{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {- | Module : Numeric.NLOPT Copyright : (c) Matthew Peddie 2017 License : BSD3 Maintainer : Matthew Peddie Stability : provisional Portability : GHC This module provides a high-level, @hmatrix@-compatible interface to the library by Steven G. Johnson. NOTE: This is an adaptation from https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hmatrix-nlopt- that removes the dependency to hmatrix and support any Vector Storage. = Documentation Most non-numerical details are documented, but for specific information on what the optimization methods do, how constraints are handled, etc., you should consult: * The * The * The = Example program The following interactive session example uses the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, a derivative-free local optimizer, to minimize a trivial function with a minimum of 22.0 at @(0, 0)@. >>> import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ( dot, fromList ) >>> let objf x = x `dot` x + 22 -- define objective >>> let stop = ObjectiveRelativeTolerance 1e-6 :| [] -- define stopping criterion >>> let algorithm = NELDERMEAD objf [] Nothing -- specify algorithm >>> let problem = LocalProblem 2 stop algorithm -- specify problem >>> let x0 = fromList [5, 10] -- specify initial guess >>> minimizeLocal problem x0 Right (Solution {solutionCost = 22.0, solutionParams = [0.0,0.0], solutionResult = FTOL_REACHED}) -} module Algorithm.SRTree.NonlinearOpt ( -- * Specifying the objective function Objective , ObjectiveD , Preconditioner -- * Specifying the constraints -- ** Bound constraints , Bounds(..) -- ** Nonlinear constraints -- -- $nonlinearconstraints -- *** Constraint functions , ScalarConstraint , ScalarConstraintD , VectorConstraint , VectorConstraintD -- *** Constraint types , Constraint(..) , EqualityConstraint(..) , InequalityConstraint(..) -- *** Collections of constraints , EqualityConstraints , EqualityConstraintsD , InequalityConstraints , InequalityConstraintsD -- * Stopping conditions -- -- $nonempty , StoppingCondition(..) , NonEmpty(..) -- * Additional configuration , RandomSeed(..) , Population(..) , VectorStorage(..) , InitialStep(..) -- * Minimization problems -- ** Local minimization , LocalAlgorithm(..) , LocalProblem(..) , minimizeLocal -- ** Global minimization , GlobalAlgorithm(..) , GlobalProblem(..) , minimizeGlobal -- ** Minimization by augmented Lagrangian , AugLagAlgorithm(..) , AugLagProblem(..) , minimizeAugLag -- ** Results , Solution(..) , N.Result(..) ) where import qualified Numeric.Optimization.NLOPT.Bindings as N import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V import Data.Vector.Storable ( Vector ) import Control.Exception ( Exception ) import qualified Control.Exception as Ex import Data.Typeable ( Typeable ) import Data.Foldable ( traverse_ ) import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) -- each element i contains a row vec type Matrix a = [Vector a] flatten :: V.Storable a => Matrix a -> Vector a flatten = V.concat {-# INLINE flatten #-} {- Function wrapping for the immutable HMatrix interface -} wrapScalarFunction :: (Vector Double -> Double) -> N.ScalarFunction () wrapScalarFunction f params _ _ = return $ f params wrapScalarFunctionD :: (Vector Double -> (Double, Vector Double)) -> N.ScalarFunction () wrapScalarFunctionD f params grad _ = do case grad of Nothing -> return () Just g -> V.copy g usergrad return result where (result, usergrad) = f params wrapVectorFunction :: (Vector Double -> Word -> Vector Double) -> Word -> N.VectorFunction () wrapVectorFunction f n params vout _ _ = V.copy vout $ f params n wrapVectorFunctionD :: (Vector Double -> Word -> (Vector Double, Matrix Double)) -> Word -> N.VectorFunction () wrapVectorFunctionD f n params vout jac _ = do V.copy vout result case jac of Nothing -> return () Just j -> V.copy j (flatten userjac) where (result, userjac) = f params n wrapPreconditionerFunction :: (Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double) -> N.PreconditionerFunction () wrapPreconditionerFunction f params v vpre _ = V.copy vpre (f params v) {- Objective functions -} -- | An objective function that calculates the objective value at the -- given parameter vector. type Objective = Vector Double -- ^ Parameter vector -> Double -- ^ Objective function value -- | An objective function that calculates both the objective value -- and the gradient of the objective with respect to the input -- parameter vector, at the given parameter vector. type ObjectiveD = Vector Double -- ^ Parameter vector -> (Double, Vector Double) -- ^ (Objective function value, gradient) -- | A preconditioner function, which computes @vpre = H(x) v@, where -- @H@ is the Hessian matrix: the positive semi-definite second -- derivative