{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Tests.Symbolic.Data.ByteString (specByteString) where import Control.Applicative ((<*>)) import Control.Monad (return) import Data.Aeson (decode, encode) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Constraint (withDict) import Data.Constraint.Nat (plusNat) import Data.Function (($)) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.List ((++)) import GHC.Generics (U1) import Prelude (show, type (~), (<>)) import qualified Prelude as Haskell import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe) import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, Property, chooseInteger, withMaxSuccess, (===)) import Tests.Symbolic.ArithmeticCircuit (it) import ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Class import ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Field (Zp) import ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Number import ZkFold.Base.Algebra.EllipticCurve.BLS12_381 import qualified ZkFold.Base.Data.Vector as V import ZkFold.Base.Data.Vector (Vector) import ZkFold.Prelude (chooseNatural) import ZkFold.Symbolic.Class (Arithmetic) import ZkFold.Symbolic.Compiler (ArithmeticCircuit, exec) import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Bool import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.ByteString import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Combinators (Iso (..), RegisterSize (..)) import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt import ZkFold.Symbolic.Interpreter (Interpreter (Interpreter)) toss :: Natural -> Gen Natural toss x = chooseNatural (0, x) type AC a = ArithmeticCircuit a U1 U1 eval :: forall a n . (Arithmetic a, Binary a) => ByteString n (AC a) -> ByteString n (Interpreter a) eval (ByteString bits) = ByteString $ Interpreter (exec bits) type BinaryOp a = a -> a -> a type UBinary n b = BinaryOp (ByteString n b) isHom :: (KnownNat n, PrimeField (Zp p)) => UBinary n (Interpreter (Zp p)) -> UBinary n (AC (Zp p)) -> Natural -> Natural -> Property isHom f g x y = eval (fromConstant x `g` fromConstant y) === fromConstant x `f` fromConstant y isRightNeutral :: (KnownNat n, PrimeField (Zp p)) => UBinary n (Interpreter (Zp p)) -> UBinary n (AC (Zp p)) -> ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p)) -> ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) -> Natural -> Property isRightNeutral f g n1 n2 x = eval (fromConstant x `g` n2) === fromConstant x `f` n1 isLeftNeutral :: (KnownNat n, PrimeField (Zp p)) => UBinary n (Interpreter (Zp p)) -> UBinary n (AC (Zp p)) -> ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p)) -> ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) -> Natural -> Property isLeftNeutral f g n1 n2 x = eval (n2 `g` fromConstant x) === n1 `f` fromConstant x testWords :: forall n wordSize p . KnownNat n => KnownNat wordSize => Prime p => KnownNat (Log2 (p - 1) + 1) => (Div n wordSize) * wordSize ~ n => Spec testWords = it ("divides a bytestring of length " <> show (value @n) <> " into words of length " <> show (value @wordSize)) $ do x <- toss m let arithBS = fromConstant x :: ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) zpBS = fromConstant x :: ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p)) return (Haskell.fmap eval (toWords @(Div n wordSize) @wordSize arithBS :: Vector (Div n wordSize) (ByteString wordSize (AC (Zp p)))) === toWords @(Div n wordSize) @wordSize zpBS) where n = Haskell.toInteger $ value @n m = 2 Haskell.^ n -! 1 testTruncate :: forall n m p . KnownNat n => PrimeField (Zp p) => KnownNat m => Spec testTruncate = it ("truncates a bytestring of length " <> show (value @n) <> " to length " <> show (value @m)) $ do x <- toss m let arithBS = fromConstant x :: ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) zpBS = fromConstant x :: ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p)) return (eval (resize arithBS :: ByteString m (AC (Zp p))) === resize zpBS) where n = Haskell.toInteger $ value @n m = 2 Haskell.^ n -! 1 testGrow :: forall n m p . KnownNat n => PrimeField (Zp p) => KnownNat m => Resize (ByteString n (ArithmeticCircuit (Zp p) U1 U1)) (ByteString m (ArithmeticCircuit (Zp p) U1 U1)) => Resize (ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p))) (ByteString m (Interpreter (Zp p))) => Spec testGrow = it ("extends a bytestring of length " <> show (value @n) <> " to length " <> show (value @m)) $ do x <- toss m let arithBS = fromConstant x :: ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) zpBS = fromConstant x :: ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p)) return (eval (resize arithBS :: ByteString m (AC (Zp p))) === resize zpBS) where n = Haskell.toInteger $ value @n m = 2 Haskell.