module Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Window ( -- Window utilities getOrCreateWindow , showWindow , newWindowTitled , showWorkWin , showWorkspaceWindow , showFedWin , fedWindowTitle , getOrCreateFunctionPadWindow , showFunctionPadWindow , newFunctionDialog , openFilePath , setWSCanvasCallbacks , keyBindingsHelpText ) where -- debug imports -- import Debug.Trace -- standard imports import Control.Monad import Data.IORef import Data.List as List import Data.Map as Map (fromList, keys, lookup) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Data.Graph.Inductive as G import Data.Version import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM import System.FilePath -- sifflet imports import Data.Sifflet.Functoid import Data.Sifflet.Geometry import Data.Sifflet.WGraph import Language.Sifflet.Export.Exporter import Language.Sifflet.Export.ToHaskell (defaultHaskellOptions, exportHaskell) import Language.Sifflet.Export.ToPython (defaultPythonOptions, exportPython) import Language.Sifflet.Export.ToScheme (SchemeOptions(..), exportScheme) import Language.Sifflet.Expr import Language.Sifflet.SiffML import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Frame import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Canvas import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Types import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Callback import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Tool import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Workspace import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.GtkForeign import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.GtkUtil import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.LittleGtk import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.RPanel import Language.Sifflet.Util import Paths_sifflet as Paths -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Finding, creating, and initializing windows (VPUIWindow) -- | Find and show a window, if it exists. -- If not, create the window, put it in the vpui's window map, -- and initialize it and any auxiliary objects using the initWin function. -- The 3rd argument of initWin will be the window's title. -- Always presents the window (shows and raises). -- Returns a 3-tuple: the VPUIWindow contains the Window, -- and the Bool value is True if the Window is new -- (and therefore might need some further initialization). -- The third tuple element is an IORef to the VPUIWindow; -- it may be useful for setting up signal and event handling. showWindow :: WinId -> CBMgr -> (VPUI -> Window -> IO VPUIWindow) -- initializes Gtk Window -> (VPUI -> WinId -> CBMgr -> IO ()) -- initializes callbacks -> VPUI -> IO (VPUI, VPUIWindow, Bool) showWindow winId uimgr initWin initCB vpui = getOrCreateWindow winId uimgr initWin initCB True vpui -- | Like showWindow, except that making the window visible is optional getOrCreateWindow :: WinId -> CBMgr -> (VPUI -> Window -> IO VPUIWindow) -- ^ initialize Gtk Window -> (VPUI -> WinId -> CBMgr -> IO ()) -- ^ initialize callbacks -> Bool -- ^ make window visible -> VPUI -> IO (VPUI, VPUIWindow, Bool) getOrCreateWindow winId uimgr initWin initCB visible vpui = do (vpui', vw, isNew) <- case vpuiTryGetWindow vpui winId of Nothing -> do window <- newWindowTitled winId widgetSetName window ("Sifflet-" ++ winId) vwin <- initWin vpui window let vpui' = vpuiInsertWindow vpui winId vwin uimgr (OnWindowDestroy window (onWindowDestroy winId)) return (vpui', vwin, True) Just vw -> return (vpui, vw, False) when isNew (initCB vpui' winId uimgr) -- add callbacks on new window when visible $ -- show it let window = vpuiWindowWindow vw in do widgetShowAll window windowPresent window return (vpui', vw, isNew) onWindowDestroy :: WinId -> IORef VPUI -> IO () onWindowDestroy winId uiref = if (winId == workspaceId) then readIORef uiref >>= checkForChanges "quit (by closing the workspace window)" True False (\ vpui -> do { mainQuit; return vpui }) >> return () else modifyIORef uiref (vpuiRemoveVPUIWindow winId) -- | Default "do-nothing" add-callbacks function initCBDefault :: VPUI -> WinId -> CBMgr -> IO () initCBDefault _vpui _winId _uimgr = return () newWindowTitled :: String -> IO Window newWindowTitled winId = do window <- windowNew set window [windowTitle := winId] widgetSetName window ("Sifflet-" ++ winId) return window -- | Show a workspace window, with a given title, _not_ editing a function showWorkWin :: VPUI -> WinId -> CBMgr -> IO VPUI showWorkWin vpui winId uimgr = do { (vpui', _, _) <- showWorkspaceWindow winId uimgr Nothing vpui ; return vpui' } -- | Show a workspace window with a given title and maybe function to edit showWorkspaceWindow :: WinId -> CBMgr -> Maybe Function -> VPUI -> IO (VPUI, VPUIWindow, Bool) showWorkspaceWindow winId cbmgr mfunc = showWindow winId cbmgr (workspaceWindowInit cbmgr winId mfunc) setWSCanvasCallbacks -- | Initialize a Workspace window. -- Called in sifflet.hs:Main from showWindow called from showWorkspaceWindow. workspaceWindowInit :: CBMgr -> WinId -> Maybe Function -> VPUI -> Window -> IO VPUIWindow workspaceWindowInit cbmgr winId mfunc vpui window = do { let style = vpuiStyle vpui env = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui ; ws <- case mfunc of Nothing -> workspaceNewDefault style (buildMainMenu cbmgr) Just func -> workspaceNewEditing style env func ; set window [windowTitle := winId, containerChild := wsRootWidget ws] -- this should suppress the window close button, -- but doesn't, at least in Fluxbox -- windowDeletable := False] -- no close button ; widgetShowAll window ; windowPresent window ; return $ VPUIWorkWin ws window } -- Menu specs here need to coordinate accelerators (shortcuts) -- with keyBindingsList in WindowManagement.hs buildMainMenu :: CBMgr -> VBox -> IO () buildMainMenu cbmgr vbox = do { -- menu bar let mspecs = [MenuSpec "File" [ -- "new" isn't implemented yet -- MenuItem "New ..." menuFileNew -- , -- Temporarily disabling file I/O operations MenuItem "Open ... (C-o)" (menuFileOpen cbmgr) , MenuItem "Save (C-s)" menuFileSave , MenuItem "Save as ..." menuFileSaveAs , MenuItem "Export to Haskell ..." menuFileExportHaskell , MenuItem "Export to Python3 ..." menuFileExportPython , MenuItem "Export to Scheme ..." menuFileExportScheme , MenuItem "Save image ..." menuFileSaveImage , MenuItem "Quit (C-q)" menuFileQuit] , MenuSpec "Functions" [MenuItem "New ... (n)" (newFunctionDialog "ignore" cbmgr) , MenuItem "Function Pad" (showFunctionPadWindow cbmgr)] , MenuSpec "Help" [MenuItem "Help ..." showHelpDialog , MenuItem "Complaints and praise ..." showBugs , MenuItem "About ..." showAboutDialog] ] ; menubar <- createMenuBar mspecs cbmgr ; boxPackStart vbox menubar PackNatural 0 } -- | Show a function editor window = a workspace window editing a given function. -- Use argNames for a new function; ignore them if funcName is bound. showFedWin :: CBMgr -> String -> [String] -> VPUI -> IO VPUI showFedWin cbmgr funcName argNames vpui = do { let initEnv = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui function = case envLookupFunction initEnv funcName of Nothing -> newUndefinedFunction funcName argNames Just func -> func winId = fedWindowTitle funcName ; (vpui', vw, isNew) <- showWorkspaceWindow winId cbmgr (Just function) vpui ; if isNew then do { let canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vw ; canvas' <- vcAddFrame canvas (FunctoidFunc function) Nothing EditFrame initEnv 0 0 0 Nothing ; canvas'' <- case vcFrames canvas' of [] -> info "showFedWin: ERROR: no frame on canvas" >> return canvas' _:_:_ -> info "showFedWin: ERROR: too many frames on canvas" >> return canvas' [frame] -> editFunction canvas' frame ; addFedWinButtons cbmgr winId vpui' ; return (vpuiReplaceWindow vpui' winId (vpuiWindowSetCanvas vw canvas'')) } else return vpui' } fedWindowTitle :: String -> WinId fedWindowTitle funcName = "Edit " ++ funcName updateFunctionPadIO :: String -> (RPanel -> IO RPanel) -> VPUI -> IO VPUI updateFunctionPadIO padName update = let updateWindow vw = case vw of FunctionPadWindow window rpAList -> do { rpAList' <- adjustAListM padName update rpAList ; return (FunctionPadWindow window rpAList') } _ -> return vw in vpuiUpdateWindowIO "Function Pad" updateWindow -- | Show the function pad window; create it if needed showFunctionPadWindow :: CBMgr -> VPUI -> IO VPUI showFunctionPadWindow cbmgr vpui = getOrCreateFunctionPadWindow cbmgr True vpui -- | Create the function pad window if it doesn't exist getOrCreateFunctionPadWindow :: CBMgr -> Bool -> VPUI -> IO VPUI getOrCreateFunctionPadWindow cbmgr visible vpui = let initWindow _vpui window = do vbox <- vBoxNew False 0 -- non-homogenous, 0 padding set window [containerChild := vbox] let rpnames = ["Base", "Examples", "My Functions"] rps <- mapM (makeFunctionPadPanel cbmgr vpui) rpnames mapM_ (\ rp -> boxPackStart vbox (rpanelRoot rp) PackNatural 0) rps windowMove window 5 5 return $ FunctionPadWindow window (zip rpnames rps) -- maybe need reference only the "My Functions" panel though ** in do (vpui', _, windowIsNew) <- getOrCreateWindow functionPadWinId cbmgr initWindow initCBDefault visible vpui -- "My Functions" default is empty; add any user-defined -- functions in the environment to it if windowIsNew then addUserFunctions cbmgr vpui' else return vpui' functionPadWinId :: String functionPadWinId = "Function Pad" addUserFunctions :: CBMgr -> VPUI -> IO VPUI addUserFunctions cbmgr vpui = let names = map fst (vpuiUserEnvAList vpui) update rp = do { buttons <- mapM (makeToolButton cbmgr . functionTool) names ; rp' <- rpanelAddWidgets rp (zip names buttons) ; widgetShowAll (rpanelRoot rp') ; return rp' } in updateFunctionPadIO "My Functions" update vpui makeFunctionPadPanel :: CBMgr -> VPUI -> String -> IO RPanel makeFunctionPadPanel cbmgr vpui name = let VPToolkit _ width toolrows = case List.lookup name (vpuiToolkits vpui) of Nothing -> errcats ["makeFunctionPadPanel:", "can't find toolkit definition:", name] Just atoolkit -> atoolkit in do { buttonRows <- makeToolButtonRows cbmgr toolrows :: IO [[(String, Button)]] ; rp <- newRPanel name 3 3 width ; rpanelAddRows rp buttonRows } makeToolButtonRows :: CBMgr -> [[Tool]] -> IO [[(String, Button)]] makeToolButtonRows cbmgr toolRows = mapM2 (makeNamedToolButton cbmgr) toolRows makeNamedToolButton :: CBMgr -> Tool -> IO (String, Button) makeNamedToolButton cbmgr tool = do { button <- makeToolButton cbmgr tool ; return (toolName tool, button) } makeToolButton :: CBMgr -> Tool -> IO Button makeToolButton cbmgr tool = do { button <- buttonNewWithLabel (toolName tool) ; cbmgr (AfterButtonClicked button (modifyIORefIO (forallWindowsIO (vpuiWindowSetTool tool)))) ; return button } -- | Add a tool button to the function pad window in a specified panel addFunctionPadToolButton :: CBMgr -> String -> Tool -> VPUIWindow -> IO VPUIWindow addFunctionPadToolButton cbmgr panelId tool vw = case vw of FunctionPadWindow window panelAList -> let adjustPanel :: RPanel -> IO RPanel adjustPanel rp = do { -- make the tool button from the tool button <- makeToolButton cbmgr tool -- add it to the panel ; rp' <- rpanelAddWidget rp (toolName tool) button ; widgetShowAll (rpanelRoot rp') ; return rp' } in do { panelAList' <- adjustAListM panelId adjustPanel panelAList ; return $ FunctionPadWindow window panelAList' } _ -> return vw -- | Ask user for new function name and arguments, -- then begin editing the function. newFunctionDialog :: WinId -> CBMgr -> VPUI -> IO VPUI newFunctionDialog _winId cbmgr vpui = -- _winId is ignored, but needed for use in KeyBindingsList let reader :: Reader [String] (String, [String]) reader inputLines = case inputLines of [fname, fargs] -> return (fname, words fargs) _ -> fail "wrong number of lines" in do { inputDialog <- createEntryDialog "New Function" ["Function name", "Argument names (space between)"] ["", ""] reader (-1) ; values <- runEntryDialog inputDialog ; case values of Nothing -> return vpui Just (name, args) -> editNewFunction cbmgr name args vpui } -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementation of menu commands -- -- | Create a new file, but what does this mean? -- menuFileNew :: VPUI -> IO VPUI -- menuFileNew vpui = putStrLn "Not implemented: \"New\"" >> return vpui -- -- Notes for future implementation: -- -- checkChangesAndContinue vpui ... -- | Quit from Sifflet menuFileQuit :: VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileQuit = checkForChanges "quit" False True vpuiQuit -- | Open a file (load its function definitions) menuFileOpen :: CBMgr -> VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileOpen cbmgr = checkForChanges "open file" True True (continueFileOpen cbmgr) -- | Offer to save changes, if any, and continue with the continuation. -- The continuation gets the current vpui if there are no changes -- or if the offer to save is rejected; otherwise, it gets a -- vpui which knows it has saved its last changes. -- If offerCancel is true, there is an option to cancel the operation; -- this won't work if the user is closing the main (workspace) window. -- The message, if any, is a confirmation that the file was -- saved and that we are going on to the next operation -- -- useful for open file, but not for quit. checkForChanges :: String -> Bool -> Bool -> (VPUI -> IO VPUI) -> VPUI -> IO VPUI checkForChanges beforeOperation acknowledge offerCancel continue vpui = let mAckIfSaved vpui' = when (not (vpuiFileChanged vpui') && acknowledge) ( showInfoMessage "Changes saved" ("Your changes are now saved; " ++ "proceeding to " ++ beforeOperation ++ ".") ) >> return vpui' choices = [("Save them", menuFileSave vpui >>= mAckIfSaved >>= continue), ("Throw them away", return vpui >>= continue)] ++ if offerCancel then [("Cancel " ++ beforeOperation, return vpui)] else [] labels = map fst choices actions = map snd choices offerSaveAndContinue = showChoicesDialog "Save changes?" ("There are unsaved changes. " ++ "Before you " ++ beforeOperation ++ ", would you ...") labels actions (return vpui) in if vpuiFileChanged vpui then offerSaveAndContinue else continue vpui -- | Continue with opening the file, after having possibly saved changes continueFileOpen :: CBMgr -> VPUI -> IO VPUI continueFileOpen cbmgr vpui = do mpath <- showDialogFileOpen vpui case mpath of Nothing -> return vpui Just filePath -> openFilePath cbmgr filePath vpui -- | Now that we have a file path, go ahead and open it, -- loading the function definitions into Sifflet -- and adding buttons to the function pad "My Functions" area. openFilePath :: CBMgr -> FilePath -> VPUI -> IO VPUI openFilePath cbmgr filePath vpui = do loadResult <- loadFile vpui filePath case loadResult of Fail msg -> showErrorMessage msg >> return vpui Succ (vpui', functions) -> let title = "My Functions" updatePad rp = -- Figure out which functions are new, -- i.e., not already on the pad let oldNames = concat (rpanelContent rp) loadedNames = map functionName functions -- use set difference to avoid duplicates newNames = loadedNames \\ oldNames newTools = map functionTool newNames in do newPairs <- mapM (makeNamedToolButton cbmgr) newTools rp' <- rpanelAddWidgets