module Main where
import Control.Applicative ( liftA2 ) -- base
import Control.Exception ( catch ) -- base
import Control.Monad ( when ) -- base
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO ) -- transformers
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource ( withInternalState, runResourceT, ResourceCleanupException ) -- resourcet
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS -- bytestring
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CBS -- bytestring
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS -- bytestring
import Data.Bits ( (.&.), unsafeShiftR, xor ) -- base
import Data.Char ( toLower ) -- base
import Data.Foldable ( forM_ ) -- base
import Data.Int ( Int64 ) -- base
import Data.Word ( Word8 ) -- base
import Data.List ( sort ) -- base
import qualified Data.Map as M -- containers
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) ) -- base
import Data.String ( fromString ) -- base
import System.Console.GetOpt ( getOpt, usageInfo, OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..) ) -- base
import System.Directory ( getDirectoryContents, doesDirectoryExist, getModificationTime, renameFile, doesFileExist ) -- directory
import System.Environment ( getArgs ) -- base
import System.FilePath ( makeRelative, (>), takeDirectory, takeExtension, takeFileName ) -- filepath
import System.IO ( putStrLn, hPutStrLn, hPutStr, stderr, hClose, openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions ) -- base
import System.IO.Error ( userError, ioError, catchIOError, isUserError, ioeGetErrorString ) -- base
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status ( status200, status403, status404, status409 ) -- http-types
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method ( methodPost ) -- http-types
import Network.URI ( unEscapeString ) -- network-uri
import Network.Wai ( Application, Middleware, requestMethod, rawPathInfo, responseLBS ) -- wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp -- warp
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as Warp -- warp-tls
import Network.Wai.Middleware.AddHeaders ( addHeaders ) -- wai-extra
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip ( gzip, gzipFiles, def, GzipFiles(GzipIgnore, GzipCompress) ) -- wai-extra
import Network.Wai.Middleware.HttpAuth ( basicAuth, AuthSettings ) -- wai-extra
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Local ( local ) -- wai-extra
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger ( logStdout ) -- wai-extra
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static ( staticPolicyWithOptions, addBase, getMimeType, isNotAbsolute, noDots, Policy, tryPolicy) -- wai-middleware-static
import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.Static as Static ( Options(mimeTypes), defaultOptions ) -- wai-middleware-static
import Network.Wai.Middleware.StripHeaders ( stripHeadersIf ) -- wai-extra
import Network.Wai.Parse ( tempFileBackEndOpts, parseRequestBody, fileName, fileContent ) -- wai-extra
import Crypto.Random ( getSystemDRG, randomBytesGenerate, SystemDRG ) -- cryptonite
-- For certificate generation.
-- import Crypto.PubKey.RSA ( generate ) -- crypto-pubkey
-- import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 ( sign ) -- crypto-pubkey
-- import Crypto.PubKey.HashDescr ( hashDescrSHA256 ) -- crypto-pubkey
-- import Data.ASN1.OID ( getObjectID ) -- asn1-types
-- import Data.ASN1.Types ( toASN1, {- for work-around -} ASN1Object ) -- asn1-types
-- import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding ( DER(DER) ) -- asn1-encoding
-- import Data.ASN1.Encoding ( encodeASN1' ) -- asn1-encoding
-- import qualified Data.PEM as PEM -- pem
-- import qualified Data.X509 as X509 -- x509
import qualified Data.Hourglass as HG -- hourglass
import qualified System.Hourglass as HG -- hourglass
-- for work-around
-- import Data.ASN1.Types ( ASN1(..), ASN1ConstructionType(..), ASN1TimeType(..) )
-- import Data.ASN1.Types.Lowlevel ( ASN1Class(..) )
-- For STUN
import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay ) -- base
import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( newEmptyMVar, putMVar, tryTakeMVar ) -- base
import qualified Network.Socket as Net hiding ( sendTo, recvFrom ) -- network
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as Net ( sendTo, recvFrom ) -- network
import Network.BSD ( hostAddresses, getHostName, getHostByName ) -- network
-- Future things: case insensitive matching, optionally add CORS headers
-- Maybe future things: virtual hosts, caching, DELETE support, dropping permissions, client certificates
-- Not future things: CGI etc of any sort, "extensibility"
vERSION :: String
vERSION = ""
-- STUN code
sendStun :: Options -> [Word8] -> Net.Socket -> IO ()
sendStun opts tId s = do -- TODO: Perhaps add check that length tId == 12
[stunAddr] <- fmap (take 1 . hostAddresses) (getHostByName (optStunHost opts)) -- TODO: maybe have an option to list all addresses
Net.sendTo s bytes (Net.SockAddrInet (optStunPort opts) stunAddr) >> return ()
where bytes = BS.pack ([0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, -- Type Binding, Size 0
0x21, 0x12, 0xA4, 0x42] -- Magic Cookie
++ tId) -- Transaction ID (should be cryptographically random and unique)
recvStun :: [Word8] -> Net.Socket -> IO [Word8]
recvStun tId s = do -- Assuming successful XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS response. See RFC5389. TODO: Don't assume so much.
