{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} #include "containers.h" import Data.Strict.Sequence.Autogen.Internal ( Sized (..) , Seq (Seq) , FingerTree(..) , Node(..) , Elem(..) , Digit (..) , node2 , node3 , deep ) import Data.Strict.Sequence.Autogen import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), liftA2) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.Array (listArray) import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1, foldMap, fold), toList, all, sum, foldl', foldr') import Data.Functor ((<$>), (<$)) import Data.Maybe import Data.Function (on) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), All(..), Endo(..), Dual(..)) import Data.Semigroup (stimes, stimesMonoid) import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse), sequenceA) import Prelude hiding ( lookup, null, length, take, drop, splitAt, foldl, foldl', foldl1, foldr, foldr1, scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1, filter, reverse, replicate, zip, zipWith, zip3, zipWith3, all, sum) import qualified Prelude import qualified Data.List import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding ((><)) import Test.QuickCheck.Function (apply) import Test.QuickCheck.Poly (A, OrdA, B(..), OrdB, C) import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip (..)) import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq) import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix (..)) import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "seq-properties" [ test_lift #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0) , test_liftTyped #endif , testProperty "fmap" prop_fmap , testProperty "(<$)" prop_constmap , testProperty "foldr" prop_foldr , testProperty "foldr'" prop_foldr' , testProperty "lazy foldr'" prop_lazyfoldr' , testProperty "foldr1" prop_foldr1 , testProperty "foldl" prop_foldl , testProperty "foldl'" prop_foldl' , testProperty "lazy foldl'" prop_lazyfoldl' , testProperty "foldl1" prop_foldl1 , testProperty "(==)" prop_equals , testProperty "compare" prop_compare , testProperty "mappend" prop_mappend , testProperty "singleton" prop_singleton , testProperty "(<|)" prop_cons , testProperty "(|>)" prop_snoc , testProperty "(><)" prop_append , testProperty "fromList" prop_fromList , testProperty "fromFunction" prop_fromFunction , testProperty "fromArray" prop_fromArray , testProperty "replicate" prop_replicate , testProperty "replicateA" prop_replicateA , testProperty "replicateM" prop_replicateM , testProperty "iterateN" prop_iterateN , testProperty "unfoldr" prop_unfoldr , testProperty "unfoldl" prop_unfoldl , testProperty "null" prop_null , testProperty "length" prop_length , testProperty "viewl" prop_viewl , testProperty "viewr" prop_viewr , testProperty "scanl" prop_scanl , testProperty "scanl1" prop_scanl1 , testProperty "scanr" prop_scanr , testProperty "scanr1" prop_scanr1 , testProperty "tails" prop_tails , testProperty "inits" prop_inits , testProperty "takeWhileL" prop_takeWhileL , testProperty "takeWhileR" prop_takeWhileR , testProperty "dropWhileL" prop_dropWhileL , testProperty "dropWhileR" prop_dropWhileR , testProperty "spanl" prop_spanl , testProperty "spanr" prop_spanr , testProperty "breakl" prop_breakl , testProperty "breakr" prop_breakr , testProperty "partition" prop_partition , testProperty "filter" prop_filter , testProperty "sort" prop_sort , testProperty "sortStable" prop_sortStable , testProperty "sortBy" prop_sortBy , testProperty "sortOn" prop_sortOn , testProperty "sortOnStable" prop_sortOnStable , testProperty "unstableSort" prop_unstableSort , testProperty "unstableSortBy" prop_unstableSortBy , testProperty "unstableSortOn" prop_unstableSortOn , testProperty "index" prop_index , testProperty "(!?)" prop_safeIndex , testProperty "adjust" prop_adjust , testProperty "insertAt" prop_insertAt , testProperty "deleteAt" prop_deleteAt , testProperty "update" prop_update , testProperty "take" prop_take , testProperty "drop" prop_drop , testProperty "splitAt" prop_splitAt , testProperty "chunksOf" prop_chunksOf , testProperty "elemIndexL" prop_elemIndexL , testProperty "elemIndicesL" prop_elemIndicesL , testProperty "elemIndexR" prop_elemIndexR , testProperty "elemIndicesR" prop_elemIndicesR , testProperty "findIndexL" prop_findIndexL , testProperty "findIndicesL" prop_findIndicesL , testProperty "findIndexR" prop_findIndexR , testProperty "findIndicesR" prop_findIndicesR , testProperty "foldlWithIndex" prop_foldlWithIndex , testProperty "foldrWithIndex" prop_foldrWithIndex , testProperty "mapWithIndex" prop_mapWithIndex , testProperty "foldMapWithIndex/foldlWithIndex" prop_foldMapWithIndexL , testProperty "foldMapWithIndex/foldrWithIndex" prop_foldMapWithIndexR , testProperty "traverseWithIndex" prop_traverseWithIndex , testProperty "reverse" prop_reverse , testProperty "zip" prop_zip , testProperty "zipWith" prop_zipWith , testProperty "zip3" prop_zip3 , testProperty "zipWith3" prop_zipWith3 , testProperty "zip4" prop_zip4 , testProperty "zipWith4" prop_zipWith4 , testProperty "mzip-naturality" prop_mzipNaturality , testProperty "mzip-preservation" prop_mzipPreservation , testProperty "munzip-lazy" prop_munzipLazy , testProperty "<*>" prop_ap , testProperty "<*> NOINLINE" prop_ap_NOINLINE , testProperty "liftA2" prop_liftA2 , testProperty "*>" prop_then , testProperty "<*" prop_before , testProperty "cycleTaking" prop_cycleTaking , testProperty "intersperse" prop_intersperse , testProperty ">>=" prop_bind , testProperty "mfix" test_mfix , testProperty "Empty pattern" prop_empty_pat , testProperty "Empty constructor" prop_empty_con , testProperty "Left view pattern" prop_viewl_pat , testProperty "Left view constructor" prop_viewl_con , testProperty "Right view pattern" prop_viewr_pat , testProperty "Right view constructor" prop_viewr_con , testProperty "stimes" prop_stimes ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Arbitrary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Seq a) where arbitrary = Seq <$> arbitrary shrink (Seq x) = map Seq (shrink x) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Elem a) where arbitrary = Elem <$> arbitrary instance (Arbitrary a, Sized a) => Arbitrary (FingerTree a) where arbitrary = sized arb where arb :: (Arbitrary b, Sized b) => Int -> Gen (FingerTree b) arb 0 = return EmptyT arb 1 = Single <$> arbitrary arb n = do pr <- arbitrary sf <- arbitrary let n_pr = Prelude.length (toList pr) let n_sf = Prelude.length (toList sf) -- adding n `div` 7 ensures that n_m >= 0, and makes more Singles let n_m = max (n `div` 7) ((n - n_pr - n_sf) `div` 3) m <- arb n_m return $ deep pr m sf shrink (Deep _ (One a) EmptyT (One b)) = [Single a, Single b] shrink (Deep _ pr m sf) = [deep pr' m sf | pr' <- shrink pr] ++ [deep pr m' sf | m' <- shrink m] ++ [deep pr m sf' | sf' <- shrink sf] shrink (Single x) = map Single (shrink x) shrink EmptyT = [] instance (Arbitrary a, Sized a) => Arbitrary (Node a) where arbitrary = oneof [ node2 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary, node3 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary] shrink (Node2 _ a b) = [node2 a' b | a' <- shrink a] ++ [node2 a b' | b' <- shrink b] shrink (Node3 _ a b c) = [node2 a b, node2 a c, node2 b c] ++ [node3 a' b c | a' <- shrink a] ++ [node3 a b' c | b' <- shrink