{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | Shared types for various stackage packages. module Stackage.Types ( -- * Types SnapshotType (..) , DocMap , PackageDocs (..) , BuildPlan (..) , PackagePlan (..) , PackageConstraints (..) , ParseFailedException (..) , TestState (..) , SystemInfo (..) , Maintainer (..) , ExeName (..) , SimpleDesc (..) , DepInfo (..) , Component (..) -- * Helper functions , display , simpleParse , unPackageName , mkPackageName , unFlagName , mkFlagName , intersectVersionRanges ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<|>)) import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Exception (Exception) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, throwM) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), object, withObject, withText, (.!=), (.:), (.:?), (.=)) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.String (IsString, fromString) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import Data.Time (Day) import qualified Data.Traversable as T import Data.Typeable (TypeRep, Typeable, typeOf) import Data.Vector (Vector) import Data.Version #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) import Distribution.Package (PackageName) import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagName, mkFlagName, unFlagName) import Distribution.Types.PackageName (mkPackageName, unPackageName) #else import Distribution.Package (PackageName (PackageName)) import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagName (..)) #endif import Distribution.System (Arch, OS) import qualified Distribution.Text as DT import Distribution.Version (VersionRange) import qualified Distribution.Version as C import Safe (readMay) data SnapshotType = STNightly | STNightly2 !Day | STLTS !Int !Int -- ^ major, minor deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) instance ToJSON SnapshotType where toJSON STNightly = object [ "type" .= asText "nightly" ] toJSON (STNightly2 day) = object [ "type" .= asText "nightly" , "date" .= show day ] toJSON (STLTS major minor) = object [ "type" .= asText "lts" , "major" .= major , "minor" .= minor ] instance FromJSON SnapshotType where parseJSON = withObject "SnapshotType" $ \o -> do t <- o .: "type" case asText t of "nightly" -> (STNightly2 <$> (o .: "date" >>= readFail)) <|> return STNightly "lts" -> STLTS <$> o .: "major" <*> o .: "minor" _ -> fail $ "Unknown type for SnapshotType: " ++ unpack t where readFail t = case readMay t of Nothing -> fail "read failed" Just x -> return x -- | Package name is key type DocMap = Map Text PackageDocs asText :: Text -> Text asText = id data PackageDocs = PackageDocs { pdVersion :: Text , pdModules :: Map Text [Text] -- ^ module name, path } instance ToJSON PackageDocs where toJSON PackageDocs {..} = object [ "version" .= pdVersion , "modules" .= pdModules ] instance FromJSON PackageDocs where parseJSON = withObject "PackageDocs" $ \o -> PackageDocs <$> o .: "version" <*> o .: "modules" data BuildPlan = BuildPlan { bpSystemInfo :: SystemInfo , bpTools :: Vector (PackageName, Version) , bpPackages :: Map PackageName PackagePlan , bpGithubUsers :: Map Text (Set Text) , bpBuildToolOverrides :: Map Text (Set Text) } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToJSON BuildPlan where toJSON BuildPlan {..} = object [ "system-info" .= bpSystemInfo , "tools" .= fmap goTool bpTools , "packages" .= Map.mapKeysWith const unPackageName bpPackages , "github-users" .= bpGithubUsers , "build-tool-overrides" .= bpBuildToolOverrides ] where goTool (k, v) = object [ "name" .= display k , "version" .= display v ] instance FromJSON BuildPlan where parseJSON = withObject "BuildPlan" $ \o -> do bpSystemInfo <- o .: "system-info" bpTools <- (o .: "tools") >>= T.mapM goTool bpPackages <- Map.mapKeysWith const mkPackageName <$> (o .: "packages") bpGithubUsers <- o .:? "github-users" .!= mempty bpBuildToolOverrides <- o .:? "build-tool-overrides" .!= mempty return BuildPlan {..