(bytes, addr) <- Net.recvFrom s 576
-- TODO: Check for error, then, if successful, check for XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS response type and appropriate length.
let tId' = BS.unpack $ BS.take 12 $ BS.drop 8 bytes
when (tId /= tId') $ ioError (userError "Mismatched Transaction ID in STUN response.")
let [b0, b1, b2, b3] = BS.unpack $ BS.drop 28 bytes
return [b0 `xor` 0x21, b1 `xor` 0x12, b2 `xor` 0xA4, b3 `xor` 0x42]
doStun :: Options -> [Word8] -> IO (Maybe [Word8]) -- TODO: add bracket
doStun opts tId = do
s <- Net.socket Net.AF_INET Net.Datagram Net.defaultProtocol
v <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (recvStun tId s >>= putMVar v)
sendStun opts tId s
threadDelay 1000000 -- wait a second
Net.close s
tryTakeMVar v
-- Certificate generation code
rsaPublicExponent :: Integer
rsaPublicExponent = 65537
rsaSizeInBytes :: Int
rsaSizeInBytes = 256 -- Corresponds to 2048 bit encryption
certExpiryInDays :: Int64
certExpiryInDays = 30
-- Temporary work-around for bug in x509.
newtype CertificateWorkaround = CW X509.Certificate
deriving ( Eq, Show )
encodeCertificateHeader :: X509.Certificate -> [ASN1]
encodeCertificateHeader cert =
eVer ++ eSerial ++ eAlgId ++ eIssuer ++ eValidity ++ eSubject ++ epkinfo ++ eexts
where eVer = asn1Container (Container Context 0) [IntVal (fromIntegral $ X509.certVersion cert)]
eSerial = [IntVal $ X509.certSerial cert]
eAlgId = toASN1 (X509.certSignatureAlg cert) []
eIssuer = toASN1 (X509.certIssuerDN cert) []
(t1, t2) = X509.certValidity cert
eValidity = asn1Container Sequence [ASN1Time TimeGeneralized t1 (Just (HG.TimezoneOffset 0))
,ASN1Time TimeGeneralized t2 (Just (HG.TimezoneOffset 0))]
eSubject = toASN1 (X509.certSubjectDN cert) []
epkinfo = toASN1 (X509.certPubKey cert) []
eexts = toASN1 (X509.certExtensions cert) []
asn1Container ty l = [Start ty] ++ l ++ [End ty]
instance ASN1Object CertificateWorkaround where
toASN1 (CW cert) = (encodeCertificateHeader cert ++)
-- End work-around code
generateCert :: Options -> HG.DateTime -> SystemDRG -> (Warp.TLSSettings, SystemDRG)
generateCert opts now g = ((Warp.tlsSettingsMemory (PEM.pemWriteBS pemCert) (PEM.pemWriteBS pemKey)) {
Warp.onInsecure = Warp.DenyInsecure (fromString "Use HTTPS") }, g'')
where later = HG.timeAdd now (HG.Hours (24*certExpiryInDays))
(bs, g') = randomBytesGenerate 8 g -- generate 8 random bytes for the serial number
((pk, sk), g'') = generate g' rsaSizeInBytes rsaPublicExponent
serialNum = BS.foldl' (\a w -> a*256 + fromIntegral w) 0 bs
cn = getObjectID X509.DnCommonName
o = getObjectID X509.DnOrganization
dn = X509.DistinguishedName [(cn, fromString (optHost opts)), (o, fromString "sws generated")]
sigAlg = X509.SignatureALG X509.HashSHA256 X509.PubKeyALG_RSA
cert = X509.Certificate {
X509.certVersion = 0, -- 0 means v1 ...
