module Data.Sifflet.Geometry
     positionDelta, positionDistance,
     positionDistanceSquared, positionCloseEnough,
     Circle(..), pointInCircle,
     bbX, bbY, bbWidth, bbSetWidth, bbHeight, bbPosition, bbSize,
     bbToRect, bbFromRect, bbCenter, bbLeft, bbXCenter, bbRight,
     bbTop, bbYCenter, bbBottom,
     bbMerge, bbMergeList, pointInBB,


import Data.Tree as T
import Graphics.UI.Gtk(Rectangle(Rectangle))

-- A Position may be interpreted either absolutely, as a point (x, y);
-- or relatively, as an offset (dx, dy)

data Position = Position {posX :: Double, posY :: Double} -- x, y
              deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

positionDelta :: Position -> Position -> (Double, Double)
positionDelta (Position x1 y1) (Position x2 y2) = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

positionDistance :: Position -> Position -> Double
positionDistance p1 p2 = sqrt (positionDistanceSquared p1 p2)

positionDistanceSquared :: Position -> Position -> Double
positionDistanceSquared (Position x1 y1) (Position x2 y2) =
    (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2

positionCloseEnough :: Position -> Position -> Double -> Bool
positionCloseEnough p1 p2 radius =
    -- Essentially asks if p1 and p2 are nearly intersecting,
    -- i.e., if p1 is within a circle with center p2 and the given radius
    positionDistanceSquared p1 p2 <= radius ** 2

data Circle = Circle {circleCenter :: Position,
                      circleRadius :: Double}
            deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

pointInCircle :: Position -> Circle -> Bool
pointInCircle point (Circle center radius) =
  positionCloseEnough point center radius

data Size = Size {sizeW :: Double, sizeH :: Double}    -- width, height
              deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | BBox x y width height; (x, y) is the top left corner

data BBox = BBox Double Double Double Double
                   deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | BBox accessors and utilities

bbX, bbY, bbWidth, bbHeight :: BBox -> Double
bbX (BBox x _y _w _h) = x

bbY (BBox _x y _w _h) = y
bbWidth (BBox _x _y w _h) = w
bbHeight (BBox _x _y _w h) = h

bbPosition :: BBox -> Position
bbPosition (BBox x y _w _h) = Position x y

bbSize :: BBox -> Size
bbSize (BBox _x _y w h) = Size w h

bbCenter :: BBox -> Position
bbCenter (BBox x y w h) = Position (x + w / 2) (y + h / 2)

bbSetWidth :: BBox -> Double -> BBox
bbSetWidth (BBox x y _w h) nwidth = BBox x y nwidth h

bbLeft, bbXCenter, bbRight :: BBox -> Double
bbLeft = bbX
bbXCenter (BBox x _y w _h) = x + w / 2
bbRight (BBox x _y w _h) = x + w

bbTop, bbYCenter, bbBottom :: BBox -> Double
bbTop = bbY
bbYCenter (BBox _x y _w h) = y + h / 2
bbBottom (BBox _x y _w h) = y + h

bbToRect :: BBox -> Rectangle
bbToRect (BBox x y w h) = 
    Rectangle (round x) (round y) (round w) (round h)

bbFromRect :: Rectangle -> BBox
bbFromRect (Rectangle x y w h) =
    BBox (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
                (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)

-- | Form a new BBox which encloses two bboxes
bbMerge :: BBox -> BBox -> BBox
bbMerge bb1 bb2 =
    let f1 ! f2 = f1 (f2 bb1) (f2 bb2)
        bottom = max ! bbBottom -- i.e.,  max (bbBottom bb1) (bbBottom bb2)
        top = min ! bbTop
        left = min ! bbLeft
        right = max ! bbRight
    in BBox left top (right - left) (bottom - top)

bbMergeList :: [BBox] -> BBox
bbMergeList [] = error "bbMergeList: empty list"
bbMergeList (b:bs) = foldl bbMerge b bs
-- Test whether a point (e.g., from mouse click) is within a
-- bounding box
pointInBB :: Position -> BBox -> Bool
pointInBB (Position x y) (BBox x1 y1 w h) =
    x >= x1 &&
    x <= x1 + w &&
    y >= y1 &&
    y <= y1 + h

class Widen a where
  -- | Make an object have at least a specified minimum width;
  -- does nothing if it's already at least that wide
  widen :: a -> Double -> a

instance Widen BBox where
    widen bb@(BBox x y w h) minWidth =
        if w >= minWidth
        then bb
        else BBox x y minWidth h

-- | A Translate is a thing that can be repositioned by
-- delta x and delta y

class Translate a where
        translate :: Double -- ^ delta X
                  -> Double -- ^ delta Y
                  -> a -- ^ thing in old position
                  -> a -- ^ thing in new position

instance (Translate e) => Translate [e] where
    translate dx dy = map (translate dx dy)

instance (Translate e) => Translate (Tree e) where
    translate dx dy t = 
        T.Node (translate dx dy (rootLabel t))
               (translate dx dy (subForest t))

instance Translate BBox where
  translate dx dy (BBox x y w h) = BBox (x + dx) (y + dy) w h

instance Translate Position where
    translate dx dy (Position x y) = Position (x + dx) (y + dy)

instance Translate Circle where
    translate dx dy (Circle center radius) =
        Circle (translate dx dy center) radius