
Smuggler2 is a Haskell GHC Source Plugin that rewrites module imports (to produce a
minimal set) and adds or replaces explicit exports automatically.
This may make code easier to read because the provenance of imported
names is explcit. While writing code, it may be convenient to import a complete
module (by not specifiying what is to be imported from it) and then get
Smuggler2 to limit the import to include only the names that are used.
By default, all values, types and classes defined in a module
are exported (excluding those that are imported). Smuggler2 can generate
the code for that maximalist export list, for hand pruning. (It does not check
whether an exported name is used.) Limiting exports may make it easier for
to optimise some code.
How to use
Adding Smuggler2 to your dependencies
Add smuggler2
to the dependencies of your project and to your compiler
flags. For example, you could include in your project cabal
file something
flag smuggler2
description: Rewrite sources to cleanp imports, and create explicit exports
default: False
manual: True
common smuggler-options
if flag(smuggler2)
ghc-options: -fplugin:Smuggler2.Plugin
build-depends: smuggler2 >= 0.3
and the import: smuggler-options
in the appropriate library
or executable
The use of the flag allows you to build with or without source processing. Eg,
$ cabal build -fsmuggler2
using the example above.
You might use this approach to refine your imports or get a starting point for your
exports, but not rewrite them every time you compile. The use of a flag means
that you can also exclude smuggler2
dependencies from your final builds.
Alternatively, using a local version
If you have installed smuggler2
from a local copy of this repository,
you may only need to add -package smuggler2
to your ghc-options
common smuggler-options
if flag(smuggler2)
ghc-options: -fplugin:Smuggler2.Plugin --package smuggler22
(You may need to install from a local copy using cabal v1-install
for smuggler2
to be recognised.)
has several (case-insensitive) options, which can be set by adding a
to your ghc-options
- do no import processing
- remove unused imports, but preserve a library import stub.
such as import Mod ()
, to import only instances of typeclasses from it. (The default.)
- remove unused imports, including any that may be needed
only to import typeclass instances. This may, therefore, stop the module from compiling.
- do no export processing
- add an explicit list of all available exports (excluding
those that are imported) if there is no existing export list. (The default.)
You may want to edit it to keep specific values, types or classes local to the module.
At present, a typeclass and its class methods are exported individually. You may want to
replace those exports with an abbreviation such as C(..)
- replace any existing module export list with one containing all
available exports (which, again, you can, of course, then prune to your requirements).
Any other option value is used to generate a source file with a new extension of
the option value (new
in the following example) rather than replacing the original file.
ghc-options: -fplugin:Smuggler2.Plugin -fplugin-opt=Smuggler2.Plugin:new
This will create output files with a .new
suffix rather the overwriting the originals.
Smuggler2 tries not to perform file changes when
there are no unused imports or exports to be added or replaced.
So you can just run ghcid
as usual:
ghcid --command='cabal repl'
If you add -v
to your ghc-options
is robust -- it can chew through the
agda codebase of over 370 modules with complex
interdependencies and be tripped over by only
- a handful of pattern synonym imports,
- a couple of ambiguous exports (are we trying to export something
defined in the current module or something with the same name from an imported
- and a couple of imports where both qualifed and unqualifed version of the
module are imported and there are references to both qualified and unqualifed
version of the same names
But there are some caveats, most of which are either easy enough to work around
(and still benefit from a great reduction in keyboard work):
rewrites the existing imports, rather than attempting to prune
them. (This is a more aggressive approach than smuggler
which focuses on
removing redundant imports.) It has advantages and disadvantages. The
advantage is that a minimal set of imports is generated in a reproducable format.
The disdvantage is that imports may be reordered, comments and blankdropped, external
imports mixed with external, etc.
By default Smuggler2
does not remove imports completely because an import may be being
used to only import instances of typeclasses, So it will leave stubs like
import Mod ()
that you may want to remove manually. Alternatively use the MinimiseImports
option to
remove them anyway, at the risk of producing code that fails to compile.
CPP files will not be processed correctly: the imports will be generated for
current CPP settings and any CPP annotations in the import block will be
discarded. This may be a particular problem if you are writing code for
several generations of ghc
and base
for example.
solves this problem generating all possible versions of the module
(exponential in the number of #if
directives), operating on each version
individually, and splicing results back into the original file. A tour de
depends on the current ghc
compiler and base
library to check
whether an import is redundant. Earlier versions of the compiler may, of
course, need it. The base library
changelog provides some
details of what was made available when.
