module Data.STM.Bag.Internal.TListBag(
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.STM.Bag.Class
data TList v = Nil | TNode v (TVar (TList v))
data TListBag v = B
{ _getHead :: TVar (TList v)
, _getTail :: TVar (TVar (TList v))
bNew :: STM (TListBag v)
bNew = do
h <- newTVar Nil
t <- newTVar h
return $ B h t
bAdd :: TListBag v -> v -> STM ()
bAdd (B _ t'') v = do
nt' <- newTVar Nil
t' <- readTVar t''
writeTVar t' (TNode v nt')
writeTVar t'' nt'
bTake :: TListBag v -> STM v
bTake (B h' t'') = do
h <- readTVar h'
case h of
Nil -> retry
TNode v i' -> do
i <- readTVar i'
case i of
Nil -> writeTVar h' i >> writeTVar t'' h'
_ -> writeTVar h' i
return v
bIsEmpty :: TListBag v -> STM Bool
bIsEmpty (B h' _) = do
h <- readTVar h'
case h of
Nil -> return True
_ -> return False
instance Bag TListBag where
new = bNew
add = bAdd
take = bTake
isEmpty = bIsEmpty