module Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Evaluate where
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Expression
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type hiding (Field)
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.Nat
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List
import qualified Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List as List
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Data.List (genericLength)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
import Data.Functor.Identity
data EvalResult fun con field res where
ValueResult :: Value con res -> EvalResult fun con field res
ArrayResult :: ArrayModel fun con field idx el
-> EvalResult fun con field (ArrayType idx el)
data ArrayModel fun con field idx el where
ArrayConst :: EvalResult fun con field el
-> List Repr idx
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx el
ArrayFun :: Function fun con field '(idx,res)
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx res
ArrayMap :: Function fun con field '(arg,res)
-> List (ArrayModel fun con field idx) arg
-> List Repr idx
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx res
ArrayStore :: List (EvalResult fun con field) idx
-> EvalResult fun con field el
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx el
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx el
type FunctionEval m fun con field
= forall tps r. fun '(tps,r)
-> List (EvalResult fun con field) tps
-> m (EvalResult fun con field r)
type FieldEval m fun con field
= forall dt args tp. (IsDatatype dt)
=> field '(dt,tp)
-> con '(args,dt)
-> List (Value con) args
-> m (EvalResult fun con field tp)
evalResultType :: (GetFunType fun,GetConType con,GetFieldType field)
=> EvalResult fun con field res -> Repr res
evalResultType (ValueResult val) = valueType val
evalResultType (ArrayResult mdl) = let (idx,el) = arrayModelType mdl
in ArrayRepr idx el
arrayModelType :: (GetFunType fun,GetConType con,GetFieldType field)
=> ArrayModel fun con field idx res -> (List Repr idx,Repr res)
arrayModelType (ArrayConst res idx) = (idx,evalResultType res)
arrayModelType (ArrayFun fun) = getFunType fun
arrayModelType (ArrayMap fun args idx)
= let (farg,ftp) = getFunType fun
in (idx,ftp)
arrayModelType (ArrayStore idx el mdl)
= (runIdentity $ List.mapM (return.evalResultType) idx,evalResultType el)
evaluateArray :: (Monad m,Typeable con,GCompare con,
GetFunType fun,GetConType con,GetFieldType field)
=> FunctionEval m fun con field
-> FieldEval m fun con field
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx el
-> List (EvalResult fun con field) idx
-> m (EvalResult fun con field el)
evaluateArray _ _ (ArrayConst c _) _ = return c
evaluateArray f g (ArrayFun fun) arg = evaluateFun f g fun arg
evaluateArray f g (ArrayMap fun args _) arg = do
rargs <- List.mapM (\arr -> evaluateArray f g arr arg) args
evaluateFun f g fun rargs
evaluateArray f g (ArrayStore idx val mdl) arg = do
eq <- List.zipToListM (evalResultEq f g) idx arg
if and eq
then return val
else evaluateArray f g mdl arg
typeNumElements :: Repr t -> Maybe Integer
typeNumElements BoolRepr = Just 2
typeNumElements IntRepr = Nothing
typeNumElements RealRepr = Nothing
typeNumElements (BitVecRepr sz) = Just (2^(naturalToInteger sz))
typeNumElements (ArrayRepr idx el) = do
ridx <- List.toList typeNumElements idx
rel <- typeNumElements el
return (product (rel:ridx))
typeNumElements (DataRepr dt) = error "typeNumElements not implemented for datatypes"
evalResultEq :: (Monad m,Typeable con,GCompare con,
GetFunType fun,GetConType con,GetFieldType field)
=> FunctionEval m fun con field
-> FieldEval m fun con field
-> EvalResult fun con field res
-> EvalResult fun con field res
-> m Bool
evalResultEq _ _ (ValueResult v1) (ValueResult v2) = return (v1 == v2)
evalResultEq ev evf (ArrayResult m1) (ArrayResult m2)
= arrayModelEq ev evf m1 m2 []
arrayModelEq :: (Monad m,Typeable con,GCompare con,
GetFunType fun,GetConType con,GetFieldType field)
=> FunctionEval m fun con field
-> FieldEval m fun con field
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx t
-> ArrayModel fun con field idx t
-> [List (EvalResult fun con field) idx]
-> m Bool
arrayModelEq _ _ (ArrayFun _) _ _
= error "Cannot decide array equality with arrays built from functions."
arrayModelEq _ _ _ (ArrayFun _) _
= error "Cannot decide array equality with arrays built from functions."
arrayModelEq _ _ (ArrayMap _ _ _) _ _
= error "Cannot decide array equality with arrays built from functions."
arrayModelEq _ _ _ (ArrayMap _ _ _) _
= error "Cannot decide array equality with arrays built from functions."
