stm-promise: Simple STM Promises for IO computations and external processes

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Simple STM Promises for IO computations and external processes. Experimental release.

Example with running the theorem prover eprover in parallel. Given this file structure:

├── mul-commutative
│   ├── induction_x_0.tptp
│   ├── induction_x_1.tptp
│   ├── induction_x_y_0.tptp
│   ├── induction_x_y_1.tptp
│   ├── induction_x_y_2.tptp
│   ├── induction_x_y_3.tptp
│   ├── induction_y_0.tptp
│   ├── induction_y_1.tptp
│   └── no_induction_0.tptp
└── plus-commutative
    ├── induction_x_0.tptp
    ├── induction_x_1.tptp
    ├── induction_x_y_0.tptp
    ├── induction_x_y_1.tptp
    ├── induction_x_y_2.tptp
    ├── induction_x_y_3.tptp
    ├── induction_y_0.tptp
    ├── induction_y_1.tptp
    └── no_induction_0.tptp

We can capture these different obligations and goals with a Control.Concurrent.STM.Promise.Tree.Tree.

file_tree :: Tree FilePath
file_tree = fmap (++ ".tptp") $ tryAll
   [ fmap ("mul-commutative/" ++) $ requireAny
     [ fmap ("induction_x_" ++) $ requireAll $ map Leaf ["0","1"]
     , fmap ("induction_y_" ++) $ requireAll $ map Leaf ["0","1"]
     , fmap ("induction_x_y_" ++) $ requireAll $ map Leaf ["0","1","2","3"]
     , Leaf "no_induction_0"
   , fmap ("plus-commutative/" ++) $ requireAny
     [ fmap ("induction_x_" ++) $ requireAll $ map Leaf ["0","1"]
     , fmap ("induction_y_" ++) $ requireAll $ map Leaf ["0","1"]
     , fmap ("induction_x_y_" ++) $ requireAll $ map Leaf ["0","1","2","3"]
     , Leaf "no_induction_0"

A successful invocation either contains Theorem or Unsatisfiable.

success :: ProcessResult -> Bool
success r = excode r == ExitSuccess && any (`isInfixOf` stdout r) ok
    ok = ["Theorem","Unsatisfiable"]

Making a promise for an eprover process:

eproverPromise :: FilePath -> IO (Promise [(FilePath,Bool)])
eproverPromise file = do
    let args = ["-xAuto","-tAuto",'-':"-tptp3-format","-s"]
    promise <- processPromise "eprover" (file : args) ""
    let chres :: ProcessResult -> [(FilePath,Bool)]
        chres r = [ (file,success r) ]
    return $ fmap chres promise

Evaluate this in parallel, with a 1 second timeout for each invocation:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    promise_tree <- mapM eproverPromise file_tree

    let timeout      = 1000 * 1000 -- microseconds
        processes    = 2

    workers (Just timeout) processes (interleave promise_tree)

    (_,res) <- evalTree (any (not . snd)) promise_tree

    putStrLn "Results: "

    mapM_ print res

The result of this run is:


This means that four out of four obligations for commutativity of plus succeeded when doing induction on both x and y.


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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.0.1,, 0.0.2,,
Dependencies base (>=4 && <5), mtl (>=2.1.2 && <3), process (>= && <2), stm (>=2.3 && <3), unix (>=2.5) [details]
Tested with ghc ==7.8.3, ghc ==7.6.3, ghc ==7.4.2
License LGPL-3.0-only
Author Dan Rosén
Maintainer Dan Rosén <>
Category Concurrency
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Source repo head: git clone git://
Uploaded by DanRosen at 2014-10-13T15:53:58Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 4095 total (6 in the last 30 days)
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