-- |
-- Module      :  Text.SmallCaps.DocumentParser
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stefan Berthold 2014-2015
-- License     :  BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  stefan.berthold@gmx.net
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- This module specifies the parsers that change uppercase letters in smaller
-- uppercase letters. It calls the functions from
-- "Text.SmallCaps.PrintableParser".

module Text.SmallCaps.DocumentParser where

import            Text.Parsec                 ( runParser, getState, modifyState, putState, many )
import            Control.Monad               ( msum )
import            Control.Arrow               ( second )
import            Data.Default                ( def )
import            Data.Text                   ( empty, pack, intercalate, unpack )
import            Data.Map                    ( Map )
import qualified  Data.Map             as Map ( insert, update, lookup )

import            Text.SmallCaps.LaTeX             ( LaTeX, LaTeXElement (..), name, body, content )
import qualified  Text.SmallCaps.LaTeX    as LaTeX ( printable )
import qualified  Text.SmallCaps.LaTeXParser  as L ( Parser )
import            Text.SmallCaps.LaTeXParser       ( anyPrintable, anyMacro, anyEnvironment, anyBlock, anyBBlock, anyMath, anyComment )
import            Text.SmallCaps.Config            ( ParserState (..), Config (..), Profile, StopState (..), SubParser )
import            Text.SmallCaps.PrintableParser   ( runPrintableWith )
import            Text.SmallCaps.ConfigParser      ( reconfigure )

type Parser = L.Parser ParserState

-- ** Documents

runDocument :: Config -> Profile -> LaTeX -> Either String LaTeX
runDocument conf prof = either Left (Right . fst) . runDocumentWith (def { config = conf, profile = prof })

  :: Map FilePath (FilePath, LaTeX) -> Config -> Profile -> LaTeX
  -> Either String (LaTeX, Map FilePath (FilePath, LaTeX))
runDocument' ls conf prof = either Left (Right . second inputs) . runDocumentWith (def { config = conf, profile = prof, inputs = ls })

runDocumentWith :: SubParser LaTeX
runDocumentWith state = either (Left . show) Right . runParser (stateAnd document) state ""
  where stateAnd p = do
          a <- p
          s <- getState
          return (a,s)

-- ** Subdocument

runSubDocument :: SubParser a -> a -> Parser a 
runSubDocument fun x = do
  state <- getState
  (x', state') <- either fail return (fun state x)
  if not (ignore state)
  then putState (state' { ignore = False }) -- unskip at the block end
  else putState  state'
  return x'

isolateSubDocument :: Config -> SubParser a -> a -> Parser a
isolateSubDocument conf fun x = do
  state <- getState
  either fail (return . fst) $ fun (state { config = conf, stop = def }) x

decideSub :: LaTeXElement -> SubParser a -> a -> Parser a
decideSub element fun x = do
  state <- getState
  let conf = config state
    ( if search conf element then runSubDocument fun x else return x )
    ( flip (flip isolateSubDocument fun) x )
    $ maybe Nothing (flip Map.lookup (profile state))
    $ isolate conf element

-- ** Parsers

document :: Parser LaTeX
document = many documentElement

documentElement :: Parser LaTeXElement
documentElement = msum
  [ printable
  , macro
  , environment
  , block
  , bblock
  , math
  , comment

printable :: Parser LaTeXElement
printable = do
  x <- anyPrintable
  implySkip x
  text <- decideSub x runPrintableWith (content x)
  implyEos x
  return $ Printable text

macro :: Parser LaTeXElement
macro = do
  x <- anyMacro
  implySkip x
  implyInput x
  latex <- decideSub x runDocumentWith (body x)
  implyEos x
  return $ Macro (name x) latex

environment :: Parser LaTeXElement
environment = do
  x <- anyEnvironment
  implySkip x
  resetNewLine -- ignore the linebreak after \begin{env}
  latex <- decideSub x runDocumentWith (body x)
  implyEos x
  return $ Environment (name x) latex

block :: Parser LaTeXElement
block = do
  x <- anyBlock
  implySkip x
  resetNewLine -- ignore the linebreak after an opening parenthesis
  latex <- decideSub x runDocumentWith (body x)
  implyEos x
  return $ Block latex

bblock :: Parser LaTeXElement
bblock = do
  x <- anyBBlock
  implySkip x
  resetNewLine -- ignore the linebreak after an opening parenthesis
  latex <- decideSub x runDocumentWith (body x)
  implyEos x
  return $ BBlock latex

math :: Parser LaTeXElement
math = do
  x <- anyMath
  implySkip x
  implyEos x
  return x

comment :: Parser LaTeXElement
comment = do
  x <- anyComment
  implySkip x
  implyEos x
  state <- getState
  if inlineConfig (config state)
  then either
    (\(n,c) -> modifyState (\s -> s { profile = Map.insert n c (profile s) }))
    (\c     -> modifyState (\s -> s { config = c })) $ reconfigure state (content x)
  else return ()
  return x

implySkip :: LaTeXElement -> Parser ()
implySkip element = sub =<< fmap config getState where
  sub conf
    | skip conf element   = modifyState (\state -> state { ignore = True })
    | unskip conf element = modifyState (\state -> state { ignore = False })
    | otherwise           = return ()

implyInput :: LaTeXElement -> Parser ()
implyInput element
  | macroname == pack "\\include" || macroname == pack "\\input"  = fork
  | otherwise                                                     = return ()
    macroname           = name element
    update fn ltx state = putState (state { inputs = Map.update (Just . second (const ltx)) fn (inputs state) })
    fork = do
      state <- getState
      let fn = unpack $ intercalate empty $ map LaTeX.printable (body element)
      maybe (return ()) (either fail (uncurry (update fn)) . runDocumentWith state . snd) $ Map.lookup fn (inputs state)

implyEos :: LaTeXElement -> Parser ()
implyEos element = do
  conf <- fmap config getState
  if eos conf element
  then modifyState (\state -> state { stop = def })
  else return ()

resetNewLine :: Parser ()
resetNewLine = modifyState (\state -> state { stop = modify (stop state) }) where
  modify NewLine  = None
  modify x        = x

-- vim: ft=haskell:sts=2:sw=2:et:nu:ai