Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
Constants used throughout the project.
- buildPlanDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
- buildPlanCacheDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
- haskellFileExts :: [Text]
- haskellDefaultPreprocessorExts :: [Text]
- stackProgName :: String
- stackProgName' :: Text
- nixProgName :: String
- stackDotYaml :: Path Rel File
- stackWorkEnvVar :: String
- stackRootEnvVar :: String
- stackXdgEnvVar :: String
- stackRootOptionName :: String
- stackGlobalConfigOptionName :: String
- pantryRootEnvVar :: String
- inContainerEnvVar :: String
- inNixShellEnvVar :: String
- stackProgNameUpper :: String
- wiredInPackages :: Set PackageName
- cabalPackageName :: PackageName
- implicitGlobalProjectDirDeprecated :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
- implicitGlobalProjectDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
- defaultUserConfigPathDeprecated :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File
- defaultUserConfigPath :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File
- defaultGlobalConfigPathDeprecated :: Maybe (Path Abs File)
- defaultGlobalConfigPath :: Maybe (Path Abs File)
- platformVariantEnvVar :: String
- compilerOptionsCabalFlag :: WhichCompiler -> String
- ghcColorForceFlag :: String
- minTerminalWidth :: Int
- maxTerminalWidth :: Int
- defaultTerminalWidth :: Int
- osIsMacOS :: Bool
- osIsWindows :: Bool
- relFileSetupHs :: Path Rel File
- relFileSetupLhs :: Path Rel File
- relFileHpackPackageConfig :: Path Rel File
- relDirGlobalAutogen :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirAutogen :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirLogs :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileCabalMacrosH :: Path Rel File
- relDirBuild :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirBin :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirGhci :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirGhciScript :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirPantry :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirPrograms :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirUpperPrograms :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirStackProgName :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirStackWork :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileReadmeTxt :: Path Rel File
- relDirScript :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirScripts :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileConfigYaml :: Path Rel File
- relDirSnapshots :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirGlobalHints :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileGlobalHintsYaml :: Path Rel File
- relDirInstall :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirCompilerTools :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirHoogle :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileDatabaseHoo :: Path Rel File
- relDirPkgdb :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileStorage :: Path Rel File
- relDirLoadedSnapshotCache :: Path Rel Dir
- bindirSuffix :: Path Rel Dir
- docDirSuffix :: Path Rel Dir
- htmlDirSuffix :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirHpc :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirLib :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirShare :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirLibexec :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirEtc :: Path Rel Dir
- setupGhciShimCode :: Builder
- relDirSetupExeCache :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirSetupExeSrc :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileConfigure :: Path Rel File
- relDirDist :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileSetupMacrosH :: Path Rel File
- relDirSetup :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileSetupLower :: Path Rel File
- relDirMingw :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirMingw32 :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirMingw64 :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirLocal :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirUsr :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirInclude :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileIndexHtml :: Path Rel File
- relDirAll :: Path Rel Dir
- relFilePackageCache :: Path Rel File
- relFileDockerfile :: Path Rel File
- relFileGhciScript :: Path Rel File
- relDirCombined :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileHpcIndexHtml :: Path Rel File
- relDirCustom :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirPackageConfInplace :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirExtraTixFiles :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirInstalledPackages :: Path Rel Dir
- backupUrlRelPath :: Path Rel File
- relDirDotLocal :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirDotSsh :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirDotStackProgName :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirUnderHome :: Path Rel Dir
- relDirSrc :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileLibcMuslx86_64So1 :: Path Rel File
- relFileLibtinfoSo5 :: Path Rel File
- relFileLibtinfoSo6 :: Path Rel File
- relFileLibncurseswSo6 :: Path Rel File
- relFileLibgmpSo10 :: Path Rel File
- relFileLibgmpSo3 :: Path Rel File
- relDirNewCabal :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileSetupExe :: Path Rel File
- relFileSetupUpper :: Path Rel File
- relFile7zexe :: Path Rel File
- relFile7zdll :: Path Rel File
- relFileMainHs :: Path Rel File
- relFileStack :: Path Rel File
- relFileStackDotExe :: Path Rel File
- relFileStackDotTmpDotExe :: Path Rel File
- relFileStackDotTmp :: Path Rel File
- ghcShowOptionsOutput :: [String]
- ghcBootScript :: Path Rel File
- ghcConfigureScript :: Path Rel File
- ghcConfigureWindows :: [String]
- ghcConfigureMacOS :: [String]
- ghcConfigurePosix :: [String]
- relDirHadrian :: Path Rel Dir
- relFileHadrianStackDotYaml :: Path Rel File
- hadrianScriptsWindows :: [Path Rel File]
- hadrianScriptsPosix :: [Path Rel File]
- libDirs :: [Path Abs Dir]
- usrLibDirs :: [Path Abs Dir]
- testGhcEnvRelFile :: Path Rel File
- relFileBuildLock :: Path Rel File
- stackDeveloperModeDefault :: Bool
- isStackUploadDisabled :: Bool
- globalFooter :: String
- gitHubBasicAuthType :: ByteString
- gitHubTokenEnvVar :: String
- altGitHubTokenEnvVar :: String
Path where build plans are stored.
