stocks: Library for the IEX Trading API

[ bsd3, library, net ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]
Versions [RSS],
Dependencies aeson (>=0.8.0), base (>=4 && <5), bytestring, containers, http-conduit, semigroups (>=0.18), unordered-containers [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 David Bouchare, Kristian Sällberg
Author David Bouchare, Kristian Sällberg
Maintainer David Bouchare, Kristian Sällberg
Category Net
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by davidb at 2018-05-30T07:04:11Z
Distributions NixOS:
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 1290 total (8 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2018-05-30 [all 1 reports]

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Haskell library for the IEX trading API.


stack build && stack ghci

> getCompany "aapl"

Just (Company {symbol = "AAPL",
               companyName = "Apple Inc.",
               exchange = "Nasdaq Global Select",
               industry = "Computer Hardware",
               website = "",
               description = "Apple Inc is designs ...",
               ceo = "Timothy D. Cook",
               issueType = "cs",
               sector = "Technology"})

> getPrice "dps"

Just 120.36

Please see the HUnit test for a complete example of all API calls.

How to run test suite

stack test


For any problems, comments, or feedback please create an issue here on GitHub.


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