module Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Workspace
, workspaceNewDefault
, workspaceNewEditing
, addFedWinButtons
, defineFunction
, workspaceId
, openNode
, removeWindow
, vpuiQuit
, forallWindowsIO
, baseFunctionsRows
import Control.Monad
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Map ((!), keys)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive as G hiding (nfilter)
import Data.Sifflet.Functoid
import Data.Sifflet.Geometry
import Data.Sifflet.TreeGraph
import Data.Sifflet.TreeLayout
import Data.Sifflet.WGraph
import Language.Sifflet.Expr
import Language.Sifflet.ExprTree
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Callback
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Canvas
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.EditArgsPanel
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Frame
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.GtkUtil
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.LittleGtk
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Tool
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Types
import Language.Sifflet.Util
vpuiNew :: Style -> Env -> Bool -> IO VPUI
vpuiNew style env debugging = do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
return VPUI {vpuiWindows = Map.empty,
vpuiToolkits = [],
vpuiCurrentFile = Nothing,
vpuiInitialDir = dir,
vpuiCurrentDir = dir,
vpuiStyle = style,
vpuiInitialEnv = env,
vpuiGlobalEnv = env,
vpuiFileEnv = env,
vpuiDebugging = debugging
workspaceNewDefault :: Style -> (VBox -> IO ()) -> IO Workspace
workspaceNewDefault style =
workspaceNew style (Size 3600.0 2400.0) (Just (Size 900.0 600.0)) []
workspaceNewEditing :: Style -> Env -> Function -> IO Workspace
workspaceNewEditing style initEnv func = do
; let funcFrame = fedFuncFrame style func initEnv
Size fwidth fheight = bbSize (cfBox funcFrame)
canvSize = Size (max fwidth 300) (max fheight 300)
mViewSize = Nothing
specs = functionArgToolSpecs func
addNoMenu _ = return ()
; workspaceNew style canvSize mViewSize specs addNoMenu
addFedWinButtons :: CBMgr -> WinId -> VPUI -> IO ()
addFedWinButtons cbmgr winId vpui =
case vpuiGetWindow vpui winId of
VPUIWorkWin ws window ->
let bbar = wsButtonBar ws
argSpecs = wsArgToolSpecs ws
applyFrame :: VPUI -> IO VPUI
applyFrame vpui' =
let frames = vcFrames
(vpuiGetWindow vpui' winId))
in case frames of
[] -> info "applyFrame: no frame found on canvas" >>
return vpui'
_:_:_ -> info ("applyFrame: more than one frame " ++
"found on canvas " ++
show frames) >>
return vpui'
[frame] -> defineFunction winId frame vpui'
editParametersOK :: ArgSpecAction
editParametersOK newSpecs =
cbmgr (WithUIRef (editParametersOK' newSpecs))
editParametersOK' newSpecs uiref =
dressButtonBar newSpecs
vpui' <- readIORef uiref
let vpui'' = vpuiUpdateWindow vpui'
(updateEditWindowArgSpecs newSpecs)
writeIORef uiref vpui''
redrawCanvas uiref winId
editParameters :: VPUI -> IO VPUI
editParameters vpui' =
let argSpecs' = vpuiWindowArgSpecs vpui' winId
; argPanel <-
makeEditArgsPanel cbmgr argSpecs' editParametersOK
; let canv = wsCanvas ws
layout = vcLayout canv
panelRoot = editArgsPanelRoot argPanel
; layoutPut layout panelRoot 1 1
; expandToFit layout panelRoot
; return vpui'
addButton :: String -> CBMgrAction -> IO ()
addButton label action = do
button <- buttonNewWithLabel label
; boxPackEnd bbar button PackNatural 3
; widgetShow button
; cbmgr (AfterButtonClicked button action)
dressButtonBar :: [ArgSpec] -> IO ()
dressButtonBar argSpecs' = do
mapM_ (addArgToolButton cbmgr winId bbar) argSpecs'
; addButton "Close" (\ _uiref -> widgetDestroy window)
; addButton "Parameters" (modifyIORefIO editParameters)
; addButton "Apply" (modifyIORefIO applyFrame)
stripButtonBar :: IO ()
stripButtonBar = do
children <- containerGetChildren bbar
; mapM_ widgetDestroy children
in dressButtonBar argSpecs
FunctionPadWindow _ _ -> return ()
vpuiWindowArgSpecs :: VPUI -> WinId -> [ArgSpec]
vpuiWindowArgSpecs vpui winId =
case vpuiGetWindow vpui winId of
VPUIWorkWin ws _ -> wsArgToolSpecs ws
FunctionPadWindow _ _ -> []
updateEditWindowArgSpecs :: [ArgSpec] -> VPUIWindow -> VPUIWindow
updateEditWindowArgSpecs newSpecs vwin =
case vwin of
VPUIWorkWin ws0 window ->
