name: statistics version: x-revision: 1 synopsis: A library of statistical types, data, and functions description: This library provides a number of common functions and types useful in statistics. We focus on high performance, numerical robustness, and use of good algorithms. Where possible, we provide references to the statistical literature. . The library's facilities can be divided into four broad categories: . * Working with widely used discrete and continuous probability distributions. (There are dozens of exotic distributions in use; we focus on the most common.) . * Computing with sample data: quantile estimation, kernel density estimation, histograms, bootstrap methods, significance testing, and autocorrelation analysis. . * Random variate generation under several different distributions. . * Common statistical tests for significant differences between samples. . Changes in . * Support for versions of GHC older than 7.2 is discontinued. . * All datatypes now support 'Data.Binary' and 'GHC.Generics'. . Changes in . * Bug fixes . Changes in . * Bugs in DCT and IDCT are fixed. . * Accesors for uniform distribution are added. . * 'ContGen' instances for all continous distribtuions are added. . * Beta distribution is added. . * Constructor for improper gamma distribtuion is added. . * Binomial distribution allows zero trials. . * Poisson distribution now accept zero parameter. . * Integer overflow in caculation of Wilcoxon-T test is fixed. . * Bug in 'ContGen' instance for normal distribution is fixed. . Changes in . * Kolmogorov-Smirnov nonparametric test added. . * Pearson's chi squared test added. . * Type class for generating random variates for given distribution is added. . * Modules 'Statistics.Math' and 'Statistics.Constants' are moved to the @math-functions@ package. They are still available but marked as deprecated. license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE homepage: bug-reports: author: Bryan O'Sullivan maintainer: Bryan O'Sullivan copyright: 2009, 2010, 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan category: Math, Statistics build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.8 extra-source-files: ChangeLog README.markdown benchmark/bench.hs examples/kde/KDE.hs examples/kde/data/faithful.csv examples/kde/kde.html examples/kde/kde.tpl tests/Tests/Math/ tests/Tests/Math/Tables.hs tests/utils/Makefile tests/utils/fftw.c library exposed-modules: Statistics.Autocorrelation Statistics.Constants Statistics.Distribution Statistics.Distribution.Beta Statistics.Distribution.Binomial Statistics.Distribution.CauchyLorentz Statistics.Distribution.ChiSquared Statistics.Distribution.Exponential Statistics.Distribution.FDistribution Statistics.Distribution.Gamma Statistics.Distribution.Geometric Statistics.Distribution.Hypergeometric Statistics.Distribution.Normal Statistics.Distribution.Poisson Statistics.Distribution.StudentT Statistics.Distribution.Transform Statistics.Distribution.Uniform Statistics.Function Statistics.Math Statistics.Math.RootFinding Statistics.Quantile Statistics.Resampling Statistics.Resampling.Bootstrap Statistics.Sample Statistics.Sample.Histogram Statistics.Sample.KernelDensity Statistics.Sample.KernelDensity.Simple Statistics.Sample.Powers Statistics.Test.NonParametric Statistics.Test.ChiSquared Statistics.Test.KolmogorovSmirnov Statistics.Test.MannWhitneyU Statistics.Test.WilcoxonT Statistics.Test.Types Statistics.Transform Statistics.Types other-modules: Statistics.Distribution.Poisson.Internal Statistics.Function.Comparison Statistics.Internal Statistics.Test.Internal build-depends: base >= 4.6 && < 5, binary >=, deepseq >=, erf, monad-par >= 0.3.4, mwc-random >=, math-functions >= 0.1.2, primitive >= 0.3, vector >= 0.7.1, vector-algorithms >= 0.4, vector-binary-instances >= 0.2.1 if impl(ghc >= 6.10) build-depends: base >= 4 -- gather extensive profiling data for now ghc-prof-options: -auto-all ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -funbox-strict-fields if impl(ghc >= 6.8) ghc-options: -fwarn-tabs test-suite tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: tests main-is: tests.hs other-modules: Tests.Distribution Tests.Helpers Tests.Function Tests.NonparametricTest Tests.NonparametricTest.Table Tests.Transform Tests.KDE ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts build-depends: base, ieee754 >= 0.7.3, HUnit, QuickCheck >= 2, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-hunit, math-functions, mwc-random, statistics, primitive, vector, vector-algorithms, erf source-repository head type: git location: source-repository head type: mercurial location: