module Tart.Canvas
( Canvas
, CanvasData
, canvasFromData
, canvasToData
, newCanvas
, canvasSize
, canvasSetPixel
, canvasSetMany
, canvasGetPixel
, resizeFrom
, prettyPrintCanvas
, merge
, clearCanvas
, canvasFromText
, canvasLayersToImage
, normalizeAttr
import Control.Monad (forM_, forM, replicateM, when)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as I
import qualified Data.Array.MArray as A
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import Data.Array.IO (IOUArray)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
import Lens.Micro.Platform
data Canvas =
Canvas { mut :: IOUArray (Int, Int) Word64
, immut :: UArray (Int, Int) Word64
, size :: (Int, Int)
data CanvasData =
CanvasData { canvasDataSize :: (Int, Int)
, canvasData :: [Word64]
instance B.Binary CanvasData where
put cd = do
B.put $ canvasDataSize cd
mapM_ B.put $ canvasData cd
get = do
(w, h) <- B.get
CanvasData <$> (pure (w, h))
<*> replicateM (w * h) B.get
canvasFromData :: CanvasData -> IO (Either String Canvas)
canvasFromData cd = do
let (w, h) = canvasDataSize cd
if w * h /= length (canvasData cd)
then return $ Left "Canvas data entries do not match dimensions"
else do
c <- newCanvas (w, h)
let idxs = [(w', h') | w' <- [0..w1], h' <- [0..h1]]
forM_ (zip idxs (canvasData cd)) $ \(point, word) ->
A.writeArray (mut c) point word
f <- A.freeze $ mut c
return $ Right $ c { immut = f }
canvasToData :: Canvas -> CanvasData
canvasToData c =
CanvasData sz canvasPixels
sz@(w, h) = canvasSize c
canvasPixels =
[ canvasGetPixelRaw c (w', h')
| w' <- [0..w1], h' <- [0..h1]
newCanvas :: (Int, Int) -> IO Canvas
newCanvas sz = do
let arrayBounds = ((0, 0), sz & each %~ pred)
draw <- A.newArray arrayBounds blankPixel
drawFreeze <- A.freeze draw
return $ Canvas draw drawFreeze sz
canvasFromText :: String -> IO Canvas
canvasFromText s = do
let ls = convertTab <$> lines s
convertTab l = concat $ convertTabChar <$> l
convertTabChar '\t' = replicate 8 ' '
convertTabChar c = [c]
height = length ls
width = maximum $ length <$> ls
pixs = concat $ mkRowPixels <$> zip [0..] ls
mkRowPixels (rowNum, row) =
mkPixel rowNum <$> zip [0..] row
mkPixel rowNum (colNum, ch) =
((colNum, rowNum), ch, V.defAttr)
c <- newCanvas (width, height)
canvasSetMany c pixs
clearCanvas :: Canvas -> IO Canvas
clearCanvas c = do
let (width, height) = canvasSize c
forM_ [0..width1] $ \w ->
forM_ [0..height1] $ \h -> do
A.writeArray (mut c) (w, h) blankPixel
f <- A.freeze (mut c)
return $ c { immut = f }
type RLE a = State RLEState a
data RLEState =
RLEState { content :: [(String, V.Attr)]
, currentString :: String
, currentAttr :: V.Attr
runRLE :: RLE () -> [(String, V.Attr)]
runRLE act =
let s = execState (act >> sealFinalToken) (RLEState [] "" V.defAttr)
in content s
rleNext :: (Char, V.Attr) -> RLE ()
rleNext (ch, attr) = do
cur <- gets currentAttr
case cur == attr of
True -> appendCharacter ch
False -> newToken ch attr
appendCharacter :: Char -> RLE ()
appendCharacter c =
modify $ \s -> s { currentString = currentString s <> [c]
sealFinalToken :: RLE ()
sealFinalToken =
modify $ \s -> s { content = if null $ currentString s
then content s
else content s <> [(currentString s, currentAttr s)]
