module Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Backend where
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type hiding (Constr,Field)
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List (List(..))
import qualified Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List as List
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Expression
import qualified Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Proof as P
import Language.SMTLib2.Strategy
import Data.Typeable
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Data.GADT.Show
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Text.Show
type SMTAction b r = b -> SMTMonad b (r,b)
class (Typeable b,Functor (SMTMonad b),Monad (SMTMonad b),
GetType (Expr b),GetType (Var b),GetType (QVar b),
GetFunType (Fun b),
GetConType (Constr b),
GetFieldType (Field b),
GetType (FunArg b),
GetType (LVar b),
Typeable (Expr b),
Typeable (Var b),
Typeable (QVar b),
Typeable (Fun b),
Typeable (Constr b),
Typeable (Field b),
Typeable (FunArg b),
Typeable (LVar b),
Typeable (ClauseId b),
GCompare (Expr b),GShow (Expr b),
GCompare (Var b),GShow (Var b),
GCompare (QVar b),GShow (QVar b),
GCompare (Fun b),GShow (Fun b),
GCompare (Constr b),GShow (Constr b),
GCompare (Field b),GShow (Field b),
GCompare (FunArg b),GShow (FunArg b),
GCompare (LVar b),GShow (LVar b),
Ord (ClauseId b),Show (ClauseId b),
Ord (Proof b),Show (Proof b),
Show (Model b)) => Backend b where
type SMTMonad b :: * -> *
type Expr b :: Type -> *
type Var b :: Type -> *
type QVar b :: Type -> *
type Fun b :: ([Type],Type) -> *
type Constr b :: ([Type],*) -> *
type Field b :: (*,Type) -> *
type FunArg b :: Type -> *
type LVar b :: Type -> *
type ClauseId b :: *
type Model b :: *
type Proof b :: *
setOption :: SMTOption -> SMTAction b ()
getInfo :: SMTInfo i -> SMTAction b i
comment :: String -> SMTAction b ()
comment _ b = return ((),b)
push :: SMTAction b ()
pop :: SMTAction b ()
declareVar :: Repr t -> Maybe String -> SMTAction b (Var b t)
createQVar :: Repr t -> Maybe String -> SMTAction b (QVar b t)
createFunArg :: Repr t -> Maybe String -> SMTAction b (FunArg b t)
defineVar :: Maybe String -> Expr b t -> SMTAction b (Var b t)
declareFun :: List Repr arg -> Repr t -> Maybe String -> SMTAction b (Fun b '(arg,t))
defineFun :: Maybe String -> List (FunArg b) arg -> Expr b r -> SMTAction b (Fun b '(arg,r))
assert :: Expr b BoolType -> SMTAction b ()
assertId :: Expr b BoolType -> SMTAction b (ClauseId b)
assertPartition :: Expr b BoolType -> Partition -> SMTAction b ()
checkSat :: Maybe Tactic -> CheckSatLimits -> SMTAction b CheckSatResult
getUnsatCore :: SMTAction b [ClauseId b]
getValue :: Expr b t -> SMTAction b (Value (Constr b) t)
getModel :: SMTAction b (Model b)
modelEvaluate :: Model b -> Expr b t -> SMTAction b (Value (Constr b) t)
getProof :: SMTAction b (Proof b)
analyzeProof :: b -> Proof b -> P.Proof String (Expr b) (Proof b)
simplify :: Expr b t -> SMTAction b (Expr b t)
toBackend :: Expression (Var b) (QVar b) (Fun b) (Constr b) (Field b) (FunArg b) (LVar b) (Expr b) t -> SMTAction b (Expr b t)
fromBackend :: b -> Expr b t
-> Expression (Var b) (QVar b) (Fun b) (Constr b) (Field b) (FunArg b) (LVar b) (Expr b) t
declareDatatypes :: TypeCollection sigs
-> SMTAction b (BackendTypeCollection (Constr b) (Field b) sigs)
interpolate :: SMTAction b (Expr b BoolType)
exit :: SMTAction b ()
type BackendTypeCollection con field sigs
= Datatypes (BackendDatatype con field) sigs
newtype BackendDatatype con field (sig :: ([[Type]],*))
= BackendDatatype { bconstructors :: Constrs (BackendConstr con field) (Fst sig) (Snd sig) }
data BackendConstr con field (sig :: ([Type],*))
= BackendConstr { bconName :: String
, bconRepr :: con sig
, bconFields :: List (BackendField field (Snd sig)) (Fst sig)
, bconstruct :: List ConcreteValue (Fst sig) -> (Snd sig)
, bconTest :: Snd sig -> Bool
data BackendField (field :: (*,Type) -> *) dt (t :: Type)
= BackendField { bfieldName :: String
, bfieldRepr :: field '(dt,t)
, bfieldType :: Repr t
, bfieldGet :: dt -> ConcreteValue t }
data Partition = PartitionA
| PartitionB
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable)
data CheckSatResult
= Sat
| Unsat
| Unknown
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable)
data CheckSatLimits = CheckSatLimits { limitTime :: Maybe Integer
, limitMemory :: Maybe Integer
} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable)
newtype AssignmentModel b
= AssignmentModel { assignments :: [Assignment b] }
data Assignment b
= forall (t :: Type). VarAssignment (Var b t) (Expr b t)
| forall (arg :: [Type]) (t :: Type).
