module Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List where import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.Nat import Prelude hiding (head,tail,length,mapM,insert,drop,take,last,reverse,map) import Data.GADT.Compare import Data.GADT.Show import Language.Haskell.TH type family Head (lst :: [a]) :: a where Head (x ': xs) = x type family Tail (lst :: [a]) :: [a] where Tail (x ': xs) = xs type family Index (lst :: [a]) (idx :: Nat) :: a where Index (x ': xs) Z = x Index (x ': xs) (S n) = Index xs n type family Insert (lst :: [a]) (idx :: Nat) (el :: a) :: [a] where Insert (x ': xs) Z y = y ': xs Insert (x ': xs) (S n) y = x ': (Insert xs n y) type family Remove (lst :: [a]) (idx :: Nat) :: [a] where Remove (x ': xs) Z = xs Remove (x ': xs) (S n) = x ': (Remove xs n) type family Append (lst :: [a]) (el :: a) :: [a] where Append '[] y = y ': '[] Append (x ': xs) y = x ': (Append xs y) type family Length (lst :: [a]) :: Nat where Length '[] = Z Length (x ': xs) = S (Length xs) type family Drop (lst :: [a]) (i :: Nat) :: [a] where Drop lst Z = lst Drop (x ': xs) (S n) = Drop xs n type family Take (lst :: [a]) (i :: Nat) :: [a] where Take xs Z = '[] Take (x ': xs) (S n) = x ': (Take xs n) type family StripPrefix (lst :: [a]) (pre :: [a]) :: [a] where StripPrefix xs '[] = xs StripPrefix (x ': xs) (x ': ys) = StripPrefix xs ys type family Last (lst :: [a]) :: a where Last '[x] = x Last (x ': y ': rest) = Last (y ': rest) type family DropLast (lst :: [a]) :: [a] where DropLast '[x] = '[] DropLast (x ': y ': rest) = x ': (DropLast (y ': rest)) type family Reverse (lst :: [a]) :: [a] where Reverse '[] = '[] Reverse (x ': xs) = Append (Reverse xs) x type family Map (lst :: [a]) (f :: a -> b) :: [b] where Map '[] f = '[] Map (x ': xs) f = (f x) ': (Map xs f) data List e (tp :: [a]) where Nil :: List e '[] (:::) :: e x -> List e xs -> List e (x ': xs) infixr 9 ::: list :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ list [] = [| Nil |] list (x:xs) = [| $(x) ::: $(list xs) |] nil :: List e '[] nil = Nil list1 :: e t1 -> List e '[t1] list1 x1 = x1 ::: Nil list2 :: e t1 -> e t2 -> List e '[t1,t2] list2 x1 x2 = x1 ::: x2 ::: Nil list3 :: e t1 -> e t2 -> e t3 -> List e '[t1,t2,t3] list3 x1 x2 x3 = x1 ::: x2 ::: x3 ::: Nil reifyList :: (forall r'. a -> (forall tp. e tp -> r') -> r') -> [a] -> (forall tp. List e tp -> r) -> r reifyList _ [] g = g Nil reifyList f (x:xs) g = f x $ \x' -> reifyList f xs $ \xs' -> g (x' ::: xs') access :: Monad m => List e lst -> Natural idx -> (e (Index lst idx) -> m (a,e tp)) -> m (a,List e (Insert lst idx tp)) access (x ::: xs) Zero f = do (res,nx) <- f x return (res,nx ::: xs) access (x ::: xs) (Succ n) f = do (res,nxs) <- access xs n f return (res,x ::: nxs) access' :: Monad m => List e lst -> Natural idx -> (e (Index lst idx) -> m (a,e (Index lst idx))) -> m (a,List e lst) access' (x ::: xs) Zero f = do (res,nx) <- f x return (res,nx ::: xs) access' (x ::: xs) (Succ n) f = do (res,nxs) <- access' xs n f return (res,x ::: nxs) head :: List e lst -> e (Head lst) head (x ::: xs) = x tail :: List e lst -> List e (Tail lst) tail (x ::: xs) = xs index :: List e lst -> Natural idx -> e (Index lst idx) index (x ::: xs) Zero = x index (x ::: xs) (Succ n) = index xs n insert :: List e lst -> Natural idx -> e tp -> List e (Insert lst idx tp) insert (x ::: xs) Zero y = y ::: xs insert (x ::: xs) (Succ n) y = x ::: (insert xs n y) remove :: List e lst -> Natural idx -> List e (Remove lst idx) remove (x ::: xs) Zero = xs remove (x ::: xs) (Succ n) = x ::: (remove xs n) mapM :: Monad m => (forall x. e x -> m (e' x)) -> List e lst -> m (List e' lst) mapM _ Nil = return Nil mapM f (x ::: xs) = do nx <- f x nxs <- mapM f xs return (nx ::: nxs) mapIndexM :: Monad m => (forall n. Natural n -> e (Index lst n) -> m (e' (Index lst n))) -> List e lst -> m (List e' lst) mapIndexM f Nil = return Nil mapIndexM f (x ::: xs) = do nx <- f Zero x nxs <- mapIndexM (\n -> f (Succ n)) xs return (nx ::: nxs) cons :: e x -> List e xs -> List e (x ': xs) cons = (:::) append :: List e xs -> e x -> List e (Append xs x) append Nil y = y ::: Nil append (x ::: xs) y = x ::: (append xs y) length :: List e lst -> Natural (Length lst) length Nil = Zero length (_ ::: xs) = Succ (length xs) drop :: List e lst -> Natural i -> List e (Drop lst i) drop xs Zero = xs drop (x ::: xs) (Succ n) = drop xs n take :: List e lst -> Natural i -> List e (Take lst i) take xs Zero = Nil take (x ::: xs) (Succ n) = x ::: (take xs n) last :: List e lst -> e (Last lst) last (x ::: Nil) = x last (x ::: y ::: rest) = last (y ::: rest) dropLast :: List e lst -> List e (DropLast lst) dropLast (_ ::: Nil) = Nil dropLast (x ::: y ::: rest) = x ::: (dropLast (y ::: rest)) stripPrefix :: GEq e => List e lst -> List e pre -> Maybe (List e (StripPrefix lst pre)) stripPrefix xs Nil = Just xs stripPrefix (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = case geq x y of Just Refl -> stripPrefix xs ys Nothing -> Nothing reverse :: List e lst -> List e (Reverse lst) reverse Nil = Nil reverse (x ::: xs) = append (reverse xs) x map :: List e lst -> (forall x. e x -> e (f x)) -> List e (Map lst f) map Nil _ = Nil map (x ::: xs) f = (f x) ::: (map xs f) unmap :: List p lst -> List e (Map lst f) -> (forall x. e (f x) -> e x) -> List e lst unmap Nil Nil _ = Nil unmap (_ ::: tps) (x ::: xs) f = (f x) ::: (unmap tps xs f) unmapM :: Monad m => List p lst -> List e (Map lst f) -> (forall x. e (f x) -> m (e x)) -> m (List e lst) unmapM Nil Nil _ = return Nil unmapM (_ ::: tps) (x ::: xs) f = do x' <- f x xs' <- unmapM tps xs f return $ x' ::: xs' mapM' :: Monad m => List e lst -> (forall x. e x -> m (e (f x))) -> m (List e (Map lst f)) mapM' Nil _ = return Nil mapM' (x ::: xs) f = do x' <- f x xs' <- mapM' xs f return (x' ::: xs') toList :: Monad m => (forall x. e x -> m a) -> List e lst -> m [a] toList f Nil = return [] toList f (x ::: xs) = do nx <- f x nxs <- toList f xs return (nx : nxs) toListIndex :: Monad m => (forall n. Natural n -> e (Index lst n) -> m a) -> List e lst -> m [a] toListIndex f Nil = return [] toListIndex f (x ::: xs) = do nx <- f Zero x nxs <- toListIndex (\n -> f (Succ n)) xs return (nx : nxs) foldM :: Monad m => (forall x. s -> e x -> m s) -> s -> List e lst -> m s foldM f s Nil = return s foldM f s (x ::: xs) = do ns <- f s x foldM f ns xs zipWithM :: Monad m => (forall x. e1 x -> e2 x -> m (e3 x)) -> List e1 lst -> List e2 lst -> m (List e3 lst) zipWithM f Nil Nil = return Nil zipWithM f (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = do z <- f x y zs <- zipWithM f xs ys return $ z ::: zs zipToListM :: Monad m => (forall x. e1 x -> e2 x -> m a) -> List e1 lst -> List e2 lst -> m [a] zipToListM f Nil Nil = return [] zipToListM f (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = do z <- f x y zs <- zipToListM f xs ys return (z : zs) mapAccumM :: Monad m => (forall x. s -> e x -> m (s,e' x)) -> s -> List e xs -> m (s,List e' xs) mapAccumM _ s Nil = return (s,Nil) mapAccumM f s (x ::: xs) = do (s1,x') <- f s x (s2,xs') <- mapAccumM f s1 xs return (s2,x' ::: xs') instance GEq e => Eq (List e lst) where (==) Nil Nil = True (==) (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = case geq x y of Just Refl -> xs==ys Nothing -> False instance GEq e => GEq (List e) where geq Nil Nil = Just Refl geq (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = do Refl <- geq x y Refl <- geq xs ys return Refl geq _ _ = Nothing instance GCompare e => Ord (List e lst) where compare Nil Nil = EQ compare (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = case gcompare x y of GEQ -> compare xs ys GLT -> LT GGT -> GT instance GCompare e => GCompare (List e) where gcompare Nil Nil = GEQ gcompare Nil _ = GLT gcompare _ Nil = GGT gcompare (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = case gcompare x y of GEQ -> case gcompare xs ys of GEQ -> GEQ GLT -> GLT GGT -> GGT GLT -> GLT GGT -> GGT instance GShow e => Show (List e lst) where showsPrec p Nil = showString "[]" showsPrec p (x ::: xs) = showChar '[' . gshowsPrec 0 x . showLst xs . showChar ']' where showLst :: List e lst' -> ShowS showLst Nil = id showLst (x ::: xs) = showChar ',' . gshowsPrec 0 x . showLst xs instance GShow e => GShow (List e) where gshowsPrec = showsPrec