rp newPairs widgetShowAll (rpanelRoot rp) return rp' in do vpui'' <- getOrCreateFunctionPadWindow cbmgr False vpui' >>= updateFunctionPadIO title updatePad setWorkspaceTitleForFile vpui'' filePath return $ vpui'' {vpuiCurrentFile = Just filePath, vpuiCurrentDir = takeDirectory filePath, vpuiFileEnv = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui'} setWorkspaceTitleForFile :: VPUI -> FilePath -> IO () setWorkspaceTitleForFile vpui filePath = case vpuiTryGetWindow vpui workspaceId of Just (VPUIWorkWin _ window) -> -- show file name in workspace window title set window [windowTitle := workspaceId ++ ": " ++ takeFileName filePath] _ -> return () showDialogFileOpen :: VPUI -> IO (Maybe FilePath) showDialogFileOpen vpui = do chooser <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just "Open file ...") -- default title Nothing -- transient parent of the dialog FileChooserActionOpen [("Open", ResponseOk), ("Cancel", ResponseCancel)] -- buttons _ <- fileChooserSetCurrentFolder chooser (vpuiCurrentDir vpui) result <- runDialogM (toDialog chooser) chooser fileChooserGetFilename return result loadFile :: VPUI -> FilePath -> IO (SuccFail (VPUI, [Function])) loadFile vpui filePath = do { functions <- consumeSiffMLFile xmlToFunctions filePath ; case functions of [Functions fs] -> let vpui' = foldl bindFunction vpui fs in return (Succ (vpui', fs)) _ -> return (Fail "file format error") } bindFunction :: VPUI -> Function -> VPUI bindFunction vpui function = let env = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui Function (Just name) _argTypes _resType _impl = function env' = envIns env name (VFun function) in vpui {vpuiGlobalEnv = env'} -- | Implements File menu "Save" command. menuFileSave :: VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileSave vpui = case vpuiCurrentFile vpui of Nothing -> menuFileSaveAs vpui Just filePath -> saveFile vpui filePath -- | Implements File menu "Save as" command. menuFileSaveAs :: VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileSaveAs vpui = do { mFilePath <- chooseOutputFile "Save" vpui ; case mFilePath of Nothing -> return vpui Just filePath -> saveFile vpui filePath } -- | Unconditionally save user functions in SiffML file. -- Called from menuFileSave and menuFileSaveAs. -- Updates vpuiCurrentFile and vpuiFileEnv. saveFile :: VPUI -> FilePath -> IO VPUI saveFile vpui filePath = produceSiffMLFile (userFunctions vpui) filePath >> setWorkspaceTitleForFile vpui filePath >> return vpui {vpuiCurrentFile = Just filePath, vpuiCurrentDir = takeDirectory filePath, vpuiFileEnv = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui} -- | The user-defined functions of the environment userFunctions :: VPUI -> Functions userFunctions vpui = Functions (map (valueFunction . snd) (vpuiUserEnvAList vpui)) -- | Export user functions to a file, -- given an exporter and a path, -- returning the vpui unchanged. maybeExportUserFunctions :: VPUI -> (opts -> Exporter) -> Maybe (FilePath, opts) -> IO VPUI maybeExportUserFunctions vpui export mpathOptions = case mpathOptions of Nothing -> return vpui Just (path, options) -> export options (userFunctions vpui) path >> return (vpui {vpuiCurrentDir = takeDirectory path}) -- | Export user functions to Haskell file menuFileExportHaskell :: VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileExportHaskell vpui = chooseOutputFile "Export Haskell" vpui >>= maybeDefaultOptions defaultHaskellOptions >>= maybeExportUserFunctions vpui exportHaskell -- | Export user functions to Python file menuFileExportPython :: VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileExportPython vpui = chooseOutputFile "Export Python" vpui >>= maybeDefaultOptions defaultPythonOptions >>= maybeExportUserFunctions vpui (exportPython vpui) -- | Export user functions to Scheme file menuFileExportScheme :: VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileExportScheme vpui = chooseOutputFile "Export Scheme" vpui >>= maybeRunSchemeOptionsDialog >>= -- maybeExportUserFunctions vpui (exportScheme defaultSchemeOptions) maybeExportUserFunctions vpui (exportScheme vpui) -- | Choose an output file, for file save, save as, and export commands chooseOutputFile :: String -> VPUI -> IO (Maybe FilePath) chooseOutputFile verb vpui = do chooser <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just (verb ++ " to file ...")) -- title Nothing -- transient parent of the dialog FileChooserActionSave [(verb, ResponseOk), ("Cancel", ResponseCancel)] -- buttons _ <- fileChooserSetCurrentFolder chooser (vpuiCurrentDir vpui) result <- runDialogM (toDialog chooser) chooser fileChooserGetFilename return result maybeDefaultOptions :: a -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, a)) maybeDefaultOptions defaultOptions mpath = case mpath of Nothing -> return Nothing Just path -> return $ Just (path, defaultOptions) maybeRunSchemeOptionsDialog :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, SchemeOptions)) maybeRunSchemeOptionsDialog mpath = case mpath of Nothing -> return Nothing Just path -> let result :: Bool -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, SchemeOptions)) result useLambda = return (Just (path, SchemeOptions {defineWithLambda = useLambda})) in showChoicesDialog "Scheme Export Options" "Use lambda in function definitions?" ["Yes", "No"] [result True, result False] (result False) -- | Save an image of a window in a file menuFileSaveImage :: VPUI -> IO VPUI menuFileSaveImage vpui = do mImageOptions <- chooseImageOptions vpui case mImageOptions of Nothing -> return vpui Just (windowId, fileExt) -> do mfile <- chooseOutputFile ("Save image of " ++ windowId) vpui case mfile of Nothing -> return vpui Just filePath -> saveImageFile vpui windowId filePath fileExt -- | Returns (WinId, fileExtension), -- e.g., ("Sifflet Workspace", ".svg"), -- where fileExtension is ".svg", ".ps", or ".pdf" chooseImageOptions :: VPUI -> IO (Maybe (WinId, String)) chooseImageOptions vpui = let hasCanvas winId = isJust (vpuiWindowLookupCanvas (vpuiGetWindow vpui winId)) -- We can only use Cairo to render a window that has a canvas windowChoices = filter hasCanvas (keys (vpuiWindows vpui)) windowActions = map (return . Just) windowChoices formatChoices = ["SVG", "PS", "PDF"] formatActions = map (return . Just) [".svg", ".ps", ".pdf"] in do mExt <- showChoicesDialog "Save Image" "Select image format" formatChoices formatActions (return Nothing) case mExt of Nothing -> return Nothing Just ext -> do mWinId <- if length windowChoices == 1 then return $ Just $ head windowChoices else showChoicesDialog "Save Image" "Select window to save as image" windowChoices windowActions (return Nothing) case mWinId of Nothing -> return Nothing Just winId -> return $ Just (winId, ext) -- | Save the window image in the file format specified, -- adding the right file extension to the file path if it is -- not already present. saveImageFile :: VPUI -> WinId -> FilePath -> String -> IO VPUI saveImageFile vpui winId path ext = let vpuiWindow = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vpuiWindow -- Size width height = vcSize canvas -- pixels (Double) clipbox@(BBox _ _ width height) = defaultFileSaveClipBox canvas -- cliprect = bbToRect clipbox render :: Surface -> IO () render surface = renderWith surface (renderCanvas canvas clipbox True) -- (BBox 0 0 width height) path' = if takeExtension path == ext then path else addExtension path ext vpui' = vpui {vpuiCurrentDir = takeDirectory path} in case ext of ".pdf" -> withPDFSurface path' width height render >> return vpui' ".ps" -> withPSSurface path' width height render >> return vpui' ".svg" -> withSVGSurface path' width height render >> return vpui' -- Cairo can do PNG too, but it is harder: -- surfaceWriteToPNG surface path' -- (have to get a surface and render to it first?) -- Anything else really should not happen, because -- chooseImageOptions returns one of the three extensions above. -- But just in case: _ -> do showErrorMessage $ "Unable to save in this file format " ++ "(" ++ ext ++ ").\n" ++ "Please try a file extension of " ++ ".svg, .ps, or .pdf." menuFileSaveImage vpui' -- | Text shown by the help dialog helpText :: String helpText = unlines ["Functions menu:", " \"New\" enters a dialog to create a new function.", " \"Function pad\" raises the function pad window.", "Keystroke shortcuts for the menu commands are shown " ++ "using \"C-\" for Control. For example, Quit " ++ "is C-q, meaning Control+Q.", "", "In a function editor, right-click for the context menu.", "", "For more help, please visit the Sifflet web site,", "", "especially the Sifflet Tutorial:", "" ] -- | Show the help dialog showHelpDialog :: MenuItemAction showHelpDialog vpui = showInfoMessage "Sifflet Help" helpText >> return vpui -- | How to report bugs bugsText :: String bugsText = unlines ["To report bugs, please send mail to " ++ bugReportAddress, "and mention \"Sifflet\" in the Subject header.", "To send praise, follow the same procedure.", "Seriously, whether you like Sifflet or dislike it,", "I'd like to hear from you." ] bugReportAddress :: String bugReportAddress = concat ["gdweber", at, "iue", punctum, "edu"] where at = "@" punctum = "." showBugs :: MenuItemAction showBugs vpui = showInfoMessage "Reporting bugs" bugsText >> return vpui -- | Text for the About dialog aboutText :: String aboutText = unlines ["Sifflet version " ++ showVersion Paths.version, "Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Gregory D. Weber", "", "BSD3 License", "", "Sifflet home page:", "" ] showAboutDialog :: MenuItemAction showAboutDialog vpui = showInfoMessage "About Sifflet" aboutText >> return vpui -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Moved here (WHY???) from Callbacks.hs: setWSCanvasCallbacks :: VPUI -> WinId -> CBMgr -> IO () setWSCanvasCallbacks vpui winId cbmgr = do { let vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId window = vpuiWindowWindow vw ; case vpuiWindowLookupCanvas vw of Nothing -> errcats ["setWSCanvasCallbacks: VPUIWindow is not a VPUIWorkWin", "and has no canvas"] Just canvas -> do { -- Notice when the window size is changed ; cbmgr (OnWindowConfigure window (configuredCallback winId)) -- Keypress events -- send to canvas window because the Gtk.Layout -- cannot receive them (why ever not?) ; cbmgr (AfterWindowKeyPress window (keyPressCallback winId cbmgr)) -- Send remaining events to the Gtk.Layout (why?) ; let layout = vcLayout canvas ; widgetSetCanFocus layout True ; cbmgr (OnLayoutExpose layout (exposedCallback winId)) -- Mouse events ; widgetAddEvents layout [PointerMotionMask] ; cbmgr (OnLayoutMouseMove layout (mouseMoveCallback winId)) ; cbmgr (OnLayoutButtonPress layout (buttonPressCallback winId cbmgr)) ; cbmgr (OnLayoutButtonRelease layout (buttonReleaseCallback winId)) } } -- | Context menu command to edit the function displayed in -- a CallFrame editFrameFunction :: CBMgr -> CanvFrame -> VPUI -> IO VPUI editFrameFunction cbmgr frame vpui = let func = cfFunctoid frame in showFedWin cbmgr (functoidName func) (functoidArgNames func) vpui -- | Create a new function, add it to the global environment -- with body undefined, and start editing it in a new window. -- Also update and show "My Functions" toolbox and -- update its toolkit. editNewFunction :: CBMgr -> String -> [String] -> VPUI -> IO VPUI editNewFunction cbmgr name args vpui = let updateEnv :: VPUI -> IO VPUI updateEnv vpui' = let env = vpuiGlobalEnv vpui' env' = envIns env name (VFun (newUndefinedFunction name args)) in return $ vpui' {vpuiGlobalEnv = env'} in -- Show window first, with the *old* functions showFunctionPadWindow cbmgr vpui >>= updateEnv >>= vpuiUpdateWindowIO functionPadWinId (addFunctionPadToolButton cbmgr "My Functions" (functionTool name)) >>= showFedWin cbmgr name args configuredCallback :: WinId -> IORef VPUI -> EventM EConfigure Bool configuredCallback winId uiref = tryEvent $ do { (w, h) <- eventSize ; liftIO $ modifyIORef uiref (handleConfigured winId w h) -- We *must* "stop the event", forcing the event handler -- to return False, or else the canvas remains "squeezed in" -- -- Weird!! ; stopEvent } -- | Handle the Configured event. handleConfigured :: WinId -> Int -> Int -> VPUI -> VPUI handleConfigured winId width height vpui = let vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId vw' = vpuiWindowModCanvas vw (atLeastSize (Size (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))) in vpuiReplaceWindow vpui winId vw' exposedCallback :: WinId -> IORef VPUI -> EventM EExpose Bool exposedCallback winId uiref = tryEvent $ do { cliprect <- eventArea ; liftIO (readIORef uiref >>= handleExposed winId cliprect) } -- | Handle the Exposed event, should be called only for a window -- with a canvas handleExposed :: WinId -> Rectangle -> VPUI -> IO () handleExposed winId cliprect vpui = let vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId -- error if not found in case vpuiWindowLookupCanvas vw of Nothing -> info "handleExposed: no canvas found!" Just canvas -> drawCanvas canvas cliprect data KeyBinding = KeyBinding {kbGtkKeyName :: String, kbAltKeyName :: Maybe String, -- for humans kbRequiredModifiers :: [Modifier], kbDescription :: String, kbAction :: KeyAction} data KeyAction = KeyActionST (WinId -> VPUI -> IO VPUI) -- ^ set a tool | KeyActionDG (WinId -> CBMgr -> VPUI -> IO VPUI) -- ^ start a dialog | KeyActionModIO (CBMgr -> VPUI -> IO VPUI) -- ^ modify VPUI with IO | KeyActionHQ (VPUI -> IO ()) -- ^ help or quit -- | Key bindings map. This is derived from keyBindingsList. keyBindingsMap :: Map Text KeyBinding keyBindingsMap = Map.fromList [(pack (kbGtkKeyName kb), kb) | kb <- keyBindingsList] -- | KeyBinding list for workspace and function editor windows. keyBindingsList :: [KeyBinding] keyBindingsList = [ -- Bindings to set tools KeyBinding "c" Nothing [] "connect" (KeyActionST (vpuiSetTool ToolConnect)) , KeyBinding "d" Nothing [] "disconnect" (KeyActionST (vpuiSetTool ToolDisconnect)) , KeyBinding "i" Nothing [] "if" (KeyActionST (vpuiSetTool ToolIf)) , KeyBinding "m" Nothing [] "move" (KeyActionST (vpuiSetTool ToolMove)) , KeyBinding "KP_Delete" (Just "Keypad-Del") [] "delete" (KeyActionST (vpuiSetTool ToolDelete)) -- Bindings to start dialogs , KeyBinding "n" Nothing [] "new function" (KeyActionDG newFunctionDialog) , KeyBinding "f" Nothing [] "function" (KeyActionDG showFunctionEntry) , KeyBinding "l" Nothing [] "literal" (KeyActionDG showLiteralEntry) -- Help and quit , KeyBinding "question" (Just "?") [] "help" (KeyActionHQ vpuiKeyHelp) -- Shortcuts for menu commands (GTK "accelerators", but not done -- in the standard GTK way). -- These need to be coordinated with buildMainMenu, -- in WindowManagement.hs -- Oops! Binding Ctrl+F here interferes with binding just plain f above. -- , KeyBinding "f" (Just "Control-f") [Control] "function-pad" -- (KeyActionModIO showFunctionPadWindow) , KeyBinding "o" (Just "Control-o") [Control] "open" (KeyActionModIO menuFileOpen) , KeyBinding "s" (Just "Control-s") [Control] "save" (KeyActionModIO (\ _cbmgr -> menuFileSave)) , KeyBinding "q" (Just "Control-q") [Control] "quit" (KeyActionHQ (\ vpui -> menuFileQuit vpui >> return ())) ] -- | Unused