at the given parameter vector @x@, or an approximation -- thereof. type Preconditioner = Vector Double -- ^ Parameter vector @x@ -> Vector Double -- ^ Vector @v@ to precondition at @x@ -> Vector Double -- ^ Preconditioned vector @vpre@ data ObjectiveFunction f = MinimumObjective f | PreconditionedMinimumObjective Preconditioner f applyObjective :: N.Opt -> ObjectiveFunction Objective -> IO N.Result applyObjective opt (MinimumObjective f) = N.set_min_objective opt (wrapScalarFunction f) () applyObjective opt (PreconditionedMinimumObjective p f) = N.set_precond_min_objective opt (wrapScalarFunction f) (wrapPreconditionerFunction p) () applyObjectiveD :: N.Opt -> ObjectiveFunction ObjectiveD -> IO N.Result applyObjectiveD opt (MinimumObjective f) = N.set_min_objective opt (wrapScalarFunctionD f) () applyObjectiveD opt (PreconditionedMinimumObjective p f) = N.set_precond_min_objective opt (wrapScalarFunctionD f) (wrapPreconditionerFunction p) () {- Constraint functions -} -- | A constraint function which returns @c(x)@ given the parameter -- vector @x@. The constraint will enforce that @c(x) == 0@ (equality -- constraint) or @c(x) <= 0@ (inequality constraint). type ScalarConstraint = Vector Double -- ^ Parameter vector @x@ -> Double -- ^ Constraint violation (deviation from 0) -- | A constraint function which returns @c(x)@ given the parameter -- vector @x@ along with the gradient of @c(x)@ with respect to @x@ at -- that point. The constraint will enforce that @c(x) == 0@ (equality -- constraint) or @c(x) <= 0@ (inequality constraint). type ScalarConstraintD = Vector Double -- ^ Parameter vector -> (Double, Vector Double) -- ^ (Constraint violation, constraint gradient) -- | A constraint function which returns a vector @c(x)@ given the -- parameter vector @x@. The constraint will enforce that @c(x) == 0@ -- (equality constraint) or @c(x) <= 0@ (inequality constraint). type VectorConstraint = Vector Double -- ^ Parameter vector -> Word -- ^ Constraint Vectorize -> Vector Double -- ^ Constraint violation vector -- | A constraint function which returns @c(x)@ given the parameter -- vector @x@ along with the Jacobian (first derivative) matrix of -- @c(x)@ with respect to @x@ at that point. The constraint will -- enforce that @c(x) == 0@ (equality constraint) or @c(x) <= 0@ -- (inequality constraint). type VectorConstraintD = Vector Double -- ^ Parameter vector -> Word -- ^ Constraint Vectorize -> (Vector Double, Matrix Double) -- ^ (Constraint violation vector, -- constraint Jacobian) -- $nonlinearconstraints -- -- Note that most NLOPT algorithms do not support nonlinear -- constraints natively; if you need to enforce nonlinear constraints, -- you may want to use the 'AugLagAlgorithm' family of solvers, which -- can add nonlinear constraints to some algorithm that does not -- support them by a principled modification of the objective -- function. -- -- == Example program -- -- The following interactive session example enforces a scalar -- constraint on the problem given in the beginning of the module: the -- parameters must always sum to 1. The minimizer finds a constrained -- minimum of 22.5 at @(0.5, 0.5)@. -- -- >>> import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ( dot, fromList, toList ) -- >>> let objf x = x `dot` x + 22 -- >>> let stop = ObjectiveRelativeTolerance 1e-9 :| [] -- >>> -- define constraint function: -- >>> let constraintf x = sum (toList x) - 1.0 -- >>> -- define constraint object to pass to the algorithm: -- >>> let constraint = EqualityConstraint (Scalar constraintf) 1e-6 -- >>> let algorithm = COBYLA objf [] [] [constraint] Nothing -- >>> let problem = LocalProblem 2 stop algorithm -- >>> let x0 = fromList [5, 10] -- >>> minimizeLocal problem x0 -- Right (Solution {solutionCost = 22.500000000013028, solutionParams = [0.5000025521533521,0.49999744784664796], solutionResult = FTOL_REACHED}) data Constraint s v -- | A scalar constraint. = Scalar s -- | A vector constraint. | Vector Word v -- | A scalar constraint with an attached preconditioning function. | Preconditioned Preconditioner s -- | An equality constraint, comprised of both the constraint function -- (or functions, if a preconditioner is used) along with the desired -- tolerance. data EqualityConstraint s v = EqualityConstraint { eqConstraintFunctions :: Constraint s v , eqConstraintTolerance :: Double } -- | An inequality constraint, comprised of both the constraint -- function (or functions, if a preconditioner is used) along with the -- desired tolerance. data InequalityConstraint s v = InequalityConstraint { ineqConstraintFunctions :: Constraint s v , ineqConstraintTolerance :: Double } -- | A collection of equality constraints that do not supply -- constraint derivatives. type EqualityConstraints = [EqualityConstraint