} where goTool = withObject "Tool" $ \o -> (,) <$> ((o .: "name") >>= either (fail . show) return . simpleParse . asText) <*> ((o .: "version") >>= either (fail . show) return . simpleParse . asText) data PackagePlan = PackagePlan { ppVersion :: Version , ppGithubPings :: Set Text , ppUsers :: Set PackageName , ppConstraints :: PackageConstraints , ppDesc :: SimpleDesc } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToJSON PackagePlan where toJSON PackagePlan {..} = object [ "version" .= asText (display ppVersion) , "github-pings" .= ppGithubPings , "users" .= Set.map unPackageName ppUsers , "constraints" .= ppConstraints , "description" .= ppDesc ] instance FromJSON PackagePlan where parseJSON = withObject "PackageBuild" $ \o -> do ppVersion <- o .: "version" >>= either (fail . show) return . simpleParse . asText ppGithubPings <- o .:? "github-pings" .!= mempty ppUsers <- Set.map mkPackageName <$> (o .:? "users" .!= mempty) ppConstraints <- o .: "constraints" ppDesc <- o .: "description" return PackagePlan {..} display :: DT.Text a => a -> Text display = fromString . DT.display simpleParse :: (MonadThrow m, DT.Text a, Typeable a) => Text -> m a simpleParse orig = withTypeRep $ \rep -> case DT.simpleParse str of Nothing -> throwM (ParseFailedException rep (pack str)) Just v -> return v where str = unpack orig withTypeRep :: Typeable a => (TypeRep -> m a) -> m a withTypeRep f = res where res = f (typeOf (unwrap res)) unwrap :: m a -> a unwrap _ = error "unwrap" data ParseFailedException = ParseFailedException TypeRep Text deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception ParseFailedException #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) #else unPackageName :: PackageName -> String unPackageName (PackageName str) = str mkPackageName :: String -> PackageName mkPackageName = PackageName #endif data PackageConstraints = PackageConstraints { pcVersionRange :: VersionRange , pcMaintainer :: Maybe Maintainer , pcTests :: TestState , pcHaddocks :: TestState , pcBuildBenchmarks :: Bool , pcFlagOverrides :: Map FlagName Bool , pcEnableLibProfile :: Bool , pcSkipBuild :: Bool -- ^ Don't even bother building this library, useful when dealing with -- OS-specific packages. See: -- https://github.com/fpco/stackage-curator/issues/3 } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToJSON PackageConstraints where toJSON PackageConstraints {..} = object $ addMaintainer [ "version-range" .= display pcVersionRange , "tests" .= pcTests , "haddocks" .= pcHaddocks , "build-benchmarks" .= pcBuildBenchmarks , "flags" .= Map.mapKeysWith const unFlagName pcFlagOverrides , "library-profiling" .= pcEnableLibProfile , "skip-build" .= pcSkipBuild ] where addMaintainer = maybe id (\m -> (("maintainer" .= m):)) pcMaintainer instance FromJSON PackageConstraints where parseJSON = withObject "PackageConstraints" $ \o -> do pcVersionRange <- (o .: "version-range") >>= either (fail . show) return . simpleParse pcTests <- o .: "tests" pcHaddocks <- o .: "haddocks" pcBuildBenchmarks <- o .: "build-benchmarks" pcFlagOverrides <- Map.mapKeysWith const mkFlagName <$> o .: "flags" pcMaintainer <- o .:? "maintainer" pcEnableLibProfile <- fmap (fromMaybe True) (o .:? "library-profiling") pcSkipBuild <- o .:? "skip-build" .!= False return PackageConstraints {..} data TestState = ExpectSuccess | ExpectFailure | DontBuild -- ^ when the test suite will pull in things we don't want deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum) testStateToText :: TestState -> Text testStateToText ExpectSuccess = "expect-success" testStateToText ExpectFailure = "expect-failure" testStateToText DontBuild = "do-not-build" instance ToJSON TestState where toJSON = toJSON . testStateToText instance FromJSON TestState where parseJSON = withText "TestState" $ \t -> case HashMap.lookup t states of Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid state: " ++ unpack t Just v -> return v where states = HashMap.fromList $ map (\x -> (testStateToText x, x)) [minBound..maxBound] data SystemInfo = SystemInfo { siGhcVersion :: Version , siOS :: OS , siArch :: Arch , siCorePackages :: Map PackageName Version , siCoreExecutables :: Set ExeName } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance ToJSON SystemInfo where toJSON SystemInfo {..