module Snap.Snaplet.Session.Backends.CookieSession
( initCookieSessionManager
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Generics
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Snap.Core (Snap)
import Web.ClientSession
import Snap.Snaplet
import Snap.Snaplet.Session
import Snap.Snaplet.Session.SessionManager
type Session = HashMap Text Text
data CookieSession = CookieSession
{ csCSRFToken :: Text
, csSession :: Session
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Serialize CookieSession where
put (CookieSession a b) =
S.put (encodeUtf8 a, map encodeTuple $ HM.toList b)
get =
let unpack (a,b) = CookieSession (decodeUtf8 a)
(HM.fromList $ map decodeTuple b)
in unpack <$> S.get
encodeTuple :: (Text, Text) -> (ByteString, ByteString)
encodeTuple (a,b) = (encodeUtf8 a, encodeUtf8 b)
decodeTuple :: (ByteString, ByteString) -> (Text, Text)
decodeTuple (a,b) = (decodeUtf8 a, decodeUtf8 b)
mkCookieSession :: RNG -> IO CookieSession
mkCookieSession rng = do
t <- liftIO $ mkCSRFToken rng
return $ CookieSession t HM.empty
data CookieSessionManager = CookieSessionManager {
session :: Maybe CookieSession
, siteKey :: Key
, cookieName :: ByteString
, timeOut :: Maybe Int
, randomNumberGenerator :: RNG
} deriving (Typeable)
loadDefSession :: CookieSessionManager -> IO CookieSessionManager
loadDefSession mgr@(CookieSessionManager ses _ _ _ rng) =
case ses of
Nothing -> do ses' <- mkCookieSession rng
return $! mgr { session = Just ses' }
Just _ -> return mgr
modSession :: (Session -> Session) -> CookieSession -> CookieSession
modSession f (CookieSession t ses) = CookieSession t (f ses)
:: FilePath
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Int
-> SnapletInit b SessionManager
initCookieSessionManager fp cn to =
makeSnaplet "CookieSession"
"A snaplet providing sessions via HTTP cookies."
Nothing $ liftIO $ do
key <- getKey fp
rng <- liftIO mkRNG
return $! SessionManager $ CookieSessionManager Nothing key cn to rng
instance ISessionManager CookieSessionManager where
load mgr@(CookieSessionManager r _ _ _ _) =
case r of
Just _ -> return mgr
Nothing -> do
pl <- getPayload mgr
case pl of
Nothing -> liftIO $ loadDefSession mgr
Just (Payload x) -> do
let c = S.decode x
case c of
Left _ -> liftIO $ loadDefSession mgr
Right cs -> return $ mgr { session = Just cs }
commit mgr@(CookieSessionManager r _ _ _ rng) = do
pl <- case r of
Just r' -> return . Payload $ S.encode r'
Nothing -> liftIO (mkCookieSession rng) >>=
return . Payload . S.encode
setPayload mgr pl
reset mgr = do
cs <- liftIO $ mkCookieSession (randomNumberGenerator mgr)
return $ mgr { session = Just cs }
touch = id
insert k v mgr@(CookieSessionManager r _ _ _ _) = case r of
Just r' -> mgr { session = Just $ modSession (HM.insert k v) r' }
Nothing -> mgr
lookup k (CookieSessionManager r _ _ _ _) = r >>= HM.lookup k . csSession
delete k mgr@(CookieSessionManager r _ _ _ _) = case r of
Just r' -> mgr { session = Just $ modSession (HM.delete k) r' }
Nothing -> mgr
csrf (CookieSessionManager r _ _ _ _) = case r of
Just r' -> csCSRFToken r'
Nothing -> ""
toList (CookieSessionManager r _ _ _ _) = case r of
Just r' -> HM.toList . csSession $ r'
Nothing -> []
newtype Payload = Payload ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Serialize)
getPayload :: CookieSessionManager -> Snap (Maybe Payload)
getPayload mgr = getSecureCookie (cookieName mgr) (siteKey mgr) (timeOut mgr)
setPayload :: CookieSessionManager -> Payload -> Snap ()
setPayload mgr x = setSecureCookie (cookieName mgr) (siteKey mgr)
(timeOut mgr) x