ScalarConstraint VectorConstraint] -- | A collection of inequality constraints that do not supply -- constraint derivatives. type InequalityConstraints = [InequalityConstraint ScalarConstraint VectorConstraint] -- | A collection of equality constraints that supply constraint -- derivatives. type EqualityConstraintsD = [EqualityConstraint ScalarConstraintD VectorConstraintD] -- | A collection of inequality constraints that supply constraint -- derivatives. type InequalityConstraintsD = [InequalityConstraint ScalarConstraintD VectorConstraintD] class ApplyConstraint constraint where applyConstraint :: N.Opt -> constraint -> IO N.Result instance ApplyConstraint (EqualityConstraint ScalarConstraint VectorConstraint) where applyConstraint opt (EqualityConstraint ty tol) = case ty of Scalar s -> N.add_equality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunction s) () tol Vector n v -> N.add_equality_mconstraint opt n (wrapVectorFunction v n) () tol Preconditioned p s -> N.add_precond_equality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunction s) (wrapPreconditionerFunction p) () tol instance ApplyConstraint (InequalityConstraint ScalarConstraint VectorConstraint) where applyConstraint opt (InequalityConstraint ty tol) = case ty of Scalar s -> N.add_inequality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunction s) () tol Vector n v -> N.add_inequality_mconstraint opt n (wrapVectorFunction v n) () tol Preconditioned p s -> N.add_precond_inequality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunction s) (wrapPreconditionerFunction p) () tol instance ApplyConstraint (EqualityConstraint ScalarConstraintD VectorConstraintD) where applyConstraint opt (EqualityConstraint ty tol) = case ty of Scalar s -> N.add_equality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunctionD s) () tol Vector n v -> N.add_equality_mconstraint opt n (wrapVectorFunctionD v n) () tol Preconditioned p s -> N.add_precond_equality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunctionD s) (wrapPreconditionerFunction p) () tol instance ApplyConstraint (InequalityConstraint ScalarConstraintD VectorConstraintD) where applyConstraint opt (InequalityConstraint ty tol) = case ty of Scalar s -> N.add_inequality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunctionD s) () tol Vector n v -> N.add_inequality_mconstraint opt n (wrapVectorFunctionD v n) () tol Preconditioned p s -> N.add_precond_inequality_constraint opt (wrapScalarFunctionD s) (wrapPreconditionerFunction p) () tol {- Bounds -} -- | Bound constraints are specified by vectors of the same dimension -- as the parameter space. -- -- == Example program -- -- The following interactive session example enforces lower bounds on -- the example from the beginning of the module. This prevents the -- optimizer from locating the true minimum at @(0, 0)@; a slightly -- higher constrained minimum at @(1, 1)@ is found. Note that the -- optimizer returns 'N.XTOL_REACHED' rather than 'N.FTOL_REACHED', -- because the bound constraint is active at the final minimum. -- -- >>> import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ( dot, fromList ) -- >>> let objf x = x `dot` x + 22 -- define objective -- >>> let stop = ObjectiveRelativeTolerance 1e-6 :| [] -- define stopping criterion -- >>> let lowerbound = LowerBounds $ fromList [1, 1] -- specify bounds -- >>> let algorithm = NELDERMEAD objf [lowerbound] Nothing -- specify algorithm -- >>> let problem = LocalProblem 2 stop algorithm -- specify problem -- >>> let x0 = fromList [5, 10] -- specify initial guess -- >>> minimizeLocal problem x0 -- Right (Solution {solutionCost = 24.0, solutionParams = [1.0,1.0], solutionResult = XTOL_REACHED}) data Bounds -- | Lower bound vector @v@ means we want @x >= v@. = LowerBounds (Vector Double) -- | Upper bound vector @u@ means we want @x <= u@. | UpperBounds (Vector Double) deriving (Eq, Show, Read) applyBounds :: N.Opt -> Bounds -> IO N.Result applyBounds opt (LowerBounds lbvec) = N.set_lower_bounds opt lbvec applyBounds opt (UpperBounds ubvec) = N.set_upper_bounds opt ubvec {- Stopping conditions -} -- | A 'StoppingCondition' tells NLOPT when to stop working on a -- minimization problem. When multiple 'StoppingCondition's are -- provided, the problem will stop when any one condition is met. data StoppingCondition -- | Stop minimizing when an objective value @J@ less than or equal -- to the provided value is found. = MinimumValue Double -- | Stop minimizing when an optimization step changes the objective -- value @J@ by less than the provided tolerance multiplied by @|J|@. | ObjectiveRelativeTolerance Double -- | Stop minimizing when an optimization step changes the objective -- value by less than the provided tolerance. | ObjectiveAbsoluteTolerance Double -- | Stop