{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Web.Stripe.Customer
   ( Customer(..)
    , CustomerId(..)
    , Email(..)
    , createCustomer
    , createCustomerByTokenId
    , updateCustomer
    , updateCustomerById
    , updateCustomerByTokenId
    , updateCustomerByIdByTokenId
    , getCustomer
    , getCustomers
    , delCustomer
    , delCustomerById

    {- Re-Export -}
    , Count(..)
    , Offset(..)
    , Description(..)
    , UTCTime(..)
    , StripeConfig(..)
    , StripeT(StripeT)
    , runStripeT
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad       (liftM, mzero)
import           Control.Monad.Error (MonadIO)
import           Data.Aeson          (FromJSON (..), Value (..), (.:), (.:?))
import           Data.Maybe          (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import           Web.Stripe.Card     (Card, RequestCard, rCardKV)
import           Web.Stripe.Client   (StdMethod (..), StripeConfig (..),
                                      StripeRequest (..), StripeT (..),
                                      baseSReq, query, queryData, runStripeT)
import           Web.Stripe.Coupon   (CpnId (..))
import           Web.Stripe.Discount (Discount)
import           Web.Stripe.Plan     (PlanId (..))
import           Web.Stripe.Token    (TokenId (..))
import           Web.Stripe.Utils    (CustomerId(..), Count (..), Description (..), Offset (..),
                                      UTCTime (..), fromSeconds, optionalArgs,
                                      showByteString, textToByteString)

-- Data Types --

-- | Represents a customer in the Stripe system.
data Customer = Customer
    { custId          :: CustomerId
    , custEmail       :: Maybe Email
    , custDescription :: Maybe Description
    , custLive        :: Bool
    , custCreated     :: UTCTime
    , custActiveCard  :: Maybe Card
    , custDiscount    :: Maybe Discount
    } deriving Show

-- | Represents a standard email address.
newtype Email = Email { unEmail :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Create a new 'Customer' in the Stripe system.
createCustomer  :: MonadIO m => Maybe RequestCard -> Maybe CpnId -> Maybe Email
                -> Maybe Description -> Maybe PlanId -> Maybe Int
                -> StripeT m Customer
createCustomer mrc mcid me md mpid mtime =
    snd `liftM` query (customerRq []) { sMethod = POST, sData = fdata }
        fdata = fromMaybe [] (rCardKV <$> mrc) ++ optionalArgs odata
        odata = [ ("coupon",        textToByteString . unCpnId         <$> mcid)
                , ("email",         textToByteString . unEmail         <$> me)
                , ("description",   textToByteString . unDescription   <$> md)
                , ("plan",          textToByteString . unPlanId        <$> mpid)
                , ("trial_end",     showByteString                     <$> mtime)

-- | Create a new 'Customer' in the Stripe system using a TokenId.
createCustomerByTokenId :: MonadIO m => Maybe TokenId -> Maybe CpnId -> Maybe Email
                        -> Maybe Description -> Maybe PlanId -> Maybe Int
                        -> StripeT m Customer
createCustomerByTokenId mrt mcid me md mpid mtime =
    snd `liftM` query (customerRq []) { sMethod = POST, sData = optionalArgs odata }
        odata = [ ("card",          textToByteString . unTokenId       <$> mrt)
                , ("coupon",        textToByteString . unCpnId         <$> mcid)
                , ("email",         textToByteString . unEmail         <$> me)
                , ("description",   textToByteString . unDescription   <$> md)
                , ("plan",          textToByteString . unPlanId        <$> mpid)
                , ("trial_end",     showByteString                     <$> mtime)

-- | Update an existing 'Customer' in the Stripe system.
updateCustomer :: MonadIO m => Customer -> Maybe RequestCard -> Maybe CpnId
               -> Maybe Email -> Maybe Description -> StripeT m Customer
updateCustomer  = updateCustomerById . custId

