybe BS.ByteString
orderStatusToQuery OrderOpen = Just "open"
orderStatusToQuery OrderClosed = Just "closed"
orderStatusToQuery OrderCancelled = Just "cancelled"

queryOrder :: OrderID -> Shopify Order
queryOrder oid = do
   pw <- shopifyGet ("/admin/orders/"++show oid++".json") (const "") ()
   case Map.lookup ("order"::T.Text) pw of
     Just p -> return p
     Nothing -> error "order not pressent"

queryOrders :: [OrderQuery] -> Shopify [Order]
queryOrders q =
   getBlock 1 []
    baseQuery = ("limit", Just "250"):(if any isStatusQuery q
                                       then []
                                       else [("status", Just "any")])++map encodeOrderQuery q
    genQuery i qry= renderQuery False (("page", toQueryValue (show i)):qry)
    getBlock :: Int -> [Order] -> Shopify [Order]
    getBlock i ops = do
      psw <- shopifyGet "/admin/orders.json" (genQuery i) baseQuery
      ps <- case Map.lookup ("orders"::T.Text) psw of
        Just ps -> return ps
        Nothing -> error "orders not pressent"
      if length ps < 250
        then return ((reverse ps) ++ ops)
        else getBlock (i+1) ((reverse ps) ++ ops)

data OrderStatus =
  | OrderClosed
  | OrderCancelled
  deriving (Show)

type TrackingNumber = T.Text

fulfillOrder :: Order -> Maybe TrackingNumber -> Shopify ()
fulfillOrder order mTracking = do
  (_::JS.Value) <- shopifySet ("/admin/orders/"++(show . metaId . oMeta) order++"/fulfillments.json") False $
                   [ ("fulfillment", JS.object $ catMaybes
                                     [ fmap ((,) "tracking_number" . JS.toJSON) mTracking
                                     , Just ("notify_customer" .= True)  ] ) ]
  return ()

data Transaction =
    TransactionCapture {
        tcFailed :: Bool
  deriving (Show)
instance JS.FromJSON Transaction where
  parseJSON (JS.Object v) = do
    (k::String) <- v .: "kind"
    case k of
      "capture" ->
        TransactionCapture <$>
        ((v .: "status") >>= return . (==) ("failure"::T.Text))
      _ -> fail "Unknown transaction type"
  parseJSON _ = fail "Transaction must be an object"

transactionFailed :: Transaction -> Bool
transactionFailed (TransactionCapture {tcFailed=f}) = f

data TransactionFailed =
  deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance E.Exception TransactionFailed

captureOrder :: Order -> Shopify ()
captureOrder order = do
    ts <- shopifySet ("/admin/orders/"++(show . metaId . oMeta) order++"/transactions.json") False $
                   [ ("transaction", JS.object $ catMaybes
                                     [ Just ("kind", "capture") ] ) ]
    case fmap transactionFailed . Map.lookup ("transaction"::T.Text) $ ts of
      Just False -> return ()
      _ -> E.throw TransactionFailed

data Order =
  Order {
      oMeta :: ShopifyMeta
    , oEmail :: T.Text
    , oNumber :: Int64
    , oOrderNum :: Int64
    , oOrderName :: T.Text
    , oToken :: T.Text
    , oNote :: Maybe T.Text
    , oAcceptsMarketing :: Bool
    , oReferrer :: Maybe T.Text
    , oBillingAddress :: Address
    , oShippingAddress :: Address
    , oShippings :: [OrderShipping]
    , oProperties :: [ShopifyProperty]
    , oItems :: [LineItem]
    , oTaxesIncluded :: Bool
    , oTaxLines :: [TaxLine]
    , oTotalTax :: Centi
    , oDiscounts :: [DiscountCode]
    , oTotalDiscounts :: Centi
    , oTotalLineItemsPrice :: Centi
    , oSubtotal :: Centi
    , oCurrency :: T.Text
    , oTotalPrice :: Centi
    , oTotalPriceUSD :: Centi
    , oGrams :: Int
    , oFinancialStatus :: FinancialStatus
    , oFulfillmentStatus :: OrderFulfillmentStatus
    , oFulfillments :: [OrderFulfillment]
    , oClosedAt :: Maybe UTCTime
    , oCancelledAt :: Maybe UTCTime
    , oCancelReason :: Maybe T.Text
  deriving (Show)

emptyTxtToNothing  :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
emptyTxtToNothing "" = Nothing
emptyTxtToNothing o = Just o

