-- | -- Module: Data.Swagger.Schema.Validation -- Maintainer: Nickolay Kudasov <nickolay@getshoptv.com> -- Stability: experimental -- -- Validate JSON values with Swagger Schema. module Data.Swagger.Schema.Validation ( -- * How to use validation -- $howto -- ** Examples -- $examples -- ** Validating @'Maybe'@ -- $maybe -- * JSON validation validateToJSON, validateToJSONWithPatternChecker, ValidationError, ) where import Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema.Validation -- $setup -- >>> import Control.Lens -- >>> import Data.Aeson -- >>> import Data.Proxy -- >>> import Data.Swagger -- >>> import GHC.Generics -- >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric -- $howto -- -- This module provides helpful functions for JSON validation. -- These functions are meant to be used in test suites for your application -- to ensure that JSON respresentation for your data corresponds to -- schemas you're using for the Swagger specification. -- -- It is recommended to use validation functions as QuickCheck properties -- (see <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/QuickCheck>). -- $examples -- -- >>> validateToJSON "hello" -- [] -- -- >>> validateToJSON False -- [] -- -- >>> newtype Nat = Nat Integer deriving Generic -- >>> instance ToJSON Nat where toJSON (Nat n) = toJSON n -- >>> instance ToSchema Nat where declareNamedSchema proxy = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions proxy & mapped.minimum_ ?~ 0 -- >>> validateToJSON (Nat 10) -- [] -- >>> validateToJSON (Nat (-5)) -- ["value -5.0 falls below minimum (should be >=0.0)"] -- $maybe -- -- Because @'Maybe' a@ has the same schema as @a@, validation -- generally fails for @null@ JSON: -- -- >>> validateToJSON (Nothing :: Maybe String) -- ["expected JSON value of type SwaggerString"] -- >>> validateToJSON ([Just "hello", Nothing] :: [Maybe String]) -- ["expected JSON value of type SwaggerString"] -- >>> validateToJSON (123, Nothing :: Maybe String) -- ["expected JSON value of type SwaggerString"] -- -- However, when @'Maybe' a@ is a type of a record field, -- validation takes @'required'@ property of the @'Schema'@ -- into account: -- -- >>> data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Maybe Int } deriving Generic -- >>> instance ToJSON Person -- >>> instance ToSchema Person -- >>> validateToJSON (Person "Nick" (Just 24)) -- [] -- >>> validateToJSON (Person "Nick" Nothing) -- []