-- | Update an existing 'Customer', identified by 'CustomerId', in the Stripe
--   system.
updateCustomerById :: MonadIO m => CustomerId -> Maybe RequestCard
                   -> Maybe CpnId -> Maybe Email -> Maybe Description
                   -> StripeT m Customer
updateCustomerById (CustomerId cid) mrc mcid me md =
    snd `liftM` query (customerRq [cid]) { sMethod = POST, sData = fdata }
        fdata = fromMaybe [] (rCardKV <$> mrc) ++ optionalArgs odata
        odata = [ ("coupon",      textToByteString . unCpnId         <$> mcid)
                , ("email",       textToByteString . unEmail         <$> me)
                , ("description", textToByteString . unDescription   <$> md)

-- | Update an existing 'Customer' in the Stripe system.
updateCustomerByTokenId :: MonadIO m => Customer -> Maybe TokenId -> Maybe CpnId
                        -> Maybe Email -> Maybe Description -> StripeT m Customer
updateCustomerByTokenId  = updateCustomerByIdByTokenId . custId

-- | Update an existing 'Customer', identified by 'CustomerId', in the Stripe
--   system.
updateCustomerByIdByTokenId :: MonadIO m => CustomerId -> Maybe TokenId
                            -> Maybe CpnId -> Maybe Email -> Maybe Description
                            -> StripeT m Customer
updateCustomerByIdByTokenId (CustomerId cid) mrt mcid me md =
    snd `liftM` query (customerRq [cid]) { sMethod = POST, sData = optionalArgs odata }
        odata = [ ("card",        textToByteString . unTokenId       <$> mrt)
                , ("coupon",      textToByteString . unCpnId         <$> mcid)
                , ("email",       textToByteString . unEmail         <$> me)
                , ("description", textToByteString . unDescription   <$> md)

-- | Retrieves a specific 'Customer' based on its 'CustomerId'.
getCustomer :: MonadIO m => CustomerId -> StripeT m Customer
getCustomer (CustomerId cid) =
    return . snd =<< query (customerRq [cid])

-- | Retrieves a list of all 'Customer's. The query can optionally be refined
--   to a specific:
--      * number of charges, via 'Count' and
--      * page of results, via 'Offset'.
getCustomers :: MonadIO m => Maybe Count -> Maybe Offset -> StripeT m [Customer]
getCustomers mc mo = liftM snd $ queryData ((customerRq []) { sQString = qstring })
        qstring = optionalArgs  [ ("count",  show . unCount  <$> mc)
                                , ("offset", show . unOffset <$> mo)

-- | Deletes a 'Customer' if it exists. If it does not, an
--   'InvalidRequestError' will be thrown indicating this.
delCustomer :: MonadIO m => Customer -> StripeT m Bool
delCustomer  = delCustomerById . custId

-- | Deletes a 'Customer', identified by its 'CustomerId', if it exists.  If it
--   does not, an 'InvalidRequestError' will be thrown indicating this.
delCustomerById :: MonadIO m => CustomerId -> StripeT m Bool
delCustomerById (CustomerId cid) = liftM snd $ queryData req
    where req = (customerRq [cid]) { sMethod = DELETE }

-- | Convenience function to create a 'StripeRequest' specific to customer-related
--   actions.
customerRq :: [T.Text] -> StripeRequest
customerRq pcs = baseSReq { sDestination = "customers":pcs }

-- JSON Parsing --

-- | Attempts to parse JSON into a 'Customer'.
instance FromJSON Customer where
    parseJSON (Object o) = Customer
        <$> (CustomerId       <$> o .:  "id")
        <*> (fmap Email       <$> o .:? "email")
        <*> (fmap Description <$> o .:? "description")
        <*>                       o .:  "livemode"
        <*> (fromSeconds      <$> o .:  "created")
        <*>                       o .:? "active_card"
        <*>                       o .:? "discount"
    parseJSON _ = mzero