FunAssignment (Fun b '(arg,t)) (List (FunArg b) arg) (Expr b t)
data SMTOption
= PrintSuccess Bool
| ProduceModels Bool
| ProduceProofs Bool
| ProduceUnsatCores Bool
| ProduceInterpolants Bool
| SMTLogic String
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
data SMTInfo i where
SMTSolverName :: SMTInfo String
SMTSolverVersion :: SMTInfo String
data UntypedVar v (t :: Type) = UntypedVar v (Repr t) deriving Typeable
data UntypedFun v (sig::([Type],Type)) where
UntypedFun :: v -> List Repr arg -> Repr ret -> UntypedFun v '(arg,ret)
deriving Typeable
data UntypedCon v (sig::([Type],*)) where
UntypedCon :: IsDatatype dt => v -> List Repr arg -> Proxy dt -> UntypedCon v '(arg,dt)
deriving Typeable
data UntypedField v (sig::(*,Type)) where
UntypedField :: (IsDatatype dt) => v -> Proxy dt -> Repr t -> UntypedField v '(dt,t)
deriving Typeable
data RenderedSubExpr t = RenderedSubExpr (Int -> ShowS)
instance GShow RenderedSubExpr where
gshowsPrec p (RenderedSubExpr f) = f p
showsBackendExpr :: (Backend b) => b -> Int -> Expr b t -> ShowS
showsBackendExpr b p expr = showsPrec p recE
recE = runIdentity $ mapExpr return return return return return return return
(\e -> return $ RenderedSubExpr (\p -> showsBackendExpr b p e)) load
load = fromBackend b expr
instance Eq v => Eq (UntypedVar v t) where
(==) (UntypedVar x _) (UntypedVar y _) = x==y
instance Eq v => Eq (UntypedFun v sig) where
(==) (UntypedFun x _ _) (UntypedFun y _ _) = x==y
instance Eq v => Eq (UntypedCon v sig) where
(==) (UntypedCon x _ _) (UntypedCon y _ _) = x==y
instance Eq v => Eq (UntypedField v sig) where
(==) (UntypedField x _ _) (UntypedField y _ _) = x==y
instance Ord v => Ord (UntypedVar v t) where
compare (UntypedVar x _) (UntypedVar y _) = compare x y
instance Ord v => Ord (UntypedFun v sig) where
compare (UntypedFun x _ _) (UntypedFun y _ _) = compare x y
instance Ord v => Ord (UntypedCon v sig) where
compare (UntypedCon x _ _) (UntypedCon y _ _) = compare x y
instance Ord v => Ord (UntypedField v sig) where
compare (UntypedField x _ _) (UntypedField y _ _) = compare x y
instance Eq v => GEq (UntypedVar v) where
geq (UntypedVar v1 tp1) (UntypedVar v2 tp2) = do
Refl <- geq tp1 tp2
if v1==v2
then return Refl
else Nothing
instance Eq v => GEq (UntypedFun v) where
geq (UntypedFun v1 a1 r1) (UntypedFun v2 a2 r2) = do
Refl <- geq a1 a2
Refl <- geq r1 r2
if v1==v2
then return Refl
else Nothing
instance Eq v => GEq (UntypedCon v) where
geq (UntypedCon v1 t1 (_::Proxy dt1)) (UntypedCon v2 t2 (_::Proxy dt2)) = do
Refl <- geq t1 t2
Refl <- eqT :: Maybe (dt1 :~: dt2)
if v1==v2
then return Refl
else Nothing
instance Eq v => GEq (UntypedField v) where
