{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Tests ( tests , testsDbInit) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BL import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding (Test, path) import Database.SQLite.Simple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import App import Snap.Snaplet import Snap.Snaplet.Auth import qualified Snap.Test as ST import Snap.Snaplet.Test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tests :: Test tests = mutuallyExclusive $ testGroup "Snap.Snaplet.SqliteSimple" [ testInitDbEmpty , testCreateUserGood , testUpdateUser ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testsDbInit :: Test testsDbInit = mutuallyExclusive $ testGroup "Snap.Snaplet.SqliteSimple" [ -- Empty db testInitDbEmpty , testCreateUserGood , testUpdateUser -- Create empty db with old schema + one user , testInitDbSchema0 , testCreateUserGood , testUpdateUser -- Create empty db, add user in old schema, then access it , testInitDbSchema0WithUser , testUpdateUser ] isRight :: Either a b -> Bool isRight (Left _) = False isRight (Right _) = True dropTables :: Connection -> IO () dropTables conn = do execute_ conn "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS snap_auth_user" execute_ conn "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS snap_auth_user_version" -- Must be the first on the test list for basic database -- initialization (schema creation for snap_auth_user, etc.) testInitDbEmpty :: Test testInitDbEmpty = testCase "snaplet database init" go where go = do conn <- open "test.db" dropTables conn close conn (_, _handler, _doCleanup) <- runSnaplet Nothing appInit assertBool "init ok" True initSchema0 :: Query initSchema0 = Query $ T.concat [ "CREATE TABLE snap_auth_user (uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," , "login text UNIQUE NOT NULL," , "password text," , "activated_at timestamp,suspended_at timestamp,remember_token text," , "login_count INTEGER NOT NULL,failed_login_count INTEGER NOT NULL," , "locked_out_until timestamp,current_login_at timestamp," , "last_login_at timestamp,current_login_ip text," , "last_login_ip text,created_at timestamp,updated_at timestamp);" ] addFooUserSchema0 :: Query addFooUserSchema0 = "INSERT INTO snap_auth_user VALUES(1,'foo',X'7368613235367C31327C39426E5255534356444B4E6A3553716345774E756E513D3D7C633534506C69614A42314E483562677143494651616732454C75444B684F37745A78655479456C4F6F356F3D',NULL,NULL,'2cc0caf41bd7387150cc1416ac38bccc36e64c11a8945f72298ea366ffa8fc97',0,0,NULL,'2012-11-28 21:59:15.150153','2012-11-28 21:59:15.109848',NULL, NULL, '2012-11-28 21:59:15.052817','2012-11-28 21:59:15.052817');" -- Must be the first on the test list for basic database -- initialization (schema creation for snap_auth_user, etc.) testInitDbSchema0 :: Test testInitDbSchema0 = testCase "init db with schema0" $ do conn <- open "test.db" dropTables conn execute_ conn initSchema0 close conn (_, _handler, _doCleanup) <- runSnaplet Nothing appInit assertBool "init ok" True -- Initialize db schema to an empty schema0 and add a user 'foo'. The -- expectation is that snaplet initialization needs to do schema -- migration for the tables and rows. testInitDbSchema0WithUser :: Test testInitDbSchema0WithUser = testCase "init + add foo user directly" $ do conn <- open "test.db" dropTables conn execute_ conn initSchema0 execute_ conn addFooUserSchema0 close conn (_, _handler, _doCleanup) <- runSnaplet Nothing appInit assertBool "init ok" True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testCreateUserGood :: Test testCreateUserGood = testCase "createUser good params" assertGoodUser where assertGoodUser :: Assertion assertGoodUser = do let hdl = with auth $ createUser "foo" "foo" res <- evalHandler Nothing (ST.get "" M.empty) hdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) checkUserFields res checkUserFields (Left _) = assertBool "createUser failed: Couldn't create a new user." False checkUserFields (Right u) = do assertEqual "login match" "foo" (userLogin u) assertEqual "login count" 0 (userLoginCount u) assertEqual "fail count" 0 (userFailedLoginCount u) assertEqual "local host ip" Nothing (userCurrentLoginIp u) assertEqual "local host ip" Nothing (userLastLoginIp u) assertEqual "locked until" Nothing (userLockedOutUntil u) assertEqual "empty email" Nothing (userEmail u) assertEqual "roles" [] (userRoles u) assertEqual "meta" HM.empty (userMeta u) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Create a user, modify it, persist it and load again, check fields ok. -- Must run after testCreateUserGood testUpdateUser :: Test testUpdateUser = testCase "createUser + update good params" assertGoodUser where assertGoodUser :: Assertion assertGoodUser = do let loginHdl = with auth $ loginByUsername "foo" (ClearText "foo") True res <- evalHandler Nothing (ST.get "" M.empty) loginHdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) checkLoggedInUser res checkLoggedInUser (Left _) = assertBool "failed login" False checkLoggedInUser (Right u) = do assertEqual "login count" 1 (userLoginCount u) assertEqual "fail count" 0 (userFailedLoginCount u) assertEqual "locked until" Nothing (userLockedOutUntil u) assertEqual "local host ip" (Just "") (userCurrentLoginIp u) assertEqual "no previous login" Nothing (userLastLoginIp u) let saveHdl = with auth $ saveUser (u { userLogin = "bar" , userRoles = roles , userMeta = meta }) res <- evalHandler Nothing (ST.get "" M.empty) saveHdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) checkUpdatedUser res roles = [Role $ BL.pack "Superman", Role $ BL.pack "Journalist"] meta = HM.fromList [ (T.pack "email-verified", A.toJSON $ T.pack "yes") , (T.pack "suppress-products", A.toJSON [T.pack "Kryptonite"]) ] checkUpdatedUser (Left _) = assertBool "failed saveUser" False checkUpdatedUser (Right u) = do assertEqual "login rename ok?" "bar" (userLogin u) assertEqual "login count" 1 (userLoginCount u) assertEqual "local host ip" (Just "") (userCurrentLoginIp u) assertEqual "local host ip" Nothing (userLastLoginIp u) assertEqual "account roles" roles (userRoles u) assertEqual "account meta data" meta (userMeta u) let loginHdl = with auth $ loginByUsername "bar" (ClearText "foo") True res <- evalHandler Nothing (ST.get "" M.empty) loginHdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) (assertBool "login as 'bar' ok?" . isRight) res