X509.certSerial = serialNum,
X509.certSignatureAlg = sigAlg,
X509.certIssuerDN = dn,
X509.certValidity = (HG.timeAdd now (HG.Hours (-24)), later),
X509.certSubjectDN = dn,
X509.certPubKey = X509.PubKeyRSA pk,
X509.certExtensions = X509.Extensions Nothing
signFunc xs = (either (error . show) id (sign Nothing hashDescrSHA256 sk xs), sigAlg, ())
certBytes = X509.encodeSignedObject $ fst $ X509.objectToSignedExact signFunc (CW cert)
keyBytes = encodeASN1' DER (toASN1 sk [])
pemCert = PEM.PEM (fromString "CERTIFICATE") [] certBytes -- This is a mite silly. Wrap in PEM just to immediately unwrap...
pemKey = PEM.PEM (fromString "RSA PRIVATE KEY") [] keyBytes
-- File upload
update :: Options -> Policy -> (String -> String -> IO ()) -> Middleware
update opts policy copyFileFn app req k = do
if requestMethod req == methodPost then (do
runResourceT $ do
let prefix = if optUploadOnly opts then "" else CBS.unpack (BS.tail (rawPathInfo req))
case tryPolicy policy prefix of
Nothing -> liftIO $ ioError $ userError "Forbidden" -- TODO: k (responseLBS status403 [] (LBS.fromChunks [CBS.pack "Forbidden"]))
Just tgtDir -> do
liftIO $ when (optVerbose opts) $ putStrLn (CBS.unpack (BS.tail (rawPathInfo req)))
(_, fs) <- withInternalState (\s -> parseRequestBody (tempFileBackEndOpts (return tgtDir) ".sws.tmp" s) req)
-- If UploadOnly then ignore the path part of the URL, i.e. only write the file to the base directory.
liftIO $ forM_ fs $ \(_, f) ->
case tryPolicy policy (prefix > CBS.unpack (fileName f)) of
Nothing -> return ()
Just tgt -> do
let src = fileContent f
when (optVerbose opts) $ putStrLn ("Saving " ++ src ++ " to " ++ tgt)
copyFileFn src tgt
app req k) -- We execute the next Application regardless so that we return a listing after the POST completes.
`catch` (\e -> const (app req k) (e :: ResourceCleanupException)) -- HACK: tempFileBackEndOpts attempts to remove the temp file but we've already removed it.
`catchIOError` \e -> if isUserError e then k (responseLBS status409 [] (LBS.fromChunks [CBS.pack $ ioeGetErrorString e])) else ioError e
app req k
overwriteFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
overwriteFile = renameFile -- copyFile
errorOnOverwriteFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
errorOnOverwriteFile src tgt = do -- TODO: This has a race condition.
exists <- doesFileExist tgt
if exists then do
ioError $ userError "Attempting to overwrite an existing file."
else do
renameFile src tgt
renameOnOverwriteFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
renameOnOverwriteFile src tgt = do
(tgt, h) <- openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions (takeDirectory tgt) (takeFileName tgt)
hClose h
renameFile src tgt
-- Directory listing
-- TODO: Make this less fugly.
directoryListing :: Options -> FilePath -> Middleware -- TODO: Handle exceptions. Note, this isn't critical. It will carry on.
directoryListing opts baseDir app req k = do
let path = baseDir > unEscapeString (CBS.unpack (BS.tail $ rawPathInfo req)) -- TODO: This unpack is ugly.
