#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
module Data.Stream.Infinite.Skew
( Stream
, (<|)
, (!!)
, tail
, uncons
, drop
, dropWhile
, span
, break
, split
, splitW
, repeat
, insert
, insertBy
, adjust
, update
, from
, indexed
, interleave
) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Comonad
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Functor.Alt
import Data.Functor.Extend
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Semigroup hiding (Last)
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (null, head, tail, drop, dropWhile, length, foldr, last, span, repeat, replicate, (!!), break)
infixr 5 :<, <|
data Complete a
= Tip a
| Bin !Integer a !(Complete a) !(Complete a)
deriving Show
instance Functor Complete where
fmap f (Tip a) = Tip (f a)
fmap f (Bin w a l r) = Bin w (f a) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
instance Extend Complete where
extended f w@Tip {} = Tip (f w)
extended f w@(Bin n _ l r) = Bin n (f w) (extended f l) (extended f r)
instance Comonad Complete where
extend f w@Tip {} = Tip (f w)
extend f w@(Bin n _ l r) = Bin n (f w) (extend f l) (extend f r)
extract (Tip a) = a
extract (Bin _ a _ _) = a
instance Foldable Complete where
foldMap f (Tip a) = f a
foldMap f (Bin _ a l r) = f a `mappend` foldMap f l `mappend` foldMap f r
foldr f z (Tip a) = f a z
foldr f z (Bin _ a l r) = f a (foldr f (foldr f z r) l)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
length Tip{} = 1
length (Bin n _ _ _) = fromIntegral n
null _ = False
instance Foldable1 Complete where
foldMap1 f (Tip a) = f a
foldMap1 f (Bin _ a l r) = f a <> foldMap1 f l <> foldMap1 f r
instance Traversable Complete where
traverse f (Tip a) = Tip <$> f a
traverse f (Bin n a l r) = Bin n <$> f a <*> traverse f l <*> traverse f r
instance Traversable1 Complete where
traverse1 f (Tip a) = Tip <$> f a
traverse1 f (Bin n a l r) = Bin n <$> f a <.> traverse1 f l <.> traverse1 f r
bin :: a -> Complete a -> Complete a -> Complete a
bin a l r = Bin (1 + weight l + weight r) a l r
weight :: Complete a -> Integer
weight Tip{} = 1
weight (Bin w _ _ _) = w
data Stream a = !(Complete a) :< Stream a
instance Show a => Show (Stream a) where
showsPrec d as = showParen (d >= 10) $
showString "fromList " . showsPrec 11 (toList as)
instance Functor Stream where
fmap f (t :< ts) = fmap f t :< fmap f ts
instance Extend Stream where
extended = extend
instance Comonad Stream where
extend g0 (t :< ts) = go g0 t (:< ts) :< extend g0 ts
go :: (Stream a -> b) -> Complete a -> (Complete a -> Stream a) -> Complete b
go g w@Tip{} f = Tip (g (f w))
go g w@(Bin n _ l r) f = Bin n (g (f w)) (go g l (:< f r)) (go g r f)
extract (a :< _) = extract a
instance Apply Stream where
fs <.> as = mapWithIndex (\n f -> f (as !! n)) fs
as <. _ = as
_ .> bs = bs
instance ComonadApply Stream where
(<@>) = (<.>)
(<@) = (<.)
(@>) = (.>)
instance Applicative Stream where
pure = repeat
(<*>) = (<.>)
(<* ) = (<. )
( *>) = ( .>)
instance Alt Stream where
as <!> bs = tabulate $ \i -> case quotRem i 2 of
(q,0) -> as !! q
(q,_) -> bs !! q
instance Foldable Stream where
foldMap f (t :< ts) = foldMap f t `mappend` foldMap f ts
foldr f z (t :< ts) = foldr f (foldr f z ts) t
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
length _ = error "infinite length"
null _ = False
instance Foldable1 Stream where
foldMap1 f (t :< ts) = foldMap1 f t <> foldMap1 f ts
instance Traversable Stream where
traverse f (t :< ts) = (:<) <$> traverse f t <*> traverse f ts
instance Traversable1 Stream where
traverse1 f (t :< ts) = (:<) <$> traverse1 f t <.> traverse1 f ts
instance Distributive Stream where
distribute w = tabulate (\i -> fmap (!! i) w)
instance Representable Stream where
type Rep Stream = Integer
tabulate f = mapWithIndex (const . f) (pure ())
index (t :< ts) i
| i < 0 = error "index: negative index"
| i < w = indexComplete i t
| otherwise = index ts (i w)
where w = weight t
instance Semigroup (Stream a) where
(<>) = (<!>)
instance Monad Stream where
return = pure
as >>= f = mapWithIndex (\i a -> f a !! i) as