newToken :: Char -> V.Attr -> RLE ()
newToken c a =
modify $ \s -> s { currentString = [c]
, currentAttr = a
, content = if null $ currentString s
then content s
else content s <> [(currentString s, currentAttr s)]
prettyPrintCanvas :: Bool -> [Canvas] -> String
prettyPrintCanvas emitSequences cs =
let pairs = runRLE (mkRLE cs)
mkOutput (s, attr) =
if emitSequences
then ctrlSequence attr <> s
else s
ctrlSequence a =
"\ESC[0m" <> attrSequence a
in concat $ mkOutput <$> pairs
mkRLE :: [Canvas] -> RLE ()
mkRLE [] = return ()
mkRLE cs@(c:_) = do
let (w, h) = canvasSize c
forM_ [0..h1] $ \row -> do
forM_ [0..w1] $ \col ->
rleNext $ findPixel cs (col, row)
rleNext ('\n', V.defAttr)
attrSequence :: V.Attr -> String
attrSequence a =
let fg = colorCode True (V.attrForeColor a)
bg = colorCode False (V.attrBackColor a)
sty = styleCode (V.attrStyle a)
in fg <> bg <> sty
styleCode :: V.MaybeDefault V.Style -> String
styleCode V.KeepCurrent = ""
styleCode V.Default = ""
styleCode (V.SetTo s) = styleCode' s
styles :: [V.Style]
styles =
[ V.bold
, V.underline
, V.blink
, V.reverseVideo
styleCode' :: V.Style -> String
styleCode' s =
let present = filter (V.hasStyle s) styles
in if null present
then ""
else "\ESC[" <> intercalate ";" (styleToCode <$> present) <> "m"
styleToCode :: V.Style -> String
styleToCode s =
let mapping = [ (V.bold, "1")
, (V.underline, "4")
, (V.blink, "5")
, (V.reverseVideo, "7")
in maybe "" id $ lookup s mapping
colorCode :: Bool -> V.MaybeDefault V.Color -> String
colorCode _ V.KeepCurrent = ""
colorCode _ V.Default = ""
colorCode f (V.SetTo c) = colorCode' f c
colorCode' :: Bool -> V.Color -> String
colorCode' f (V.Color240 w) =
"\ESC[" <> if f then "38" else "48" <> ";5;" <> show w <> "m"
colorCode' f (V.ISOColor w) =
let c = if f then "38" else "48"
valid v = v >= 0 && v <= 15
in if valid w
then "\ESC[" <> c <> ";5;" <> show w <> "m"
else ""
canvasSize :: Canvas -> (Int, Int)
canvasSize = size
canvasGetPixel :: Canvas -> (Int, Int) -> (Char, V.Attr)
canvasGetPixel c p = decodePixel $ canvasGetPixelRaw c p
canvasGetPixelRaw :: Canvas -> (Int, Int) -> Word64
canvasGetPixelRaw c point = (immut c) I.! point
canvasSetMany :: Canvas -> [((Int, Int), Char, V.Attr)] -> IO Canvas
canvasSetMany c pixels = do
forM_ pixels $ \(point, ch, attr) -> do
valid <- isValidPoint point (mut c)
when valid $ A.writeArray (mut c) point $ encodePixel ch attr
f <- A.freeze (mut c)
return $ c { immut = f
isValidPoint :: (Int, Int) -> IOUArray (Int, Int) Word64 -> IO Bool
isValidPoint (c, r) arr = do
((loC, loR), (hiC, hiR)) <- A.getBounds arr
return $ r >= loR && c >= loC &&
r <= hiR && c <= hiC
canvasSetPixel :: Canvas -> (Int, Int) -> Char -> V.Attr -> IO Canvas
canvasSetPixel c point ch attr = canvasSetMany c [(point, ch, attr)]
blankPixel :: Word64
blankPixel = encodePixel ' ' V.defAttr
resizeFrom :: Canvas -> (Int, Int) -> IO Canvas
resizeFrom old newSz = do
case newSz /= canvasSize old of
False -> return old
True -> do
new <- newCanvas newSz
(c, _) <- merge new old
return c
encodePixel :: Char -> V.Attr -> Word64
encodePixel c a =
let low32Mask = 2 ^ (32::Integer) 1
c64 = fromIntegral $ fromEnum c
a' = normalizeAttr c a
in (c64 .&. low32Mask) .|.
