module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config.Tests ( tests ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.YAML.Aeson as Yaml import System.Directory import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assert, (@?=)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests.Util -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: Test tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config" [ testCase "Extensions extracted correctly from .cabal file" testExtensionsFromDotCabal , testCase "Extensions extracted correctly from .stylish-haskell.yaml file" testExtensionsFromDotStylish , testCase "Extensions extracted correctly from .stylish-haskell.yaml and .cabal files" testExtensionsFromBoth , testCase "Correctly read .stylish-haskell.yaml file with default max column number" testDefaultColumns , testCase "Correctly read .stylish-haskell.yaml file with specified max column number" testSpecifiedColumns , testCase "Correctly read .stylish-haskell.yaml file with no max column number" testNoColumns , testCase "Backwards-compatible align options" testBoolSimpleAlign ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Put an example config files (.cabal/.stylish-haskell.yaml/both) -- into the current directory and extract extensions from it. createFilesAndGetConfig :: [(FilePath, String)] -> IO Config createFilesAndGetConfig files = withTestDirTree $ do mapM_ (\(k, v) -> writeFile k v) files -- create an empty directory and change into it createDirectory "src" setCurrentDirectory "src" -- from that directory read the config file and extract extensions -- to make sure the search for .cabal file works config <- loadConfig (const (pure ())) Nothing pure config -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testExtensionsFromDotCabal :: Assertion testExtensionsFromDotCabal = assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList . configLanguageExtensions <$> createFilesAndGetConfig [("test.cabal", dotCabal True)] where expected = Set.fromList ["ScopedTypeVariables", "DataKinds"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testExtensionsFromDotStylish :: Assertion testExtensionsFromDotStylish = assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList . configLanguageExtensions <$> createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)] where expected = Set.fromList ["TemplateHaskell", "QuasiQuotes"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testExtensionsFromBoth :: Assertion testExtensionsFromBoth = assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList . configLanguageExtensions <$> createFilesAndGetConfig [ ("test.cabal", dotCabal True) , (".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)] where expected = Set.fromList ["ScopedTypeVariables", "DataKinds", "TemplateHaskell", "QuasiQuotes"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testSpecifiedColumns :: Assertion testSpecifiedColumns = assert $ (expected ==) . configColumns <$> createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)] where expected = Just 110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testDefaultColumns :: Assertion testDefaultColumns = assert $ (expected ==) . configColumns <$> createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish2)] where expected = Just 80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testNoColumns :: Assertion testNoColumns = assert $ (expected ==) . configColumns <$> createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish3)] where expected = Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testBoolSimpleAlign :: Assertion testBoolSimpleAlign = do Right val <- pure $ Yaml.decode1 $ BL8.pack config Aeson.Success conf <- pure $ Aeson.parse parseConfig val length (configSteps conf) @?= 1 where config = unlines [ "steps:" , " - simple_align:" , " cases: true" , " top_level_patterns: always" , " records: false" ] -- | Example cabal file borrowed from -- -- with some default-extensions added dotCabal :: Bool -> String dotCabal includeExtensions = unlines $ [ "name: TestPackage" , "version: 0.0" , "synopsis: Package with library and two programs" , "license: BSD3" , "author: Angela Author" , "build-type: Simple" , "cabal-version: >= 1.2" , "" , "library" , " build-depends: HUnit" , " exposed-modules: A, B, C" ] ++ [if includeExtensions then " default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables" else ""] ++ [ "" , "executable program1" , " main-is: Main.hs" , " hs-source-dirs: prog1" , " other-modules: A, B" ] ++ [if includeExtensions then " default-extensions: DataKinds" else ""] -- | Example .stylish-haskell.yaml dotStylish :: String dotStylish = unlines $ [ "steps:" , " - imports:" , " align: none" , " list_align: after_alias" , " long_list_align: inline" , " separate_lists: true" , " - language_pragmas:" , " style: vertical" , " align: false" , " remove_redundant: true" , " - trailing_whitespace: {}" , " - records:" , " equals: \"same_line\"" , " first_field: \"indent 2\"" , " field_comment: 2" , " deriving: 4" , " via: \"indent 2\"" , "columns: 110" , "language_extensions:" , " - TemplateHaskell" , " - QuasiQuotes" ] -- | Example .stylish-haskell.yaml dotStylish2 :: String dotStylish2 = unlines $ [ "steps:" , " - imports:" , " align: none" , " list_align: after_alias" , " long_list_align: inline" , " separate_lists: true" , " - language_pragmas:" , " style: vertical" , " align: false" , " remove_redundant: true" , " - trailing_whitespace: {}" , "language_extensions:" , " - TemplateHaskell" , " - QuasiQuotes" ] -- | Example .stylish-haskell.yaml dotStylish3 :: String dotStylish3 = unlines $ [ "steps:" , " - imports:" , " align: none" , " list_align: after_alias" , " long_list_align: inline" , " separate_lists: true" , " - language_pragmas:" , " style: vertical" , " align: false" , " remove_redundant: true" , " - trailing_whitespace: {}" , "columns: null" , "language_extensions:" , " - TemplateHaskell" , " - QuasiQuotes" ]