module Test.Tasty.Silver.Internal where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.ByteString as SB
import System.IO.Error
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Options.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Maybe
import Test.Tasty.Providers
import Test.Tasty.Options
data Golden =
forall a .
(IO (Maybe a))
(IO a)
(a -> a -> IO GDiff)
(a -> IO GShow)
(Maybe (a -> IO ()))
deriving Typeable
newtype AcceptTests = AcceptTests Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance IsOption AcceptTests where
defaultValue = AcceptTests False
parseValue = fmap AcceptTests . safeRead
optionName = return "accept"
optionHelp = return "Accept current results of golden tests"
optionCLParser =
fmap AcceptTests $
( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged AcceptTests String))
<> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged AcceptTests String))
readFileMaybe :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe SB.ByteString)
readFileMaybe path = catchJust
(\e -> if isDoesNotExistErrorType (ioeGetErrorType e) then Just () else Nothing)
(Just <$> SB.readFile path)
(const $ return Nothing)
data GDiff
= Equal
| DiffText { gReason :: (Maybe String), gActual :: T.Text, gExpected :: T.Text }
| ShowDiffed { gReason :: (Maybe String), gDiff :: T.Text }
data GShow
= ShowText T.Text
instance IsTest Golden where
run opts golden _ = do
(r, gr) <- runGolden golden
let (AcceptTests accept) = lookupOption opts :: AcceptTests
case gr of
GRNoGolden act _ (Just upd) | accept -> do
act >>= upd
return $ testPassed "Created golden file."
GRDifferent _ act _ (Just upd) | accept -> do
upd act
return $ testPassed "Updated golden file."
_ -> return r
testOptions = return [Option (Proxy :: Proxy AcceptTests)]
type GoldenResult = GoldenResult' IO
type GoldenResultI = GoldenResult' Identity
data GoldenResult' m
= GREqual
| forall a . GRDifferent
(Maybe (a -> IO ()))
| forall a . GRNoGolden
(m a)
(a -> IO GShow) --show
(Maybe (a -> IO ()))
runGolden :: Golden -> IO (Result, GoldenResult)
runGolden (Golden getGolden getActual cmp shw upd) = do
ref' <- getGolden
case ref' of
Nothing -> return (testFailed "Missing golden value.", GRNoGolden getActual shw upd)
Just ref -> do
new <- getActual
cmp' <- cmp ref new
case cmp' of
Equal -> return (testPassed "", GREqual)
d -> let r = fromMaybe "Result did not match golden value." (gReason d)
in return (testFailed r, GRDifferent ref new cmp' upd)
forceGoldenResult :: GoldenResult -> IO GoldenResultI
forceGoldenResult gr = case gr of
(GRNoGolden act shw upd) -> do
act' <- act
return $ GRNoGolden (Identity act') shw upd
(GRDifferent a b c d) -> return $ GRDifferent a b c d
(GREqual) -> return GREqual
instance Show (GoldenResult' m) where
show GREqual = "GREqual"
show (GRDifferent {}) = "GRDifferent"
show (GRNoGolden {}) = "GRNoGolden"