symbolic-base- ZkFold Symbolic compiler and zero-knowledge proof protocols
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




compile :: forall a y f c s. (CompilesWith c s f, RestoresFrom c y, Layout y ~ Layout f, c ~ ArithmeticCircuit a (Payload s) (Layout s), Binary a) => f -> y Source #

compile f compiles a function f into an optimized arithmetic circuit packed inside a suitable SymbolicData.

compileIO :: forall a c p f s l. (c ~ ArithmeticCircuit a p l, FromJSON a, ToJSON a, ToJSONKey a, SymbolicData f, Context f ~ c, Support f ~ s, ToJSON (Layout f (Var a l)), SymbolicInput s, Context s ~ c, Layout s ~ l, Payload s ~ p, FromJSON (Rep l), ToJSON (Rep l), Binary a) => FilePath -> f -> IO () Source #

Compiles a function f into an arithmetic circuit. Writes the result to a file.

compileWith Source #


:: forall a y p i q j s f c0 c1. (CompilesWith c0 s f, c0 ~ ArithmeticCircuit a p i, Representable p, Representable i, RestoresFrom c1 y, c1 ~ ArithmeticCircuit a q j, Binary a, Binary (Rep p), Binary (Rep i), Binary (Rep j), Ord (Rep i), Ord (Rep j), Binary (Rep q)) 
=> (c0 (Layout f) -> c1 (Layout y))

Circuit transformation to apply before optimization.

-> (forall x. p x -> i x -> (Payload s x, Layout s x))

An algorithm to prepare support argument from the circuit input.

-> f

Function to compile.

-> y 

compileWith opts inputT compiles a function f into an optimized arithmetic circuit packed inside a suitable SymbolicData.