-- | -- TH.Lib contains lots of useful helper functions for -- generating and manipulating Template Haskell terms {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Language.Haskell.TH.Lib where -- All of the exports from this module should -- be "public" functions. The main module TH -- re-exports them all. import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (Role, InjectivityAnn) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import Control.Monad( liftM, liftM2 ) import Data.Word( Word8 ) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- * Type synonyms ---------------------------------------------------------- type InfoQ = Q Info type PatQ = Q Pat type FieldPatQ = Q FieldPat type ExpQ = Q Exp type TExpQ a = Q (TExp a) type DecQ = Q Dec type DecsQ = Q [Dec] type ConQ = Q Con type TypeQ = Q Type type TyLitQ = Q TyLit type CxtQ = Q Cxt type PredQ = Q Pred type MatchQ = Q Match type ClauseQ = Q Clause type BodyQ = Q Body type GuardQ = Q Guard type StmtQ = Q Stmt type RangeQ = Q Range type SourceStrictnessQ = Q SourceStrictness type SourceUnpackednessQ = Q SourceUnpackedness type BangQ = Q Bang type BangTypeQ = Q BangType type VarBangTypeQ = Q VarBangType type StrictTypeQ = Q StrictType type VarStrictTypeQ = Q VarStrictType type FieldExpQ = Q FieldExp type RuleBndrQ = Q RuleBndr type TySynEqnQ = Q TySynEqn -- must be defined here for DsMeta to find it type Role = TH.Role type InjectivityAnn = TH.InjectivityAnn ---------------------------------------------------------- -- * Lowercase pattern syntax functions ---------------------------------------------------------- intPrimL :: Integer -> Lit intPrimL = IntPrimL wordPrimL :: Integer -> Lit wordPrimL = WordPrimL floatPrimL :: Rational -> Lit floatPrimL = FloatPrimL doublePrimL :: Rational -> Lit doublePrimL = DoublePrimL integerL :: Integer -> Lit integerL = IntegerL charL :: Char -> Lit charL = CharL charPrimL :: Char -> Lit charPrimL = CharPrimL stringL :: String -> Lit stringL = StringL stringPrimL :: [Word8] -> Lit stringPrimL = StringPrimL rationalL :: Rational -> Lit rationalL = RationalL litP :: Lit -> PatQ litP l = return (LitP l) varP :: Name -> PatQ varP v = return (VarP v) tupP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ tupP ps = do { ps1 <- sequence ps; return (TupP ps1)} unboxedTupP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ unboxedTupP ps = do { ps1 <- sequence ps; return (UnboxedTupP ps1)} conP :: Name -> [PatQ] -> PatQ conP n ps = do ps' <- sequence ps return (ConP n ps') infixP :: PatQ -> Name -> PatQ -> PatQ infixP p1 n p2 = do p1' <- p1 p2' <- p2 return (InfixP p1' n p2') uInfixP :: PatQ -> Name -> PatQ -> PatQ uInfixP p1 n p2 = do p1' <- p1 p2' <- p2 return (UInfixP p1' n p2') parensP :: PatQ -> PatQ parensP p = do p' <- p return (ParensP p') tildeP :: PatQ -> PatQ tildeP p = do p' <- p return (TildeP p') bangP :: PatQ -> PatQ bangP p = do p' <- p return (BangP p') asP :: Name -> PatQ -> PatQ asP n p = do p' <- p return (AsP n p') wildP :: PatQ wildP = return WildP recP :: Name -> [FieldPatQ] -> PatQ recP n fps = do fps' <- sequence fps return (RecP n fps') listP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ listP ps = do ps' <- sequence ps return (ListP ps') sigP :: PatQ -> TypeQ -> PatQ sigP p t = do p' <- p t' <- t return (SigP p' t') viewP :: ExpQ -> PatQ -> PatQ viewP e p = do e' <- e p' <- p return (ViewP e' p') fieldPat :: Name -> PatQ -> FieldPatQ fieldPat n p = do p' <- p return (n, p') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Stmt bindS :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> StmtQ bindS p e = liftM2 BindS p e letS :: [DecQ] -> StmtQ letS ds = do { ds1 <- sequence ds; return (LetS ds1) } noBindS :: ExpQ -> StmtQ noBindS e = do { e1 <- e; return (NoBindS e1) } parS :: [[StmtQ]] -> StmtQ parS sss = do { sss1 <- mapM sequence sss; return (ParS sss1) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Range fromR :: ExpQ -> RangeQ fromR x = do { a <- x; return (FromR a) } fromThenR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ fromThenR x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (FromThenR a b) } fromToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ fromToR x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (FromToR a b) } fromThenToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ fromThenToR x y z = do { a <- x; b <- y; c <- z; return (FromThenToR a b c) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Body