b] ++ [node3 a b c' | c' <- shrink c] instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Digit a) where arbitrary = oneof [ One <$> arbitrary, Two <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary, Three <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary, Four <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary] shrink (One a) = map One (shrink a) shrink (Two a b) = [One a, One b] shrink (Three a b c) = [Two a b, Two a c, Two b c] shrink (Four a b c d) = [Three a b c, Three a b d, Three a c d, Three b c d] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Valid trees ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Valid a where valid :: a -> Bool instance Valid (Elem a) where valid _ = True instance Valid (Seq a) where valid (Seq xs) = valid xs instance (Sized a, Valid a) => Valid (FingerTree a) where valid EmptyT = True valid (Single x) = valid x valid (Deep s pr m sf) = s == size pr + size m + size sf && valid pr && valid m && valid sf instance (Sized a, Valid a) => Valid (Node a) where valid node = size node == sum (fmap size node) && all valid node instance Valid a => Valid (Digit a) where valid = all valid {-------------------------------------------------------------------- The general plan is to compare each function with a list equivalent. Each operation should produce a valid tree representing the same sequence as produced by its list counterpart on corresponding inputs. (The list versions are often lazier, but these properties ignore strictness.) --------------------------------------------------------------------} -- utilities for partial conversions infix 4 ~= (~=) :: Eq a => Maybe a -> a -> Bool (~=) = maybe (const False) (==) -- Partial conversion of an output sequence to a list. toList' :: Seq a -> Maybe [a] toList' xs | valid xs = Just (toList xs) | otherwise = Nothing toListList' :: Seq (Seq a) -> Maybe [[a]] toListList' xss = toList' xss >>= mapM toList' toListPair' :: (Seq a, Seq b) -> Maybe ([a], [b]) toListPair' (xs, ys) = (,) <$> toList' xs <*> toList' ys -- Extra "polymorphic" test type newtype D = D{ unD :: Integer } deriving ( Eq ) instance Show D where showsPrec n (D x) = showsPrec n x instance Arbitrary D where arbitrary = (D . (+1) . abs) `fmap` arbitrary shrink (D x) = [ D x' | x' <- shrink x, x' > 0 ] instance CoArbitrary D where coarbitrary = coarbitrary . unD -- instances prop_fmap :: Seq Int -> Bool prop_fmap xs = toList' (fmap f xs) ~= map f (toList xs) where f = (+100) prop_constmap :: A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_constmap x xs = toList' (x <$ xs) ~= map (const x) (toList xs) prop_foldr :: Seq A -> Property prop_foldr xs = foldr f z xs === Prelude.foldr f z (toList xs) where f = (:) z = [] prop_foldr' :: Seq A -> Property prop_foldr' xs = foldr' f z xs === foldr' f z (toList xs) where f = (:) z = [] prop_lazyfoldr' :: Seq () -> Property prop_lazyfoldr' xs = not (null xs) ==> foldr' (\e _ -> e) (error "Data.Strict.Sequence.Autogen.foldr': should be lazy in initial accumulator") xs === () prop_foldr1 :: Seq Int -> Property prop_foldr1 xs = not (null xs) ==> foldr1 f xs == Data.List.foldr1 f (toList xs) where f = (-) prop_foldl :: Seq A -> Property prop_foldl xs = foldl f z xs === Prelude.foldl f z (toList xs) where f = flip (:) z = [] prop_foldl' :: Seq A -> Property prop_foldl' xs = foldl' f z xs === foldl' f z (toList xs) where f = flip (:) z = [] prop_lazyfoldl' :: Seq () -> Property prop_lazyfoldl' xs = not (null xs) ==> foldl' (\_ e -> e) (error "Data.Strict.Sequence.Autogen.foldl': should be lazy in initial accumulator") xs === () prop_foldl1 :: Seq Int -> Property prop_foldl1 xs = not (null xs) ==> foldl1 f xs == Data.List.foldl1 f (toList xs) where f = (-) prop_equals :: Seq OrdA -> Seq OrdA -> Bool prop_equals xs ys = (xs == ys) == (toList xs == toList ys) prop_compare :: Seq OrdA -> Seq OrdA -> Bool prop_compare xs ys = compare xs ys == compare (toList xs) (toList ys) prop_mappend :: Seq A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_mappend xs ys = toList' (mappend xs ys) ~= toList xs ++ toList ys -- * Construction {- toList' empty ~= [] -} prop_singleton :: A -> Bool prop_singleton x = toList' (singleton x) ~= [x] prop_cons :: A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_cons x xs = toList' (x <| xs) ~= x : toList xs prop_snoc :: Seq A -> A -> Bool prop_snoc xs x = toList' (xs |> x) ~= toList xs ++ [x] prop_append :: Seq A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_append xs ys = toList' (xs >< ys) ~= toList xs ++ toList ys prop_fromList :: [A] -> Bool prop_fromList xs = toList' (fromList xs) ~= xs prop_fromFunction :: [A] -> Bool prop_fromFunction xs = toList' (fromFunction (Prelude.length xs) (xs!!)) ~= xs prop_fromArray :: [A] -> Bool prop_fromArray xs = toList' (fromArray (listArray (42, 42+Prelude.length xs-1) xs)) ~= xs -- ** Repetition prop_replicate :: NonNegative Int -> A -> Bool prop_replicate (NonNegative m) x = toList' (replicate n x) ~= Prelude.replicate n x where n = m `mod` 10000 prop_replicateA :: NonNegative Int -> Bool prop_replicateA (NonNegative m) = traverse toList' (replicateA n a) ~= sequenceA (Prelude.replicate n a) where n = m `mod` 10000 a = Action 1 0 :: M Int prop_replicateM :: NonNegative Int -> Bool prop_replicateM (NonNegative m) = traverse toList' (replicateM n a) ~= sequence (Prelude.replicate n a) where n = m `mod` 10000 a = Action 1 0 :: M Int -- ** Iterative construction prop_iterateN :: NonNegative Int -> Int -> Bool prop_iterateN (NonNegative m) x = toList' (iterateN n f x) ~= Prelude.take n (Prelude.iterate f x) where n = m `mod` 10000 f = (+1) prop_unfoldr :: [A] -> Bool prop_unfoldr z = toList' (unfoldr f z) ~= Data.List.unfoldr f z where f [] = Nothing f (x:xs) = Just (x, xs) prop_unfoldl :: [A] -> Bool prop_unfoldl z = toList' (unfoldl f z) ~= Data.List.reverse (Data.List.unfoldr (fmap swap . f) z) where f [] = Nothing f (x:xs) = Just (xs, x) swap (x,y) = (y,x) -- * Deconstruction -- ** Queries prop_null :: Seq A -> Bool prop_null xs = null xs == Prelude.null (toList xs) prop_length :: Seq A -> Bool prop_length xs = length xs == Prelude.length (toList xs) -- ** Views prop_viewl :: Seq A -> Bool prop_viewl xs = case viewl xs of EmptyL -> Prelude.null (toList xs) x :< xs' -> valid xs' && toList xs == x : toList xs' prop_viewr :: Seq A -> Bool prop_viewr xs = case viewr xs of EmptyR -> Prelude.null (toList xs) xs' :> x -> valid xs' && toList xs == toList xs' ++ [x] -- * Scans prop_scanl :: [A] -> Seq A -> Bool prop_scanl z xs = toList' (scanl f z xs) ~= Data.List.scanl f z (toList xs) where f = flip (:) prop_scanl1 :: Seq Int -> Property prop_scanl1 xs = not (null xs) ==> toList' (scanl1 f xs) ~= Data.List.scanl1 f (toList xs) where f = (-) prop_scanr :: [A] -> Seq A -> Bool prop_scanr z xs = toList' (scanr f z xs) ~= Data.List.scanr f z (toList xs) where f = (:) prop_scanr1 :: Seq Int -> Property prop_scanr1 xs = not (null xs) ==> toList' (scanr1 f xs) ~= Data.List.scanr1 f (toList xs) where f = (-) -- * Sublists prop_tails :: Seq A -> Bool prop_tails xs = toListList' (tails xs) ~= Data.List.tails (toList xs) prop_inits :: Seq A -> Bool prop_inits xs = toListList' (inits xs) ~= Data.List.inits (toList xs) -- ** Sequential searches -- We use predicates with varying density. prop_takeWhileL :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_takeWhileL (Positive n) xs = toList' (takeWhileL p xs) ~= Prelude.takeWhile p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_takeWhileR :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_takeWhileR (Positive n) xs = toList' (takeWhileR p xs) ~= Prelude.reverse (Prelude.takeWhile p (Prelude.reverse (toList xs))) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_dropWhileL :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_dropWhileL (Positive n) xs = toList' (dropWhileL p xs) ~= Prelude.dropWhile p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_dropWhileR :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_dropWhileR (Positive n) xs = toList' (dropWhileR p xs) ~= Prelude.reverse (Prelude.dropWhile p (Prelude.reverse (toList xs))) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_spanl :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_spanl (Positive n) xs = toListPair' (spanl p xs) ~= Data.List.span p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_spanr :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_spanr (Positive n) xs = toListPair' (spanr p xs) ~= (Prelude.reverse *** Prelude.reverse) (Data.List.span p (Prelude.reverse (toList xs))) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_breakl :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_breakl (Positive n) xs = toListPair' (breakl p xs) ~= Data.List.break p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_breakr :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_breakr (Positive n) xs = toListPair' (breakr p xs) ~= (Prelude.reverse *** Prelude.reverse) (Data.List.break p (Prelude.reverse (toList xs))) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_partition :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_partition (Positive n) xs = toListPair' (partition p xs) ~= Data.List.partition p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_filter :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_filter (Positive n) xs = toList' (filter p xs) ~= Prelude.filter p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 -- * Sorting prop_sort :: Seq OrdA -> Bool prop_sort xs = toList' (sort xs) ~= Data.List.sort (toList xs) data UnstableOrd = UnstableOrd { ordKey :: OrdA , _ignored :: A } deriving (Show) instance Eq UnstableOrd where x == y = compare x y == EQ instance Ord UnstableOrd where compare (UnstableOrd x _) (UnstableOrd y _) = compare x y instance Arbitrary UnstableOrd where arbitrary = liftA2 UnstableOrd arbitrary arbitrary shrink (UnstableOrd x y) = [ UnstableOrd x' y' | (x',y') <- shrink (x, y) ] prop_sortStable :: Seq UnstableOrd -> Bool prop_sortStable xs = (fmap . fmap) unignore (toList' (sort xs)) ~= fmap unignore (Data.List.sort (toList xs)) where unignore (UnstableOrd x y) = (x, y) prop_sortBy :: Seq (OrdA, B) -> Bool prop_sortBy xs = toList' (sortBy f xs) ~= Data.List.sortBy f (toList xs) where f (x1, _) (x2, _) = compare x1 x2 prop_sortOn :: Fun A OrdB -> Seq A -> Bool prop_sortOn (Fun _ f) xs = toList' (sortOn f xs) ~= listSortOn f (toList xs) where listSortOn = Data.List.sortOn prop_sortOnStable :: Fun A UnstableOrd -> Seq A -> Bool prop_sortOnStable (Fun _ f) xs = toList' (sortOn f xs) ~= listSortOn f (toList xs) where listSortOn = Data.List.sortOn prop_unstableSort :: Seq OrdA -> Bool prop_unstableSort xs = toList' (unstableSort xs) ~= Data.List.sort (toList xs) prop_unstableSortBy :: Seq OrdA -> Bool prop_unstableSortBy xs = toList' (unstableSortBy compare xs) ~= Data.List.sort (toList xs) prop_unstableSortOn :: Fun A OrdB -> Seq A -> Property prop_unstableSortOn (Fun _ f) xs = toList' (unstableSortBy (compare `on` f) xs) === toList' (unstableSortOn f xs) -- * Indexing prop_index :: Seq A -> Property prop_index xs = not (null xs) ==> forAll (choose (0, length xs-1)) $ \ i -> index xs i == toList xs !! i prop_safeIndex :: Seq A -> Property prop_safeIndex xs = forAll (choose (-3, length xs + 3)) $ \i -> ((i < 0 || i >= length xs) .