interleave :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
interleave = (<!>)
repeat :: a -> Stream a
repeat b = go b (Tip b)
go :: a -> Complete a -> Stream a
go a as | ass <- bin a as as = as :< go a ass
mapWithIndex :: (Integer -> a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
mapWithIndex f0 as0 = spine f0 0 as0
spine f m (a :< as) = tree f m a :< spine f (m + weight a) as
tree f m (Tip a) = Tip (f m a)
tree f m (Bin n a l r) = Bin n (f m a) (tree f (m + 1) l) (tree f (m + 1 + weight l) r)
indexed :: Stream a -> Stream (Integer, a)
indexed = mapWithIndex (,)
from :: Num a => a -> Stream a
from a = mapWithIndex ((+) . fromIntegral) (pure a)
(<|) :: a -> Stream a -> Stream a
a <| (l :< r :< as)
| weight l == weight r = bin a l r :< as
a <| as = Tip a :< as
tail :: Stream a -> Stream a
tail (Tip{} :< ts) = ts
tail (Bin _ _ l r :< ts) = l :< r :< ts
uncons :: Stream a -> (a, Stream a)
uncons (Tip a :< as) = (a, as)
uncons (Bin _ a l r :< as) = (a, l :< r :< as)
indexComplete :: Integer -> Complete a -> a
indexComplete 0 (Tip a) = a
indexComplete 0 (Bin _ a _ _) = a
indexComplete i (Bin w _ l r)
| i <= w' = indexComplete (i1) l
| otherwise = indexComplete (i1w') r
where w' = div w 2
indexComplete _ _ = error "indexComplete"
(!!) :: Stream a -> Integer -> a
(!!) = index
drop :: Integer -> Stream a -> Stream a
drop 0 ts = ts
drop i (t :< ts) = case compare i w of
LT -> dropComplete i t (:< ts)
EQ -> ts
GT -> drop (i w) ts
where w = weight t
dropComplete :: Integer -> Complete a -> (Complete a -> Stream a) -> Stream a
dropComplete 0 t f = f t
dropComplete 1 (Bin _ _ l r) f = l :< f r
dropComplete i (Bin w _ l r) f = case compare (i 1) w' of
LT -> dropComplete (i1) l (:< f r)
EQ -> f r
GT -> dropComplete (i1w') r f
where w' = div w 2
dropComplete _ _ _ = error "dropComplete"
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
dropWhile p as
| p (extract as) = dropWhile p (tail as)
| otherwise = as
span :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> ([a], Stream a)
span p as
| a <- extract as, p a = first (a:) $ span p (tail as)
| otherwise = ([], as)
break :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> ([a], Stream a)
break p = span (not . p)
split :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> ([a], Stream a)
split p (a :< as)
| p (extract as) = splitComplete p a (:< as)
| (ts, fs) <- split p as = (foldr (:) ts a, fs)
splitComplete :: (a -> Bool) -> Complete a -> (Complete a -> Stream a) -> ([a], Stream a)
splitComplete _ t@Tip{} f = ([], f t)
splitComplete p t@(Bin _ a l r) f
| p a = ([], f t)
| p (extract r), (ts, fs) <- splitComplete p l (:< f r) = (a:ts, fs)
| (ts, fs) <- splitComplete p r f = (a:foldr (:) ts l, fs)
splitW :: (Stream a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> ([a], Stream a)
splitW p (a :< as)
| p as = splitCompleteW p a (:< as)
| (ts, fs) <- splitW p as = (foldr (:) ts a, fs)
splitCompleteW :: (Stream a -> Bool) -> Complete a -> (Complete a -> Stream a) -> ([a], Stream a)
splitCompleteW _ t@Tip{} f = ([], f t)
splitCompleteW p t@(Bin _ a l r) f
| w <- f t, p w = ([], w)
| w <- f r, p w, (ts, fs) <- splitCompleteW p l (:< w) = (a:ts, fs)
| (ts, fs) <- splitCompleteW p r f = (a:foldr (:) ts l, fs)
insert :: Ord a => a -> Stream a -> Stream a
insert a as | (ts, as') <- split (a<=) as = foldr (<|) (a <| as') ts
insertBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> Stream a -> Stream a
insertBy cmp a as | (ts, as') <- split (\b -> cmp a b <= EQ) as = foldr (<|) (a <| as') ts
adjust :: Integer -> (a -> a) -> Stream a -> Stream a
adjust !n f (a :< as)
| n < w = adjustComplete n f a :< as
| otherwise = a :< adjust (n w) f as
where w = weight a
adjustComplete :: Integer -> (a -> a) -> Complete a -> Complete a
adjustComplete 0 f (Tip a) = Tip (f a)
adjustComplete _ _ t@Tip{} = t
adjustComplete n f (Bin m a l r)
| n == 0 = Bin m (f a) l r
| n <= w = Bin m a (adjustComplete (n 1) f l) r
| otherwise = Bin m a l (adjustComplete (n 1 w) f r)
where w = weight l
update :: Integer -> a -> Stream a -> Stream a
update n = adjust n . const