^ n -! 1 testJSON :: forall n p. KnownNat n => PrimeField (Zp p) => Spec testJSON = it "preserves the JSON invariant property" $ do x <- toss n let zpBS = fromConstant x :: ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p)) return $ Haskell.Just zpBS === decode (encode zpBS) where n = 2 Haskell.^ value @n -! 1 -- | For some reason, Haskell can't infer obvious type relations such as n <= n + 1... -- specByteString' :: forall p n . PrimeField (Zp p) => KnownNat n => (Div n n) * n ~ n => (Div n 4) * 4 ~ n => (Div n 2) * 2 ~ n => Spec specByteString' = do let n = Haskell.fromIntegral $ value @n m = 2 Haskell.^ n -! 1 describe ("ByteString" ++ show n ++ " specification") $ do it "Zp embeds Integer" $ do x <- toss m return $ toConstant @(ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p))) (fromConstant x) === x it "Integer embeds Zp" $ \(x :: ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p))) -> fromConstant (toConstant x) === x it "AC embeds Integer" $ do x <- toss m return $ eval @(Zp p) @n (fromConstant x) === fromConstant x -- TODO: remove withMaxSuccess when eval is optimised it "applies sum modulo n via UInt correctly" $ withMaxSuccess 10 $ do x <- toss m y <- toss m let acX :: ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) = fromConstant x acY :: ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) = fromConstant y acSum :: ByteString n (AC (Zp p)) = from $ from acX + (from acY :: UInt n Auto (AC (Zp p))) zpSum :: ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p)) = fromConstant $ x + y return $ eval acSum === zpSum it "applies bitwise OR correctly" $ isHom @n @p (||) (||) <$> toss m <*> toss m it "applies bitwise XOR correctly" $ isHom @n @p xor xor <$> toss m <*> toss m it "has false" $ eval @(Zp p) @n false === false it "obeys left neutrality for OR" $ isLeftNeutral @n @p (||) (||) false false <$> toss m it "obeys right neutrality for OR" $ isRightNeutral @n @p (||) (||) false false <$> toss m it "obeys left neutrality for XOR" $ isLeftNeutral @n @p xor xor false false <$> toss m it "obeys right neutrality for XOR" $ isRightNeutral @n @p xor xor false false <$> toss m it "applies bitwise NOT correctly" $ do x <- toss m return $ eval @(Zp p) @n (not (fromConstant x)) === not (fromConstant x) it "Applies bitwise AND correctly" $ isHom @n @p (&&) (&&) <$> toss m <*> toss m it "has true" $ eval @(Zp p) @n true === true it "obeys left multiplicative neutrality" $ isLeftNeutral @n @p (&&) (&&) true true <$> toss m it "obeys right multiplicative neutrality" $ isRightNeutral @n @p (&&) (&&) true true <$> toss m it "performs bit shifts correctly" $ do shift <- chooseInteger ((-3) * n, 3 * n) x <- toss m return $ eval @(Zp p) @n (shiftBits (fromConstant x) shift) === shiftBits (fromConstant x) shift it "performs bit rotations correctly" $ do shift <- chooseInteger ((-3) * n, 3 * n) x <- toss m return $ eval @(Zp p) @n (rotateBits (fromConstant x) shift) === rotateBits (fromConstant x) shift testWords @n @1 @p testWords @n @2 @p testWords @n @4 @p testWords @n @n @p it "concatenates bytestrings correctly" $ do x <- toss m y <- toss m z <- toss m let acs = fromConstant @Natural @(ByteString n (AC (Zp p))) <$> [x, y, z] zps = fromConstant @Natural @(ByteString n (Interpreter (Zp p))) <$> [x, y, z] let ac = concat @3 @n $ V.unsafeToVector @3 acs :: ByteString (3 * n) (AC (Zp p)) zp = concat @3 @n $ V.unsafeToVector @3 zps return $ eval @(Zp p) @(3 * n) ac === zp testTruncate @n @1 @p testTruncate @n @4 @p testTruncate @n @8 @p testTruncate @n @16 @p testTruncate @n @32 @p testTruncate @n @n @p withDict (plusNat @n @1) (testGrow @n @(n + 1) @p) withDict (plusNat @n @10) (testGrow @n @(n + 10) @p) withDict (plusNat @n @128) (testGrow @n @(n + 128) @p) withDict (plusNat @n @n) (testGrow @n @(n + n) @p) testJSON @n @p specByteString :: Spec specByteString = do specByteString' @BLS12_381_Scalar @32 specByteString' @BLS12_381_Scalar @512 specByteString' @BLS12_381_Scalar @508 -- Twice the number of bits encoded by BLS12_381_Scalar.