when an optimization step changes /every element/ of the -- parameter vector @x@ by less than @x@ scaled by the provided -- tolerance. | ParameterRelativeTolerance Double -- | Stop when an optimization step changes /every element/ of the -- parameter vector @x@ by less than the corresponding element in -- the provided vector of tolerances values. | ParameterAbsoluteTolerance (Vector Double) -- | Stop when the number of evaluations of the objective function -- exceeds the provided count. | MaximumEvaluations Word -- | Stop when the optimization time exceeds the provided time (in -- seconds). This is not a precise limit. | MaximumTime Double deriving (Eq, Show, Read) -- $nonempty -- -- The 'NonEmpty' data type from 'Data.List.NonEmpty' is re-exported -- here, because it is used to ensure that you always specify at least -- one stopping condition. applyStoppingCondition :: N.Opt -> StoppingCondition -> IO N.Result applyStoppingCondition opt (MinimumValue x) = N.set_stopval opt x applyStoppingCondition opt (ObjectiveRelativeTolerance x) = N.set_ftol_rel opt x applyStoppingCondition opt (ObjectiveAbsoluteTolerance x) = N.set_ftol_abs opt x applyStoppingCondition opt (ParameterRelativeTolerance x) = N.set_xtol_rel opt x applyStoppingCondition opt (ParameterAbsoluteTolerance v) = N.set_xtol_abs opt v applyStoppingCondition opt (MaximumEvaluations n) = N.set_maxeval opt n applyStoppingCondition opt (MaximumTime deltat) = N.set_maxtime opt deltat {- Random seed control -} -- | This specifies how to initialize the random number generator for -- stochastic algorithms. data RandomSeed -- | Seed the RNG with the provided value. = SeedValue Word -- | Seed the RNG using the system clock. | SeedFromTime -- | Don't perform any explicit initialization of the RNG. | Don'tSeed deriving (Eq, Show, Read) applyRandomSeed :: RandomSeed -> IO () applyRandomSeed Don'tSeed = return () applyRandomSeed (SeedValue n) = N.srand n applyRandomSeed SeedFromTime = N.srand_time {- Random stuff -} -- | This specifies the population size for algorithms that use a pool -- of solutions. newtype Population = Population Word deriving (Eq, Show, Read) applyPopulation :: N.Opt -> Population -> IO N.Result applyPopulation opt (Population n) = N.set_population opt n -- | This specifies the memory size to be used by algorithms like -- 'LBFGS' which store approximate Hessian or Jacobian matrices. newtype VectorStorage = VectorStorage Word deriving (Eq, Show, Read) applyVectorStorage :: N.Opt -> VectorStorage -> IO N.Result applyVectorStorage opt (VectorStorage n) = N.set_vector_storage opt n -- | This vector with the same dimension as the parameter vector @x@ -- specifies the initial step for the optimizer to take. (This -- applies to local gradient-free algorithms, which cannot use -- gradients to estimate how big a step to take.) newtype InitialStep = InitialStep (Vector Double) deriving (Eq, Show, Read) applyInitialStep :: N.Opt -> InitialStep -> IO N.Result applyInitialStep opt (InitialStep v) = N.set_initial_step opt v {- Algorithms -} data GlobalProblem = GlobalProblem { lowerBounds :: Vector Double -- ^ Lower bounds for @x@ , upperBounds :: Vector Double -- ^ Upper bounds for @x@ , gstop :: NonEmpty StoppingCondition -- ^ At least one stopping -- condition , galgorithm :: GlobalAlgorithm -- ^ Algorithm specification } -- | These are the global minimization algorithms provided by NLOPT. Please see -- -- for more details on how the methods work and how they relate to one another. -- -- Optional parameters are wrapped in a 'Maybe'; for example, if you -- see 'Maybe' 'Population', you can simply specify 'Nothing' to use -- the default behavior. data GlobalAlgorithm -- | DIviding RECTangles = DIRECT Objective -- | DIviding RECTangles, locally-biased variant | DIRECT_L Objective -- | DIviding RECTangles, "slightly randomized" | DIRECT_L_RAND Objective RandomSeed -- | DIviding RECTangles, unscaled version | DIRECT_NOSCAL Objective -- | DIviding RECTangles, locally-biased and unscaled | DIRECT_L_NOSCAL Objective -- | DIviding RECTangles, locally-biased, unscaled and "slightly -- randomized" | DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL Objective RandomSeed -- | DIviding RECTangles, original FORTRAN implementation | ORIG_DIRECT Objective InequalityConstraints -- | DIviding RECTangles, locally-biased, original FORTRAN -- implementation | ORIG_DIRECT_L Objective InequalityConstraints -- | Stochastic Global Optimization. -- __This algorithm is only available if you have linked with @libnlopt_cxx@.__ | STOGO ObjectiveD -- | Stochastic Global Optimization, randomized variant. -- __This algorithm is only available if you have linked with @libnlopt_cxx@.