{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Types used by the Snap HTTP Server.
module Snap.Http.Server.Types
  ( ServerConfig
  , PerSessionData

  -- * ServerConfig
  , emptyServerConfig

  -- ** getters\/setters
  , getDefaultTimeout
  , getIsSecure
  , getLocalHostname
  , getLogAccess
  , getLogError
  , getNumAcceptLoops
  , getOnDataFinished
  , getOnEscape
  , getOnException
  , getOnNewRequest
  , getOnParse
  , getOnUserHandlerFinished
  , setDefaultTimeout
  , setIsSecure
  , setLocalHostname
  , setLogAccess
  , setLogError
  , setNumAcceptLoops
  , setOnDataFinished
  , setOnEscape
  , setOnException
  , setOnNewRequest
  , setOnParse
  , setOnUserHandlerFinished

  -- * PerSessionData
  -- ** getters
  , getTwiddleTimeout
  , isNewConnection
  , getLocalAddress
  , getLocalPort
  , getRemoteAddress
  , getRemotePort

  -- * HTTP lifecycle
  -- $lifecycle

  -- * Hooks
  -- $hooks

  , DataFinishedHook
  , EscapeSnapHook
  , ExceptionHook
  , ParseHook
  , NewRequestHook
  , UserHandlerFinishedHook

  -- * Handlers
  , SendFileHandler
  , ServerHandler
  , AcceptFunc

  -- * Socket types
  , SocketConfig(..)
  ) where

import           Data.ByteString                 (ByteString)
import           Data.IORef                      (readIORef)
import           Data.Word                       (Word64)
import           Data.ByteString.Builder         (Builder)
import           Snap.Core                       (Request, Response)
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Types (AcceptFunc, DataFinishedHook, EscapeSnapHook, ExceptionHook, NewRequestHook, ParseHook, PerSessionData (_isNewConnection, _localAddress, _localPort, _remoteAddress, _remotePort, _twiddleTimeout), SendFileHandler, ServerConfig (..), ServerHandler, SocketConfig (..), UserHandlerFinishedHook)

                          -- snap server lifecycle --

-- $lifecycle
-- 'Request' \/ 'Response' lifecycle for \"normal\" requests (i.e. without
-- errors):
-- 1. accept a new connection, set it up (e.g. with SSL)
-- 2. create a 'PerSessionData' object
-- 3. Enter the 'SessionHandler', which:
-- 4. calls the 'NewRequestHook', making a new hookState object.
-- 5. parses the HTTP request. If the session is over, we stop here.
-- 6. calls the 'ParseHook'
-- 7. enters the 'ServerHandler', which is provided by another part of the
--    framework
-- 8. the server handler passes control to the user handler
-- 9. a 'Response' is produced, and the 'UserHandlerFinishedHook' is called.
-- 10. the 'Response' is written to the client
-- 11. the 'DataFinishedHook' is called.
-- 12. we go to #3.

                                  -- hooks --

-- $hooks
-- #hooks#
-- At various critical points in the HTTP lifecycle, the Snap server will call
-- user-defined \"hooks\" that can be used for instrumentation or tracing of
-- the process of building the HTTP response. The first hook called, the
-- 'NewRequestHook', will generate a \"hookState\" object (having some
-- user-defined abstract type), and this object will be passed to the rest of
-- the hooks as the server handles the process of responding to the HTTP
-- request.
-- For example, you could pass a set of hooks to the Snap server that measured
-- timings for each URI handled by the server to produce online statistics and
-- metrics using something like @statsd@ (<https://github.com/etsy/statsd>).