argument needed for key bindings vpuiKeyHelp :: VPUI -> IO () vpuiKeyHelp _vpui = putStrLn keyBindingsHelpText -- | Help text built from key bindings keyBindingsHelpText :: String keyBindingsHelpText = let add :: String -> KeyBinding -> String add result (kb@KeyBinding {kbAltKeyName = mkey}) = concat [result, " ", case mkey of Nothing -> kbGtkKeyName kb Just akey -> akey, " = ", kbDescription kb, "\n"] in foldl add "" keyBindingsList -- | What to do when a key is pressed keyPressCallback :: WinId -> CBMgr -> IORef VPUI -> EventM EKey Bool keyPressCallback winId cbmgr uiref = tryEvent $ do { kname <- eventKeyName ; mods <- eventModifier -- ; liftIO $ print mods ; let giveUp = -- liftIO (info ("Unrecognized key: " ++ kname)) >> stopEvent ; case Map.lookup kname keyBindingsMap of Nothing -> giveUp Just keyBinding -> if checkMods (kbRequiredModifiers keyBinding) mods then liftIO $ case kbAction keyBinding of KeyActionModIO f0 -> -- update with IO modifyIORefIO (f0 cbmgr) uiref KeyActionST f1 -> -- update with IO and window ID modifyIORefIO (f1 winId) uiref KeyActionDG f2 -> -- update with IO and cbmgr to set further callbacks modifyIORefIO (f2 winId cbmgr) uiref KeyActionHQ f3 -> -- no update, no cbmgr, no further callbacks readIORef uiref >>= f3 else giveUp } buttonPressCallback :: WinId -> CBMgr -> IORef VPUI -> EventM EButton Bool buttonPressCallback winId cbmgr uiref = tryEvent $ do { ; (x, y) <- eventCoordinates ; mouseButton <- eventButton ; mods <- eventModifier ; timestamp <- eventTime ; let updateAction = handleButtonPress winId cbmgr mouseButton x y mods timestamp ; liftIO (modifyIORefIO updateAction uiref) } mouseMoveCallback :: WinId -> IORef VPUI -> EventM EMotion Bool mouseMoveCallback winId uiref = tryEvent $ do { (x, y) <- eventCoordinates ; mods <- eventModifier ; liftIO (modifyIORefIO (handleMouseMove winId x y mods) uiref) } buttonReleaseCallback :: WinId -> IORef VPUI -> EventM EButton Bool buttonReleaseCallback winId uiref = tryEvent $ do { mouseButton <- eventButton ; liftIO (modifyIORefIO (handleButtonRelease winId mouseButton) uiref) } -- | Handle the ButtonPress event. Should be called only for a window -- with a canvas. handleButtonPress :: WinId -> CBMgr -> MouseButton -> Double -> Double -- x, y -> [Modifier] -> TimeStamp -- timestamp not needed? -> VPUI ->IO VPUI handleButtonPress winId cbmgr mouseButton x y mods timestamp vpui = let vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId in case vpuiWindowLookupCanvas vw of Nothing -> info "handleButtonPress: no canvas found!" >> return vpui Just canvas -> case whichFrame canvas x y of Nothing -> case vcTool canvas of Nothing -> return vpui Just tool -> toolOp tool vpui winId TCWorkspace mods x y Just frame -> frameButtonPressed winId cbmgr vw frame mods (x, y) mouseButton timestamp vpui -- | Handles button pressed in a frame frameButtonPressed :: WinId -> CBMgr -> VPUIWindow -> CanvFrame -> [Modifier] -> (Double, Double) -> MouseButton -> TimeStamp -> VPUI -> IO VPUI frameButtonPressed winId cbmgr vw frame mods (x, y) mouseButton timestamp vpui = let retWrap :: VPUIWindow -> IO VPUI retWrap = return . vpuiReplaceWindow vpui winId in case mouseButton of LeftButton -> if cfPointInHeader frame x y then beginFrameDrag vw frame x y >>= retWrap else if cfPointInFooter frame x y then leftButtonPressedInFrameFooter vw frame >>= retWrap else frameBodyButtonPressed vpui winId frame mouseButton mods x y MiddleButton -> return vpui RightButton -> do offerContextMenu winId cbmgr frame RightButton timestamp (vpuiDebugging vpui) return vpui OtherButton _ -> return vpui -- | Handles button pressed in the body of a frame -- frameBodyButtonPressed needs VPUIWindow because it calls a toolOp. -- mb (mouse button) is unused, but might be used later. frameBodyButtonPressed :: VPUI -> WinId -> CanvFrame -> MouseButton -> [Modifier] -> Double -> Double -> IO VPUI frameBodyButtonPressed vpui winId frame _mb mods x y = do { let vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vw mnode = vcanvasNodeAt canvas (Position x y) ; case mnode of Nothing -> case vcTool canvas of Nothing -> return vpui Just tool -> toolOp tool vpui winId (cfContext frame) mods x y Just node -> do { vw' <- openNode vw node ; return $ vpuiReplaceWindow vpui winId vw' } } -- | Handles left button pressed in the footer of a frame leftButtonPressedInFrameFooter :: VPUIWindow -> CanvFrame -> IO VPUIWindow leftButtonPressedInFrameFooter vw frame = let canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vw in case frameType frame of CallFrame -> -- request argument values and evaluate call if cfEvalReady frame then do canvas' <- vcEvalDialog canvas frame return $ vpuiWindowSetCanvas vw canvas' else return vw EditFrame -> -- ignore return vw -- | Handles beginning of mouse-drag beginFrameDrag :: VPUIWindow -> CanvFrame -> Double -> Double -> IO VPUIWindow beginFrameDrag vw frame x y = let canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vw window = vpuiWindowWindow vw dragging = Dragging {draggingNode = cfFrameNode frame, draggingPosition = Position x y} canvas' = canvas {vcDragging = Just dragging} in setCursor window Fleur >> (return $ vpuiWindowSetCanvas vw canvas') -- | Handle mouse move event handleMouseMove :: WinId -> Double -> Double -> [Modifier] -> VPUI -> IO VPUI handleMouseMove winId x y mods vpui = -- Needs to be in IO because of drawWindowInvalidateRect let vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId in case vpuiWindowLookupCanvas vw of Nothing -> info "SQUAWK! No canvas! Shouldn't happen!" >> return vpui -- shouldn't happen Just canvas -> do { -- Highlight the active node, if any let active = vcActive canvas active' = vcanvasNodeAt canvas (Position x y) invalidate :: DrawWindow -> Maybe G.Node -> IO () invalidate win mnode = case mnode of Nothing -> return () Just node -> drawWindowInvalidateRect win (vcanvasNodeRect canvas node) False ; when (active /= active') $ do { win <- layoutGetDrawWindow (vcLayout canvas) ; invalidate win active ; invalidate win active' } -- if dragging, continue drag ; canvas' <- continueDrag (canvas {vcActive = active', vcMousePos = (x, y)}) mods x y ; let vw' = vpuiWindowSetCanvas vw canvas' ; return $ vpuiReplaceWindow vpui winId vw' } continueDrag :: VCanvas -> [Modifier] -> Double -> Double -> IO VCanvas continueDrag canvas mods x y = case vcDragging canvas of Nothing -> return canvas Just dragging -> let graph = vcGraph canvas dnode = draggingNode dragging wnode = wlab graph dnode Position oldX oldY = draggingPosition dragging (dx, dy) = (x - oldX, y - oldY) in case wnode of WSimple _ -> continueDragSimple canvas dragging dnode mods x y dx dy WFrame frameNode -> continueDragFrame canvas dragging frameNode x y dx dy continueDragSimple :: VCanvas -> Dragging -> G.Node -> [Modifier] -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO VCanvas continueDragSimple canvas dragging simpleNode mods x y dx dy = let graph = vcGraph canvas frame = nodeContainerFrame canvas graph simpleNode dragging' = dragging {draggingPosition = Position x y} translateSelection = if checkMods [Shift] mods then translateTree else translateNode graph' = translateSelection dx dy graph simpleNode canvas' = canvas {vcGraph = graph'} in vcInvalidateFrameWithParent canvas graph frame >> return (canvas' {vcDragging = Just dragging'}) continueDragFrame :: VCanvas -> Dragging -> G.Node -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO VCanvas continueDragFrame canvas dragging frameNode x y dx dy = let graph = vcGraph canvas frame = vcGetFrame canvas graph frameNode frame' = translateFrame frame dx dy graph' = grTranslateFrameNodes graph frame dx dy canvas' = vcUpdateFrameAndGraph canvas frame' graph' dragging' = Just dragging {draggingPosition = Position x y} in -- Tell the GUI about the changes so they will be redrawn -- Mark the frame changed so it will be redrawn frameChanged canvas graph frame graph' frame' >> -- Also, any frames opened from nodes of this frame mapM_ (\f -> frameChanged canvas graph f graph' f) (vcFrameSubframes canvas frame) >> -- Return the modified canvas return (canvas' {vcDragging = dragging'}) handleButtonRelease :: WinId -> MouseButton -> VPUI -> IO VPUI handleButtonRelease winId mouseButton vpui = case mouseButton of LeftButton -> -- End drag let vw = vpuiGetWindow vpui winId canvas = vpuiWindowGetCanvas vw window = vpuiWindowWindow vw vw' = vpuiWindowSetCanvas vw (canvas {vcDragging = Nothing}) vpui' = vpuiReplaceWindow vpui winId vw' in setCursor window LeftPtr >> return vpui' _ -> return vpui -- | Show a context menu for mouse click in a frame. offerContextMenu :: WinId -> CBMgr -> CanvFrame -> MouseButton -> TimeStamp -> Bool -> IO () offerContextMenu winId cbmgr frame button timestamp debugging = do -- Needs CBMgr to specify menu actions. { let menuSpec = MenuSpec "Context Menu" (contextMenuOptions winId cbmgr frame debugging) ; menu <- createMenu menuSpec cbmgr ; widgetShowAll menu ; menuPopup menu (Just (button, timestamp)) } -- | Options for context menu that depend on the frame type. contextMenuOptions :: WinId -> CBMgr -> CanvFrame -> Bool -> [MenuItemSpec] contextMenuOptions winId cbmgr frame debugging = let typeDependentOptions :: [MenuItemSpec] typeDependentOptions = case frameType frame of CallFrame -> [MenuItem "Edit" (editFrameFunction cbmgr frame) , MenuItem "Close" (\ vpui -> closeFrame vpui winId frame)] EditFrame -> [ -- The next items duplicate parts of keyBindingsList MenuItem "CONNECT (c)" (vpuiSetTool ToolConnect winId) , MenuItem "DISCONNECT (d)" (vpuiSetTool ToolDisconnect winId) , MenuItem "IF (i)" (vpuiSetTool ToolIf winId) , MenuItem "FUNCTION (f)" (showFunctionEntry winId cbmgr) , MenuItem "LITERAL (l)" (showLiteralEntry winId cbmgr) -- , ("CLEAR (not implemented)", clearFrame winId frame) , MenuItem "MOVE (m)" (vpuiSetTool ToolMove winId) , MenuItem "DELETE (KP-Del)" (vpuiSetTool ToolDelete winId) ] in typeDependentOptions ++ if debugging then [MenuItem "Dump frame (debug)" (\ vpui -> dumpFrame vpui winId frame >> return vpui) , MenuItem "Dump graph (debug)" (\ vpui -> dumpGraph vpui winId >> return vpui) ] else []