## 0.8.0 * Updated for Streamly 0.10.0. * Added proper concurrency support, including safety upon asynchronous exceptions. (The previous versions were unreliable in concurrent settings—segfaults, deadlocks, etc.) * A byproduct of the previous point: `writeLMDB` no longer maintains its own read-write transactions under the hood. * Added the ability to chunk the read-only transactions (by bytes or number of pairs) that `readLMDB` can create under the hood. * Added the ability to use read-write transactions for `readLMDB`. * Eliminated the `Void` seed for `readLMDB`. * Added more choices for `readStart`. * Added the ability to stream unexpected key-value pairs in `writeLMDB` into a separate fold. * Added `getLMDB` for getting a single key-value pair normally (without streaming). * Added `writeLMDBChunk` for writing key-value pairs normally (without streaming). * Added `chunkPairs`/`chunkPairsFold` convenience functions that allow chunking a stream of key-value pairs (by bytes or number of pairs). * Added `deleteLMDB` for deleting key-value pairs. * Made the unsafe FFI functionality internal. * Improved documentation, esp. regarding caveats for long-lived transactions and various lower-level LMDB requirements. ## 0.7.0 * Added `readUnsafeFFI` and `writeUnsafeFFI` options. ## 0.6.0 * Updated for Streamly 0.9.0. ## 0.5.0 * Added the ability to close databases and environments. ## 0.4.0 * Added support for precreating read-only transactions. ## 0.3.0 * Updated for Streamly 0.8.0. ## 0.2.1 * Allow QuickCheck <2.15 and tasty <1.5. ## 0.2.0 * Added read options for backward reading and starting from a specific key. ## 0.1.0 * Added a write option that disallows overwriting but does not throw an error when attempting to write a key-value pair that already exists in the database. ## * Fixed `install-includes` and `include-dirs` in the Cabal file. * Added safety check for bound threads in `writeLMDB`. ## 0.0.1 * Initial release.