module Stackctl.StackSpec ( StackSpec , stackSpecFilePath , stackSpecSpecPath , stackSpecSpecBody , stackSpecStackName , stackSpecStackDescription , stackSpecDepends , stackSpecActions , stackSpecParameters , stackSpecCapabilities , stackSpecStackFile , stackSpecTemplateFile , stackSpecTags , buildStackSpec , TemplateBody , templateBodyFromValue , writeStackSpec , readStackSpec , createChangeSet , sortStackSpecs ) where import Stackctl.Prelude import qualified CfnFlip import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.List.Extra (nubOrdOn) import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import Stackctl.AWS import Stackctl.Action import Stackctl.Config (HasConfig (..), applyConfig) import Stackctl.Sort import Stackctl.StackSpecPath import Stackctl.StackSpecYaml import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath import UnliftIO.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist) data StackSpec = StackSpec { ssSpecRoot :: FilePath , ssSpecPath :: StackSpecPath , ssSpecBody :: StackSpecYaml } stackSpecSpecRoot :: StackSpec -> FilePath stackSpecSpecRoot = ssSpecRoot stackSpecFilePath :: StackSpec -> FilePath stackSpecFilePath spec = FilePath.normalise $ stackSpecSpecRoot spec stackSpecStackFile spec stackSpecSpecPath :: StackSpec -> StackSpecPath stackSpecSpecPath = ssSpecPath stackSpecSpecBody :: StackSpec -> StackSpecYaml stackSpecSpecBody = ssSpecBody stackSpecStackName :: StackSpec -> StackName stackSpecStackName = stackSpecPathStackName . ssSpecPath stackSpecStackDescription :: StackSpec -> Maybe StackDescription stackSpecStackDescription = ssyDescription . ssSpecBody stackSpecDepends :: StackSpec -> [StackName] stackSpecDepends = fromMaybe [] . ssyDepends . ssSpecBody stackSpecActions :: StackSpec -> [Action] stackSpecActions = fromMaybe [] . ssyActions . ssSpecBody -- | Relative path @stacks/...@ stackSpecStackFile :: StackSpec -> FilePath stackSpecStackFile = stackSpecPathFilePath . ssSpecPath -- | Relative path @templates/...@ stackSpecTemplateFile :: StackSpec -> FilePath stackSpecTemplateFile = ("templates" ) . ssyTemplate . ssSpecBody stackSpecTemplate :: StackSpec -> StackTemplate stackSpecTemplate spec = StackTemplate $ FilePath.normalise $ ssSpecRoot spec stackSpecTemplateFile spec stackSpecParameters :: StackSpec -> [Parameter] stackSpecParameters = maybe [] (map unParameterYaml . unParametersYaml) . ssyParameters . ssSpecBody stackSpecCapabilities :: StackSpec -> [Capability] stackSpecCapabilities = fromMaybe [] . ssyCapabilities . ssSpecBody stackSpecTags :: StackSpec -> [Tag] stackSpecTags = maybe [] (map unTagYaml . unTagsYaml) . ssyTags . ssSpecBody buildStackSpec :: (MonadReader env m, HasConfig env) => FilePath -> StackSpecPath -> StackSpecYaml -> m StackSpec buildStackSpec dir specPath specBody = do config <- view configL pure StackSpec { ssSpecRoot = dir , ssSpecPath = specPath , ssSpecBody = applyConfig config specBody } data TemplateBody = TemplateText Text | TemplateJson Value newtype UnexpectedTemplateJson = UnexpectedTemplateJson { _unexpectedTemplateJsonExtension :: String } deriving stock (Show) instance Exception UnexpectedTemplateJson where displayException (UnexpectedTemplateJson ext) = "TemplateJson must be written to .yaml or .json, encountered " <> ext <> ". To write to an arbitrary path, use TemplateText." templateBodyFromValue :: Value -> TemplateBody templateBodyFromValue = \case String x -> TemplateText x v -> TemplateJson v writeTemplateBody :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> TemplateBody -> m () writeTemplateBody path body = do createDirectoryIfMissing True dir case (body, ext) of (TemplateText t, _) -> writeFileUtf8 path t (TemplateJson v, ".yaml") -> CfnFlip.jsonToYamlFile path v (TemplateJson v, ".json") -> writeFileBinary path $ BSL.toStrict $ encode v (TemplateJson _, _) -> throwIO $ UnexpectedTemplateJson ext where dir = takeDirectory path ext = takeExtension path writeStackSpec :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m) => Bool -> StackSpec -> Maybe TemplateBody -> m () writeStackSpec overwrite stackSpec mTemplateBody = do for_ mTemplateBody $ \templateBody -> do logInfo $ "Writing template" :# ["path" .= templatePath] writeTemplateBody templatePath templateBody exists <- doesFileExist specPath if exists && not overwrite then do let reason :: Text reason = "file exists and overwrite not set" logInfo $ "Skipping" :# ["path" .= specPath, "reason" .= reason] else do logInfo $ "Writing specification" :# ["path" .= specPath] createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory specPath liftIO $ Yaml.encodeFile specPath $ stackSpecSpecBody stackSpec where templatePath = unStackTemplate $ stackSpecTemplate stackSpec specPath = stackSpecFilePath stackSpec readStackSpec :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasConfig env) => FilePath -> StackSpecPath -> m StackSpec readStackSpec dir specPath = do specBody <- liftIO $ either err pure =<< Yaml.decodeFileEither path buildStackSpec dir specPath specBody where path = dir stackSpecPathFilePath specPath err e = throwString $ path <> " is invalid: " <> Yaml.prettyPrintParseException e -- | Create a Change Set between a Stack Specification and deployed state createChangeSet :: ( MonadUnliftIO m , MonadLogger m , MonadAWS m ) => StackSpec -> [Parameter] -> [Tag] -> m (Either Text (Maybe ChangeSet)) createChangeSet spec parameters tags = awsCloudFormationCreateChangeSet (stackSpecStackName spec) (stackSpecStackDescription spec) (stackSpecTemplate spec) (nubOrdOn (^. parameter_parameterKey) $ parameters <> stackSpecParameters spec) (stackSpecCapabilities spec) (nubOrdOn (^. tag_key) $ tags <> stackSpecTags spec) sortStackSpecs :: [StackSpec] -> [StackSpec] sortStackSpecs = sortByDependencies stackSpecStackName stackSpecDepends