&&. lookup i xs === Nothing) .||. lookup i xs === Just (toList xs !! i) prop_insertAt :: A -> Seq A -> Property prop_insertAt x xs = forAll (choose (-3, length xs + 3)) $ \i -> let res = insertAt i x xs in valid res .&&. res === case splitAt i xs of (front, back) -> front >< x <| back prop_deleteAt :: Seq A -> Property prop_deleteAt xs = forAll (choose (-3, length xs + 3)) $ \i -> let res = deleteAt i xs in valid res .&&. (((0 <= i && i < length xs) .&&. res === case splitAt i xs of (front, back) -> front >< drop 1 back) .||. ((i < 0 || i >= length xs) .&&. res === xs)) prop_adjust :: Int -> Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_adjust n i xs = toList' (adjust f i xs) ~= adjustList f i (toList xs) where f = (+n) prop_update :: Int -> A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_update i x xs = toList' (update i x xs) ~= adjustList (const x) i (toList xs) prop_take :: Int -> Seq A -> Bool prop_take n xs = toList' (take n xs) ~= Prelude.take n (toList xs) prop_drop :: Int -> Seq A -> Bool prop_drop n xs = toList' (drop n xs) ~= Prelude.drop n (toList xs) prop_splitAt :: Int -> Seq A -> Bool prop_splitAt n xs = toListPair' (splitAt n xs) ~= Prelude.splitAt n (toList xs) prop_chunksOf :: Seq A -> Property prop_chunksOf xs = forAll (choose (1, length xs + 3)) $ \n -> let chunks = chunksOf n xs in valid chunks .&&. conjoin [valid c .&&. 1 <= length c && length c <= n | c <- toList chunks] .&&. fold chunks === xs adjustList :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a] adjustList f i xs = [if j == i then f x else x | (j, x) <- Prelude.zip [0..] xs] -- ** Indexing with predicates -- The elem* tests have poor coverage, but for find* we use predicates -- of varying density. prop_elemIndexL :: A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_elemIndexL x xs = elemIndexL x xs == Data.List.elemIndex x (toList xs) prop_elemIndicesL :: A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_elemIndicesL x xs = elemIndicesL x xs == Data.List.elemIndices x (toList xs) prop_elemIndexR :: A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_elemIndexR x xs = elemIndexR x xs == listToMaybe (Prelude.reverse (Data.List.elemIndices x (toList xs))) prop_elemIndicesR :: A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_elemIndicesR x xs = elemIndicesR x xs == Prelude.reverse (Data.List.elemIndices x (toList xs)) prop_findIndexL :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_findIndexL (Positive n) xs = findIndexL p xs == Data.List.findIndex p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_findIndicesL :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_findIndicesL (Positive n) xs = findIndicesL p xs == Data.List.findIndices p (toList xs) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_findIndexR :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_findIndexR (Positive n) xs = findIndexR p xs == listToMaybe (Prelude.reverse (Data.List.findIndices p (toList xs))) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 prop_findIndicesR :: Positive Int -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_findIndicesR (Positive n) xs = findIndicesR p xs == Prelude.reverse (Data.List.findIndices p (toList xs)) where p x = x `mod` n == 0 -- * Folds prop_foldlWithIndex :: [(Int, A)] -> Seq A -> Bool