instance JS.FromJSON Order where
  parseJSON (o@(JS.Object v)) =
    Order <$>
    JS.parseJSON o <*>
    (v  .:  "email" <|> fail "email") <*>
    (v  .:  "number" <|> fail "number") <*>
    (v  .:  "order_number" <|> fail "order number") <*>
    (v  .:  "name" <|> fail "name") <*>
    (v  .:  "token" <|> fail "token") <*>
    ((v .:? "note" >>= return . join . fmap emptyTxtToNothing) <|> fail "note") <*>
    (v  .:  "buyer_accepts_marketing" <|> fail "accepts marketing") <*>
    ((v .:? "referring_site" >>= return . join . fmap emptyTxtToNothing) <|> fail "ref site") <*>
    (v  .:  "billing_address" <|> fail "billing addr") <*>
    (v  .:  "shipping_address" <|> v  .:  "billing_address") <*>
    (v  .:  "shipping_lines" <|> fail "shipping lines") <*>
    (v  .:  "note_attributes" <|> fail "note attrib") <*>
    (v  .:  "line_items" <|> fail "line item") <*>
    (v  .:  "taxes_included" <|> fail "taxes inc.") <*>
    (v  .:  "tax_lines" <|> fail "tax lines") <*>
    ((v .:  "total_tax" >>= return . read) <|> fail "total tax") <*>
    (v  .:  "discount_codes" <|> fail "discount codes") <*>
    ((v .:  "total_discounts" >>= return . read) <|> fail "total discounts") <*>
    ((v .:  "total_line_items_price" >>= return . read) <|> fail "total line items price") <*>
    ((v .:  "subtotal_price" >>= return . read) <|> fail "subtotal") <*>
    (v  .:  "currency" <|> fail "currency") <*>
    ((v .:  "total_price" >>= return . read) <|> fail "total price") <*>
    ((v .:  "total_price_usd" >>= return . read) <|> fail "total price USD") <*>
    (v  .:  "total_weight" <|> fail "mass") <*>
    (v  .:  "financial_status") <*>
    (v  .:  "fulfillment_status" <|> fail "fulfillment status") <*>
    (v  .:  "fulfillments") <*> -- <|> fail "fulfillments") <*>
    ((v .:? "closed_at" >>= return . fmap actualTime) <|> fail "closed_at") <*>
    ((v .:? "cancelled_at" >>= return . fmap actualTime) <|> fail "cancelled_at") <*>
    (v  .:  "cancel_reason")
  parseJSON _ = fail "Order not an object"

-"buyer_accepts_marketing": false,
-"cancel_reason": null,
-"cancelled_at": null,
-"cart_token": "68778783ad298f1c80c3bafcddeea02f",
-"closed_at": null,
- "id": 450789469,
-"created_at": "2008-01-10T11:00:00-05:00",
-"updated_at": "2008-01-10T11:00:00-05:00",
-"currency": "USD",
-"email": "bob.norman@hostmail.com",
-"financial_status": "authorized",
-"fulfillment_status": null,
 "gateway": "authorize_net",
-"landing_site": "http://www.example.com?source=abc",
-"name": "#1001",
-"note": null,
-"number": 1,
-"referring_site": "http://www.otherexample.com",
-"subtotal_price": "398.00",
-"taxes_included": false,
-"token": "b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184",
-"total_discounts": "0.00",
-"total_line_items_price": "398.00",
-"total_price": "409.94",
-"total_price_usd": "409.94",
-"total_tax": "11.94",
-"total_weight": 0,
 "browser_ip": null,
 "landing_site_ref": "abc",
-"order_number": 1001,
-"discount_codes": [DiscountCode],
-"note_attributes": [ ShopifyProperty ],
 "processing_method": "direct",
-"line_items": [ LineItem ]
-"shipping_lines": [OrderShipping],
-"tax_lines": [ TaxLine ],
 "payment_details": {
    "avs_result_code": null,
    "credit_card_bin": null,
    "cvv_result_code": null,
    "credit_card_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4242",
    "credit_card_company": "Visa"
-"billing_address": Address
-"shipping_address": Address
-"fulfillments": [ Fulfillment ],
 "client_details": {
    "accept_language": null,
    "browser_ip": "",
    "session_hash": null,
    "user_agent": null
 "customer": Customer