emptyServerConfig :: ServerConfig a
emptyServerConfig =
    ServerConfig (\_ _ _ -> return $! ())
                 (\_     -> return $! ())
                 (\_     -> return $ error "undefined hook state")
                 (\_ _   -> return $! ())
                 (\_ _ _ -> return $! ())
                 (\_ _ _ -> return $! ())
                 (\_ _   -> return $! ())
                 (\_     -> return $! ())

getLogAccess :: ServerConfig hookState -> Request -> Response -> Word64 -> IO ()
getLogAccess sc             = _logAccess sc

getLogError :: ServerConfig hookState -> Builder -> IO ()
getLogError sc              = _logError sc

getOnNewRequest :: ServerConfig hookState -> NewRequestHook hookState
getOnNewRequest sc          = _onNewRequest sc

getOnParse :: ServerConfig hookState -> ParseHook hookState
getOnParse sc               = _onParse sc

getOnUserHandlerFinished :: ServerConfig hookState
                         -> UserHandlerFinishedHook hookState
getOnUserHandlerFinished sc = _onUserHandlerFinished sc

getOnDataFinished :: ServerConfig hookState -> DataFinishedHook hookState
getOnDataFinished sc        = _onDataFinished sc

getOnException :: ServerConfig hookState -> ExceptionHook hookState
getOnException sc           = _onException sc

getOnEscape :: ServerConfig hookState -> EscapeSnapHook hookState
getOnEscape sc              = _onEscape sc

getLocalHostname :: ServerConfig hookState -> ByteString
getLocalHostname sc         = _localHostname sc

getDefaultTimeout :: ServerConfig hookState -> Int
getDefaultTimeout sc        = _defaultTimeout sc

getIsSecure :: ServerConfig hookState -> Bool
getIsSecure sc              = _isSecure sc

getNumAcceptLoops :: ServerConfig hookState -> Int
getNumAcceptLoops sc        = _numAcceptLoops sc

setLogAccess :: (Request -> Response -> Word64 -> IO ())
             -> ServerConfig hookState
             -> ServerConfig hookState
setLogAccess s sc             = sc { _logAccess = s }

setLogError :: (Builder -> IO ())
            -> ServerConfig hookState
            -> ServerConfig hookState
setLogError s sc              = sc { _logError = s }

setOnNewRequest :: NewRequestHook hookState
                -> ServerConfig hookState
                -> ServerConfig hookState
setOnNewRequest s sc          = sc { _onNewRequest = s }

setOnParse :: ParseHook hookState
           -> ServerConfig hookState
           -> ServerConfig hookState
setOnParse s sc               = sc { _onParse = s }

setOnUserHandlerFinished :: UserHandlerFinishedHook hookState
                         -> ServerConfig hookState
                         -> ServerConfig hookState
setOnUserHandlerFinished s sc = sc { _onUserHandlerFinished = s }

setOnDataFinished :: DataFinishedHook hookState
                  -> ServerConfig hookState
                  -> ServerConfig hookState
setOnDataFinished s sc        = sc { _onDataFinished = s }

setOnException :: ExceptionHook hookState
               -> ServerConfig hookState
               -> ServerConfig hookState
setOnException s sc           = sc { _onException = s }

setOnEscape :: EscapeSnapHook hookState
            -> ServerConfig hookState
            -> ServerConfig hookState
setOnEscape s sc              = sc { _onEscape = s }

setLocalHostname :: ByteString
                 -> ServerConfig hookState
                 -> ServerConfig hookState
setLocalHostname s sc         = sc { _localHostname = s }

setDefaultTimeout :: Int -> ServerConfig hookState -> ServerConfig hookState
setDefaultTimeout s sc        = sc { _defaultTimeout = s }

setIsSecure :: Bool -> ServerConfig hookState -> ServerConfig hookState
setIsSecure s sc              = sc { _isSecure = s }

setNumAcceptLoops :: Int -> ServerConfig hookState -> ServerConfig hookState
setNumAcceptLoops s sc        = sc { _numAcceptLoops = s }

getTwiddleTimeout :: PerSessionData -> ((Int -> Int) -> IO ())
getTwiddleTimeout psd = _twiddleTimeout psd

isNewConnection :: PerSessionData -> IO Bool
isNewConnection = readIORef . _isNewConnection

getLocalAddress :: PerSessionData -> ByteString
getLocalAddress psd = _localAddress psd

getLocalPort :: PerSessionData -> Int
getLocalPort psd = _localPort psd

getRemoteAddress :: PerSessionData -> ByteString
getRemoteAddress psd = _remoteAddress psd

getRemotePort :: PerSessionData -> Int
getRemotePort psd = _remotePort psd