module Data.Streaming.Text
, decodeUtf8Pure
, decodeUtf16LE
, decodeUtf16BE
, decodeUtf32LE
, decodeUtf32BE
, DecodeResult (..)
) where
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe (unsafeIOToST, unsafeSTToIO)
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString (PS))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Array as A
import Data.Text.Internal (textP)
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf16 as U16
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf32 as U32
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf8 as U8
import Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Char (unsafeChr, unsafeChr32,
import Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Char (unsafeWrite)
import Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Shift (shiftL)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word8)
import Foreign.C.Types (CSize (..))
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, minusPtr, nullPtr,
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek, poke)
import GHC.Base (MutableByteArray#)
data S = S0
| S1 !Word8
| S2 !Word8 !Word8
| S3 !Word8 !Word8 !Word8
deriving Show
data DecodeResult
= DecodeResultSuccess !Text !(B.ByteString -> DecodeResult)
| DecodeResultFailure !Text !B.ByteString
toBS :: S -> B.ByteString
toBS S0 = B.empty
toBS (S1 a) = B.pack [a]
toBS (S2 a b) = B.pack [a, b]
toBS (S3 a b c) = B.pack [a, b, c]
getText :: Int -> A.MArray s -> ST s Text
getText j marr = do
arr <- A.unsafeFreeze marr
return $! textP arr 0 j
#include "text_cbits.h"
foreign import ccall unsafe "_hs_streaming_commons_decode_utf8_state" c_decode_utf8_with_state
:: MutableByteArray# s -> Ptr CSize
-> Ptr (Ptr Word8) -> Ptr Word8
-> Ptr CodePoint -> Ptr DecoderState -> IO (Ptr Word8)
newtype CodePoint = CodePoint Word32 deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Storable)
newtype DecoderState = DecoderState Word32 deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Storable)
decodeUtf8 :: B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeUtf8 = decodeChunk B.empty 0 0
decodeChunkCheck :: B.ByteString -> CodePoint -> DecoderState -> B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeChunkCheck bsOld codepoint state bs
| B.null bs =
if B.null bsOld
then DecodeResultSuccess T.empty decodeUtf8
else DecodeResultFailure T.empty bsOld
| otherwise = decodeChunk bsOld codepoint state bs
decodeChunk :: B.ByteString -> CodePoint -> DecoderState -> B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeChunk bsOld codepoint0 state0 bs@(PS fp off len) =
runST $ (unsafeIOToST . decodeChunkToBuffer) =<< (len+1)
decodeChunkToBuffer :: A.MArray s -> IO DecodeResult
decodeChunkToBuffer dest = withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr ->
with (0::CSize) $ \destOffPtr ->
with codepoint0 $ \codepointPtr ->
with state0 $ \statePtr ->
with nullPtr $ \curPtrPtr ->
let end = ptr `plusPtr` (off + len)
loop curPtr = do
poke curPtrPtr curPtr
_ <- c_decode_utf8_with_state (A.maBA dest) destOffPtr
curPtrPtr end codepointPtr statePtr
state <- peek statePtr
n <- peek destOffPtr
chunkText <- unsafeSTToIO $ do
arr <- A.unsafeFreeze dest
return $! textP arr 0 (fromIntegral n)
lastPtr <- peek curPtrPtr
let left = lastPtr `minusPtr` curPtr
| not $ T.null chunkText = B.unsafeDrop left bs
| B.null bsOld = bs
| otherwise = B.append bsOld bs
case unused `seq` state of
return $! DecodeResultFailure chunkText unused
_ -> do
codepoint <- peek codepointPtr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess chunkText
$! decodeChunkCheck unused codepoint state
in loop (ptr `plusPtr` off)
decodeUtf8Pure :: B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeUtf8Pure =
beginChunk S0
beginChunk :: S -> B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
beginChunk s bs | B.null bs =
case s of
S0 -> DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk S0)
_ -> DecodeResultFailure T.empty $ toBS s
beginChunk s0 ps = runST $ do
let initLen = B.length ps
marr <- (initLen + 1)
let start !i !j
| i >= len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk S0)
| U8.validate1 a = addChar' 1 (unsafeChr8 a)
| i + 1 < len && U8.validate2 a b = addChar' 2 (U8.chr2 a b)
| i + 2 < len && U8.validate3 a b c = addChar' 3 (U8.chr3 a b c)
| i + 3 < len && U8.validate4 a b c d = addChar' 4 (U8.chr4 a b c d)
