Smarties is a general purpose behavior tree library written in Haskell. The library supports utility AI for advanced decision making. Smarties implements many of the design patterns outlined in this paper and some that aren't.
Behavior trees are written in a DSL built with the NodeSequence monad. Monadic return values are used for computing utility.
data Pronoun = HeHim | SheHer | TheyThem | FooBar | Other | Undecided deriving (Eq, Show)
data Student = Student {
assignedPronoun :: Pronoun,
preferredPronoun :: Pronoun,
openlyChange :: Bool,
jeans :: Int
} deriving (Show)
type School = [Student]
type SchoolTreeState = (School, Student)
instance TreeState SchoolTreeState
type ActionType = (Student -> Student)
assignedPronounIs :: Pronoun -> Student -> Bool
assignedPronounIs p s = assignedPronoun s == p
preferredPronounIs :: Pronoun -> Student -> Bool
preferredPronounIs p s = preferredPronoun s == p
feminimity :: Student -> Float
feminimity = (/100.0) . fst . randomR (0.0,100.0) . mkStdGen . (+0) . jeans
masculinity :: Student -> Float
masculinity = (/100.0) . fst . randomR (0.0,100.0) . mkStdGen . (+1) . jeans
noneOfTheAbove :: Student -> Float
noneOfTheAbove = (/100.0) . fst . randomR (0.0,100.0) . mkStdGen . (+3) . jeans
developer :: Student -> Float
developer = (/100.0) . fst . randomR (0.0,100.0) . mkStdGen . (+4) . jeans
indecisiveness :: Student -> Float
indecisiveness = (/100.0) . fst . randomR (0.0,100.0) . mkStdGen . (+5) . jeans
toZeroOne :: Bool -> Float
toZeroOne x = if x then 1.0 else 0.0
The first part of the code outlines the state vars that we want operate with/on with our behavior tree plus several helper functions. In particular, we define SchoolTreeState which will be the input/computation state (called perception) to our behavior tree and ActionType which will be its output type.
actionChangePronoun :: Pronoun -> NodeSequence g SchoolTreeState ActionType ()
actionChangePronoun p = fromAction $
SimpleAction (\_ -> (\(Student a _ _ d) -> Student a p True d))
actionChangeBack :: NodeSequence g SchoolTreeState ActionType ()
actionChangeBack = fromAction $
SimpleAction (\_ -> (\(Student a _ c d) -> Student a a c d))
conditionHasProperty :: (Student -> Bool) -> NodeSequence g SchoolTreeState ActionType ()
conditionHasProperty f = fromCondition $
SimpleCondition (\(_, st) -> f st)
utilityProperty :: (Student -> Float) -> NodeSequence g SchoolTreeState ActionType Float
utilityProperty f = fromUtility $
SimpleUtility (\(_, st) -> f st)
utilityNormalness :: (Student -> Float) -> NodeSequence g SchoolTreeState ActionType Float
utilityNormalness f = fromUtility $
SimpleUtility (\(sc, _) -> (sum . map f $ sc) / (fromIntegral $ length sc))
Next we create several NodeSequences which will be the building blocks for our behavior tree. Smarties contains 4 helpers to facilitate making nodes: Action, Condition, Perception and Utility. Each helper has several constructors that represent subsets of a behavior tree operation. You can also use monadic syntax to create NodeSequences. There's a little more boiler plate and the syntax is a little more human readable.
studentTree :: (RandomGen g) => NodeSequence g SchoolTreeState ActionType Float
studentTree = utilityWeightedSelector
[return . (*0.15) . (+0.01) =<< utilityWeightedSelector
[sequence $ do
a <- utilityNormalness (toZeroOne . openlyChange)
b <- utilityProperty feminimity
actionChangePronoun SheHer
return $ a * b
,sequence $ do
a <- utilityNormalness (toZeroOne . openlyChange)
b <- utilityProperty masculinity
actionChangePronoun HeHim
return $ a * b
,sequence $ do
a <- utilityNormalness (toZeroOne . openlyChange)
b <- utilityProperty developer
actionChangePronoun FooBar
return $ a * b
,sequence $ do
a <- utilityNormalness (toZeroOne . openlyChange)
b <- utilityProperty noneOfTheAbove
actionChangePronoun Other
return $ a * b
,sequence $ do
a <- utilityNormalness (toZeroOne . openlyChange)
m <- utilityProperty masculinity
f <- utilityProperty feminimity
actionChangePronoun TheyThem
return $ a * ((1.0-m)+(1.0-f)) / 2.0
,sequence $ do
a <- utilityProperty indecisiveness
return $ 0.01 * a
,sequence $ do
a <- utilityNormalness ((1-) . toZeroOne . openlyChange)
result SUCCESS
return a
Using our NodeSequences, we define the tree itself. Note that sequence $ do is the same as just do and used for semantic clarity.
