module Synthesizer.State.Cut (
) where
import qualified Synthesizer.State.Signal as Sig
import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Signal as SigSt
import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.CutChunky as CutChunky
import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Cut as Cut
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeBody as EventList
import qualified MathObj.LaurentPolynomial as Laurent
import qualified Algebra.RealRing as RealRing
import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, )
import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA, )
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst, mapSnd, )
import Data.Array (Array, Ix, (!), )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, )
import qualified Synthesizer.ChunkySize as ChunkySize
import qualified Number.NonNegative as NonNegW
import NumericPrelude.Numeric
import NumericPrelude.Base
takeUntilPause :: (RealRing.C a) => a -> Int -> Sig.T a -> Sig.T a
takeUntilPause y =
takeUntilInterval ((<=y) . abs)
takeUntilInterval :: (a -> Bool) -> Int -> Sig.T a -> Sig.T a
takeUntilInterval p n xs = fst $
Sig.takeWhile ((<n) . snd) $ xs $
Sig.drop n $
Sig.append (Sig.scanL (\acc x -> if p x then succ acc else 0) 0 xs) $
Sig.repeat 0
selectBool :: (Sig.T a, Sig.T a) -> Sig.T Bool -> Sig.T a
selectBool =
Sig.zipWith (\(xf,xt) c -> if c then xt else xf) .
select :: Ix i => Array i (Sig.T a) -> Sig.T i -> Sig.T a
select =
(\xi arr ->
do arr0 <- sequenceArray (fmap Sig.viewL arr)
return (fst (arr0!xi), fmap snd arr0))
sequenceArray ::
(Applicative f, Ix i) =>
Array i (f a) -> f (Array i a)
sequenceArray arr =
fmap (Array.listArray (Array.bounds arr)) $
sequenceA (Array.elems arr)
arrangeList :: (Additive.C v) =>
EventList.T NonNegW.Int (Sig.T v)
-> Sig.T v
arrangeList evs =
let xs = map Sig.toList (EventList.getBodies evs)
in case map NonNegW.toNumber (EventList.getTimes evs) of
t:ts -> Sig.replicate t zero `Sig.append`
Sig.fromList (Laurent.addShiftedMany ts xs)
[] -> Sig.empty
arrange :: (Additive.C v) =>
EventList.T NonNegW.Int (Sig.T v)
-> Sig.T v
arrange evs =
let xs = EventList.getBodies evs
in case map NonNegW.toNumber (EventList.getTimes evs) of
t:ts -> Sig.replicate t zero `Sig.append`
addShiftedMany ts xs
[] -> Sig.empty
addShiftedMany :: (Additive.C a) => [Int] -> [Sig.T a] -> Sig.T a
addShiftedMany ds xss =
foldr (uncurry addShifted) Sig.empty (zip (ds++[zero]) xss)
addShifted :: Additive.C a => Int -> Sig.T a -> Sig.T a -> Sig.T a
addShifted del xs ys =
if del < 0
then error "State.Signal.addShifted: negative shift"
Sig.runViewL xs (\nextX xs2 ->
Sig.runViewL ys (\nextY ys2 ->
(\((d,ys0),xs0) ->
if d==zero
(mapSnd (\(xs1,ys1) -> ((zero,ys1),xs1)))
(Sig.zipStep nextX nextY (+) (xs0, ys0))
Just $ mapSnd ((,) (pred d, ys0)) $
fromMaybe (zero, xs0) $ nextX xs0)
chopStorable :: Storable a => Sig.T Bool -> SigSt.T a -> [SigSt.T a]
chopStorable = chop
chopChunkySize :: Sig.T Bool -> ChunkySize.T -> [ChunkySize.T]
chopChunkySize = chop
chop :: CutChunky.C chunky => Sig.T Bool -> chunky -> [chunky]
chop bs =
Sig.runViewL bs $ \f s ->
let go _ [] = (Cut.empty, [])
go s0 (chunk:chunks) =
case chopChunk f chunk s0 of
(split, ms) ->
prependChunks split $
case ms of
Nothing -> (CutChunky.fromChunks chunks, [])
Just s1 -> go s1 chunks
in uncurry (:) . go s . CutChunky.toChunks
prependChunks ::
CutChunky.C chunky =>
[CutChunky.Chunk chunky] ->
(chunky, [chunky]) ->
(chunky, [chunky])
prependChunks [] xs = xs
prependChunks (chunk:chunks) xs =
let go c0 css =
(\y ->
if Cut.null c0
then y
else CutChunky.fromChunks $ c0 : CutChunky.toChunks y)
(case css of
[] -> xs
(c1:cs) -> (Cut.empty, uncurry (:) (go c1 cs)))
in go chunk chunks
chopChunk ::
Cut.Transform chunk =>
(s -> Maybe (Bool, s)) ->
chunk -> s -> ([chunk], Maybe s)
chopChunk f vs =
let go j s0 =
if j >= Cut.length vs
then ([j], Just s0)
case f s0 of
Nothing -> ([j, Cut.length vs], Nothing)
Just (b,s1) ->
(if b
then mapFst (j:)
else id) $
go (succ j) s1
in mapFst
(ListHT.mapAdjacent (\from to -> Cut.drop from $ Cut.take to vs) . (0:)) .
go 0