b <- doesDirectoryExist path
if not b then app req k else do
when (optVerbose opts) $ putStrLn $ "Rendering listing for " ++ path
html <- fmap container (mapM (\p -> fileDetails p (path > p)) =<< fmap sort (getDirectoryContents path))
k (responseLBS status200 [] html)
where allowWrites = optAllowUploads opts
fileDetails label f = liftA2 (renderFile label f) (doesDirectoryExist f) (getModificationTime f)
`catchIOError` \_ -> return (fromString "")
renderFile label path isDirectory modTime = LBS.concat $ map fromString [
", if isDirectory then "d" else "f", " | ", label, " | ", show modTime, " |
container xs
= fromString ("sws | Name | Last Modified |
<> LBS.concat xs
<> fromString ("
uploadForm :: Options -> Policy -> Middleware
uploadForm opts policy app req k = do
when (optVerbose opts) $ putStrLn $ "Rendering upload form"
k (responseLBS status200 [] html)
where html = fromString ("sws")
-- Option handling
data OverwriteOption = Overwrite | ErrorOnOverwrite | RenameOnOverwrite
instance Show OverwriteOption where
show Overwrite = "allow"
show ErrorOnOverwrite = "error"
show RenameOnOverwrite = "rename"
instance Read OverwriteOption where
readsPrec _ ('a':'l':'l':'o':'w':s) = [(Overwrite, s)]
readsPrec _ ('e':'r':'r':'o':'r':s) = [(ErrorOnOverwrite, s)]
readsPrec _ ('r':'e':'n':'a':'m':'e':s) = [(RenameOnOverwrite, s)]
readsPrec _ _ = []
overwritePolicy :: OverwriteOption -> String -> String -> IO ()
overwritePolicy Overwrite = overwriteFile
overwritePolicy ErrorOnOverwrite = errorOnOverwriteFile
overwritePolicy RenameOnOverwrite = renameOnOverwriteFile
data Options = Options {
optPort :: !Int,
optHelp :: !Bool,
optVerbose :: !Bool,
optQuiet :: !Bool,
optCompress :: !Bool,
optDirectoryListings :: !Bool,
optLocalOnly :: !Bool,
optGetIP :: !Bool,
optStunHost :: !String,
optStunPort :: !Net.PortNumber,
optHeaders :: ![String],
optContentTypeOverrides :: ![(String, String)],
-- Basic authentication options
optAuthentication :: !Bool,
optRealm :: !String,
optUserName :: !BS.ByteString, -- some default could be chosen
optPassword :: !BS.ByteString, -- maybe we could generate and display one rather than requiring this
-- HTTPS options
optHTTPS :: !Bool,
optHost :: !String,
optCertificate :: !FilePath,
optKeyFile :: !FilePath,
optAllowUploads :: !Bool,
optUploadOnly :: !Bool,
optOverwriteOption :: !OverwriteOption }
defOptions :: Options
defOptions = Options {
optPort = 3000,
optHelp = False,
optVerbose = False, -- TODO: Set the logging settings for the various middlewares.
optQuiet = False,
optCompress = True,
optDirectoryListings = True,
optLocalOnly = False,
optGetIP = True,
optStunHost = "",
optStunPort = 19302 ,
optHeaders = [],
optContentTypeOverrides = [],
optAuthentication = True,
optRealm = "",
optUserName = fromString "guest",
optPassword = BS.empty,
optHTTPS = False, --True,
optHost = "localhost",
optCertificate = "",
optKeyFile = "",
optAllowUploads = False,
optUploadOnly = False,
optOverwriteOption = ErrorOnOverwrite}
options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
options = [
Option "p" ["port"] (ReqArg (\p opt -> opt { optPort = read p }) "NUM")
("Port to listen on. (Default: " ++ (show $ optPort defOptions) ++ ")"),
Option "h?" ["help", "version"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optHelp = True }))
"Print usage.",
Option "V" ["verbose"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optVerbose = True }))
"Print diagnostic output.",
Option "q" ["quiet"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optQuiet = True }))
"Only output access log information.",
Option "l" ["local"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optLocalOnly = True }))
"Only accept connections from localhost.",
Option "" ["no-stun"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optGetIP = False }))
"Don't attempt to get the public IP via STUN.",
Option "" ["stun-host"] (ReqArg (\h opt -> opt { optStunHost = h }) "URL")
("Stun host. (Default: \"" ++ optStunHost defOptions ++ "\")"),
Option "" ["stun-port"] (ReqArg (\p opt -> opt { optStunPort = read p }) "PORT")
("Stun port. Usually 3478. (Default: " ++ show (optStunPort defOptions) ++ ")"),
