module Report where import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS import qualified Data.Massiv.Array as A import Data.Massiv.Array ( Sz(..) ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Statistics.Distribution.FDistribution ( fDistribution ) import Statistics.Distribution.ChiSquared ( chiSquared ) import Statistics.Distribution ( quantile ) import System.Random ( StdGen, split, randomRs ) import Data.SRTree ( SRTree, Fix (..), floatConstsToParam, paramsToConst, countNodes ) import Data.SRTree.Eval import Algorithm.SRTree.AD ( forwardModeUniqueJac ) import Algorithm.SRTree.Likelihoods import Algorithm.SRTree.ModelSelection ( aic, bic, evidence, logFunctional, logParameters, mdl, mdlFreq, mdlLatt ) import Algorithm.SRTree.ConfidenceIntervals import Algorithm.SRTree.Opt (minimizeNLLWithFixedParam, minimizeNLL) import Data.SRTree.Datasets ( loadDataset ) import Data.SRTree.Print ( showExpr ) import Debug.Trace ( trace, traceShow ) import Args -- store the datasets split into training, validation and test data Datasets = DS { _xTr :: SRMatrix , _yTr :: PVector , _xVal :: Maybe SRMatrix , _yVal :: Maybe PVector , _xTe :: Maybe SRMatrix , _yTe :: Maybe PVector , _yErrTr :: Maybe PVector , _yErrVal :: Maybe PVector , _yErrTe :: Maybe PVector } -- basic fields name basicFields :: [String] basicFields = [ "Index" , "Filename" , "Expression" , "Number_of_nodes" , "Number_of_parameters" , "Parameters" , "Number_of_evaluations" ] -- basic information about the tree data BasicInfo = Basic { _index :: Int , _fname :: String , _expr :: Fix SRTree , _nNodes :: Int , _nParams :: Int , _params :: [Double] , _nEvals :: Int } -- optimization fields optFields :: [String] optFields = [ "SSE_train_orig" , "SSE_val_orig" , "SSE_test_orig" , "SSE_train_opt" , "SSE_val_opt" , "SSE_test_opt" ] -- optimization information data SSE = SSE { _sseTr :: Double , _sseVal :: Double , _sseTe :: Double } -- model selection fields modelFields :: [String] modelFields = [ "BIC" , "BIC_val" , "AIC" , "AIC_val" , "Evidence" , "EvidenceVal" , "MDL" , "MDL_Freq" , "MDL_Lattice" , "MDL_val" , "MDL_Freq_val" , "MDL_Lattice_val" , "NegLogLikelihood_train" , "NegLogLikelihood_val" , "NegLogLikelihood_test" , "LogFunctional" , "LogParameters" , "Fisher" ] -- model selection information data Info = Info { _bic :: Double , _bicVal :: Double , _aic :: Double , _aicVal :: Double , _evidence :: Double , _evidenceVal :: Double , _mdl :: Double , _mdlFreq :: Double , _mdlLatt :: Double , _mdlVal :: Double , _mdlFreqVal :: Double , _mdlLattVal :: Double , _nllTr :: Double , _nllVal :: Double , _nllTe :: Double , _cc :: Double , _cp :: Double , _fisher :: [Double] } -- load the datasets getDataset :: Args -> IO (Datasets, String, String) getDataset args = do ((xTr, yTr, xVal, yVal), (yErrTr, yErrVal), varnames, tgname) <- loadDataset (dataset args) (hasHeader args) let (A.Sz m) = A.size yVal let (mXVal, mYVal) = if m == 0 then (Nothing, Nothing) else (Just xVal, Just yVal) (mXTe, mYTe, mYErrTe) <- if null (test args) then pure (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) else do ((xTe, yTe, _, _), (yErrTe, _), _, _) <- loadDataset (test args) (hasHeader args) pure (Just xTe, Just yTe, yErrTe) pure (DS xTr yTr mXVal mYVal mXTe mYTe yErrTr yErrVal mYErrTe, varnames, tgname) getBasicStats :: Args -> StdGen -> Datasets -> Fix SRTree -> [Double] -> Int -> BasicInfo getBasicStats args seed dset tree theta0 ix | anyNaN = getBasicStats args (snd $ split seed) dset tree theta0 ix | otherwise = Basic ix (infile args) tOpt nNodes nParams params nEvs where -- (tree', theta0) = floatConstsToParam tree thetas = if restart args then A.fromList compMode $ take nParams (randomRs (-1.0, 1.0) seed) else A.fromList compMode theta0 (t,_,nEvs) = minimizeNLL (dist args) (_yErrTr dset) (niter args) (_xTr dset) (_yTr dset) tree thetas tOpt = paramsToConst (A.toList t) tree nNodes = countNodes tOpt :: Int nParams = length theta0 params = A.toList t anyNaN = A.any isNaN t getSSE :: Datasets -> Fix SRTree -> SSE getSSE dset tree = SSE tr val te where (t, th) = floatConstsToParam tree tr = sse (_xTr dset) (_yTr dset) t (A.fromList compMode th) val = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 (Just xVal, Just yVal) -> sse xVal yVal t (A.fromList compMode th) te = case (_xTe dset, _yTe dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 (Just xTe, Just yTe) -> sse xTe yTe t (A.fromList compMode th) getInfo :: Args -> Datasets -> Fix SRTree -> Fix SRTree -> Info getInfo args dset tree treeVal = Info { _bic = bic dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr thetaOpt' tOpt , _bicVal = bicVal , _aic = aic dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr thetaOpt' tOpt , _aicVal = aicVal , _evidence = evidence dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr thetaOpt' tOpt , _evidenceVal = evidenceVal , _mdl = mdl dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr thetaOpt' tOpt , _mdlFreq = mdlFreq dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr thetaOpt' tOpt , _mdlLatt = mdlLatt dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr thetaOpt' tOpt , _mdlVal = mdlVal , _mdlFreqVal = mdlFreqVal , _mdlLattVal = mdlLattVal , _nllTr = nllTr , _nllVal = nllVal , _nllTe = nllTe , _cc = logFunctional tOpt , _cp = logParameters dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr thetaOpt' tOpt , _fisher = A.toList $ fisherNLL dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr tOpt thetaOpt' } where (xTr, yTr) = (_xTr dset, _yTr dset) (xVal, yVal) = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> (xTr, yTr) (_, Nothing) -> (xTr, yTr) (Just a, Just b) -> (a, b) (tOpt, thetaOpt) = floatConstsToParam tree thetaOpt' = A.fromList compMode thetaOpt (tOptVal, thetaOptVal) = floatConstsToParam treeVal thetaOptVal' = A.fromList compMode thetaOptVal dist' = dist args nllTr = nll dist' (_yErrTr dset) (_xTr dset) (_yTr dset) tOpt (A.fromList compMode thetaOpt) bicVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 _ -> bic dist' (_yErrVal dset) xVal yVal thetaOptVal' tOptVal aicVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 _ -> aic dist' (_yErrVal dset) xVal yVal thetaOptVal' tOptVal evidenceVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 _ -> evidence dist' (_yErrVal dset) xVal yVal thetaOptVal' tOptVal nllVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 _ -> nll dist' (_yErrVal dset) xVal yVal tOptVal (A.fromList compMode thetaOptVal) mdlVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 _ -> mdl dist' (_yErrVal dset) xVal yVal thetaOptVal' tOptVal mdlFreqVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 _ -> mdlFreq dist' (_yErrVal dset) xVal yVal thetaOptVal' tOptVal mdlLattVal = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 _ -> mdlLatt dist' (_yErrVal dset) xVal yVal thetaOptVal' tOptVal nllTe = case (_xTe dset, _yTe dset) of (Nothing, _) -> 0.0 (_, Nothing) -> 0.0 (Just xTe, Just yTe) -> nll dist' (_yErrTe dset) xTe yTe tOpt (A.fromList compMode thetaOpt) getCI :: Args -> Datasets -> BasicInfo -> Double -> (BasicStats, [CI], [CI], [CI], [CI]) getCI args dset basic alpha' = (stats', cis, pis_tr, pis_val, pis_te) where (Sz n) = A.size yTr (tree, _) = floatConstsToParam (_expr basic) theta = _params basic tau_max = (quantile (fDistribution (_nParams basic) (n - _nParams basic)) (1 - 0.01)) tau_max' = sqrt $ quantile (fDistribution (_nParams basic) (n - _nParams basic)) (1 - alpha') (xTr, yTr) = (_xTr dset, _yTr dset) dist' = dist args stats' = getStatsFromModel dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr tree (A.fromList compMode theta) profiles = getAllProfiles (ptype args) dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr tree (A.fromList compMode theta) (_stdErr stats') estCIs alpha' method = if useProfile args then Profile stats' profiles else Laplace stats' predFun = A.computeAs A.S . predict dist' tree (A.fromList compMode theta) prof estPi th t = let (thOpt, _, _) = minimizeNLL dist' (_yErrTr dset) 100 xTr yTr t th ssr = sse xTr yTr t thOpt est = sqrt $ ssr / fromIntegral (n - _nParams basic) stdErr = _stdErr stats' A.! 0 fun = case ptype args of Bates -> getProfile dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr t thOpt stdErr tau_max 0 ODE -> getProfileODE dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr t thOpt stdErr estPi tau_max 0 Constrained -> getProfileCnstr dist' (_yErrTr dset) xTr yTr t thOpt stdErr tau_max' 0 in case fun of Left th' -> trace "found better optima" $ prof estPi th' t Right p -> (_tau2theta p, _opt p) jac xss = forwardModeUniqueJac xss (A.fromList compMode theta) tree -- FIX estCIs = paramCI (Laplace stats') n (A.fromList compMode theta) 0.001 cis = paramCI method n (A.fromList compMode theta) alpha' estPIS_tr = predictionCI (Laplace stats') dist' predFun jac prof xTr tree (A.fromList compMode theta) alpha' [] estPIS_val = predictionCI (Laplace stats') dist' predFun jac prof xTr tree (A.fromList compMode theta) alpha' [] estPIS_te = predictionCI (Laplace stats') dist' predFun jac prof xTr tree (A.fromList compMode theta) alpha' [] pis_tr = predictionCI method dist' predFun jac prof xTr tree (A.fromList compMode theta) alpha' estPIS_tr pis_val = case (_xVal dset, _yVal dset) of (Nothing, _) -> [] (Just xVal, _) -> predictionCI method dist' predFun jac prof xVal tree (A.fromList compMode theta) alpha' estPIS_val pis_te = case (_xTe dset, _yTe dset) of (Nothing, _) -> [] (Just xTe, _) -> predictionCI method dist' predFun jac prof xTe tree (A.fromList compMode theta) alpha' estPIS_te