let canv0 = wsCanvas ws0
graph0 = vcGraph canv0
argNames = map argName newSpecs
in case vcFrames canv0 of
[frame0] ->
let foid0 = cfFunctoid frame0
fnodes0 = fpNodes foid0 :: [G.Node]
validNames =
"if" : (argNames ++ envSymbols (cfEnv frame0))
validNode' :: G.Node -> Bool
validNode' = validNode graph0 validNames
fnodes1 = filter validNode' fnodes0
foid1 = foid0 {fpNodes = fnodes1,
fpArgs = argNames}
frame1 = frame0 {cfVarNames = argNames,
cfFunctoid = foid1}
graph1 = nfilter validNode' graph0
style = vcStyle canv0
graph2 = wLimitOuts style newSpecs graph1
orphans = filter (isWSimple . fromJust . lab graph2)
(graphOrphans graph2)
graph3 =
adoptChildren graph2 (cfFrameNode frame1) orphans
canv1 = canv0 {vcGraph = graph3, vcFrames = [frame1]}
ws1 = ws0 {wsArgToolSpecs = newSpecs, wsCanvas = canv1}
in VPUIWorkWin ws1 window
_ -> vwin
FunctionPadWindow _ _ -> vwin
validNode :: WGraph -> [String] -> G.Node -> Bool
validNode g validNames n =
case G.lab g n of
Nothing -> False
Just (WFrame _) -> True
Just (WSimple loNode) ->
let ENode nodeLabel _ = gnodeValue (nodeGNode loNode)
in case nodeLabel of
NSymbol (Symbol name) -> name `elem` validNames
_ -> True
wLimitOut :: Style -> [ArgSpec] -> WGraph -> Node -> WGraph
wLimitOut style specs g v =
let ordered :: Adj WEdge -> Adj WEdge
ordered = sortBy compareAdj
compareAdj (WEdge i, _nodei) (WEdge j, _nodej) = compare i j
in case match v g of
(Nothing, _) -> g
(Just (ins, _v, wnode, outs), g') ->
case wnode of
WFrame _ -> g
WSimple lonode@(LayoutNode {nodeGNode = gnode}) ->
let ENode eLabel _ = gnodeValue gnode
in case eLabel of
NSymbol (Symbol name) ->
case aspecsLookup name specs of
Nothing -> g
Just n ->
let (inlets, _) =
makeIolets style
(gnodeNodeBB gnode)
(n, 1)
gnode' = gnode {gnodeInlets = inlets}
wnode' =
WSimple (lonode {nodeGNode = gnode'})
in (ins, v, wnode', take n (ordered outs)) &
_ -> g
wLimitOuts :: Style -> [ArgSpec] -> WGraph -> WGraph
wLimitOuts style specs g = foldl (wLimitOut style specs) g (nodes g)
redrawCanvas :: IORef VPUI -> WinId -> IO ()
redrawCanvas uiref winId = do
vpui <- readIORef uiref
; let mcanvas = vpuiTryGetWindow vpui winId >>= vpuiWindowLookupCanvas
; case mcanvas of
Nothing -> return ()
Just canvas ->
case vcFrames canvas of
[] -> return ()
frame:_ -> vcInvalidateBox canvas (cfBox frame)
addArgToolButton :: CBMgr -> WinId -> HBox -> ArgSpec -> IO ()
addArgToolButton cbmgr winId buttonBox (ArgSpec label n) = do
button <- buttonNewWithLabel label
; boxPackStart buttonBox button PackNatural 3
; widgetShow button
; cbmgr (AfterButtonClicked button
(modifyIORefIO (vpuiSetTool (ToolArg label n) winId)))
; return ()
fedFuncFrame :: Style -> Function -> Env -> CanvFrame
fedFuncFrame style func prevEnv =
fst (frameNewWithLayout style (Position 0 0) 0
(FunctoidFunc func) Nothing
0 prevEnv Nothing)
workspaceNew :: Style -> Size -> Maybe Size -> [ArgSpec]
-> (VBox -> IO ())
-> IO Workspace
workspaceNew style canvSize mViewSize argSpecs addMenuBar = do
; let Size dcWidth dcHeight = canvSize
(icWidth, icHeight) = (round dcWidth, round dcHeight)
scrolled :: GtkLayout -> Size -> IO ScrolledWindow
scrolled layout viewSize = do
let Size dvWidth dvHeight = viewSize
(iViewWidth, iViewHeight) = (round dvWidth, round dvHeight)
; xAdj <- adjustmentNew 0.0 0.0 dcWidth 10.0 dvWidth dvWidth
; yAdj <- adjustmentNew 0.0 0.0 dcHeight 10.0 dvHeight dvHeight
; scrollWin <- scrolledWindowNew (Just xAdj) (Just yAdj)
; scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrollWin PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
; widgetSetSizeRequest layout iViewWidth iViewHeight
; set scrollWin [containerChild := layout]
; return scrollWin
bare :: GtkLayout -> IO GtkLayout
bare layout = do
; widgetSetSizeRequest layout icWidth icHeight
; return layout
; vcanvas <- vcanvasNew style dcWidth dcHeight
; let layout = vcLayout vcanvas
; layoutSetSize layout icWidth icHeight
; buttonBar <- hBoxNew False 3
; statusBar <- statusbarNew
; vbox <- vBoxNew False 0
; addMenuBar vbox
; let packGrow :: WidgetClass w => w -> IO ()
packGrow w = boxPackStart vbox w PackGrow 0
; case mViewSize of
Nothing -> bare layout >>= packGrow
Just viewSize -> scrolled layout viewSize >>= packGrow
; boxPackStart vbox buttonBar PackNatural 0