__ | STOGO_RAND ObjectiveD RandomSeed -- | Controlled Random Search with Local Mutation | CRS2_LM Objective RandomSeed (Maybe Population) -- | Improved Stochastic Ranking Evolution Strategy | ISRES Objective InequalityConstraints EqualityConstraints RandomSeed (Maybe Population) -- | Evolutionary Algorithm | ESCH Objective -- | Original Multi-Level Single-Linkage | MLSL Objective LocalProblem (Maybe Population) -- | Multi-Level Single-Linkage with Sobol Low-Discrepancy -- Sequence for starting points | MLSL_LDS Objective LocalProblem (Maybe Population) algorithmEnumOfGlobal :: GlobalAlgorithm -> N.Algorithm algorithmEnumOfGlobal (DIRECT _) = N.GN_DIRECT algorithmEnumOfGlobal (DIRECT_L _) = N.GN_DIRECT_L algorithmEnumOfGlobal (DIRECT_L_RAND _ _) = N.GN_DIRECT_L_RAND algorithmEnumOfGlobal (DIRECT_NOSCAL _) = N.GN_DIRECT_NOSCAL algorithmEnumOfGlobal (DIRECT_L_NOSCAL _) = N.GN_DIRECT_L_NOSCAL algorithmEnumOfGlobal (DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL _ _) = N.GN_DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL algorithmEnumOfGlobal (ORIG_DIRECT _ _) = N.GN_ORIG_DIRECT algorithmEnumOfGlobal (ORIG_DIRECT_L _ _) = N.GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L algorithmEnumOfGlobal (STOGO _) = N.GD_STOGO algorithmEnumOfGlobal (STOGO_RAND _ _) = N.GD_STOGO_RAND algorithmEnumOfGlobal (CRS2_LM _ _ _) = N.GN_CRS2_LM algorithmEnumOfGlobal (ISRES _ _ _ _ _) = N.GN_ISRES algorithmEnumOfGlobal (ESCH _) = N.GN_ESCH algorithmEnumOfGlobal (MLSL _ _ _) = N.G_MLSL algorithmEnumOfGlobal (MLSL_LDS _ _ _) = N.G_MLSL_LDS applyGlobalObjective :: N.Opt -> GlobalAlgorithm -> IO () applyGlobalObjective opt alg = go alg where obj = tryTo . applyObjective opt . MinimumObjective objD = tryTo . applyObjectiveD opt . MinimumObjective go (DIRECT o) = obj o go (DIRECT_L o) = obj o go (DIRECT_NOSCAL o) = obj o go (DIRECT_L_NOSCAL o) = obj o go (ESCH o) = obj o go (STOGO o) = objD o go (DIRECT_L_RAND o _) = obj o go (DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL o _) = obj o go (ORIG_DIRECT o _) = obj o go (ORIG_DIRECT_L o _) = obj o go (STOGO_RAND o _) = objD o go (CRS2_LM o _ _) = obj o go (ISRES o _ _ _ _) = obj o go (MLSL o _ _) = obj o go (MLSL_LDS o _ _) = obj o applyGlobalAlgorithm :: N.Opt -> GlobalAlgorithm -> IO () applyGlobalAlgorithm opt alg = do applyGlobalObjective opt alg go alg where seed = applyRandomSeed pop = maybe (return ()) (tryTo . applyPopulation opt) ic = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) ec = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) local lp = setupLocalProblem lp >>= N.set_local_optimizer opt go (DIRECT_L_RAND _ s) = seed s go (DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL _ s) = seed s go (ORIG_DIRECT _ ineq) = ic ineq go (ORIG_DIRECT_L _ ineq) = ic ineq go (STOGO_RAND _ s) = seed s go (CRS2_LM _ s p) = seed s *> pop p go (ISRES _ ineq eq s p) = ic ineq *> ec eq *> seed s *> pop p go (MLSL _ lp p) = local lp *> pop p go (MLSL_LDS _ lp p) = local lp *> pop p go _ = return () tryTo :: IO N.Result -> IO () tryTo act = do result <- act if (N.isSuccess result) then return () else Ex.throw $ NloptException result data NloptException = NloptException N.Result deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception NloptException -- | Solve the specified global optimization problem. -- -- = Example program -- -- The following interactive session example uses the 'ISRES' -- algorithm, a stochastic, derivative-free global optimizer, to -- minimize a trivial function with a minimum of 22.0 at @(0, 0)@. -- The search is conducted within a box from -10 to 10 in each -- dimension. -- -- >>> import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ( dot, fromList ) -- >>> let objf x = x `dot` x + 22 -- define objective -- >>> let stop = ObjectiveRelativeTolerance 1e-12 :| [] -- define stopping criterion -- >>> let algorithm = ISRES objf [] [] (SeedValue 22) Nothing -- specify algorithm -- >>> let lowerbounds = fromList [-10, -10] -- specify bounds -- >>> let upperbounds = fromList [10, 10] -- specify bounds -- >>> let problem = GlobalProblem lowerbounds upperbounds stop algorithm -- >>> let x0 = fromList [5, 8] -- specify initial guess -- >>> minimizeGlobal problem x0 -- Right (Solution {solutionCost = 22.000000000002807, solutionParams = [-1.660591102367038e-6,2.2407062393213684e-7], solutionResult = FTOL_REACHED}) minimizeGlobal :: GlobalProblem -- ^ Problem specification -> Vector Double -- ^ Initial parameter guess -> Either N.Result Solution -- ^ Optimization results minimizeGlobal prob x0 = unsafePerformIO $ (Right <$> minimizeGlobal' prob x0) `Ex.catch` handler where handler :: NloptException -> IO (Either N.Result a) handler (NloptException retcode) = return $ Left retcode applyGlobalProblem :: N.Opt -> GlobalProblem -> IO () applyGlobalProblem opt (GlobalProblem lb ub stop alg) = do tryTo $ applyBounds opt (LowerBounds