| i + 3 < len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultFailure t (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
| i + 2 < len = continue (S3 a b c)
| i + 1 < len = continue (S2 a b)
| otherwise = continue (S1 a)
a = B.unsafeIndex ps i
b = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+1)
c = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+2)
d = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+3)
addChar' deltai char = do
deltaj <- unsafeWrite marr j char
start (i + deltai) (j + deltaj)
continue s = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i | i >= len = return $! DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i =
case s of
S0 -> start i 0
S1 a
| U8.validate2 a x -> addChar' (U8.chr2 a x)
| otherwise -> checkCont (S2 a x) (i + 1)
S2 a b
| U8.validate3 a b x -> addChar' (U8.chr3 a b x)
| otherwise -> checkCont (S3 a b x) (i + 1)
S3 a b c
| U8.validate4 a b c x -> addChar' (U8.chr4 a b c x)
_ -> return $! DecodeResultFailure T.empty
$! B.append (toBS s) (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
x = B.unsafeIndex ps i
addChar' c = do
d <- unsafeWrite marr 0 c
start (i + 1) d
checkCont s0 0
len = B.length ps
decodeUtf16LE :: B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeUtf16LE =
beginChunk S0
beginChunk :: S -> B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
beginChunk s bs | B.null bs =
case s of
S0 -> DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk S0)
_ -> DecodeResultFailure T.empty $ toBS s
beginChunk s0 ps = runST $ do
let initLen = B.length ps
marr <- (initLen + 1)
let start !i !j
| i >= len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk S0)
| i + 1 < len && U16.validate1 x1 = addChar' 2 (unsafeChr x1)
| i + 3 < len && U16.validate2 x1 x2 = addChar' 4 (U16.chr2 x1 x2)
| i + 3 < len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultFailure t (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
| i + 2 < len = continue (S3 a b c)
| i + 1 < len = continue (S2 a b)
| otherwise = continue (S1 a)
a = B.unsafeIndex ps i
b = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+1)
c = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+2)
d = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+3)
x1 = combine a b
x2 = combine c d
addChar' deltai char = do
deltaj <- unsafeWrite marr j char
start (i + deltai) (j + deltaj)
continue s = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i | i >= len = return $! DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i =
case s of
S0 -> start i 0
S1 a ->
let x1 = combine a x
in if U16.validate1 x1
then addChar' (unsafeChr x1)
else checkCont (S2 a x) (i + 1)
S2 a b -> checkCont (S3 a b x) (i + 1)
S3 a b c ->
let x1 = combine a b
x2 = combine c x
in if U16.validate2 x1 x2
then addChar' (U16.chr2 x1 x2)
else return $! DecodeResultFailure T.empty
$! B.append (toBS s) (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
x = B.unsafeIndex ps i
addChar' c = do
d <- unsafeWrite marr 0 c
start (i + 1) d
checkCont s0 0
len = B.length ps
combine w1 w2 = fromIntegral w1 .|. (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` 8)
decodeUtf16BE :: B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeUtf16BE =
beginChunk S0
beginChunk :: S -> B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
beginChunk s bs | B.null bs =
case s of
S0 -> DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk S0)
_ -> DecodeResultFailure T.empty $ toBS s
beginChunk s0 ps = runST $ do
let initLen = B.length ps
marr <- (initLen + 1)
let start !i !j
| i >= len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk S0)
| i + 1 < len && U16.validate1 x1 = addChar' 2 (unsafeChr x1)
| i + 3 < len && U16.validate2 x1 x2 = addChar' 4 (U16.chr2 x1 x2)
| i + 3 < len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultFailure t (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
| i + 2 < len = continue (S3 a b c)
| i + 1 < len = continue (S2 a b)
| otherwise = continue (S1 a)
a = B.unsafeIndex ps i
b = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+1)
c = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+2)
d = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+3)
x1 = combine a b
x2 = combine c d
addChar' deltai char = do
deltaj <- unsafeWrite marr j char
start (i + deltai) (j + deltaj)