arrayModelEq ev evf (ArrayConst v1 _) (ArrayConst v2 _) _
= evalResultEq ev evf v1 v2
arrayModelEq ev evf (ArrayStore (idx::List (EvalResult fun con field) idx) el mdl) oth ign = do
isIgn <- isIgnored idx ign
if isIgn
then arrayModelEq ev evf mdl oth ign
else do
othEl <- evaluateArray ev evf oth idx
othIsEq <- evalResultEq ev evf el othEl
if othIsEq
then case List.toList typeNumElements (runIdentity $ List.mapM (return.evalResultType) idx) of
Just szs -> if genericLength szs==product szs
then return True
else arrayModelEq ev evf mdl oth (idx:ign)
else return False
isIgnored _ [] = return False
isIgnored idx (i:is) = do
same <- List.zipToListM (evalResultEq ev evf) idx i
if and same
then return True
else isIgnored idx is
arrayModelEq ev evf m1 m2 ign = arrayModelEq ev evf m2 m1 ign
evaluateExpr :: (Monad m,Typeable con,GCompare con,GCompare lv,
GetFunType fun,GetConType con,GetFieldType field)
=> (forall t. v t -> m (EvalResult fun con field t))
-> (forall t. qv t -> m (EvalResult fun con field t))
-> (forall t. fv t -> m (EvalResult fun con field t))
-> FunctionEval m fun con field
-> FieldEval m fun con field
-> (forall arg. Quantifier
-> List qv arg
-> e BoolType
-> m (EvalResult fun con field BoolType))
-> DMap lv (EvalResult fun con field)
-> (forall t. DMap lv (EvalResult fun con field) -> e t -> m (EvalResult fun con field t))
-> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res
-> m (EvalResult fun con field res)
evaluateExpr fv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Var v) = fv v
evaluateExpr _ fqv _ _ _ _ _ _ (QVar v) = fqv v
evaluateExpr _ _ ffv _ _ _ _ _ (FVar v) = ffv v
evaluateExpr _ _ _ _ _ _ binds _ (LVar v) = case DMap.lookup v binds of
Just r -> return r
evaluateExpr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Const c) = return (ValueResult c)
evaluateExpr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (AsArray fun)
= return (ArrayResult (ArrayFun fun))
evaluateExpr _ _ _ _ _ evq _ _ (Quantification q arg body)
= evq q arg body
evaluateExpr _ _ _ _ _ _ binds f (Let arg body) = do
nbinds <- List.foldM (\cbinds x -> do
rx <- f cbinds (letExpr x)
return $ DMap.insert (letVar x) rx cbinds
) binds arg
f nbinds body
evaluateExpr _ _ _ evf evr _ binds f (App fun args) = do
rargs <- List.mapM (f binds) args
evaluateFun evf evr fun rargs
evaluateFun :: forall m fun con field arg res.
(Monad m,Typeable con,GCompare con,
GetFunType fun,GetConType con,GetFieldType field)
=> FunctionEval m fun con field
-> FieldEval m fun con field
-> Function fun con field '(arg,res)
-> List (EvalResult fun con field) arg
-> m (EvalResult fun con field res)
evaluateFun ev _ (Fun f) arg = ev f arg
evaluateFun ev evf (Eq tp n) args = isEq n tp args >>=
return . ValueResult . BoolValue
isEq :: Natural n -> Repr tp -> List (EvalResult fun con field) (AllEq tp n) -> m Bool
isEq Zero _ Nil = return True
isEq (Succ Zero) _ (_ ::: Nil) = return True
isEq (Succ (Succ n)) tp (x ::: y ::: xs) = do
eq <- evalResultEq ev evf x y
if eq
then isEq (Succ n) tp (y ::: xs)
else return False
evaluateFun ev evf (Distinct tp n) args = isDistinct n tp args >>=
return . ValueResult . BoolValue
isDistinct :: Natural n -> Repr tp -> List (EvalResult fun con field) (AllEq tp n) -> m Bool
isDistinct Zero _ Nil = return True
isDistinct (Succ Zero) _ (_ ::: Nil) = return True
isDistinct (Succ n) tp (x ::: xs) = do
neq <- isNeq n tp x xs
if neq
then isDistinct n tp xs
else return False
isNeq :: Natural n -> Repr tp -> EvalResult fun con field tp
-> List (EvalResult fun con field) (AllEq tp n) -> m Bool
isNeq Zero _ _ Nil = return True
isNeq (Succ n) tp x (y ::: ys) = do
eq <- evalResultEq ev evf x y
if eq
then return False
else isNeq n tp x ys
evaluateFun _ _ (Ord NumInt op) ((ValueResult (IntValue lhs)) ::: (ValueResult (IntValue rhs)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BoolValue (cmp op lhs rhs)
cmp Ge = (>=)
cmp Gt = (>)
cmp Le = (<=)
cmp Lt = (<)
evaluateFun _ _ (Ord NumReal op) ((ValueResult (RealValue lhs)) ::: (ValueResult (RealValue rhs)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BoolValue (cmp op lhs rhs)
cmp Ge = (>=)
cmp Gt = (>)
cmp Le = (<=)
cmp Lt = (<)
evaluateFun _ _ (Arith NumInt op n) args
= return $ ValueResult $ IntValue $
eval op $ fmap (\(ValueResult (IntValue v)) -> v)
(allEqToList n args :: [EvalResult fun con field IntType])
eval Plus xs = sum xs