lb) tryTo $ applyBounds opt (UpperBounds ub) traverse_ (tryTo . applyStoppingCondition opt) stop applyGlobalAlgorithm opt alg newOpt :: N.Algorithm -> Word -> IO N.Opt newOpt alg sz = do opt' <- N.create alg sz case opt' of Nothing -> Ex.throw $ NloptException N.FAILURE Just opt -> return opt setupGlobalProblem :: GlobalProblem -> IO N.Opt setupGlobalProblem gp@(GlobalProblem _ _ _ alg) = do opt <- newOpt (algorithmEnumOfGlobal alg) (problemSize gp) applyGlobalProblem opt gp return opt solveProblem :: N.Opt -> Vector Double -> IO Solution solveProblem opt x0 = do (N.Output outret outcost outx nevals) <- N.optimize opt x0 if (N.isSuccess outret) then return $ Solution outcost outx outret nevals else Ex.throw $ NloptException outret minimizeGlobal' :: GlobalProblem -> Vector Double -> IO Solution minimizeGlobal' gp x0 = do opt <- setupGlobalProblem gp solveProblem opt x0 data LocalProblem = LocalProblem { lsize :: Word -- ^ The dimension of the -- parameter vector. , lstop :: NonEmpty StoppingCondition -- ^ At least one stopping -- condition , lalgorithm :: LocalAlgorithm -- ^ Algorithm specification } -- | These are the local minimization algorithms provided by NLOPT. Please see -- -- for more details on how the methods work and how they relate to one -- another. Note that some local methods require you provide -- derivatives (gradients or Jacobians) for your objective function -- and constraint functions. -- -- Optional parameters are wrapped in a 'Maybe'; for example, if you -- see 'Maybe' 'VectorStorage', you can simply specify 'Nothing' to -- use the default behavior. data LocalAlgorithm -- | Limited-memory BFGS = LBFGS_NOCEDAL ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Limited-memory BFGS | LBFGS ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Shifted limited-memory variable-metric, rank-2 | VAR2 ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Shifted limited-memory variable-metric, rank-1 | VAR1 ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Truncated Newton's method | TNEWTON ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Truncated Newton's method with automatic restarting | TNEWTON_RESTART ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Preconditioned truncated Newton's method | TNEWTON_PRECOND ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Preconditioned truncated Newton's method with automatic -- restarting | TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART ObjectiveD (Maybe VectorStorage) -- | Method of moving averages | MMA ObjectiveD InequalityConstraintsD -- | Sequential Least-Squares Quadratic Programming | SLSQP ObjectiveD [Bounds] InequalityConstraintsD EqualityConstraintsD -- | Conservative Convex Separable Approximation | CCSAQ ObjectiveD Preconditioner -- | PRincipal AXIS gradient-free local optimization | PRAXIS Objective [Bounds] (Maybe InitialStep) -- | Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximations | COBYLA Objective [Bounds] InequalityConstraints EqualityConstraints (Maybe InitialStep) -- | Powell's NEWUOA algorithm | NEWUOA Objective (Maybe InitialStep) -- | Powell's NEWUOA algorithm with bounds by SGJ | NEWUOA_BOUND Objective [Bounds] (Maybe InitialStep) -- | Nelder-Mead Simplex gradient-free method | NELDERMEAD Objective [Bounds] (Maybe InitialStep) -- | NLOPT implementation of Rowan's Subplex algorithm | SBPLX Objective [Bounds] (Maybe InitialStep) -- | Bounded Optimization BY Quadratic Approximations | BOBYQA Objective [Bounds] (Maybe InitialStep) algorithmEnumOfLocal :: LocalAlgorithm -> N.Algorithm algorithmEnumOfLocal (LBFGS_NOCEDAL _ _) = N.LD_LBFGS_NOCEDAL algorithmEnumOfLocal (LBFGS _ _) = N.LD_LBFGS algorithmEnumOfLocal (VAR2 _ _) = N.LD_VAR2 algorithmEnumOfLocal (VAR1 _ _) = N.LD_VAR1 algorithmEnumOfLocal (TNEWTON _ _) = N.LD_TNEWTON algorithmEnumOfLocal (TNEWTON_RESTART _ _) = N.LD_TNEWTON_RESTART algorithmEnumOfLocal (TNEWTON_PRECOND _ _) = N.LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND algorithmEnumOfLocal (TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART _ _) = N.LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART algorithmEnumOfLocal (MMA _ _) = N.LD_MMA algorithmEnumOfLocal (SLSQP _ _ _ _) = N.LD_SLSQP algorithmEnumOfLocal (CCSAQ _ _) = N.LD_CCSAQ algorithmEnumOfLocal (PRAXIS _ _ _) = N.LN_PRAXIS algorithmEnumOfLocal (COBYLA _ _ _ _ _) = N.LN_COBYLA algorithmEnumOfLocal (NEWUOA _ _) = N.LN_NEWUOA algorithmEnumOfLocal (NEWUOA_BOUND _ _ _) = N.LN_NEWUOA algorithmEnumOfLocal (NELDERMEAD _ _ _) = N.LN_NELDERMEAD algorithmEnumOfLocal (SBPLX _ _ _) = N.LN_SBPLX algorithmEnumOfLocal (BOBYQA _ _ _) = N.LN_BOBYQA applyLocalObjective :: N.Opt -> LocalAlgorithm -> IO () applyLocalObjective opt alg = go alg where obj = tryTo . applyObjective opt . MinimumObjective objD = tryTo . applyObjectiveD