Path where binary caches of the build plans are stored.
haskellFileExts :: [Text] Source #
Extensions used for Haskell modules. Excludes preprocessor ones.
haskellDefaultPreprocessorExts :: [Text] Source #
Extensions for modules that are preprocessed by common preprocessors.
stackProgName :: String Source #
Name of the Stack program.
stackProgName' :: Text Source #
Name of the Stack program.
nixProgName :: String Source #
Name of the Nix package manager command
stackDotYaml :: Path Rel File Source #
The filename used for the Stack project-level configuration file.
stackWorkEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable used to override the '.stack-work' relative dir.
stackRootEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable used to override the '~/.stack' location.
stackXdgEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable used to indicate XDG directories should be used.
stackRootOptionName :: String Source #
Option name for the global Stack root.
stackGlobalConfigOptionName :: String Source #
Option name for the global Stack configuration file.
pantryRootEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable used to override the location of the Pantry store
inContainerEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable used to indicate Stack is running in container.
inNixShellEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable used to indicate Stack is running in container. although we already have STACK_IN_NIX_EXTRA_ARGS that is set in the same conditions, it can happen that STACK_IN_NIX_EXTRA_ARGS is set to empty.
stackProgNameUpper :: String Source #
Name of the stack
program, uppercased
wiredInPackages :: Set PackageName Source #
The comment to 'see\' appears to be out of date.
See 'Note [About units]' and 'Wired-in units' at
The 'wired-in packages' appear to have been replaced by those that have (e.g)
ghc-options: -this-unit-id ghc-prim
in their Cabal file because they are 'magic'.
cabalPackageName :: PackageName Source #
Just to avoid repetition and magic strings.
implicitGlobalProjectDirDeprecated Source #
Deprecated implicit global project directory used when outside of a project.
implicitGlobalProjectDir Source #
Implicit global project directory used when outside of a project.
Normally, getImplicitGlobalProjectDir
should be used instead.
defaultUserConfigPathDeprecated :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File Source #
Deprecated default global config path.
defaultUserConfigPath :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File Source #
Default global config path.
Normally, getDefaultUserConfigPath
should be used instead.
defaultGlobalConfigPathDeprecated :: Maybe (Path Abs File) Source #
Deprecated default global config path.
Note that this will be Nothing
on Windows, which is by design.
defaultGlobalConfigPath :: Maybe (Path Abs File) Source #
Default global config path.
Normally, getDefaultGlobalConfigPath
should be used instead.
Note that this will be Nothing
on Windows, which is by design.
platformVariantEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable that stores a variant to append to platform-specific directory names. Used to ensure incompatible binaries aren't shared between Docker builds and host
compilerOptionsCabalFlag :: WhichCompiler -> String Source #
Provides --ghc-options for Ghc
ghcColorForceFlag :: String Source #
The flag to pass to GHC when we want to force its output to be colorized.
minTerminalWidth :: Int Source #
The minimum allowed terminal width. Used for pretty-printing.
maxTerminalWidth :: Int Source #
The maximum allowed terminal width. Used for pretty-printing.
defaultTerminalWidth :: Int Source #
The default terminal width. Used for pretty-printing when we can't automatically detect it and when the user doesn't supply one.
osIsWindows :: Bool Source #
True if using Windows.
ghcConfigureScript :: Path Rel File Source #
Relative paths inside a GHC repo to the configure script.
ghcConfigureWindows :: [String] Source #
Command applicable to GHC's configure script on Windows. See:
ghcConfigureMacOS :: [String] Source #
Command applicable to GHC's configure script on macOS. See:
ghcConfigurePosix :: [String] Source #
Command applicable to GHC's configure script on non-Windows, non-macOS. See:
hadrianScriptsWindows :: [Path Rel File] Source #
Relative paths inside a GHC repo to the Hadrian build batch script. The second path is maintained for compatibility with older GHC versions.
hadrianScriptsPosix :: [Path Rel File] Source #
Relative paths inside a GHC repo to the Hadrian build shell script The second path is maintained for compatibility with older GHC versions.
libDirs :: [Path Abs Dir] Source #
Used in Stack.Setup for detecting, see comments at use site
usrLibDirs :: [Path Abs Dir] Source #
Used in Stack.Setup for detecting libtinfo, see comments at use site
testGhcEnvRelFile :: Path Rel File Source #
Relative file path for a temporary GHC environment file for tests
stackDeveloperModeDefault :: Bool Source #
What should the default be for stack-developer-mode
isStackUploadDisabled :: Bool Source #
What should the default be for stack-developer-mode
globalFooter :: String Source #
The footer to the help for Stack's subcommands
gitHubBasicAuthType :: ByteString Source #
The type for GitHub REST API HTTP 'Basic' authentication.
gitHubTokenEnvVar :: String Source #
Environment variable to hold credentials for GitHub REST API HTTP 'Basic' authentication.
altGitHubTokenEnvVar :: String Source #
Alternate environment variable to hold credentials for GitHub REST API HTTP 'Basic' authentication.