module Solga.Swagger
( genSwagger
, RouterSwagger(..)
, GenPathsM
, Paths
, Context(..)
, passPaths
, noPaths
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Control.Lens hiding (Context)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.DList as DL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OHMS
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Swagger as Swagger
import Data.Swagger.Declare
import Solga
data Context = Context
{ contextMethod :: Maybe HTTP.Method
, pathSegments :: DL.DList Text
, operationContext :: Operation
, paramScope :: HMS.HashMap Text Int
} deriving (Show)
noContext :: Context
noContext = Context
{ contextMethod = mempty
, pathSegments = mempty
, operationContext = mempty
, paramScope = mempty
type GenPathsM = ExceptT ( Text, Context ) (Declare (Definitions Schema))
type Paths = OHMS.InsOrdHashMap Text PathItem
class RouterSwagger r where
genPaths :: Proxy r -> Context -> GenPathsM Paths
default genPaths :: (RouterSwagger (Rep r ())) => Proxy r -> Context -> GenPathsM Paths
genPaths _ = genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep r ()))
passPaths :: (r ~ f next, RouterSwagger next) => Proxy r -> Context -> GenPathsM Paths
passPaths p = genPaths (nextProxy p)
noPaths :: Proxy r -> Context -> GenPathsM Paths
noPaths _ _ = return mempty
genSwagger :: RouterSwagger r => Proxy r -> Either ( Text, Context ) Swagger
genSwagger p = case runDeclare (runExceptT (genPaths p noContext)) mempty of
( _, Left err ) -> Left err
( defs, Right ps ) ->
fpPaths = OHMS.fromList $ map (\(k, v) -> ( T.unpack k, v )) $ OHMS.toList ps
in Right (mempty & paths .~ fpPaths & definitions .~ defs)
nextProxy :: Proxy (r next) -> Proxy next
nextProxy _ = Proxy
pathsFromContext :: Response -> Context -> GenPathsM Paths
pathsFromContext response ctx@Context { contextMethod, pathSegments, operationContext } = do
let path = foldMap (\seg -> "/" <> seg) (DL.toList pathSegments)
methodSetter <- case contextMethod of
Just m -> case m of
"GET" -> return Swagger.get
"PUT" -> return Swagger.put
"POST" -> return
"DELETE" -> return Swagger.delete
"OPTIONS" -> return Swagger.options
"HEAD" -> return Swagger.head_
"PATCH" -> return Swagger.patch
_ -> throwError ( "Unsupported method " <> decodeUtf8 m, ctx )
_ -> throwError ( "Missing method in context.", ctx )
let resps = mempty & responses .~ OHMS.singleton 200 (Inline response)
let operation = operationContext & responses .~ resps
let pathItem = mempty & methodSetter ?~ operation
return $ OHMS.singleton path pathItem
instance RouterSwagger RawResponse where
genPaths _ = pathsFromContext mempty
instance ToSchema a => RouterSwagger (JSON a) where
genPaths p ctx = do
respSchemaRef <- lift $ declareSchemaRef (nextProxy p)
let resp = mempty & schema ?~ respSchemaRef
pathsFromContext resp ctx
instance (KnownSymbol m, RouterSwagger next) => RouterSwagger (Method m next) where
genPaths p ctx = case ctx of
Context { contextMethod = Just ctxMeth } | ctxMeth /= method -> throwError ( "Conflicting method specification.", ctx )
_ -> genPaths (nextProxy p) ctx { contextMethod = Just method }
method = BSC.pack (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
instance (KnownSymbol seg, RouterSwagger next) => RouterSwagger (Seg seg next) where
genPaths p ctx = do
let seg = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy seg)
genPaths (nextProxy p) ctx { pathSegments = pathSegments ctx `DL.snoc` seg }
instance RouterSwagger next => RouterSwagger (WithIO next) where
genPaths = passPaths
instance RouterSwagger next => RouterSwagger (End next) where
genPaths = passPaths
instance RouterSwagger next => RouterSwagger (NoCache next) where
genPaths = passPaths
instance RouterSwagger next => RouterSwagger (ExtraHeaders next) where
genPaths = passPaths
instance RouterSwagger (ReqBodyMultipart a next) where
genPaths = noPaths
instance RouterSwagger (OneOfSegs '[] next) where
genPaths = noPaths
instance (KnownSymbol seg, RouterSwagger next, RouterSwagger (OneOfSegs segs next)) => RouterSwagger (OneOfSegs (seg ': segs) next) where
genPaths p ctx = do
let seg = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy seg)
nextPaths <- genPaths (nextProxy p) ctx { pathSegments = pathSegments ctx `DL.snoc` seg }
nextSegPaths <- genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy (OneOfSegs segs next)) ctx
return (nextPaths `OHMS.union` nextSegPaths)
instance RouterSwagger Raw where
genPaths = noPaths
instance (RouterSwagger left, RouterSwagger right) => RouterSwagger (left :<|> right) where
genPaths _ ctx =
OHMS.unionWith mappend
<$> genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy left) ctx
<*> genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy right) ctx
instance RouterSwagger r => RouterSwagger (K1 i r p) where
genPaths _ = genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy r)
instance RouterSwagger (f p) => RouterSwagger (M1 i c f p) where
genPaths _ = genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy (f p))
instance (RouterSwagger (left p), RouterSwagger (right p)) => RouterSwagger ((left :*: right) p) where
genPaths _ ctx =
OHMS.unionWith mappend
<$> genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy (left p)) ctx
<*> genPaths (Proxy :: Proxy (right p)) ctx
instance (ToSchema a, RouterSwagger next) => RouterSwagger (ReqBodyJSON a next) where
genPaths p ctx@Context { operationContext } = do
let hasOtherBody = notNullOf (parameters . folded . _Inline . schema . _ParamBody) operationContext
if hasOtherBody
then throwError ( "Conflicting request body schemas.", ctx )
else do
bodySchemaRef <- lift $ declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy a)
let param = mempty & name .~ "requestBody" & required .~ Just True & schema .~ (ParamBody bodySchemaRef)
genPaths (nextProxy p) ctx { operationContext = operationContext & parameters <>~ [ Inline param ] }
newName :: Text -> Context -> ( Text, Context )
newName desiredName ctx@Context { paramScope } = case HMS.lookup desiredName paramScope of
Nothing -> ( desiredName, ctx { paramScope = HMS.insert desiredName 1 paramScope } )
Just count -> let newCount = count + 1 in ( desiredName <> T.pack (show newCount), ctx { paramScope = HMS.insert desiredName newCount paramScope } )
instance (Typeable a, ToParamSchema a, RouterSwagger next) => RouterSwagger (Capture a next) where
genPaths p ctx = do
let desiredName = T.pack $ tyConName $ typeRepTyCon $ typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)
let ( paramName, newCtx ) = newName desiredName ctx
let pSchema = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
let pOtherSchema = mempty & in_ .~ ParamPath & paramSchema .~ pSchema
let param = mempty & name .~ paramName & required .~ Just True & schema .~ ParamOther pOtherSchema
genPaths (nextProxy p) newCtx
{ pathSegments = pathSegments ctx `DL.snoc` paramName
, operationContext = operationContext newCtx & parameters <>~ [ Inline param ]