opt . MinimumObjective precond p = tryTo . applyObjectiveD opt . PreconditionedMinimumObjective p go (LBFGS_NOCEDAL o _) = objD o go (LBFGS o _) = objD o go (VAR2 o _) = objD o go (VAR1 o _) = objD o go (TNEWTON o _) = objD o go (TNEWTON_RESTART o _) = objD o go (TNEWTON_PRECOND o _) = objD o go (TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART o _) = objD o go (MMA o _) = objD o go (SLSQP o _ _ _) = objD o go (CCSAQ o prec) = precond prec o go (PRAXIS o _ _) = obj o go (COBYLA o _ _ _ _) = obj o go (NEWUOA o _) = obj o go (NEWUOA_BOUND o _ _) = obj o go (NELDERMEAD o _ _) = obj o go (SBPLX o _ _) = obj o go (BOBYQA o _ _) = obj o applyLocalAlgorithm :: N.Opt -> LocalAlgorithm -> IO () applyLocalAlgorithm opt alg = do applyLocalObjective opt alg go alg where ic = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) icd = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) ec = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) ecd = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) store = maybe (return ()) (tryTo . applyVectorStorage opt) bound = traverse_ (tryTo . applyBounds opt) step0 = maybe (return ()) (tryTo . applyInitialStep opt) go (LBFGS_NOCEDAL _ vs) = store vs go (LBFGS _ vs) = store vs go (VAR2 _ vs) = store vs go (VAR1 _ vs) = store vs go (TNEWTON _ vs) = store vs go (TNEWTON_RESTART _ vs) = store vs go (TNEWTON_PRECOND _ vs) = store vs go (TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART _ vs) = store vs go (MMA _ ineqd) = icd ineqd go (SLSQP _ b ineqd eqd) = bound b *> icd ineqd *> ecd eqd go (CCSAQ _ _ ) = return () go (PRAXIS _ b s) = bound b *> step0 s go (COBYLA _ b ineq eq s) = bound b *> ic ineq *> ec eq *> step0 s go (NEWUOA _ s) = step0 s go (NEWUOA_BOUND _ b s) = bound b *> step0 s go (NELDERMEAD _ b s) = bound b *> step0 s go (SBPLX _ b s) = bound b *> step0 s go (BOBYQA _ b s) = bound b *> step0 s applyLocalProblem :: N.Opt -> LocalProblem -> IO () applyLocalProblem opt (LocalProblem _ stop alg) = do traverse_ (tryTo . applyStoppingCondition opt) stop applyLocalAlgorithm opt alg setupLocalProblem :: LocalProblem -> IO N.Opt setupLocalProblem lp@(LocalProblem sz _ alg) = do opt <- newOpt (algorithmEnumOfLocal alg) sz applyLocalProblem opt lp return opt minimizeLocal' :: LocalProblem -> Vector Double -> IO Solution minimizeLocal' lp x0 = do opt <- setupLocalProblem lp solveProblem opt x0 -- | -- == Example program -- -- The following interactive session example enforces the same scalar -- constraint as the nonlinear constraint example, but this time it -- uses the SLSQP solver to find the minimum. -- -- >>> import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ( dot, fromList, toList, scale ) -- >>> let objf x = (x `dot` x + 22, 2 `scale` x) -- >>> let stop = ObjectiveRelativeTolerance 1e-9 :| [] -- >>> let constraintf x = (sum (toList x) - 1.0, fromList [1, 1]) -- >>> let constraint = EqualityConstraint (Scalar constraintf) 1e-6 -- >>> let algorithm = SLSQP objf [] [] [constraint] -- >>> let problem = LocalProblem 2 stop algorithm -- >>> let x0 = fromList [5, 10] -- >>> minimizeLocal problem x0 -- Right (Solution {solutionCost = 22.5, solutionParams = [0.4999999999999998,0.5000000000000002], solutionResult = FTOL_REACHED}) minimizeLocal :: LocalProblem -> Vector Double -> Either N.Result Solution minimizeLocal prob x0 = unsafePerformIO $ (Right <$> minimizeLocal' prob x0) `Ex.catch` handler where handler :: NloptException -> IO (Either N.Result a) handler (NloptException retcode) = return $ Left retcode class ProblemSize c where problemSize :: c -> Word instance ProblemSize LocalProblem where problemSize = lsize instance ProblemSize GlobalProblem where problemSize = fromIntegral . V.length . lowerBounds instance ProblemSize AugLagProblem where problemSize (AugLagProblem _ _ alg) = case alg of AUGLAG_LOCAL lp _ _ -> problemSize lp AUGLAG_EQ_LOCAL lp -> problemSize lp AUGLAG_GLOBAL gp _ _ -> problemSize gp AUGLAG_EQ_GLOBAL gp -> problemSize gp -- | __IMPORTANT NOTE__ -- -- For augmented lagrangian problems, you, the user, are responsible -- for providing the appropriate type of constraint. If the -- subsidiary problem requires an `ObjectiveD`, then you should -- provide constraint functions with derivatives. If the subsidiary -- problem requires an `Objective`, you should provide constraint -- functions without derivatives. If you don't do this, you may get a -- runtime error. data AugLagProblem = AugLagProblem { alEquality :: EqualityConstraints -- ^ Possibly empty set of -- equality constraints , alEqualityD :: EqualityConstraintsD -- ^ Possibly empty set of -- equality constraints with -- derivatives , alalgorithm :: AugLagAlgorithm -- ^ Algorithm specification. } -- | The Augmented Lagrangian solvers allow you to enforce nonlinear -- constraints while using local or global algorithms that don't -- natively support them. The subsidiary problem is used to do the -- minimization, but the @AUGLAG@ methods modify the objective to -- enforce the constraints. Please see -- -- for more details on how the methods work and how they relate to one another. -- -- See the documentation for 'AugLagProblem' for an important note -- about the constraint functions. data AugLagAlgorithm -- | AUGmented LAGrangian with a local subsidiary method = AUGLAG_LOCAL LocalProblem InequalityConstraints InequalityConstraintsD -- | AUGmented LAGrangian with a local subsidiary method and with -- penalty functions only for equality constraints | AUGLAG_EQ_LOCAL LocalProblem -- | AUGmented LAGrangian with a global subsidiary method | AUGLAG_GLOBAL GlobalProblem InequalityConstraints InequalityConstraintsD -- | AUGmented LAGrangian with a global subsidiary method and with -- penalty functions only for equality constraints. | AUGLAG_EQ_GLOBAL GlobalProblem algorithmEnumOfAugLag :: AugLagAlgorithm -> N.Algorithm algorithmEnumOfAugLag (AUGLAG_LOCAL _ _ _) = N.AUGLAG algorithmEnumOfAugLag (AUGLAG_EQ_LOCAL _) = N.AUGLAG_EQ algorithmEnumOfAugLag (AUGLAG_GLOBAL _ _ _) = N.AUGLAG algorithmEnumOfAugLag (AUGLAG_EQ_GLOBAL _) = N.AUGLAG_EQ -- | This structure is returned in the event of a successful -- optimization. data Solution = Solution { solutionCost :: Double -- ^ The objective function value -- at the minimum , solutionParams :: Vector Double -- ^ The parameter vector which -- minimizes the objective , solutionResult :: N.Result -- ^ Why the optimizer stopped , nEvals :: Int -- ^ Number of evaluations until stop } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) applyAugLagAlgorithm :: N.Opt -> AugLagAlgorithm -> IO () applyAugLagAlgorithm opt alg = go alg where ic = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) icd = traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) -- AUGLAG won't work at all if you don't pass it the same -- objective as the subproblem -- here we pull out the subproblem -- objectives from the algorithm spec and set the same objective -- function so the user can't mess it up. local lp = tryTo $ do localopt <- setupLocalProblem lp applyLocalObjective opt (lalgorithm lp) N.set_local_optimizer opt localopt global gp = do tryTo $ setupGlobalProblem gp >>= N.set_local_optimizer opt applyGlobalObjective opt (galgorithm gp) go (AUGLAG_LOCAL lp ineq ineqd) = local lp *> ic ineq *> icd ineqd go (AUGLAG_EQ_LOCAL lp) = local lp go (AUGLAG_GLOBAL gp ineq ineqd) = global gp *> ic ineq *> icd ineqd go (AUGLAG_EQ_GLOBAL gp) = global gp applyAugLagProblem :: N.Opt -> AugLagProblem -> IO () applyAugLagProblem opt (AugLagProblem eq eqd alg) = do traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) eq traverse_ (tryTo . applyConstraint opt) eqd applyAugLagAlgorithm opt alg minimizeAugLag' :: AugLagProblem -> Vector Double -> IO Solution minimizeAugLag' ap@(AugLagProblem _ _ alg) x0 = do opt <- newOpt (algorithmEnumOfAugLag alg) (problemSize ap) applyAugLagProblem opt ap solveProblem opt x0 -- | -- == Example program -- -- The following interactive session example enforces the same scalar -- constraint as the nonlinear constraint example, but this time it -- uses the augmented Lagrangian method to enforce the constraint and -- the 'SBPLX' algorithm, which does not support nonlinear constraints -- itself, to perform the minimization. As before, the parameters -- must always sum to 1, and the minimizer finds the same constrained -- minimum of 22.5 at @(0.5, 0.5)@. -- -- >>> import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ( dot, fromList, toList ) -- >>> let objf x = x `dot` x + 22 -- >>> let stop = ObjectiveRelativeTolerance 1e-9 :| [] -- >>> let algorithm = SBPLX objf [] Nothing -- >>> let subproblem = LocalProblem 2 stop algorithm -- >>> let x0 = fromList [5, 10] -- >>> minimizeLocal subproblem x0 -- Right (Solution {solutionCost = 22.0, solutionParams = [0.0,0.0], solutionResult = FTOL_REACHED}) -- >>> -- define constraint function: -- >>> let constraintf x = sum (toList x) - 1.0 -- >>> -- define constraint object to pass to the algorithm: -- >>> let constraint = EqualityConstraint (Scalar constraintf) 1e-6 -- >>> let problem = AugLagProblem [constraint] [] (AUGLAG_EQ_LOCAL subproblem) -- >>> minimizeAugLag problem x0 -- Right (Solution {solutionCost = 22.500000015505844, solutionParams = [0.5000880506776678,0.4999119493223323], solutionResult = FTOL_REACHED}) minimizeAugLag :: AugLagProblem -> Vector Double -> Either N.Result Solution minimizeAugLag prob x0 = unsafePerformIO $ (Right <$> minimizeAugLag' prob x0) `Ex.catch` handler where handler :: NloptException -> IO (Either N.Result a) handler (NloptException retcode) = return $ Left retcode