module Web.Slack.AesonUtils where import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair) import Data.Char qualified as Char import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) import Web.FormUrlEncoded qualified as F import Web.Slack.Prelude -- | Checks that a record's field labels each start with the given 'prefix', -- then uses a given 'drop (length prefix)' derivingStrategy to drop that prefix from generated JSON. -- -- If used in a Template Haskell splice, gives a compile-time error if the prefixes don't match up. -- Warning: This function should not be used outside of a Template Haskell splice, as it calls `error` in the case that the prefixes don't match up! -- -- Example usage: -- -- data PrefixedRecord = PrefixedRecord { prefixedRecordOne :: Int, prefixedRecordTwo :: Char } -- $(deriveFromJSON (jsonDeriveWithAffix "prefixedRecord" jsonDeriveOptionsSnakeCase) ''PrefixedRecord) jsonDeriveWithAffix :: Text -> (Int -> Options) -> Options jsonDeriveWithAffix prefix derivingStrategy = originalOptions { fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> if prefix `isPrefixOf` T.pack fieldLabel then originalModifier fieldLabel else error $ "Prefixes don't match: `" <> T.unpack prefix <> "` isn't a prefix of `" <> fieldLabel <> "`. Search for jsonDeriveWithAffix to learn more." } where originalOptions = derivingStrategy $ T.length prefix originalModifier = fieldLabelModifier originalOptions camelToSnake :: String -> String camelToSnake = camelTo2 '_' lowerFirst :: String -> String lowerFirst [] = [] lowerFirst (c : chars) = Char.toLower c : chars jsonDeriveOptionsSnakeCase :: Int -> Options jsonDeriveOptionsSnakeCase n = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = camelToSnake . lowerFirst . drop n , omitNothingFields = True , constructorTagModifier = camelToSnake . lowerFirst . drop n } -- | Create a 'Value' from a list of name\/value @Maybe Pair@'s. -- For 'Nothing', instead of outputting @null@, that field will not be output at all. -- If duplicate keys arise, later keys and their associated values win. -- -- Example: -- -- @ -- objectOptional -- [ "always" .=! 1 -- , "just" .=? Just 2 -- , "nothing" .=? Nothing -- ] -- @ -- -- will result in the JSON -- -- @ -- { -- "always": 1, -- "just": 2 -- } -- @ -- -- The field @nothing@ is ommited because it was 'Nothing'. objectOptional :: [Maybe Pair] -> Value objectOptional = J.object . catMaybes -- | Encode a value for 'objectOptional' (.=!) :: (ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> Maybe Pair key .=! val = Just (key .= val) infixr 8 .=! -- | Encode a Maybe value for 'objectOptional' (.=?) :: (ToJSON v) => Key -> Maybe v -> Maybe Pair key .=? mVal = fmap (key .=) mVal infixr 8 .=? -- | Conditionally encode a value for 'objectOptional' (?.>) :: Bool -> Pair -> Maybe Pair True ?.> pair = Just pair False ?.> _ = Nothing infixr 7 ?.> -- | Conditionally express a pair in a JSON series thenPair :: Bool -> J.Series -> J.Series thenPair True s = s thenPair False _ = mempty infixr 7 `thenPair` snakeCaseOptions :: Options snakeCaseOptions = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = camelTo2 '_' , constructorTagModifier = camelTo2 '_' } snakeCaseFormOptions :: F.FormOptions snakeCaseFormOptions = F.defaultFormOptions { F.fieldLabelModifier = camelTo2 '_' } newtype UnixTimestamp = UnixTimestamp {unUnixTimestamp :: UTCTime} deriving newtype (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON UnixTimestamp where parseJSON a = UnixTimestamp . posixSecondsToUTCTime <$> parseJSON a instance ToJSON UnixTimestamp where toJSON (UnixTimestamp a) = toJSON (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds a)