module Web.Slack.Experimental.BlocksSpec where import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.StringVariants (mkNonEmptyText) import JSONGolden (oneGoldenTestEncode) import TestImport import Web.Slack.Experimental.Blocks import Web.Slack.Experimental.Blocks.Types -- FIXME(jadel, violet): These builder things should probably be put into a -- module to make them available, but that's later work headerBlock :: SlackText -> WriterT [SlackBlock] Identity () headerBlock = tell . pure . SlackBlockHeader . SlackPlainTextOnly sectionBlock :: SlackText -> WriterT [SlackBlock] Identity () sectionBlock = tell . pure . SlackBlockSection . slackSectionWithText sectionBlockWithFields :: SlackText -> [SlackText] -> WriterT [SlackBlock] Identity () sectionBlockWithFields text fields = tell $ pure $ SlackBlockSection $ SlackSection { slackSectionText = Just text , slackSectionBlockId = Nothing , slackSectionFields = Just fields , slackSectionAccessory = Nothing } sectionBlockWithAccessory :: SlackText -> SlackAction -> WriterT [SlackBlock] Identity () sectionBlockWithAccessory t b = tell $ pure $ SlackBlockSection SlackSection { slackSectionText = Just t , slackSectionBlockId = Nothing , slackSectionFields = Nothing , slackSectionAccessory = Just $ SlackButtonAccessory b } dividerBlock :: WriterT [SlackBlock] Identity () dividerBlock = tell . pure $ SlackBlockDivider contextBlock :: [SlackContent] -> WriterT [SlackBlock] Identity () contextBlock = tell . pure . SlackBlockContext . SlackContext actionsBlock :: Maybe SlackBlockId -> SlackActionList -> WriterT [SlackBlock] Identity () actionsBlock a b = tell . pure $ SlackBlockActions a b slackActionDoNothing :: SlackActionId slackActionDoNothing = SlackActionId . fromJust . mkNonEmptyText $ "doNothing" slackActionDoNothing2 :: SlackActionId slackActionDoNothing2 = SlackActionId . fromJust . mkNonEmptyText $ "doNothing2" slackActionDoNothing3 :: SlackActionId slackActionDoNothing3 = SlackActionId . fromJust . mkNonEmptyText $ "doNothing3" slackShowBlockFormat :: BlockKitBuilderMessage slackShowBlockFormat = BlockKitBuilderMessage $ execWriter $ do headerBlock ("Blah: " <> list ["a", "b", "c"]) dividerBlock sectionBlock (bold $ list ["blah", "blah2", "blah3"]) sectionBlockWithAccessory (monospaced @Text "blah") (button slackActionDoNothing ":mag: Look at it" buttonSettings {buttonUrl = google}) sectionBlockWithAccessory (bold $ list ["blah", "blah2", "blah3"]) (button slackActionDoNothing ":office: Look at it but different" buttonSettings {buttonUrl = google}) sectionBlock (bold (textMessage "Letters:") <> newline (list ["a", "b", "c"])) sectionBlock (list ["blah1", "blah2", "blah3"]) dividerBlock sectionBlock (bold . textMessage $ "blah") sectionBlockWithAccessory (bold . textMessage $ "blah") (button slackActionDoNothing ":bank: Look at it!" buttonSettings {buttonUrl = google}) sectionBlockWithFields (message @Text "Section with text and fields") [ (bold $ message @Text "Field 1") <> (newline $ message @Text "Foo") , (bold $ message @Text "Field 2") <> (newline $ message @Text "Bar") , (bold $ message @Text "Field 3") <> (newline $ message @Text "Baz") , (bold $ message @Text "Field 4") <> (newline $ message @Text "Qux") ] contextBlock [SlackContentText ":key: Context!"] dividerBlock actionsBlock Nothing $ toSlackActionList ( button slackActionDoNothing ":mag: View" buttonSettings {buttonUrl = google} , button slackActionDoNothing2 ":office: View" buttonSettings {buttonUrl = google} , button slackActionDoNothing3 ":bank: View" buttonSettings {buttonUrl = google} ) where textMessage = message @Text list x = textMessage (intercalate ", " x) google = OptionalSetting . mkNonEmptyText @3000 $ "" -- | This is used so that we can paste the output of these tests directly into -- the block kit builder: -- newtype BlockKitBuilderMessage = BlockKitBuilderMessage {blocks :: [SlackBlock]} instance ToJSON BlockKitBuilderMessage where toJSON BlockKitBuilderMessage {blocks} = object [("blocks", toJSON blocks)] spec :: Spec spec = describe "Slack block builder" do oneGoldenTestEncode "simple_blocks" slackShowBlockFormat