{- Address
-"address1": "Chestnut Street 92",
-"address2": "",
-"city": "Louisville",
-"company": null,
-"country": "United States",
-"first_name": "Bob",
-"last_name": "Norman",
-"latitude": "45.41634",
-"longitude": "-75.6868",
-"phone": "555-625-1199",
-"province": "Kentucky",
-"zip": "40202",
-"name": "Bob Norman",
-"country_code": "US",
-"province_code": "KY"

data Address =
  Address {
      aFirstName :: T.Text
    , aLastName :: T.Text
    , aName :: T.Text
    , aCompany :: Maybe T.Text
    , aStreet1 :: T.Text
    , aStreet2 :: Maybe T.Text
    , aCity :: T.Text
    , aProvince :: T.Text
    , aProvinceCode :: T.Text
    , aZip :: Maybe T.Text
    , aCountry :: T.Text
    , aCountryCode :: T.Text
    , aPhone :: Maybe T.Text
    , aLatLong :: Maybe (Double, Double)
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON Address where
  parseJSON (JS.Object v) =
    Address <$>
    (v .: "first_name" <|> return "" <|> fail "first name") <*>
    (v .: "last_name" <|> return "" <|> fail "last name") <*>
    (v .: "name" <|> fail "name") <*>
    (v .: "company" <|> fail "company") <*>
    (v .: "address1" <|> fail "address1") <*>
    ((v .: "address2" >>= return . join . fmap emptyTxtToNothing) <|> fail "address2") <*>
    (v .: "city" <|> fail "city") <*>
    ((v .:? "province" >>= return . fromMaybe "") <|> fail "province") <*>
    ((v .:? "province_code" >>= return . fromMaybe "") <|> fail "province code") <*>
    (v .: "zip" <|> fail "zip") <*>
    (v .: "country" <|> fail "country") <*>
    (v .: "country_code" <|> fail "country code") <*>
    (v .: "phone" <|> fail "phone") <*>
    ((do { latStr <- v .: "latitude"; lonStr <- v .: "longitude"; return $ Just (read latStr, read lonStr) }) <|>
     pure Nothing)
  parseJSON _ = fail "Address not an object"

-"code": "TENOFF",
-"amount": "10.00"
data DiscountCode =
  DiscountCode {
      dcCode :: T.Text
    , dcAmount :: Centi
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON DiscountCode where
  parseJSON (JS.Object v) =
    DiscountCode <$>
    v .: "code" <*>
    ((v .: "amount") >>= return . read)
  parseJSON _ = fail "DiscountCode must be an object"

 "code": "Free Shipping",
 "price": "0.00",
 "source": "shopify",
 "title": "Free Shipping"
data OrderShipping =
  OrderShipping {
      osCode :: T.Text
    , osPrice :: Centi
    , osSource :: T.Text
    , osTitle :: T.Text
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON OrderShipping where
  parseJSON (JS.Object v) =
    OrderShipping <$>
    v .: "code" <*>
    ((v .: "price") >>= return . read) <*>
    v .: "source" <*>
    v .: "title"
  parseJSON _ = fail "OrderShipping must be an object"

-"name": "Custom Engraving",
-"value": "Happy Birthday"
data ShopifyProperty =
  ShopifyProperty {
      spName :: T.Text
    , spValue :: T.Text
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON ShopifyProperty where
  parseJSON (JS.Object v) =
    ShopifyProperty <$>
    v .: "name" <*>
    v .: "value"
  parseJSON _ = fail "ShopifyProperty not an object"

 "price": "11.94",
 "rate": 0.06,
 "title": "State Tax"
data TaxLine =
  TaxLine {
      tlTitle :: T.Text
    , tlRate :: Double
    , tlPRice :: Centi
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON TaxLine where
  parseJSON (JS.Object v) =
    TaxLine <$>
    v .: "title" <*>
    v .: "rate" <*>
    (v .: "price" >>= return . read)
  parseJSON _ = fail "TaxLine not an object"

{- LineItem
 "fulfillment_service": "manual",
 "fulfillment_status": null,
- "grams": 200,
-"id": 466157049,
-"price": "199.00",
 "product_id": 632910392,
-"quantity": 1,
-"requires_shipping": true,
-"sku": "IPOD2008GREEN",
-"title": "IPod Nano - 8gb",
 "variant_id": 39072856,
 "variant_title": "green",
 "vendor": null,
-"name": "IPod Nano - 8gb - green",
 "variant_inventory_management": "shopify",
-"properties": [ ShopifyProperties ]
data LineItem =
  LineItem {
      liId :: LineItemID
    , liGrams :: Int
    , liPrice :: Centi
    , liSku :: T.Text
    , liQuantity :: Int
    , liTitle :: T.Text
    , liName :: T.Text
    , liShips :: Bool
    , liProperties :: [ShopifyProperty]
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON LineItem where
  parseJSON (JS.Object v) =
    LineItem <$>
    v .: "id" <*>
    v .: "grams" <*>
    (v .: "price" >>= return . read) <*>
    v .: "sku" <*>
    v .: "quantity" <*>
    v .: "title" <*>
    v .: "name" <*>
    v .: "requires_shipping" <*>
    v .: "properties"
  parseJSON _ = fail "LineItem must be an object"

