cabal-version: 1.18 name: string-interpolate version: synopsis: Haskell string/text/bytestring interpolation that just works description: Unicode-aware string interpolation that handles all textual types. . See the README at for more info. category: Data, Text homepage: bug-reports: author: William Yao maintainer: copyright: 2019-2020 William Yao license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-doc-files: source-repository head type: git location: flag extended-benchmarks description: Enable benchmarks for Interpolation and interpolatedstring-perl6 manual: True default: False flag text-builder description: Use Text Builders to construct Text outputs instead of the Text type itself. If you're regularly constructing large (>50KB) text objects, enabling this can speed up your code. Otherwise, enabling this is likely to be a net slowdown. manual: False default: False flag bytestring-builder description: Use ByteString Builders to construct ByteString outputs instead of the ByteString type itself. If you're regularly constructing large (>50KB) bytestrings, enabling this can speed up your code. Otherwise, enabling this is likely to be a net slowdown. manual: False default: False library exposed-modules: Data.String.Interpolate Data.String.Interpolate.Conversion Data.String.Interpolate.Conversion.TextSink Data.String.Interpolate.Conversion.ByteStringSink Data.String.Interpolate.Parse other-modules: Data.String.Interpolate.Conversion.Classes Data.String.Interpolate.Conversion.Encoding other-modules: Paths_string_interpolate hs-source-dirs: src/lib ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances -fno-warn-name-shadowing if flag(text-builder) cpp-options: -DTEXT_BUILDER if flag(bytestring-builder) cpp-options: -DBYTESTRING_BUILDER build-depends: base ==4.* , bytestring <0.11 , text <1.3 , split <0.3 , haskell-src-exts <1.24 , haskell-src-meta <0.9 , template-haskell <2.17 , text-conversions <0.4 , utf8-string <1.1 default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite string-interpolate-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: spec.hs other-modules: Paths_string_interpolate hs-source-dirs: test ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: base ==4.* , string-interpolate , QuickCheck <2.15 , bytestring <0.11 , text <1.3 , template-haskell <2.17 , hspec <2.8 , hspec-core <2.8 , quickcheck-instances <0.4 , quickcheck-text <0.2 , quickcheck-unicode <1.1 , unordered-containers <0.3 default-language: Haskell2010 benchmark string-interpolate-bench type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: bench.hs other-modules: Paths_string_interpolate hs-source-dirs: bench build-depends: base ==4.* , string-interpolate , QuickCheck <2.15 , bytestring <0.11 , text <1.3 , deepseq <1.5 , criterion <1.6 , formatting <6.4 , interpolate <0.3 , neat-interpolation <0.6 if flag(extended-benchmarks) cpp-options: -DEXTENDED_BENCHMARKS build-depends: interpolatedstring-perl6 <1.1 , Interpolation <0.4 default-language: Haskell2010