{-# language BlockArguments #-} {-# language LambdaCase #-} module IO where import System.IO ( hClose, hPutStrLn, openFile, stderr, stdout, IOMode(WriteMode), Handle ) import qualified Data.Massiv.Array as A import Data.List ( intercalate ) import Control.Monad ( unless, forM_ ) import System.Random ( StdGen ) import Data.SRTree ( SRTree (..), Fix (..), var, floatConstsToParam, relabelVars ) import Algorithm.SRTree.Likelihoods ( Distribution (..) ) import Algorithm.SRTree.ConfidenceIntervals ( printCI, BasicStats(_stdErr, _corr), CI ) import qualified Data.SRTree.Print as P import Data.SRTree.Eval ( compMode ) import Args ( Args(outfile, alpha,dist,niter) ) import Report import Data.SRTree.Recursion ( cata ) import Debug.Trace ( trace, traceShow ) -- Header of CSV file csvHeader :: String csvHeader = intercalate "," (basicFields <> optFields <> modelFields) {-# inline csvHeader #-} csvHeaderSimple :: String csvHeaderSimple = intercalate "," (basicFields <> optFields) {-# inline csvHeaderSimple #-} -- Open file if filename is not empty openWriteWithDefault :: Handle -> String -> IO Handle openWriteWithDefault dflt "" = pure dflt openWriteWithDefault _ fname = openFile fname WriteMode {-# INLINE openWriteWithDefault #-} -- procecss a single tree and return all the available stats processTree :: Args -- command line arguments -> StdGen -- random number generator -> Datasets -- datasets -> Fix SRTree -- expression in tree format -> Int -- index of the parsed expression -> (BasicInfo, SSE, SSE, Info, (BasicStats, [CI], [CI], [CI], [CI])) processTree args seed dset t ix = (basic, sseOrig, sseOpt, info, cis) where (tree, theta0) = floatConstsToParam t basic = getBasicStats args seed dset tree theta0 ix treeVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> _expr basic (_, Nothing) -> _expr basic (Just xV, Just yV) -> _expr $ getBasicStats args seed dset{_xTr = xV, _yTr = yV} tree theta0 ix sseOrig = getSSE dset t sseOpt = getSSE dset (_expr basic) info = getInfo args dset (_expr basic) treeVal cis = getCI args dset basic (alpha args) processTreeSimple :: Args -- command line arguments -> StdGen -- random number generator -> Datasets -- datasets -> Fix SRTree -- expression in tree format -> Int -- index of the parsed expression -> (BasicInfo, SSE, SSE) processTreeSimple args seed dset t ix = (basic, sseOrig, sseOpt) where (tree, theta0) = floatConstsToParam t basic = getBasicStats args seed dset tree theta0 ix treeVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> _expr basic (_, Nothing) -> _expr basic (Just xV, Just yV) -> _expr $ getBasicStats args seed dset{_xTr = xV, _yTr = yV} tree theta0 ix sseOrig = getSSE dset t sseOpt = getSSE dset (_expr basic) -- print the results to a csv format (except CI) printResults :: Args -> StdGen -> Datasets -> [String] -> [Either String (Fix SRTree)] -> IO () printResults args seed dset varnames exprs = do hStat <- openWriteWithDefault stdout (outfile args) hPutStrLn hStat csvHeader forM_ (zip [0..] exprs) \(ix, tree) -> case tree of Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr ("invalid expression: " <> err) Right t -> let treeData = processTree args seed dset t ix in hPutStrLn hStat (toCsv treeData varnames) unless (null (outfile args)) (hClose hStat) printResultsSimple :: Args -> StdGen -> Datasets -> [String] -> [Either String (Fix SRTree)] -> IO () printResultsSimple args seed dset varnames exprs = do hStat <- openWriteWithDefault stdout (outfile args) hPutStrLn hStat csvHeaderSimple forM_ (zip [0..] exprs) \(ix, tree) -> case tree of Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr ("invalid expression: " <> err) Right t -> let treeData = processTreeSimple args seed dset t ix in hPutStrLn hStat (toCsvSimple treeData varnames) unless (null (outfile args)) (hClose hStat) -- change the stats into a string toCsv :: (BasicInfo, SSE, SSE, Info, e) -> [String] -> String toCsv (basic, sseOrig, sseOpt, info, _) varnames = intercalate "," (sBasic <> sSSEOrig <> sSSEOpt <> sInfo) where sBasic = [ show (_index basic), show (_fname basic), P.showExprWithVars varnames (_expr basic) , show (_nNodes basic), show (_nParams basic) , intercalate ";" (map show (_params basic)) , show (_nEvals basic) ] sSSEOrig = map (showF sseOrig) [_sseTr, _sseVal, _sseTe] sSSEOpt = map (showF sseOpt) [_sseTr, _sseVal, _sseTe] sInfo = map (showF info) [_bic, _bicVal, _aic, _aicVal, _evidence, _evidenceVal, _mdl, _mdlFreq, _mdlLatt, _mdlVal, _mdlFreqVal, _mdlLattVal, _nllTr, _nllVal, _nllTe, _cc, _cp] <> [intercalate ";" (map show (_fisher info))] showF p f = show (f p) toCsvSimple :: (BasicInfo, SSE, SSE) -> [String] -> String toCsvSimple (basic, sseOrig, sseOpt) varnames = intercalate "," (sBasic <> sSSEOrig <> sSSEOpt) where sBasic = [ show (_index basic), show (_fname basic), P.showExprWithVars varnames (_expr basic) , show (_nNodes basic), show (_nParams basic) , intercalate ";" (map show (_params basic)) , show (_nEvals basic) ] sSSEOrig = map (showF sseOrig) [_sseTr, _sseVal, _sseTe] sSSEOpt = map (showF sseOpt) [_sseTr, _sseVal, _sseTe] showF p f = show (f p) -- get trees of transformed features getTransformedFeatures :: Fix SRTree -> (Fix SRTree, [Fix SRTree]) getTransformedFeatures = cata $ \case Var ix -> (Fix $ Var ix, []) Param ix -> (Fix $ Param ix, []) Const x -> (Fix $ Const x, []) Uni f (t, vars) -> (Fix $ Uni f t, vars) Bin op (l, vs1) (r, vs2) -> case (hasNoParam l, hasNoParam r) of (False, True) -> let vs = vs1 <> vs2 in (Fix $ Bin op l (var $ length vs), vs <> [r]) (True, False) -> let vs = vs1 <> vs2 in (Fix $ Bin op (var $ length vs) r, vs <> [l]) ( _, _) -> (Fix $ Bin op l r, vs1 <> vs2) -- vs1 == vs2 == [] where hasNoParam = cata $ \case Var ix -> True Param ix -> False Const x -> if floor x == ceiling x then True else False Uni f t -> t Bin op l r -> l && r allAreVars :: [Fix SRTree] -> Bool allAreVars = all isOnlyVar where isOnlyVar (Fix (Var _)) = True isOnlyVar _ = False -- print the information on screen (including CIs) printResultsScreen :: Args -> StdGen -> Datasets -> [String] -> String -> [Either String (Fix SRTree)] -> IO () printResultsScreen args seed dset varnames targt exprs = do forM_ (zip [0..] exprs) \(ix, tree) -> case tree of Left err -> do putStrLn ("invalid expression: " <> err) Right t -> let treeData = processTree args seed dset t ix in printToScreen ix treeData where decim :: Int -> Double -> Double decim n x = (fromIntegral . (round :: Double -> Integer)) (x * 10^n) / 10^n sdecim n = show . decim n nplaces = 4 printToScreen ix (basic, _, sseOpt, info, (sts, cis, pis_tr, pis_val, pis_te)) = do let (transformedT, newvars) = getTransformedFeatures (_expr basic) varnames' = ['z': show ix | ix <- [0 .. length newvars - 1]] putStrLn $ "=================== EXPR " <> show ix <> " ==================" putStr $ targt <> " ~ f(" <> intercalate ", " varnames <> ") = " putStrLn $ P.showExprWithVars varnames (_expr basic) unless (allAreVars newvars) do putStrLn "\nExpression and transformed features: " putStr $ targt <> " ~ f(" <> intercalate ", " varnames' <> ") = " putStrLn $ P.showExprWithVars varnames' (relabelVars transformedT) forM_ (zip varnames' newvars) \(vn, tv) -> do putStrLn $ vn <> " = " <> P.showExprWithVars varnames tv putStrLn "\n---------General stats:---------\n" putStrLn $ "Number of nodes: " <> show (_nNodes basic) putStrLn $ "Number of params: " <> show (_nParams basic) putStrLn $ "theta = " <> show (_params basic) putStrLn "\n----------Performance:--------\n" putStrLn $ "SSE (train.): " <> sdecim nplaces (_sseTr sseOpt) putStrLn $ "SSE (val.): " <> sdecim nplaces (_sseVal sseOpt) putStrLn $ "SSE (test): " <> sdecim nplaces (_sseTe sseOpt) putStrLn $ "NegLogLiklihood (train.): " <> sdecim nplaces (_nllTr info) putStrLn $ "NegLogLiklihood (val.): " <> sdecim nplaces (_nllVal info) putStrLn $ "NegLogLiklihood (test): " <> sdecim nplaces (_nllTe info) putStrLn "\n------Selection criteria:-----\n" putStrLn $ "BIC: " <> sdecim nplaces (_bic info) putStrLn $ "AIC: " <> sdecim nplaces (_aic info) putStrLn $ "MDL: " <> sdecim nplaces (_mdl info) putStrLn $ "MDL (freq.): " <> sdecim nplaces (_mdlFreq info) putStrLn $ "Functional complexity: " <> sdecim nplaces (_cc info) putStrLn $ "Parameter complexity: " <> sdecim nplaces (_cp info) putStrLn "\n---------Uncertainties:----------\n" putStrLn "Correlation of parameters: " putStrLn $ show $ A.map (decim 2) (_corr sts) putStrLn $ "Std. Err.: " <> show (A.map (decim nplaces) (_stdErr sts)) putStrLn "\nConfidence intervals:\n\nlower <= val <= upper" mapM_ (printCI nplaces) cis putStrLn "\nConfidence intervals (predictions training):\n\nlower <= val <= upper" mapM_ (printCI nplaces) pis_tr unless (null pis_val) do putStrLn "\nConfidence intervals (predictions validation):\n\nlower <= val <= upper" mapM_ (printCI nplaces) pis_val unless (null pis_te) do putStrLn "\nConfidence intervals (predictions test):\n\nlower <= val <= upper" mapM_ (printCI nplaces) pis_te putStrLn "============================================================="