Option "d" ["dev-mode"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optGetIP = False, optLocalOnly = True, optAuthentication = False, optHTTPS = False }))
"Equivalent to --local --no-auth --no-https --no-stun.",
Option "P" ["public"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optAuthentication = False, optHTTPS = False }))
"Equivalent to --no-auth --no-https.",
Option "X" [] (ReqArg (\h opt -> opt { optHeaders = h : optHeaders opt }) "HEADER")
"Add HEADER to all server responses.",
Option "" ["content-type"] (ReqArg (\h opt -> opt {
optContentTypeOverrides = (takeWhile ('='/=) h, drop 1 (dropWhile ('='/=) h))
: optContentTypeOverrides opt }) "CONTENT-TYPE-OVERRIDE")
"With argument EXT=MIME, use MIME type MIME for files with extension EXT.",
Option "z" ["gzip", "compress"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optCompress = True }))
"Enable compression. (Default)",
Option "" ["no-compress"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optCompress = False }))
"Disable compression.",
Option "" ["no-listings"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optDirectoryListings = False }))
"Don't list directory contents.",
Option "" ["no-auth"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optAuthentication = False }))
"Don't require a password.",
Option "r" ["realm"] (ReqArg (\r opt -> opt { optRealm = r }) "REALM")
"Set the authentication realm. (Default: \"\")",
Option "" ["password"] (ReqArg (\pw opt -> opt { optPassword = fromString pw }) "PASSWORD")
"Require the given password. (Default: generated)",
Option "u" ["username"] (ReqArg (\u opt -> opt { optUserName = fromString u }) "USERNAME")
("Require the given username. (Default: " ++ show (optUserName defOptions) ++ ")"),
Option "s" ["secure"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optHTTPS = True }))
"Enable HTTPS. (Default)",
Option "" ["no-https"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optHTTPS = False }))
"Disable HTTPS.",
Option "H" ["host"] (ReqArg (\host opt -> opt { optHost = host }) "HOST")
("Host name to use for generated certificate. (Default: " ++ show (optHost defOptions) ++ ")"),
Option "" ["certificate"] (ReqArg (\f opt -> opt { optCertificate = f, optHTTPS = True }) "FILE")
"The path to the server certificate.",
Option "" ["key-file"] (ReqArg (\f opt -> opt { optKeyFile = f, optHTTPS = True }) "FILE")
"The path to the private key for the certificate.",
Option "w" ["allow-uploads", "writable"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optAllowUploads = True }))
"Allow files to be uploaded.",
Option "U" ["upload-only"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optUploadOnly = True }))
"Only serve an upload form and do not serve any files.",
Option "" ["overwrite"] (ReqArg (\overwriteOption opt -> opt { optOverwriteOption = read overwriteOption })
(show Overwrite++","++show ErrorOnOverwrite++","++show RenameOnOverwrite))
("Policy when uploaded file name conflicts with existing file name. (Default: \"" ++ show (optOverwriteOption defOptions) ++ "\")")
-- TODO: KeyFile w/o Certificate and vice-versa, KeyFile/Certificate without HTTPS,
-- --no-auth and any of user/password/realm, header lacks ": ",
-- and whatever others make sense.
validateOptions :: Options -> Maybe String
validateOptions opts = Nothing
usageHeader :: String
usageHeader = "Usage: sws [OPTIONS...] [DIRECTORY]\nVersion: " ++ vERSION
basePolicy :: Policy
basePolicy = noDots <> isNotAbsolute
enableIf :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
enableIf True f = f
enableIf _ _ = id
app404 :: Application
app404 req k = k (responseLBS status404 [] (fromString "File Not Found"))
explodeHostAddress :: Net.HostAddress -> [Word8]
explodeHostAddress h = [fromIntegral h,
fromIntegral (h `unsafeShiftR` 8),
fromIntegral (h `unsafeShiftR` 16),
fromIntegral (h `unsafeShiftR` 24)]
prettyAddress :: Bool -> [Word8] -> Int -> String
prettyAddress isHTTPS [b0, b1, b2, b3] port
= concat [if isHTTPS then "https://" else "http://", show b0, ".", show b1, ".", show b2, ".", show b3, ":", show port]
-- A "base 32" encode so we don't have differing case in the password.