prop_foldlWithIndex z xs = foldlWithIndex f z xs == Data.List.foldl (uncurry . f) z (Data.List.zip [0..] (toList xs)) where f ys n y = (n,y):ys prop_foldrWithIndex :: [(Int, A)] -> Seq A -> Bool prop_foldrWithIndex z xs = foldrWithIndex f z xs == Data.List.foldr (uncurry f) z (Data.List.zip [0..] (toList xs)) where f n y ys = (n,y):ys prop_foldMapWithIndexL :: (Fun (B, Int, A) B) -> B -> Seq A -> Bool prop_foldMapWithIndexL (Fun _ f) z t = foldlWithIndex f' z t == appEndo (getDual (foldMapWithIndex (\i -> Dual . Endo . flip (flip f' i)) t)) z where f' b i a = f (b, i, a) prop_foldMapWithIndexR :: (Fun (Int, A, B) B) -> B -> Seq A -> Bool prop_foldMapWithIndexR (Fun _ f) z t = foldrWithIndex f' z t == appEndo (foldMapWithIndex (\i -> Endo . f' i) t) z where f' i a b = f (i, a, b) -- * Transformations prop_mapWithIndex :: Seq A -> Bool prop_mapWithIndex xs = toList' (mapWithIndex f xs) ~= map (uncurry f) (Data.List.zip [0..] (toList xs)) where f = (,) prop_traverseWithIndex :: Seq Int -> Bool prop_traverseWithIndex xs = runState (traverseWithIndex (\i x -> modify ((i,x) :)) xs) [] == runState (sequenceA . mapWithIndex (\i x -> modify ((i,x) :)) $ xs) [] prop_reverse :: Seq A -> Bool prop_reverse xs = toList' (reverse xs) ~= Prelude.reverse (toList xs) -- ** Zips prop_zip :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Bool prop_zip xs ys = toList' (zip xs ys) ~= Prelude.zip (toList xs) (toList ys) prop_zipWith :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Bool prop_zipWith xs ys = toList' (zipWith f xs ys) ~= Prelude.zipWith f (toList xs) (toList ys) where f = (,) prop_zip3 :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Seq C -> Bool prop_zip3 xs ys zs = toList' (zip3 xs ys zs) ~= Prelude.zip3 (toList xs) (toList ys) (toList zs) prop_zipWith3 :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Seq C -> Bool prop_zipWith3 xs ys zs = toList' (zipWith3 f xs ys zs) ~= Prelude.zipWith3 f (toList xs) (toList ys) (toList zs) where f = (,,) prop_zip4 :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Seq C -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_zip4 xs ys zs ts = toList' (zip4 xs ys zs ts) ~= Data.List.zip4 (toList xs) (toList ys) (toList zs) (toList ts) prop_zipWith4 :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Seq C -> Seq Int -> Bool prop_zipWith4 xs ys zs ts = toList' (zipWith4 f xs ys zs ts) ~= Data.List.zipWith4 f (toList xs) (toList ys) (toList zs) (toList ts) where f = (,,,) -- This comes straight from the MonadZip documentation prop_mzipNaturality :: Fun A C -> Fun B D -> Seq A -> Seq B -> Property prop_mzipNaturality f g sa sb = fmap (apply f *** apply g) (mzip sa sb) === mzip (apply f <$> sa) (apply g <$> sb) -- This is a slight optimization of the MonadZip preservation -- law that works because sequences don't have any decorations. prop_mzipPreservation :: Fun A B -> Seq A -> Property prop_mzipPreservation f sa = let sb = fmap (apply f) sa in munzip (mzip sa sb) === (sa, sb) -- We want to ensure that -- -- munzip xs = xs `seq` (fmap fst x, fmap snd x) prop_munzipLazy :: Seq (Integer, B) -> Bool prop_munzipLazy pairs = deepseq ((`seq` ()) <$> repaired) True where partialpairs = mapWithIndex (\i a -> update i err pairs) pairs firstPieces = fmap (fst . munzip) partialpairs repaired = mapWithIndex (\i s -> update i 10000 s) firstPieces err = (0, B 0) -- Applicative operations prop_ap :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Bool prop_ap xs ys = toList' ((,) <$> xs <*> ys) ~= ( (,) <$> toList xs <*> toList ys ) prop_ap_NOINLINE :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Bool prop_ap_NOINLINE xs ys = toList' (((,) <$> xs) `apNOINLINE` ys) ~= ( (,) <$> toList xs <*> toList ys ) {-# NOINLINE apNOINLINE #-} apNOINLINE :: Seq (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b apNOINLINE fs xs = fs <*> xs prop_liftA2 :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Property prop_liftA2 xs ys = valid q .