(encodeAttribute a' `shiftL` 32)
decodePixel :: Word64 -> (Char, V.Attr)
decodePixel v =
let chBits = v .&. (2 ^ (32::Integer) 1)
attrBits = v `shiftR` 32
attr = decodeAttribute attrBits
ch = toEnum $ fromIntegral chBits
in (ch, normalizeAttr ch attr)
normalizeAttr :: Char -> V.Attr -> V.Attr
normalizeAttr ch attr =
if ch == ' ' && (not $ hasForegroundStyle $ V.attrStyle attr)
then attr { V.attrForeColor = V.Default
, V.attrStyle = V.Default
else attr
hasForegroundStyle :: V.MaybeDefault V.Style -> Bool
hasForegroundStyle (V.SetTo s) =
or [ V.hasStyle s V.underline
, V.hasStyle s V.reverseVideo
hasForegroundStyle _ = False
encodeAttribute :: V.Attr -> Word64
encodeAttribute attr =
(encodeAttrStyle (V.attrStyle attr) `shiftL` 20) .|.
(encodeAttrColor (V.attrForeColor attr) `shiftL` 10) .|.
(encodeAttrColor (V.attrBackColor attr))
encodeAttrStyle :: V.MaybeDefault V.Style -> Word64
encodeAttrStyle V.Default = 0
encodeAttrStyle V.KeepCurrent = 0
encodeAttrStyle (V.SetTo s) = fromIntegral s
decodeAttrStyle :: Word64 -> V.MaybeDefault V.Style
decodeAttrStyle 0 = V.Default
decodeAttrStyle v = V.SetTo $ fromIntegral v
decodeAttribute :: Word64 -> V.Attr
decodeAttribute v =
let attrColorMask = 2 ^ (10::Integer) 1
attrStyleMask = 2 ^ (8::Integer) 1
in V.defAttr { V.attrStyle = decodeAttrStyle $ (v `shiftR` 20) .&. attrStyleMask
, V.attrForeColor = decodeAttrColor $ (v `shiftR` 10) .&. attrColorMask
, V.attrBackColor = decodeAttrColor $ v .&. attrColorMask
encodeAttrColor :: V.MaybeDefault V.Color -> Word64
encodeAttrColor V.Default = 0
encodeAttrColor V.KeepCurrent = 0
encodeAttrColor (V.SetTo c) =
let (ty, color) = case c of
V.ISOColor w -> (0, fromIntegral w)
V.Color240 w -> (1, fromIntegral w)
in (1 `shiftL` 9) .|.
(ty `shiftL` 8) .|.
decodeAttrColor :: Word64 -> V.MaybeDefault V.Color
decodeAttrColor 0 = V.Default
decodeAttrColor v =
let ty = (v `shiftR` 8) .&. 0b1
color = fromIntegral $ v .&. 0b11111111
in if ty == 1
then V.SetTo $ V.Color240 color
else V.SetTo $ V.ISOColor color
merge :: Canvas -> Canvas -> IO (Canvas, [((Int, Int), (Char, V.Attr))])
merge dest src = do
let (width, height) = (min srcW destW, min srcH destH)
(srcW, srcH) = canvasSize src
(destW, destH) = canvasSize dest
undoBuf <- forM [0..width1] $ \w ->
forM [0..height1] $ \h -> do
let pix = (immut src) I.! (w, h)
case pix /= blankPixel of
True -> do
old <- A.readArray (mut dest) (w, h)
A.writeArray (mut dest) (w, h) pix
return $ Just ((w, h), decodePixel old)
False ->
return Nothing
f <- A.freeze $ mut dest
return (dest { immut = f }, catMaybes $ concat undoBuf)
canvasLayersToImage :: [Canvas] -> V.Image
canvasLayersToImage [] = V.emptyImage
canvasLayersToImage cs =
let sizes = canvasSize <$> cs
smallestSize = ( minimum $ fst <$> sizes
, minimum $ snd <$> sizes
(lastCol, lastRow) = smallestSize & each %~ pred
rows = getRow <$> [0..lastRow]
getRow r = V.horizCat $ (uncurry $ flip V.char) <$> getCol r <$> [0..lastCol]
getCol r c = findPixel cs (c, r)
in V.vertCat rows
findPixel :: [Canvas] -> (Int, Int) -> (Char, V.Attr)
findPixel [] _ = error "BUG: canvasLayersToImage got no layers"
findPixel [l] point = canvasGetPixel l point
findPixel (l:ls) point =
let pix = canvasGetPixel l point
blank = decodePixel blankPixel
in if pix == blank
then findPixel ls point
else pix