For a high-level description of the C API, refer to the README file
included in the liblinear archive, available for download at
module Numeric.SVM.LibLinear.Internal where
-- * feature_node
#starttype struct feature_node
#field index , CInt
#field value , CDouble
-- * problem
#starttype struct problem
#field l , CInt
#field n , CInt
#field y , Ptr CInt
#field x , Ptr (Ptr )
#field bias , CDouble
-- * solver_type
-- ** classification
#num L2R_LR
#num L1R_LR
#num L2R_LR_DUAL
-- ** regression
-- * parameter
#starttype struct parameter
#field solver_type , CInt
#field eps , CDouble
#field C , CDouble
#field nr_weight , CInt
#field weight_label , Ptr CInt
#field weight , Ptr CDouble
#field p , CDouble
#field init_sol , Ptr CDouble
-- * model
#starttype struct model
#field param ,
#field nr_class , CInt
#field nr_feature , CInt
#field w , Ptr CDouble
#field label , Ptr CInt
#field bias , CDouble
-- * training
#ccall train , Ptr -> Ptr -> IO (Ptr )
-- * cross validation
#ccall cross_validation , Ptr -> Ptr -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
-- * saving and loading models
#ccall save_model , CString -> Ptr -> IO ()
#ccall load_model , CString -> IO (Ptr )
-- * getting properties
#ccall get_nr_feature , Ptr -> IO CInt
#ccall get_nr_class , Ptr -> IO CInt
#ccall get_labels , Ptr -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
-- * predictions
#ccall predict_values , Ptr -> Ptr -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
#ccall predict , Ptr -> Ptr -> IO CDouble
#ccall predict_probability , Ptr -> Ptr -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
-- * destroying
#ccall free_model_content , Ptr -> IO ()
#ccall free_and_destroy_model , Ptr (Ptr ) -> IO ()
#ccall destroy_param , Ptr -> IO ()
-- * checking
#ccall check_parameter , Ptr -> Ptr -> IO CString
#ccall check_probability_model , Ptr -> IO CInt
-- printing
-- #ccall svm_print_string , FunPtr (CString -> IO ())