sparse-merkle-trees: Sparse Merkle trees with proofs of inclusion and exclusion

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Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 Tochi Obudulu
Author Tochi Obudulu
Category Cryptography, Data Structures
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CI/CD Hackage BSD3

A Haskell library implementing sparse Merkle trees, an authenticated data structure with support for zero-knowledge proofs of inclusion and exclusion, parametrised over cryptographic hash algorithms at the type level.

Note: This library is currently experimental and is subject to change.


A Merkle tree is an authenticated data structure which supports efficient zero-knowledge proofs of element inclusion from a Merkle root.

A sparse Merkle tree (SMT) is Merkle Tree where all possible keys (digests) are at the leaves of the tree. This gives us the additional properties over a Merkle tree:

  • support for proofs of exclusion of elements from a Merkle root
  • history independence of the merkle root from element insertion order

A naive construction would mean that a N-bit key would yield a SMT of size 2^N. However, because the tree is sparse, there are efficient constructions that grow in size O(n) where n is the size of the tree.

Use cases

SMTs expand on the existing use cases of Merkle trees including:

  • Asset universes
  • Certificate revocation
  • Secure file systems
  • Secure messaging


Compact Sparse Merkle Trees

The compact sparse Merkle tree is based on the description given in this report by Faraz Haider. The module exposes an similar API to Data.Set but this is subject to change.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Crypto.Hash (SHA256) -- from cryptonite package
import Crypto.Hash.CompactSparseMerkleTree (CSMT, MembershipProof, MerkleRoot, Size (NonEmpty))
import qualified Crypto.Hash.CompactSparseMerkleTree as CSMT
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) -- from bytestring package

type MailingList = CSMT 'NonEmpty SHA256 ByteString

cypherPunks :: MailingList
cypherPunks =
  CSMT.insert "" $
    CSMT.insert "" $
      CSMT.insert "" $
        CSMT.insert "" $
          CSMT.insert "" $

summary :: MerkleRoot SHA256
summary = CSMT.merkleRoot cypherPunks

-- >>> summary
-- MerkleRoot b7061997fc49294bfb5c8893a684eea53d20f11d152530fbb95b3fc5ca902d2a

nakamotoProof :: MembershipProof SHA256
nakamotoProof = CSMT.membershipProof "" cypherPunks

-- >>> nakamotoProof
-- MembershipProof (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 4a2220676a74d2be6d0c00d939513a3b5599bd01c65cf3d1ce2d517f070a1c11, rootPath = [(5554c052244897a83ef61362e6a3141c034284b54f4977163070d634749a714c,R),(6c98a4128b8a86d5f646707d860a869244938b95177298c6746da5e1e981426e,R),(e1a4e69d03cd197af06688aafb33d50db1d7c407be747b4b9d46c877f2e97fa1,R)]})

szaboTechbookProof :: MembershipProof SHA256
szaboTechbookProof = CSMT.membershipProof "" cypherPunks

-- >>> szaboTechbookProof
-- MembershipProof (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 5554c052244897a83ef61362e6a3141c034284b54f4977163070d634749a714c, rootPath = [(4a2220676a74d2be6d0c00d939513a3b5599bd01c65cf3d1ce2d517f070a1c11,L),(6c98a4128b8a86d5f646707d860a869244938b95177298c6746da5e1e981426e,R),(e1a4e69d03cd197af06688aafb33d50db1d7c407be747b4b9d46c877f2e97fa1,R)]})

szaboNetcomProof :: MembershipProof SHA256
szaboNetcomProof = CSMT.membershipProof "" cypherPunks

-- >>> szaboNetcomProof
-- MembershipProof (ExclusionProof {excludedDigest = 8f3af01ec764fa90a9bb98b1547656e362640fc336cf31c80b7dfacb50f2d256, immediatePredecessor = Just (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 6c98a4128b8a86d5f646707d860a869244938b95177298c6746da5e1e981426e, rootPath = [(0fa34cea30d143cb5bbfd6937e3848c8faf4d0737b88b55fbcb0f2afac94e6b3,())]}), immediateSuccessor = Just (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 949802fb7f855457ede853818031b82bc5f446c7369f7abe6fa9e564dde18e96, rootPath = [(dc2baa959e086c741627d36a0804a302590b11e44590936621e81acd4a528de4,())]}), commonRootPath = []})

cypherPunks' :: MailingList
cypherPunks' = CSMT.delete "" (CSMT.insert "" cypherPunks) $ \case
  t@CSMT.Parent {} -> t
  _ -> error "impossible"

summary' :: MerkleRoot SHA256
summary' = CSMT.merkleRoot cypherPunks'

-- >>> summary'
-- MerkleRoot 7dc6b4dfcd54f9c6ac67a330b35539407c2e9559d7e589e6064f1c8a46256aa7

szaboTechbookProof' :: MembershipProof SHA256
szaboTechbookProof' = CSMT.membershipProof "" cypherPunks'

-- >>> szaboTechbookProof'
-- MembershipProof (ExclusionProof {excludedDigest = 5554c052244897a83ef61362e6a3141c034284b54f4977163070d634749a714c, immediatePredecessor = Just (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 4a2220676a74d2be6d0c00d939513a3b5599bd01c65cf3d1ce2d517f070a1c11, rootPath = []}), immediateSuccessor = Just (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 6c98a4128b8a86d5f646707d860a869244938b95177298c6746da5e1e981426e, rootPath = []}), commonRootPath = [(b8804f3bbe10963f35ee72dbd55a8aa33b64260ab0c63bff59acc13ea8088e56,R)]})

szaboNetcomProof' :: MembershipProof SHA256
szaboNetcomProof' = CSMT.membershipProof "" cypherPunks'

-- >>> szaboNetcomProof
-- MembershipProof (ExclusionProof {excludedDigest = 8f3af01ec764fa90a9bb98b1547656e362640fc336cf31c80b7dfacb50f2d256, immediatePredecessor = Just (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 6c98a4128b8a86d5f646707d860a869244938b95177298c6746da5e1e981426e, rootPath = [(0fa34cea30d143cb5bbfd6937e3848c8faf4d0737b88b55fbcb0f2afac94e6b3,())]}), immediateSuccessor = Just (InclusionProof {includedDigest = 949802fb7f855457ede853818031b82bc5f446c7369f7abe6fa9e564dde18e96, rootPath = [(dc2baa959e086c741627d36a0804a302590b11e44590936621e81acd4a528de4,())]}), commonRootPath = []})

-- >>> all (CSMT.validProof summary) [nakamotoProof, szaboTechbookProof, szaboNetcomProof]
-- True
-- >>> all (CSMT.validProof summary') [szaboTechbookProof', szaboNetcomProof']
-- True
-- >>> CSMT.validProof summary' nakamotoProof
-- False

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