eval Mult xs = product xs
eval Minus [] = 0
eval Minus [x] = x
eval Minus (x:xs) = xsum xs
evaluateFun _ _ (Arith NumReal op n) args
= return $ ValueResult $ RealValue $
eval op $ fmap (\(ValueResult (RealValue v)) -> v)
(allEqToList n args :: [EvalResult fun con field RealType])
eval Plus xs = sum xs
eval Mult xs = product xs
eval Minus [] = 0
eval Minus [x] = x
eval Minus (x:xs) = xsum xs
evaluateFun _ _ (ArithIntBin op) ((ValueResult (IntValue lhs)) ::: (ValueResult (IntValue rhs)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ IntValue (eval op lhs rhs)
eval Div = div
eval Mod = mod
eval Rem = rem
evaluateFun _ _ Divide ((ValueResult (RealValue lhs)) ::: (ValueResult (RealValue rhs)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ RealValue (lhs / rhs)
evaluateFun _ _ (Abs NumInt) ((ValueResult (IntValue x)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ IntValue $ abs x
evaluateFun _ _ (Abs NumReal) ((ValueResult (RealValue x)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ RealValue $ abs x
evaluateFun _ _ Not ((ValueResult (BoolValue x)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BoolValue $ not x
evaluateFun _ _ (Logic op n) args
= return $ ValueResult $ BoolValue $
eval op $ fmap (\(ValueResult (BoolValue v)) -> v)
(allEqToList n args :: [EvalResult fun con field BoolType])
eval And = and
eval Or = or
eval XOr = foldl1 (\x y -> if x then not y else y)
eval Implies = impl
impl [x] = x
impl (x:xs) = if x then impl xs else False
evaluateFun _ _ ToReal ((ValueResult (IntValue x)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ RealValue $ fromInteger x
evaluateFun _ _ ToInt ((ValueResult (RealValue x)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ IntValue $ round x
evaluateFun _ _ (ITE _) ((ValueResult (BoolValue c)) ::: x ::: y ::: Nil)
= return $ if c then x else y
evaluateFun _ _ (BVComp op _) ((ValueResult (BitVecValue x nx)) ::: (ValueResult (BitVecValue y ny)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BoolValue $ comp op
bw = naturalToInteger nx
sx = if x >= 2^(bw1) then x2^bw else x
sy = if y >= 2^(bw1) then y2^bw else y
comp BVULE = x <= y
comp BVULT = x < y
comp BVUGE = x >= y
comp BVUGT = x > y
comp BVSLE = sx <= sy
comp BVSLT = sx < sy
comp BVSGE = sx >= sy
comp BVSGT = sx > sy
evaluateFun _ _ (BVBin op _) ((ValueResult (BitVecValue x nx)) ::: (ValueResult (BitVecValue y ny)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BitVecValue (comp op) nx
bw = naturalToInteger nx
sx = if x >= 2^(bw1) then x2^bw else x
sy = if y >= 2^(bw1) then y2^bw else y
toU x = if x < 0
then x+2^bw
else x
comp BVAdd = (x+y) `mod` (2^bw)
comp BVSub = (xy) `mod` (2^bw)
comp BVMul = (x*y) `mod` (2^bw)
comp BVURem = x `rem` y
comp BVSRem = toU (sx `rem` sy)
comp BVUDiv = x `div` y
comp BVSDiv = toU (sx `div` sy)
comp BVSHL = x * 2^y
comp BVLSHR = x `div` (2^y)
comp BVASHR = toU $ sx `div` (2^y)
comp BVXor = xor x y
comp BVAnd = x .&. y
comp BVOr = x .|. y
evaluateFun _ _ (BVUn op _) ((ValueResult (BitVecValue x nx)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BitVecValue (comp op) nx
bw = naturalToInteger nx
comp BVNot = xor (2^bw1) x
comp BVNeg = 2^bwx
evaluateFun ev evf (Select _ _) ((ArrayResult mdl) ::: idx)
= evaluateArray ev evf mdl idx
evaluateFun _ _ (Store _ _) ((ArrayResult mdl) ::: el ::: idx)
= return $ ArrayResult (ArrayStore idx el mdl)
evaluateFun _ _ (ConstArray idx _) (val ::: Nil)
= return $ ArrayResult (ArrayConst val idx)
evaluateFun _ _ (Concat _ _) ((ValueResult (BitVecValue x nx)) ::: (ValueResult (BitVecValue y ny)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BitVecValue (x*(2^bw)+y) (naturalAdd nx ny)
bw = naturalToInteger nx
evaluateFun _ _ (Extract bw start len) ((ValueResult (BitVecValue x nx)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BitVecValue (x `div` (2^(naturalToInteger start))) len
evaluateFun _ _ (Constructor con) args = do
rargs <- List.mapM (\(ValueResult v) -> return v) args
return $ ValueResult $ ConstrValue con rargs
evaluateFun _ _ (Test con) ((ValueResult (ConstrValue con' _)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BoolValue $ case geq con con' of
Just Refl -> True
Nothing -> False
evaluateFun _ ev (Field f) ((ValueResult (ConstrValue con args)) ::: Nil)
= ev f con args
evaluateFun _ _ (Divisible n) ((ValueResult (IntValue i)) ::: Nil)
= return $ ValueResult $ BoolValue $ i `mod` n == 0