Multiple separate import lines referring to the same library are not
Literate Haskell lhs
files are not supported
clauses may not be properly analysed. So hiding things that are not
used may not be spotted.
Certain syntax pattern imports may not be imported correctly (the pattern
keyword is missing)
The test suite does not seem to run reliably on Windows. This is probably
more of an issue with the way that the tests are run, than Smuggler2
Currently cabal
does not have a particular way of specifying plugins.
(See, eg, and which would allow cleaner
separation of user code and plugin-code
For contributors
, ghc-8.8.3
and ghc-8.10.1
: Smuggler2
will not compile with earlier versions.
- The test golden values are for
and ghc-8.8.3
. Some of them fail on ghc-8.6.5
because it seems to need to import Data.Bool
whereas later versions of GHC don't. The results
compile on ghc-8.6.5
and later anyway, but the imports are not as minimal
for later versions as they could be.
cabal >= 3.0
(ideally 3.2
How to build
$ cabal update
$ cabal build
To build with debugging:
$ cabal bulid -fdebug
Curently this just adds an -fdump-minimal-imports
parameter to GHC
How to run tests
There is a tasty-golden
-based test suite that can be run by
$ cabal test smuggler-test --enable-tests
Further help can be found by
$ cabal run smuggler-test -- --help
(note the extra --
For example, if you are running on ghc-8.6.5
you can
$ cabal run smuggler2-test -- --accept
to update the golden outputs to the current results of (failing) tests.
It is sometimes necessary to run cabal clean
before running tests to ensure
that old build artefacts do not lead to misleading results.
uses cabal exec ghc
internally to run a test. The cabal
that is to be used to do that can be set using the CABAL
environment variable.
This may be helpful for certain workflows where cabal
is not in the current
path, or you want to add extra flags to the cabal
The test suite does not run reliably on Windows
Implementation approach
uses the ghc-exactprint
library to modiify the
source code. The documentation for the library is fairly spartan, and the
library is not widely used, so the use here can, no doubt, be optimised.
The library is needed because the annotated AST that GHC generates does not have enough
information to reconstitute the original source.
Some parts of the renamed syntax tree (for example, imports) are
not found in the typechecked one. ghc-exactprint
provides parsers that
preserve this information, which is stored in a separate
used to generate properly formatted source text.
To make manipulation of GHC's AST and ghc-exactprint
's Anns
provides a set of Transform functions. These are intended to facilitate
making changes to the AST and adjusting the Anns
to suit the changes.
These functions are said to be under heavy development.
It is not entirely obvious how they are intended to be used or composed. The
approach provided by retrie
wraps an AST and Anns
into a single type that seems to make AST
transformations easier to compose and reduces the risk of the Anns
and AST getting
out of sync as it is being transformed, something with which the type system doesn't
help you since the Anns
are stored as a Map
uses GHC to generate a set of minimal imports. It
- parses the original file
- dumps the minimal exports that GHC generates and parses them back in (to pick
up the annotations needed for printing)
- drops implicit imports (such as Prelude) and, optionally, imports that are
for instances only
- replaces the original imports with minimal ones
s the result back over the original file (or one with a different
suffix, if that was specified as option to smuggler2
This round tripping is needed because the AST provided by GHC to smuggler2
is of a different type from the AST that ghc-exactprint
uses. (It is the
product of the renaming phase of the compiler, while ghc-exactprint
a parse phase AST.)
Exports are simpler to deal with as GHC's exports_from_avail
does the work.
Other projects
- Smuggler2 was is a rewrite of
a code modding tool
that works with GHC 8.10.1
an ambitious import refactoring tool.
This uses haskell-src-exts
rather than ghc-exactprint
and so may not work with current versions of GHC.
- These blog posts contain some fragments on the topic of using
to manipulate import lists
Terser import declarations and
GHC API (The site
doesn't always seem to be up.)
Thanks to
- Dmitrii Kovanikov and Veronika Romashkina who wrote
- Alan Zimmerman and Matthew Pickering for
- The ghc authors who have made the compiler internals available through an API.