geq (UntypedField v1 (_::Proxy dt1) t1) x2@(UntypedField v2 (_::Proxy dt2) t2) = do
Refl <- eqT :: Maybe (dt1 :~: dt2)
Refl <- geq t1 t2
if v1==v2
then return Refl
else Nothing
instance Ord v => GCompare (UntypedVar v) where
gcompare (UntypedVar v1 t1) (UntypedVar v2 t2)
= case gcompare t1 t2 of
GEQ -> case compare v1 v2 of
r -> r
instance Ord v => GCompare (UntypedFun v) where
gcompare (UntypedFun v1 a1 t1) (UntypedFun v2 a2 t2)
= case gcompare a1 a2 of
GEQ -> case gcompare t1 t2 of
GEQ -> case compare v1 v2 of
instance Ord v => GCompare (UntypedCon v) where
gcompare (UntypedCon v1 a1 (_::Proxy dt1)) x2@(UntypedCon v2 a2 (_::Proxy dt2))
= case gcompare a1 a2 of
GEQ -> case eqT :: Maybe (dt1 :~: dt2) of
Just Refl -> case compare v1 v2 of
Nothing -> case compare (typeOf (Proxy::Proxy dt1))
(typeOf (Proxy::Proxy dt2)) of
instance Ord v => GCompare (UntypedField v) where
gcompare (UntypedField v1 (_::Proxy dt1) t1) (UntypedField v2 (_::Proxy dt2) t2)
= case gcompare t1 t2 of
GEQ -> case eqT :: Maybe (dt1 :~: dt2) of
Just Refl -> case compare v1 v2 of
Nothing -> case compare (typeOf (Proxy::Proxy dt1))
(typeOf (Proxy::Proxy dt2)) of
instance Show v => Show (UntypedVar v t) where
showsPrec p (UntypedVar v _) = showsPrec p v
instance Show v => Show (UntypedFun v sig) where
showsPrec p (UntypedFun v _ _) = showsPrec p v
instance Show v => Show (UntypedCon v sig) where
showsPrec p (UntypedCon v _ _) = showsPrec p v
instance Show v => Show (UntypedField v sig) where
showsPrec p (UntypedField v _ _) = showsPrec p v
instance Show v => GShow (UntypedVar v) where
gshowsPrec = showsPrec
instance Show v => GShow (UntypedFun v) where
gshowsPrec = showsPrec
instance Show v => GShow (UntypedCon v) where
gshowsPrec = showsPrec
instance Show v => GShow (UntypedField v) where
gshowsPrec = showsPrec
instance GetType (UntypedVar v) where
getType (UntypedVar _ tp) = tp
instance GetFunType (UntypedFun v) where
getFunType (UntypedFun _ arg tp) = (arg,tp)
instance GetConType (UntypedCon v) where
getConType (UntypedCon _ args dt) = (args,getDatatype dt)
instance GetFieldType (UntypedField v) where
getFieldType (UntypedField _ dt tp) = (getDatatype dt,tp)
instance (GShow (Var b),GShow (Expr b),GShow (Fun b),GShow (FunArg b))
=> Show (Assignment b) where
showsPrec p (VarAssignment var expr)
= showParen (p>10) $
gshowsPrec 9 var .
showString " = " .
gshowsPrec 9 expr
showsPrec p (FunAssignment fun args body)
= showParen (p>10) $
gshowsPrec 9 fun .
showListWith id (runIdentity $ List.toList (return . gshowsPrec 0) args) .
showString " = " .
gshowsPrec 9 body
instance (GShow (Var b),GShow (Expr b),GShow (Fun b),GShow (FunArg b))
=> Show (AssignmentModel b) where
showsPrec p (AssignmentModel assign)
= showsPrec p assign