module Data.Constraint.Super where
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Constraint (Constraint, Dict (Dict), (:-) (Sub))
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Data (Data, gmapM)
import Type.Eq ((:~:) (Eq), dynamicEq)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, evalStateT, get, put, lift)
import Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse (parseType)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (lift)
class Super c => HasSuper (c :: Constraint) where
type Super c :: Constraint
instantiate :: HasSuper c :- c
super :: HasSuper c => Proxy c -> Dict (Super c)
super _ = Dict
normalizeInstanceHead :: Type -> Q Type
normalizeInstanceHead t = do
let f :: forall d. Data d => d -> StateT (Integer, Map String Name) Q d
f x = case dynamicEq :: Maybe (d :~: Name) of
Just Eq ->
let b = nameBase x
in lift (qLookupName True b) >>= \case
Just n' -> return n'
Nothing -> do
(nextId, m) <- get
case Map.lookup b m of
Just n' -> return n'
Nothing -> do
let n' = mkName $ "a" ++ show nextId
put (succ nextId, Map.insert b n' m)
return n'
_ -> case dynamicEq :: Maybe (d :~: Type) of
Just Eq
| ConT n' <- x
, nameBase n' == "()"
-> return $ TupleT 0
_ -> gmapM f x
evalStateT (gmapM f t) (1, Map.empty)
getClassName :: Type -> Maybe Name
getClassName = \case
ConT n -> Just n
AppT t _ -> getClassName t
_ -> Nothing
makeSuper :: String -> Q [Dec]
makeSuper tStr = case parseType tStr of
Left s -> fail $ "Error: Could not parse instance head: " ++ s
Right t -> do
t' <- normalizeInstanceHead t
case getClassName t' of
Nothing -> fail $ "Error: Instance head must be of the form \"ClassName (t1) (t2) (t3)...\""
Just className -> do
qReify className >>= \case
ClassI _ instances -> do
filterM (\(InstanceD _ _ t2 _) -> (==t') <$> normalizeInstanceHead t2) instances >>= \x -> case x of
[InstanceD _ cxt t2 _] -> return
[InstanceD Nothing cxt (AppT (ConT ''HasSuper) t2)
[ TySynInstD ''Super $ TySynEqn [t2] $ foldl AppT (TupleT $ length cxt) cxt
, FunD 'instantiate [Clause [] (NormalB (AppE (ConE 'Sub) (ConE 'Dict))) []]
[] -> fail "Error: No matching instances found"
_ -> fail "Error: Found multiple instances"
_ -> fail $ "Error: " ++ show className ++ " is not a typeclass"