base32Encode :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
base32Encode = let table = fromString "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"
go i | i == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (BS.index table (fromIntegral (i .&. 0x1F)), i `unsafeShiftR` 5)
in \bs -> fst $ BS.unfoldrN 13 go $ BS.foldl' (\a w -> a*256 + fromIntegral w) (0 :: Integer) bs
serve :: Options -> String -> IO ()
serve (Options { optHelp = True }) _ = putStrLn $ usageInfo usageHeader options
serve opts dir = do
now <- HG.dateCurrent
g <- getSystemDRG
let (prePW, g') = randomBytesGenerate 8 g -- generate 8 random bytes for the password if needed
(stunTID, g'') = randomBytesGenerate 12 g' -- generate 12 random bytes for STUN Transaction ID
pw = if not (BS.null (optPassword opts)) then optPassword opts else base32Encode prePW
headers = map ((\(x,y) -> (x, BS.drop 2 y)) . BS.breakSubstring (fromString ": ") . fromString) (optHeaders opts)
case validateOptions opts of
Just err -> hPutStrLn stderr err
Nothing -> do
when (not $ optQuiet opts) $ do
putStr "Private Address: "
if optLocalOnly opts then do
putStrLn (prettyAddress (optHTTPS opts) [127,0,0,1] (optPort opts))
else do
hn <- getHostName
addrs <- fmap (take 1 . hostAddresses) (getHostByName hn) -- TODO: maybe have an option to list all addresses
forM_ addrs $ \ip -> putStrLn (prettyAddress (optHTTPS opts) (explodeHostAddress ip) (optPort opts))
when (optGetIP opts && not (optLocalOnly opts)) $ do
mip <- doStun opts (BS.unpack stunTID)
case mip of
Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr "Finding public IP failed."
Just ip -> do
putStr "Public Address: "
putStrLn (prettyAddress (optHTTPS opts) ip (optPort opts))
when (optAuthentication opts && not (BS.null (optUserName opts))) $
putStrLn $ "Username is: " ++ CBS.unpack (optUserName opts)
when (optAuthentication opts && BS.null (optPassword opts)) $ do
putStrLn $ "Generated password is: " ++ CBS.unpack pw
putStrLn "Use --no-auth if password protection is not desired."
runner now g''
$ enableIf (optVerbose opts) logStdout
$ enableIf (optLocalOnly opts) (local (responseLBS status403 [] LBS.empty))
$ enableIf (optAuthentication opts)
(basicAuth (\u p -> return $ optUserName opts == u && pw == p)
(fromString $ optRealm opts))
$ enableIf (optCompress opts) (gzip def { gzipFiles = GzipCompress })
$ enableIf (not (null headers)) (addHeaders headers . stripHeadersIf (map fst headers) (const True))
$ enableIf (optAllowUploads opts || optUploadOnly opts) (update opts policy (overwritePolicy (optOverwriteOption opts)))
$ (if optUploadOnly opts then uploadForm opts policy else staticPolicyWithOptions staticOpts policy)
$ enableIf (optDirectoryListings opts) (directoryListing opts dir)
$ app404
where runner now g | optHTTPS opts && certProvided
= Warp.runTLS tlsFileSettings (Warp.setPort (optPort opts) Warp.defaultSettings)
-- | optHTTPS opts = \app -> do
-- when (not $ optQuiet opts) $ do
-- putStrLn "Generating a self-signed certificate. Use --no-https to disable HTTPS."
-- putStrLn "Users will get warnings and will be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks."
-- Warp.runTLS tlsMemSettings (Warp.setPort (optPort opts) Warp.defaultSettings) app
| otherwise = (optPort opts)
where tlsFileSettings = (Warp.tlsSettings (optCertificate opts) (optKeyFile opts)) {
Warp.onInsecure = Warp.DenyInsecure (fromString "Use HTTPS") }
-- (tlsMemSettings, _) = generateCert opts now g
certProvided = not (null (optCertificate opts)) && not (null (optKeyFile opts))
policy = basePolicy <> addBase dir
contentTypeOverrides = M.fromList (map (\(e, m) -> (map toLower e, CBS.pack m)) $ optContentTypeOverrides opts)
getMimeTypes f = maybe (getMimeType f) id $ M.lookup (map toLower $ drop 1 $ takeExtension f) contentTypeOverrides
staticOpts = Static.defaultOptions { Static.mimeTypes = getMimeTypes }
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case getOpt Permute options args of
(os, [], []) -> serve (combine os) "."
(os, [dir], []) -> serve (combine os) dir
(_,_,errs) -> hPutStrLn stderr (concat errs ++ usageInfo usageHeader options)
where combine = foldr ($) defOptions