continue s = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i | i >= len = return $! DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i =
case s of
S0 -> start i 0
S1 a ->
let x1 = combine a x
in if U16.validate1 x1
then addChar' (unsafeChr x1)
else checkCont (S2 a x) (i + 1)
S2 a b -> checkCont (S3 a b x) (i + 1)
S3 a b c ->
let x1 = combine a b
x2 = combine c x
in if U16.validate2 x1 x2
then addChar' (U16.chr2 x1 x2)
else return $! DecodeResultFailure T.empty
$! B.append (toBS s) (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
x = B.unsafeIndex ps i
addChar' c = do
d <- unsafeWrite marr 0 c
start (i + 1) d
checkCont s0 0
len = B.length ps
combine w1 w2 = (fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral w2
decodeUtf32LE :: B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeUtf32LE =
beginChunk S0
beginChunk :: S -> B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
beginChunk s bs | B.null bs =
case s of
S0 -> DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk S0)
_ -> DecodeResultFailure T.empty $ toBS s
beginChunk s0 ps = runST $ do
let initLen = B.length ps `div` 2
marr <- (initLen + 1)
let start !i !j
| i >= len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk S0)
| i + 3 < len && U32.validate x1 = addChar' 4 (unsafeChr32 x1)
| i + 3 < len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultFailure t (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
| i + 2 < len = continue (S3 a b c)
| i + 1 < len = continue (S2 a b)
| otherwise = continue (S1 a)
a = B.unsafeIndex ps i
b = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+1)
c = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+2)
d = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+3)
x1 = combine a b c d
addChar' deltai char = do
deltaj <- unsafeWrite marr j char
start (i + deltai) (j + deltaj)
continue s = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i | i >= len = return $! DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i =
case s of
S0 -> start i 0
S1 a -> checkCont (S2 a x) (i + 1)
S2 a b -> checkCont (S3 a b x) (i + 1)
S3 a b c ->
let x1 = combine a b c x
in if U32.validate x1
then addChar' (unsafeChr32 x1)
else return $! DecodeResultFailure T.empty
$! B.append (toBS s) (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
x = B.unsafeIndex ps i
addChar' c = do
d <- unsafeWrite marr 0 c
start (i + 1) d
checkCont s0 0
len = B.length ps
combine w1 w2 w3 w4 =
shiftL (fromIntegral w4) 24
.|. shiftL (fromIntegral w3) 16
.|. shiftL (fromIntegral w2) 8
.|. (fromIntegral w1)
decodeUtf32BE :: B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
decodeUtf32BE =
beginChunk S0
beginChunk :: S -> B.ByteString -> DecodeResult
beginChunk s bs | B.null bs =
case s of
S0 -> DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk S0)
_ -> DecodeResultFailure T.empty $ toBS s
beginChunk s0 ps = runST $ do
let initLen = B.length ps `div` 2
marr <- (initLen + 1)
let start !i !j
| i >= len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk S0)
| i + 3 < len && U32.validate x1 = addChar' 4 (unsafeChr32 x1)
| i + 3 < len = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultFailure t (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
| i + 2 < len = continue (S3 a b c)
| i + 1 < len = continue (S2 a b)
| otherwise = continue (S1 a)
a = B.unsafeIndex ps i
b = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+1)
c = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+2)
d = B.unsafeIndex ps (i+3)
x1 = combine a b c d
addChar' deltai char = do
deltaj <- unsafeWrite marr j char
start (i + deltai) (j + deltaj)
continue s = do
t <- getText j marr
return $! DecodeResultSuccess t (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i | i >= len = return $! DecodeResultSuccess T.empty (beginChunk s)
checkCont s !i =
case s of
S0 -> start i 0
S1 a -> checkCont (S2 a x) (i + 1)
S2 a b -> checkCont (S3 a b x) (i + 1)
S3 a b c ->
let x1 = combine a b c x
in if U32.validate x1
then addChar' (unsafeChr32 x1)
else return $! DecodeResultFailure T.empty
$! B.append (toBS s) (B.unsafeDrop i ps)
x = B.unsafeIndex ps i
addChar' c = do
d <- unsafeWrite marr 0 c
start (i + 1) d
checkCont s0 0
len = B.length ps
combine w1 w2 w3 w4 =
shiftL (fromIntegral w1) 24
.|. shiftL (fromIntegral w2) 16
.|. shiftL (fromIntegral w3) 8
.|. (fromIntegral w4)