; boxPackStart vbox statusBar PackNatural 0
; return (Workspace vbox vcanvas buttonBar statusBar argSpecs)
vpuiQuit :: VPUI -> IO VPUI
vpuiQuit vpui = do
vpui' <- foldM (\ vp winId -> removeWindow vp True winId)
(vpuiAllWindowKeys vpui)
; mainQuit
; return vpui'
vpuiAllWindowKeys :: VPUI -> [WinId]
vpuiAllWindowKeys = keys . vpuiWindows
forallWindowsIO :: (VPUIWindow -> IO VPUIWindow) -> VPUI -> IO VPUI
forallWindowsIO action vpui =
let loop ks vpui' =
case ks of
[] -> return vpui'
k : ks' ->
let w = vpuiGetWindow vpui' k
in do
w' <- action w
; loop ks' (vpuiReplaceWindow vpui' k w')
in loop (vpuiAllWindowKeys vpui) vpui
removeWindow :: VPUI -> Bool -> WinId -> IO VPUI
removeWindow vpui destroy winId = do
let vwMap = vpuiWindows vpui
; when destroy $ widgetDestroy (vpuiWindowWindow (vwMap ! winId))
; return $ vpuiRemoveVPUIWindow winId vpui
defineFunction :: WinId -> CanvFrame -> VPUI -> IO VPUI
defineFunction winId frame vpui =
case frameType frame of
CallFrame ->
showErrorMessage "Software error\nNot in an edit frame!"
>> return vpui
EditFrame ->
case cfFunctoid frame of
FunctoidFunc _function ->
return vpui
fparts@FunctoidParts {} ->
let env = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui
vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId
canv = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vw
graph = vcGraph canv
frameNode = cfFrameNode frame
friendlyTypeError msg =
"Sifflet cannot find any set of " ++
"data types that will make this function work.\n" ++
"Details from the type checker (may be obscure):\n" ++
in case functoidToFunction fparts graph frameNode env of
Fail errmsg ->
showErrorMessage (friendlyTypeError errmsg) >>
return vpui
Succ function ->
let BBox x y _ _ = cfBox frame
z = cfLevel frame
fname = functionName function
env' = envSet env fname (VFun function)
vpui' = vpui {vpuiGlobalEnv = env'}
in do
; canv' <- vcCloseFrame canv frame
; canv'' <-
vcAddFrame canv' (FunctoidFunc function)
env' x y z Nothing
; let vw' = vpuiWindowSetCanvas vw canv''
vpui'' = vpuiReplaceWindow vpui' winId vw'
; vpuiUpdateCallFrames vpui'' fname
workspaceId :: String
workspaceId = "Sifflet Workspace"
vpuiUpdateCallFrames :: VPUI -> String -> IO VPUI
vpuiUpdateCallFrames vpui fname =
case vpuiTryGetWindow vpui workspaceId of
Nothing -> return vpui
Just w -> do
; let canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas w
env = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui
frames = callFrames canvas fname
update canv frame = canvasUpdateCallFrame canv frame fname env
; canvas' <- foldM update canvas frames
; let w' = vpuiWindowSetCanvas w canvas'
; return $ vpuiReplaceWindow vpui workspaceId w'
canvasUpdateCallFrame :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> String -> Env -> IO VCanvas
canvasUpdateCallFrame canvas frame fname env = do
canvas' <- vcCloseFrame canvas frame
; case cfParent frame of
Nothing ->
let Position x y = bbPosition (cfBox frame)
z = cfLevel frame
functoid = FunctoidFunc {fpFunc = envGetFunction env fname}
in vcAddFrame canvas' functoid Nothing CallFrame env x y z Nothing
Just _ ->
return canvas'
openNode :: VPUIWindow -> G.Node -> IO VPUIWindow
openNode vw node = do
let canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vw
graph = vcGraph canvas
if not (nodeIsSimple graph node)
then return vw
else if nodeIsOpen graph node
then info "Already open" >> return vw
else let frame = nodeContainerFrame canvas graph node
in case nodeCompoundFunction graph frame node of
Nothing ->
info "Cannot be opened" >> return vw
Just function ->
case nodeInputValues graph node of
EvalOk (VList values) ->
let env = extendEnv (functionArgNames function)
values (cfEnv frame)
Position x y =
frameOffset (vcStyle canvas) frame
z = succ (cfLevel frame)
in vwAddFrame vw
(FunctoidFunc function)
(Just values) CallFrame
env x y z (Just node)
EvalOk x ->
errcats ["openNode: non-VList result:", show x]
_ ->
info "Cannot be opened: lacking input values" >>
return vw
baseFunctionsRows :: [[String]]
baseFunctionsRows = [["+", "-", "*", "div", "mod", "add1", "sub1", "/"],
["==", "/=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="],
["zero?", "positive?", "negative?"],
["null", "head", "tail", ":"]]