module System.Taffybar.Test.DBusSpec ( spec -- * Start private D-Busses for testing , withTestDBus , withTestDBusInDir , Bus(..) , withDBusDaemon_ , withConnectDBusDaemon , withConnectDBusDaemon' -- ** Using the private D-Bus , setDBusEnv , withBusEnv -- ** @python-dbusmock@ Services , withPythonDBusMock , withTaffyMocks -- * Utils , withMatch , withClient ) where import Control.Monad (forM_, void, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO (..)) import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as B8 import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List (sort) import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Int (Int64) import DBus import DBus.Client import Test.Hspec import System.FilePath ((), (<.>), takeFileName) import System.IO (hGetLine, hClose) import System.Process.Typed import System.Taffybar.Test.UtilSpec (withSetEnv, logSetup, specLog, withService, getSpecLogPriority, setServiceDefaults, laxTimeout') import UnliftIO.Directory (makeAbsolute, createDirectoryIfMissing, createFileLink) import UnliftIO.Temporary (withSystemTempDirectory) import UnliftIO.Exception (bracket, throwString, finally, throwIO) import UnliftIO.MVar qualified as MV -- | Uses 'withDBusDaemon_' to provide both a private session bus and -- a private system bus while the given action is running. -- -- The @DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS@ and @DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS@ -- environment variables will be set to point to socket files within -- the given directory. -- -- Files in the directory will be left behind after this function -- returns. -- -- __Note__: Environment variables are global to the process, so be -- careful using this with 'parallel' unit tests. withTestDBusInDir :: FilePath -- ^ Directory for config files and sockets. -> IO a -> IO a withTestDBusInDir socketDir = withDBusDaemon_ System socketDir . withDBusDaemon_ Session socketDir -- | Same as 'withTestDBusInDir', except that it creates and removes the -- temporary directory for you. withTestDBus :: IO a -> IO a withTestDBus = withSystemTempDirectory "dbus-spec" . flip withTestDBusInDir data Bus = Session | System deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Enum) busName :: Bus -> String busName Session = "session" busName System = "system" busArg :: Bus -> String busArg = ("--" ++) . busName envName :: Bus -> String envName Session = "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" envName System = "DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS" busEnv :: Bus -> Address -> (String, String) busEnv bus addr = (envName bus, formatAddress addr) -- | Adjust a 'ProcessConfig' so that the child process will use the -- given D-Bus address. setDBusEnv :: Bus -> Address -> ProcessConfig i o e -> ProcessConfig i o e setDBusEnv bus addr = setEnv [busEnv bus addr] withDBusDaemon :: Bus -> FilePath -> (Address -> IO a) -> IO a withDBusDaemon bus socketDir action = do cfg <- makeDBusDaemon <$> setupBusDir bus socketDir <*> getSpecLogPriority specLog $ "withDBusDaemon " ++ show bus ++ " running: " ++ show cfg withService cfg $ \p -> consumeAddress (getStdout p) >>= action where consumeAddress h = (just . parseAddress =<< hGetLine h) `finally` hClose h just = maybe (throwString "Could not parse address from dbus-daemon") pure makeDBusDaemon configFile logLevel = proc "dbus-daemon" ["--print-address", "--config-file", configFile] & setServiceDefaults logLevel & setStdout createPipe -- | Start a D-Bus daemon of the given 'Bus' type, and set the -- corresponding environment variable while running the given action. -- -- __Note__: Environment variables are global to the process, so be -- careful using this with 'parallel' unit tests. A safer option could -- be 'withConnectDBusDaemon'' and 'setBusEnv'. withDBusDaemon_ :: Bus -> FilePath -> IO a -> IO a withDBusDaemon_ bus socketDir action = withDBusDaemon bus socketDir $ \addr -> withBusEnv bus addr action -- | Same as 'withDBusDaemon', but it also provides a 'Client' -- connection. withConnectDBusDaemon' :: Bus -> FilePath -> (Address -> Client -> IO a) -> IO a withConnectDBusDaemon' bus socketDir action = withDBusDaemon bus socketDir $ \addr -> withClient addr $ \c -> action addr c withConnectDBusDaemon :: Bus -> FilePath -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a withConnectDBusDaemon bus socketDir = withConnectDBusDaemon' bus socketDir. const setupBusDir :: Bus -> FilePath -> IO FilePath setupBusDir bus socketDir = do let busDir = socketDir busName bus serviceDir = busDir "service.d" configFile = busDir "config.xml" createDirectoryIfMissing True serviceDir forM_ [] $ \service -> createFileLink service (serviceDir takeFileName service) -- createFileLink "/nix/store/ygd600kkc1h3p5dgw9vjm5xnfci43v0k-upower-1.90.4/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.UPower.service" (serviceDir "org.freedesktop.UPower.service") addr <- mkAddress (socketDir busName bus <.> "socket") writeFile configFile $ unlines [ "" , "" , " " ++ busName bus ++ "" , " " , " " ++ addr ++ "" , " " ++ serviceDir ++ "" , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , "" ] pure configFile mkAddress :: FilePath -> IO String mkAddress = fmap ("unix:path=" ++) . makeAbsolute -- | Set the @DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS@ or @DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS@ -- environment variable according to the given bus and address. -- -- __Note 1__: Environment variables are global to the process, so -- be careful using this with 'parallel' unit tests. -- -- __Note 2__. Using a @DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS@ environment variable to set a -- custom system bus address is supported by libdbus (therefore -- python-dbus) and haskell-dbus, but not necessarily other libraries -- or programs. Notably, systemd hardcodes the system bus address. withBusEnv :: Bus -> Address -> IO a -> IO a withBusEnv bus addr = withSetEnv [busEnv bus addr] withClient :: Address -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a withClient addr = bracket (connect addr) disconnect withMatch :: MonadUnliftIO m => Client -> MatchRule -> (Signal -> m ()) -> m a -> m a withMatch client rule cb action = withRunInIO $ \run -> bracket (addMatch client rule (run . cb)) (removeMatch client) (const $ run action) makeBusNameWaiter :: Client -> (BusName -> Bool) -> IO (IO ()) makeBusNameWaiter client p = do v <- MV.newEmptyMVar h <- MV.newEmptyMVar let cb sig = onNameOwnerChanged sig $ do hh <- MV.takeMVar h removeMatch client hh MV.putMVar v () MV.putMVar h =<< addMatch client rule cb pure (MV.takeMVar v) where rule = matchAny { matchMember = Just "NameOwnerChanged" , matchInterface = Just "org.freedesktop.DBus" , matchSender = Just "org.freedesktop.DBus" } isMatch = maybe False p . fromVariant isOwned = not . null . fromMaybe ("" :: String) . fromVariant onNameOwnerChanged sig next = case signalBody sig of [name, _, owner] -> when (isMatch name && isOwned owner) next _ -> pure () -- | Starts up [@python-dbusmock@]( -- The given action will be run once the mock is ready. withPythonDBusMock :: Bus -- ^ @python-dbusmock@ wants to know which bus. -> (Address, Client) -- ^ Connection to the 'Bus' -> BusName -- ^ Name of mock service. -> ObjectPath -- ^ Path of mock service. -> InterfaceName -- ^ Interface of mock service. -> IO a -> IO a withPythonDBusMock bus (addr, client) name path interface action = do waiter <- makeBusNameWaiter client (== name) logLevel <- getSpecLogPriority withService (cfg & setServiceDefaults logLevel) $ const $ waiter *> action where cfg = proc "python3" args & setDBusEnv bus addr args = ["-m", "dbusmock", busArg bus , formatBusName name , formatObjectPath path , formatInterfaceName