makeStudent :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Student
makeStudent = do
(isFemale::Bool) <- getRandom
(sJeans::Int) <- getRandom
pronoun = if isFemale then SheHer else HeHim
return $ Student pronoun pronoun False sJeans
main :: IO ()
main = do
stdgen <- getStdGen
students <- replicateM 100 $ evalRandIO makeStudent
tree = getTree studentTree
studentfn g s = (g', (foldl1 (.) o) s) where
(rslt, (BasicTreeState _ g'), o) = tickTree tree $ BasicTreeState (students, s) g
ticktStudents sts = snd $ mapAccumL studentfn stdgen sts
loop 0 sts = return ()
loop n sts = do
nextsts = ticktStudents sts
putStrLn . show $ nextsts
loop (n-1) nextsts
loop 365 students
Finally, we run the tree and output the results :D.
- perception: input and computation state of the behavior tree. Named perception because it represents how the tree perceives the outside world. perception is not mutable when executing the tree and can be used to carry computation state. It is possible to modify the input portion of the perception. This is only recommended in the special case where the input state is same as what the tree is operating on as a whole in which case the tree represents a sequential set of operations on a value. e.g. NodeSequnce g Int (Int->Int) represents operations on an Int value. In these cases, ensure the Reduceable p o constraint is satisfied and use SelfAction which is the same as Action except also applies the output to the perception.
- seqence: control node that executes each child node in sequence until it hits a FAIL node and collects all output.
- selector: control node that executes the first SUCCESS node.
- utility: optional monadic output for a node that can be used for more complex control flow. For example utilitySelector executes the node that has the largest utility.
Understanding NodeSequence
NodeSequence is a computation that executes all it's internal nodes. At each >>= it will check the output and early exit if it reaches a FAIL. sequence is exactly the same as NodeSequence except that it will create a scope on the perception.
NodeSequence has the following definition
data NodeSequence g p o a = NodeSequence { runNodes :: g -> p -> (a, g, p, Status, [o]) }
The sequence represents a computation that takes a generator and perception and returns an output with the following types:
- a: monad output type, typically used for computing utility
- g: random generator
- p: perception type
- Status: Status of executing NodeSequence, either SUCCESS or FAIL
- o: output type
NodeSequence looks a lot like Statet (p,g) Writer [o] except with an addition Status output. The difference lies that with each >>= if the input computation has Status FAIL, the monad will stop passing on p and appending to [o]. It will continue to pass through g and evaluate a. Thus running NodeSequence produces an a and two thunks representing the collected state and output of the represented sequence up until the first FAIL. These thunks may or may not be evaluated depending on the decisions made by the parent nodes.
Advanced features
- Nodes can modify perception for future nodes to operate on. For example, lets say each student in our example has a best friend and a crush. These students their friends/crushes strongly strongly influence the student's decision to change pronouns. Also apologies for very subtly suggesting that monogamy is the only option... Naively approaching this, we may find ourselves creating several nodes:
conditionBestFriendFoo = ...
conditionWorstFriendFoo = ...
conditionBestFriendOfBestFriendFoo = ...
conditionBestFriendOfWorstFriendFoo = ...
instead, we can mark students in our tree's computation state allowing us to structure our nodes as such:
markSelf = ...
markBestFriendOfMarkedStudent = ...
markCrushOfMarkedStudent = ...
conditionMarkedStudentFoo = ...
allowing nodes to change the computation context of future nodes. This is both more general and signficantly reduces the amount of needed nodes for creating more complex computation spaces. It is suggested that your perception type implements Scopeable if you want to do this. Scopeable creates a scoping behavior for the computational variables. (TreeStackInfo x) => TreeState x y offers a default implementation of this where x is the scopeable computational state and y is the (not actually immutable) input state. Scopes must be explicitly created using the scope decorator. For example:
sequence $ do
selectSomething -- (1)
scope $ sequence $ do
selectSomethingElse -- (2)
doSomethingToSelection -- operates on (2)
doSomethingToSelection -- operates on (1)
- There is class Loopable but there are no supporting control nodes. A looping index makes our language turing complete :). Besides good feels though, the main use of this is for code reuse. For example:
scope $ selectorForEach $ do
i <- getSelection
guard $ i `mod` 2 == 0
Modelling history patterns is challenging here since the tree produces no side effects. In a previous implementation I could have added a get/setZipper method to TreeState tracking which node we are at and nodes can manage their records in the state. Currently, as sequences are represented as monads, one could add a monadic if/else that would not be possible to track :(. The current solution is to add markOnExecution :: (Markable p) => String -> NodeSequence g p o () and leave the tracking to the user.
Support for Statistic.Distribution.Normal for modelling risk reward.
The next version will probably promote NodeSequence to NodeSequenceT. Also considering using the RandT monad instead of reimplementing it in NodeSequence as it is right now.