data FinancialStatus = 
  | FinancialStatusPending
  | FinancialStatusAuthorized
  | FinancialStatusPaid
  | FinancialStatusPartiallyPaid
  | FinancialStatusVoided
  | FinancialStatusPartialRefund
  | FinancialStatusRefunded
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON FinancialStatus where
  parseJSON (JS.Null) = return FinancialStatusNull
  parseJSON (JS.String "null") = return FinancialStatusNull
  parseJSON (JS.String "pending") = return FinancialStatusPending
  parseJSON (JS.String "authorized") = return FinancialStatusAuthorized
  parseJSON (JS.String "paid") = return FinancialStatusPaid
  parseJSON (JS.String "partially_paid") = return FinancialStatusPartiallyPaid
  parseJSON (JS.String "voided") = return FinancialStatusVoided
  parseJSON (JS.String "partially_refunded") = return FinancialStatusPartialRefund
  parseJSON (JS.String "refunded") = return FinancialStatusRefunded
  parseJSON (JS.String s) = fail ("unknown FinancialStatus: "++T.unpack s)
  parseJSON _ = fail "unknown FinancialStatus"

data FulfillmentStatus =
  | FulfillmentStatusPartial
  | FulfillmentStatusFulfilled
  deriving (Show)

data OrderFulfillmentStatus =
  | OrderFulfillmentStatusPartial
  | OrderFulfillmentStatusFulfilled
  | OrderFulfillmentStatusRestocked
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON OrderFulfillmentStatus where
  parseJSON (JS.Null) = return OrderFulfillmentStatusNil
  parseJSON (JS.String "nil") = return OrderFulfillmentStatusNil
  parseJSON (JS.String "partial") = return OrderFulfillmentStatusPartial
  parseJSON (JS.String "fulfilled") = return OrderFulfillmentStatusFulfilled
  parseJSON (JS.String "success") = return OrderFulfillmentStatusFulfilled
  parseJSON (JS.String "restocked") = return OrderFulfillmentStatusRestocked
  parseJSON _ = fail "unknown OrderFulfillmentStatus"

{- Fulfillment
-"created_at": "2012-10-30T16:09:40-04:00",
-"id": 255858046,
 "order_id": 450789469,
 "service": "manual",
 "status": "failure",
 "tracking_company": null,
-"tracking_number": "1Z2345",
-"tracking_url": "http://www.google.com/search?q=1Z2345",
-"updated_at": "2012-10-30T16:09:40-04:00",
 "receipt": {
    "testcase": true,
    "authorization": "123456"
-"line_items": [ LineItem ]
data OrderFulfillment =
    OrderFulfillment {
        fMeta :: ShopifyMeta
      , fStatus :: OrderFulfillmentStatus
      , fLineItems :: [LineItem]
      , fTrackingUrl :: Maybe T.Text
      , fTrackingNumber :: Maybe T.Text
      , fService :: FulfillmentService
    deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON OrderFulfillment where
  parseJSON (o@(JS.Object v)) =
    OrderFulfillment <$>
    JS.parseJSON o <*>
    (v .: "status" <|> fail "fulfillment status") <*>
    (v .: "line_items" <|> fail "fulfillment line items") <*>
    (v .: "tracking_url" <|> fail "fulfillment tracking url") <*>
    ((v .: "tracking_number") <|> ((v .: "tracking_number"::JS.Parser (Maybe Int)) >>= return . Just . T.pack . show) <|> fail "fulfillment tracking number") <*>
    (v .: "service" <|> fail "fulfillment service")
  parseJSON _ = fail "ShopifyProperty not an object"

data FulfillmentService =
  deriving (Show)

instance JS.FromJSON FulfillmentService where
  parseJSON (JS.String "manual") = return ManualFulfillment
  parseJSON _ = fail "FulfillmentService only currently knows the string \"manual\""

{- Customer
 "accepts_marketing": false,
 "id": 207119551,
 "created_at": "2012-10-30T16:09:40-04:00",
 "updated_at": "2012-10-30T16:09:40-04:00",
 "email": "bob.norman@hostmail.com",
 "first_name": "Bob",
 "last_name": "Norman",
 "last_order_id": null,
 "note": null,
 "orders_count": 0,
 "state": null,
 "total_spent": "0.00",
 "tags": "",
 "last_order_name": null