interface] mockAddTemplate :: Client -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> String -> [(String, Variant)] -> IO () mockAddTemplate client dest path templ params = do void $ call_ client (addTemplate templ params) { methodCallDestination = Just dest } where addTemplate t p = (methodCall path "org.freedesktop.DBus.Mock" "AddTemplate") { methodCallBody = [toVariant t, toVariant (Map.fromList p)] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ upName :: BusName upName = "org.freedesktop.UPower" upPath, upDisplayDevicePath :: ObjectPath upPath = "/org/freedesktop/UPower" upDisplayDevicePath = objectPath_ (formatObjectPath upPath ++ "/devices/DisplayDevice") upIface, upDeviceIface :: InterfaceName upIface = "org.freedesktop.UPower" upDeviceIface = interfaceName_ (formatInterfaceName upIface ++ ".Device") mockIconName :: String mockIconName = "face-cool-symbolic" mockUPower :: Client -> IO () mockUPower client = do -- oh dbus, so ugly. mockAddTemplate client upName upPath "upower" [("OnBattery", toVariant True)] void $ call_ client (methodCall upPath "org.freedesktop.DBus.Mock" "AddAC") { methodCallBody = map toVariant ["mock_AC" :: String, "Mock AC"], methodCallDestination = Just upName } void $ call_ client (methodCall upPath "org.freedesktop.DBus.Mock" "AddChargingBattery") { methodCallBody = map toVariant ["mock_BAT" :: String, "Mock Battery"] ++ [toVariant (30.0 :: Double), toVariant (1200 :: Int64)] , methodCallDestination = Just upName } void $ setPropertyValue client (methodCall upDisplayDevicePath upDeviceIface "IconName") { methodCallDestination = Just upName } mockIconName withTaffyMocks :: IO a -> IO a withTaffyMocks action = do maddr <- getSystemAddress addr <- maybe (throwIO (clientError "getSystemAddress")) pure maddr withClient addr $ \client -> do withPythonDBusMock System (addr, client) upName upPath upIface $ do mockUPower client action ------------------------------------------------------------------------ spec :: Spec spec = logSetup $ around_ (laxTimeout' 1_000_000) $ around (withSystemTempDirectory "dbus-spec") $ do describe "withDBusDaemon org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.Ping" $ do forM_ [System, Session] $ \bus -> aroundWith (flip (withConnectDBusDaemon' bus) . curry) $ do it ("can ping private test " ++ show bus ++ " bus") $ \(_, client) -> do (fmap methodReturnBody <$> call client ping) `shouldReturn` Right [] it ("gdbus can ping private test " ++ show bus ++ " bus") $ \(addr, _) -> readProcessStdout_ (gdbusPing bus & setDBusEnv bus addr) `shouldReturn` "()\n" forM_ [System] $ \bus -> aroundWith (flip (withConnectDBusDaemon' bus) . curry) $ describe ("python-dbusmock " ++ show bus ++ " services") $ do it "simple" $ \(addr, client) -> example $ withPythonDBusMock bus (addr, client) "com.example.Foo" "/" "com.example.Foo.Manager" $ pure () it "UPower" $ \(addr, client) -> example $ do withPythonDBusMock bus (addr, client) upName upPath upIface $ do mockUPower client models <- upowerDumpModels addr sort models `shouldBe` ["Mock AC", "Mock Battery"] upowerDumpModels :: Address -> IO [String] upowerDumpModels addr = parse <$> readProcessStdout_ cfg where cfg = proc "upower" ["--dump"] & setDBusEnv System addr parse = map (B8.unpack . B8.dropSpace . B8.drop 1 . snd) . filter ((== "model") . fst) . map (B8.break (== ':') . B8.dropSpace) . B8.lines . B8.toStrict gdbusPing :: Bus -> ProcessConfig () () () gdbusPing bus = proc "gdbus" ["call", "--" ++ busName bus, "--dest", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "--object-path", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "--method", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.Ping"] ping :: MethodCall ping = (methodCall "/org/freedesktop/DBus" "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer" "Ping") { methodCallDestination = Just "org.freedesktop.DBus" }