module Language.Sifflet.Export.Haskell
, Module(..)
, ExportSpec(..)
, ImportDecl(..)
, Decl(..)
, operatorTable
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Language.Sifflet.Expr
import Text.Sifflet.Pretty
class HsPretty a where
hsPretty :: a -> String
hsPrettyList :: String -> String -> String -> [a] -> String
hsPrettyList pre tween post xs =
pre ++ intercalate tween (map hsPretty xs) ++ post
instance HsPretty Symbol where
hsPretty = pretty
instance HsPretty Operator where
hsPretty = pretty
data Module = Module {moduleName :: String
, moduleExports :: Maybe ExportSpec
, moduleImports :: ImportDecl
, moduleDecls :: [Decl]
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance HsPretty Module where
hsPretty m =
let pmod = "module " ++ moduleName m
pexports = case moduleExports m of
Nothing -> ""
Just exports -> hsPretty exports
pimports = hsPretty (moduleImports m)
pdecls = sepLines2 (map hsPretty (moduleDecls m))
in unlines [pmod ++ " where",
newtype ExportSpec = ExportSpec [String]
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance HsPretty ExportSpec where
hsPretty (ExportSpec exports) =
"(" ++ sepCommaSp exports ++ ")"
newtype ImportDecl = ImportDecl [String]
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance HsPretty ImportDecl where
hsPretty (ImportDecl modnames) =
let idecl modname = "import " ++ modname
in unlines (map idecl modnames)
par :: String -> String
par s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
data Decl = Decl {declIdent :: String
, declType :: Maybe [String]
, declParams :: [String]
, declExpr :: Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance HsPretty Decl where
hsPretty decl =
let ptypeDecl = ""
pparams = case declParams decl of
[] -> ""
params -> " " ++ sepSpace params
pbody = hsPretty (declExpr decl)
in ptypeDecl ++
declIdent decl ++ pparams ++ " =\n" ++
" " ++ pbody
instance HsPretty Expr where
hsPretty pexpr =
case pexpr of
EUndefined -> "undefined"
EChar c -> show c
ENumber n -> show n
EBool b -> show b
EString s -> show s
ESymbol sym -> hsPretty sym
EList xs -> hsPrettyList "[" ", " "]" xs
EIf c a b ->
unwords ["if", hsPretty c, "then", hsPretty a, "else", hsPretty b]
EGroup e -> par (hsPretty e)
ELambda (Symbol x) body ->
unwords ["\\", x, "->", hsPretty body]
EApp fexpr argexpr ->
hsPretty fexpr ++ " " ++ hsPretty argexpr
ECall fexpr argExprs ->
hsPretty fexpr ++ " " ++ hsPrettyList "" " " "" argExprs
EOp op left right ->
unwords [hsPretty left, hsPretty op, hsPretty right]
operatorTable :: M.Map String Operator
operatorTable =
M.fromList (map (\ op -> (opName op, op))
[ Operator "*" 7 True GroupLtoR
, Operator "+" 6 True GroupLtoR
, Operator "-" 6 False GroupLtoR
, Operator ":" 5 False GroupRtoL
, Operator "==" 4 False GroupNone
, Operator "/=" 4 False GroupNone
, Operator ">" 4 False GroupNone
, Operator ">=" 4 False GroupNone
, Operator "<" 4 False GroupNone
, Operator "<=" 4 False GroupNone