&&. toList q === liftA2 (,) (toList xs) (toList ys) where q = liftA2 (,) xs ys prop_then :: Seq A -> Seq B -> Bool prop_then xs ys = toList' (xs *> ys) ~= (toList xs *> toList ys) -- We take only the length of the second sequence because -- the implementation throws the rest away; there's no -- point wasting test cases varying other aspects of that -- argument. prop_before :: Seq A -> NonNegative Int -> Bool prop_before xs (NonNegative lys) = toList' (xs <* ys) ~= (toList xs <* toList ys) where ys = replicate lys () prop_intersperse :: A -> Seq A -> Bool prop_intersperse x xs = toList' (intersperse x xs) ~= Data.List.intersperse x (toList xs) prop_cycleTaking :: Int -> Seq A -> Property prop_cycleTaking n xs = (n <= 0 || not (null xs)) ==> toList' (cycleTaking n xs) ~= Data.List.take n (Data.List.cycle (toList xs)) prop_empty_pat :: Seq A -> Bool prop_empty_pat xs@Empty = null xs prop_empty_pat xs = not (null xs) prop_empty_con :: Bool prop_empty_con = null Empty prop_viewl_pat :: Seq A -> Property prop_viewl_pat xs@(y :<| ys) | z :< zs <- viewl xs = y === z .&&. ys === zs | otherwise = property False prop_viewl_pat xs = property $ null xs prop_viewl_con :: A -> Seq A -> Property prop_viewl_con x xs = x :<| xs === x <| xs prop_viewr_pat :: Seq A -> Property prop_viewr_pat xs@(ys :|> y) | zs :> z <- viewr xs = y === z .&&. ys === zs | otherwise = property False prop_viewr_pat xs = property $ null xs prop_viewr_con :: Seq A -> A -> Property prop_viewr_con xs x = xs :|> x === xs |> x -- Monad operations prop_bind :: Seq A -> Fun A (Seq B) -> Bool prop_bind xs (Fun _ f) = toList' (xs >>= f) ~= (toList xs >>= toList . f) -- Semigroup operations prop_stimes :: NonNegative Int -> Seq A -> Property prop_stimes (NonNegative n) s = stimes n s === stimesMonoid n s -- MonadFix operation -- It's exceedingly difficult to construct a proper QuickCheck -- property for mfix because the function passed to it must be -- lazy. The following property is really just a unit test in -- disguise, and not a terribly meaningful one. test_mfix :: Property test_mfix = toList resS === resL where facty :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int facty _ 0 = 1; facty f n = n * f (n - 1) resS :: Seq Int resS = fmap ($ 12) $ mfix (\f -> fromList [facty f, facty (+1), facty (+2)]) resL :: [Int] resL = fmap ($ 12) $ mfix (\f -> [facty f, facty (+1), facty (+2)]) -- Simple test monad data M a = Action Int a deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor M where fmap f (Action n x) = Action n (f x) instance Applicative M where pure x = Action 0 x Action m f <*> Action n x = Action (m+n) (f x) instance Monad M where Action m x >>= f = let Action n y = f x in Action (m+n) y instance Foldable M where foldMap f (Action _ x) = f x instance Traversable M where traverse f (Action n x) = Action n <$> f x -- ---------- -- -- Unit tests -- -- ---------- test_lift :: TestTree test_lift = testCase "lift" $ do (mempty :: Seq Int) @=? $([| $(TH.lift (fromList [] :: Seq Integer)) |]) fromList [1..3 :: Int] @=? $([| $(TH.lift (fromList [1..3 :: Integer])) |]) #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0) test_liftTyped :: TestTree test_liftTyped = testCase "liftTyped" $ do (mempty :: Seq Int) @=? $$([|| $$(TH.liftTyped (fromList [])) ||]) fromList [1..3 :: Int] @=? $$([|| $$(TH.liftTyped (fromList [1..3])) ||]) #endif