} = object [ "ghc-version" .= display siGhcVersion , "os" .= display siOS , "arch" .= display siArch , "core-packages" .= Map.mapKeysWith const unPackageName (fmap display siCorePackages) , "core-executables" .= siCoreExecutables ] instance FromJSON SystemInfo where parseJSON = withObject "SystemInfo" $ \o -> do let helper name = (o .: name) >>= either (fail . show) return . simpleParse siGhcVersion <- helper "ghc-version" siOS <- helper "os" siArch <- helper "arch" siCorePackages <- (o .: "core-packages") >>= goPackages siCoreExecutables <- o .: "core-executables" return SystemInfo {..} where goPackages = either (fail . show) return . T.mapM simpleParse . Map.mapKeysWith const mkPackageName #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) #else unFlagName :: FlagName -> Text unFlagName (FlagName str) = pack str mkFlagName :: Text -> FlagName mkFlagName = FlagName . unpack #endif newtype Maintainer = Maintainer { unMaintainer :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, ToJSON, FromJSON, IsString) -- | Name of an executable. newtype ExeName = ExeName { unExeName :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, ToJSON, FromJSON, IsString) -- | A simplified package description that tracks: -- -- * Package dependencies -- -- * Build tool dependencies -- -- * Provided executables -- -- It has fully resolved all conditionals data SimpleDesc = SimpleDesc { sdPackages :: Map PackageName DepInfo , sdTools :: Map ExeName DepInfo , sdProvidedExes :: Set ExeName , sdModules :: Set Text -- ^ modules exported by the library } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Semigroup SimpleDesc where (SimpleDesc a b c d) <> (SimpleDesc w x y z) = SimpleDesc (Map.unionWith (<>) a w) (Map.unionWith (<>) b x) (c <> y) (d <> z) instance Monoid SimpleDesc where mempty = SimpleDesc mempty mempty mempty mempty #if (defined(MIN_VERSION_base) && MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,1)) #else mappend (SimpleDesc a b c d) (SimpleDesc w x y z) = SimpleDesc (Map.unionWith (<>) a w) (Map.unionWith (<>) b x) (c <> y) (d <> z) #endif instance ToJSON SimpleDesc where toJSON SimpleDesc {..} = object [ "packages" .= Map.mapKeysWith const unPackageName sdPackages , "tools" .= Map.mapKeysWith const unExeName sdTools , "provided-exes" .= sdProvidedExes , "modules" .= sdModules ] instance FromJSON SimpleDesc where parseJSON = withObject "SimpleDesc" $ \o -> do sdPackages <- Map.mapKeysWith const mkPackageName <$> (o .: "packages") sdTools <- Map.mapKeysWith const ExeName <$> (o .: "tools") sdProvidedExes <- o .: "provided-exes" sdModules <- o .: "modules" return SimpleDesc {..} data DepInfo = DepInfo { diComponents :: Set Component , diRange :: VersionRange } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Semigroup DepInfo where DepInfo a x <> DepInfo b y = DepInfo (a <> b) (intersectVersionRanges x y) instance ToJSON DepInfo where toJSON DepInfo {..} = object [ "components" .= diComponents , "range" .= display diRange ] instance FromJSON DepInfo where parseJSON = withObject "DepInfo" $ \o -> do diComponents <- o .: "components" diRange <- o .: "range" >>= either (fail . show) return . simpleParse return DepInfo {..} data Component = CompLibrary | CompExecutable | CompTestSuite | CompBenchmark deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) compToText :: Component -> Text compToText CompLibrary = "library" compToText CompExecutable = "executable" compToText CompTestSuite = "test-suite" compToText CompBenchmark = "benchmark" instance ToJSON Component where toJSON = toJSON . compToText instance FromJSON Component where parseJSON = withText "Component" $ \t -> maybe (fail $ "Invalid component: " ++ unpack t) return (HashMap.lookup t comps) where comps = HashMap.fromList $ map (compToText &&& id) [minBound..maxBound] intersectVersionRanges :: VersionRange -> VersionRange -> VersionRange intersectVersionRanges x y = C.simplifyVersionRange $ C.intersectVersionRanges x y