normalB :: ExpQ -> BodyQ normalB e = do { e1 <- e; return (NormalB e1) } guardedB :: [Q (Guard,Exp)] -> BodyQ guardedB ges = do { ges' <- sequence ges; return (GuardedB ges') } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Guard normalG :: ExpQ -> GuardQ normalG e = do { e1 <- e; return (NormalG e1) } normalGE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Q (Guard, Exp) normalGE g e = do { g1 <- g; e1 <- e; return (NormalG g1, e1) } patG :: [StmtQ] -> GuardQ patG ss = do { ss' <- sequence ss; return (PatG ss') } patGE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ -> Q (Guard, Exp) patGE ss e = do { ss' <- sequence ss; e' <- e; return (PatG ss', e') } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Match and Clause -- | Use with 'caseE' match :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> MatchQ match p rhs ds = do { p' <- p; r' <- rhs; ds' <- sequence ds; return (Match p' r' ds') } -- | Use with 'funD' clause :: [PatQ] -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> ClauseQ clause ps r ds = do { ps' <- sequence ps; r' <- r; ds' <- sequence ds; return (Clause ps' r' ds') } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Exp -- | Dynamically binding a variable (unhygenic) dyn :: String -> ExpQ dyn s = return (VarE (mkName s)) varE :: Name -> ExpQ varE s = return (VarE s) conE :: Name -> ExpQ conE s = return (ConE s) litE :: Lit -> ExpQ litE c = return (LitE c) appE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ appE x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (AppE a b)} parensE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ parensE x = do { x' <- x; return (ParensE x') } uInfixE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ uInfixE x s y = do { x' <- x; s' <- s; y' <- y; return (UInfixE x' s' y') } infixE :: Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ infixE (Just x) s (Just y) = do { a <- x; s' <- s; b <- y; return (InfixE (Just a) s' (Just b))} infixE Nothing s (Just y) = do { s' <- s; b <- y; return (InfixE Nothing s' (Just b))} infixE (Just x) s Nothing = do { a <- x; s' <- s; return (InfixE (Just a) s' Nothing)} infixE Nothing s Nothing = do { s' <- s; return (InfixE Nothing s' Nothing) } infixApp :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ infixApp x y z = infixE (Just x) y (Just z) sectionL :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ sectionL x y = infixE (Just x) y Nothing sectionR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ sectionR x y = infixE Nothing x (Just y) lamE :: [PatQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ lamE ps e = do ps' <- sequence ps e' <- e return (LamE ps' e') -- | Single-arg lambda lam1E :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ lam1E p e = lamE [p] e lamCaseE :: [MatchQ] -> ExpQ lamCaseE ms = sequence ms >>= return . LamCaseE tupE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ tupE es = do { es1 <- sequence es; return (TupE es1)} unboxedTupE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ unboxedTupE es = do { es1 <- sequence es; return (UnboxedTupE es1)} condE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ condE x y z = do { a <- x; b <- y; c <- z; return (CondE a b c)} multiIfE :: [Q (Guard, Exp)] -> ExpQ multiIfE alts = sequence alts >>= return . MultiIfE letE :: [DecQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ letE ds e = do { ds2 <- sequence ds; e2 <- e; return (LetE ds2 e2) } caseE :: ExpQ -> [MatchQ] -> ExpQ caseE e ms = do { e1 <- e; ms1 <- sequence ms; return (CaseE e1 ms1) } doE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ doE ss = do { ss1 <- sequence ss; return (DoE ss1) } compE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ compE ss = do { ss1 <- sequence ss; return (CompE ss1) } arithSeqE :: RangeQ -> ExpQ arithSeqE r = do { r' <- r; return (ArithSeqE r') } listE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ listE es = do { es1 <- sequence es; return (ListE es1) } sigE :: ExpQ -> TypeQ -> ExpQ sigE e t = do { e1 <- e; t1 <- t; return (SigE e1 t1) } recConE :: Name -> [Q (Name,Exp)] -> ExpQ recConE c fs = do { flds <- sequence fs; return (RecConE c flds) } recUpdE :: ExpQ -> [Q (Name,Exp)] -> ExpQ recUpdE e fs = do { e1 <- e; flds <- sequence fs; return (RecUpdE e1 flds) } stringE :: String -> ExpQ stringE = litE . stringL fieldExp :: Name -> ExpQ -> Q (Name, Exp) fieldExp s e = do { e' <- e; return (s,e') } -- | @staticE x = [| static x |]@ staticE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ staticE = fmap StaticE unboundVarE :: Name -> ExpQ unboundVarE s = return (UnboundVarE s) -- ** 'arithSeqE' Shortcuts fromE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ fromE x = do { a <- x; return (ArithSeqE (FromR a)) } fromThenE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ fromThenE x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (ArithSeqE (FromThenR a b)) } fromToE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ fromToE x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (ArithSeqE (FromToR a b)) } fromThenToE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ fromThenToE x y z = do { a <- x; b <- y; c <- z; return (ArithSeqE (FromThenToR a b c)) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Dec valD :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ valD p b ds = do { p' <- p ; ds' <- sequence ds ; b' <- b ; return (ValD p' b' ds') } funD :: Name -> [ClauseQ] -> DecQ funD nm cs = do { cs1 <- sequence cs ; return (FunD nm cs1) } tySynD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> TypeQ -> DecQ tySynD tc tvs rhs = do { rhs1 <- rhs; return (TySynD tc tvs rhs1) } dataD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Maybe Kind -> [ConQ] -> CxtQ -> DecQ dataD ctxt tc tvs ksig cons derivs = do ctxt1 <- ctxt cons1 <- sequence cons derivs1 <- derivs return (DataD ctxt1 tc tvs ksig cons1 derivs1) newtypeD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Maybe Kind -> ConQ -> CxtQ -> DecQ newtypeD ctxt tc tvs ksig con derivs = do ctxt1 <- ctxt con1 <- con derivs1 <- derivs return (NewtypeD ctxt1 tc tvs ksig con1 derivs1) classD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [FunDep] -> [DecQ] -> DecQ classD ctxt cls tvs fds decs = do decs1 <- sequence decs ctxt1 <- ctxt return $ ClassD ctxt1 cls tvs fds decs1 instanceD :: CxtQ -> TypeQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ instanceD = instanceWithOverlapD Nothing instanceWithOverlapD :: Maybe Overlap -> CxtQ -> TypeQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ instanceWithOverlapD o ctxt ty decs = do ctxt1 <- ctxt decs1 <- sequence decs ty1 <- ty return $ InstanceD o ctxt1 ty1 decs1 sigD :: Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ sigD fun ty = liftM (SigD fun) $ ty forImpD :: Callconv -> Safety -> String -> Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ forImpD cc s str n ty = do ty' <- ty return $ ForeignD (ImportF cc s str n ty') infixLD :: Int -> Name -> DecQ infixLD prec nm = return (InfixD (Fixity prec InfixL) nm) infixRD :: Int -> Name -> DecQ infixRD prec nm = return (InfixD (Fixity prec InfixR) nm) infixND :: Int -> Name -> DecQ infixND prec nm = return (InfixD (Fixity prec InfixN) nm) pragInlD :: Name -> Inline -> RuleMatch -> Phases -> DecQ pragInlD name inline rm phases = return $ PragmaD $ InlineP name inline rm phases pragSpecD :: Name -> TypeQ -> Phases -> DecQ pragSpecD n ty phases = do ty1 <- ty return $ PragmaD $ SpecialiseP n ty1 Nothing phases pragSpecInlD :: Name -> TypeQ -> Inline -> Phases -> DecQ pragSpecInlD n ty inline phases = do ty1 <- ty return $ PragmaD $ SpecialiseP n ty1 (Just inline) phases pragSpecInstD :: TypeQ -> DecQ pragSpecInstD ty = do ty1 <- ty return $ PragmaD $ SpecialiseInstP ty1 pragRuleD :: String -> [RuleBndrQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Phases -> DecQ pragRuleD n bndrs lhs rhs phases = do bndrs1 <- sequence bndrs lhs1 <- lhs rhs1 <- rhs return $ PragmaD $ RuleP n bndrs1 lhs1 rhs1 phases pragAnnD :: AnnTarget -> ExpQ -> DecQ pragAnnD target expr = do exp1 <- expr return $ PragmaD $ AnnP target exp1 pragLineD :: Int -> String -> DecQ pragLineD line file = return $ PragmaD $ LineP line file dataInstD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TypeQ] -> Maybe Kind -> [ConQ] -> CxtQ -> DecQ dataInstD ctxt tc tys ksig cons derivs = do ctxt1 <- ctxt tys1 <- sequence tys cons1 <- sequence cons derivs1 <- derivs return (DataInstD ctxt1 tc tys1 ksig cons1 derivs1) newtypeInstD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TypeQ] -> Maybe Kind -> ConQ -> CxtQ -> DecQ newtypeInstD ctxt tc tys ksig con derivs = do ctxt1 <- ctxt tys1 <- sequence tys con1 <- con derivs1 <- derivs return (NewtypeInstD ctxt1 tc tys1 ksig con1 derivs1) tySynInstD :: Name -> TySynEqnQ -> DecQ tySynInstD tc eqn = do eqn1 <- eqn return (TySynInstD tc eqn1) dataFamilyD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Maybe Kind -> DecQ dataFamilyD tc tvs kind = return $ DataFamilyD tc tvs kind openTypeFamilyD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> FamilyResultSig -> Maybe InjectivityAnn -> DecQ openTypeFamilyD tc tvs res inj = return $ OpenTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs res inj) closedTypeFamilyD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> FamilyResultSig -> Maybe InjectivityAnn -> [TySynEqnQ] -> DecQ closedTypeFamilyD tc tvs result injectivity eqns = do eqns1 <- sequence eqns return (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs result injectivity) eqns1) -- These were deprecated in GHC 8.0 with a plan to remove them in 8.2. If you -- remove this check please also: -- 1. remove deprecated functions -- 2. remove CPP language extension from top of this module -- 3. remove the FamFlavour data type from Syntax module -- 4. make sure that all references to FamFlavour are gone from DsMeta, -- Convert, TcSplice (follows from 3) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 800 #error Remove deprecated familyNoKindD, familyKindD, closedTypeFamilyNoKindD and closedTypeFamilyKindD #endif {-# DEPRECATED familyNoKindD, familyKindD "This function will be removed in the next stable release. Use openTypeFamilyD/dataFamilyD instead." #-} familyNoKindD :: FamFlavour -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> DecQ familyNoKindD flav tc tvs = case flav of TypeFam -> return $ OpenTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs NoSig Nothing) DataFam -> return $ DataFamilyD tc tvs Nothing familyKindD :: FamFlavour -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Kind -> DecQ familyKindD flav tc tvs k = case flav of TypeFam -> return $ OpenTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs (KindSig k) Nothing) DataFam -> return $ DataFamilyD tc tvs (Just k) {-# DEPRECATED closedTypeFamilyNoKindD, closedTypeFamilyKindD "This function will be removed in the next stable release. Use closedTypeFamilyD instead." #-} closedTypeFamilyNoKindD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [TySynEqnQ] -> DecQ closedTypeFamilyNoKindD tc tvs eqns = do eqns1 <- sequence eqns return (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs NoSig Nothing) eqns1) closedTypeFamilyKindD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Kind -> [TySynEqnQ] -> DecQ closedTypeFamilyKindD tc tvs kind eqns = do eqns1 <- sequence eqns return (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs (KindSig kind) Nothing) eqns1) roleAnnotD :: Name -> [Role] -> DecQ roleAnnotD name roles = return $ RoleAnnotD name roles standaloneDerivD :: CxtQ -> TypeQ -> DecQ standaloneDerivD ctxtq tyq = do ctxt <- ctxtq ty <- tyq return $ StandaloneDerivD ctxt ty defaultSigD :: Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ defaultSigD n tyq = do ty <- tyq return $ DefaultSigD n ty tySynEqn :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> TySynEqnQ tySynEqn lhs rhs = do lhs1 <- sequence lhs rhs1 <- rhs return (TySynEqn lhs1 rhs1) cxt :: [PredQ] -> CxtQ cxt = sequence normalC :: Name -> [BangTypeQ] -> ConQ normalC con strtys = liftM (NormalC con) $ sequence strtys recC :: Name -> [VarBangTypeQ] -> ConQ recC con varstrtys = liftM (RecC con) $ sequence varstrtys infixC :: Q (Bang, Type) -> Name -> Q (Bang, Type) -> ConQ infixC st1 con st2 = do st1' <- st1 st2' <- st2 return $ InfixC st1' con st2' forallC :: [TyVarBndr] -> CxtQ -> ConQ -> ConQ forallC ns ctxt con = liftM2 (ForallC ns) ctxt con gadtC :: [Name] -> [StrictTypeQ] -> TypeQ -> ConQ gadtC cons strtys ty = liftM2 (GadtC cons) (sequence strtys) ty recGadtC :: [Name] -> [VarStrictTypeQ] -> TypeQ -> ConQ recGadtC cons varstrtys ty = liftM2 (RecGadtC cons) (sequence varstrtys) ty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Type forallT :: [TyVarBndr] -> CxtQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ forallT tvars ctxt ty = do ctxt1 <- ctxt ty1 <- ty return $ ForallT tvars ctxt1 ty1 varT :: Name -> TypeQ varT = return . VarT conT :: Name -> TypeQ conT = return . ConT infixT :: TypeQ -> Name -> TypeQ -> TypeQ infixT t1 n t2 = do t1' <- t1 t2' <- t2 return (InfixT t1' n t2') uInfixT :: TypeQ -> Name -> TypeQ -> TypeQ uInfixT t1 n t2 = do t1' <- t1 t2' <- t2 return (UInfixT t1' n t2') parensT :: TypeQ -> TypeQ parensT t = do t' <- t return (ParensT t') appT :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ appT t1 t2 = do t1' <- t1 t2' <- t2 return $ AppT t1' t2' arrowT :: TypeQ arrowT = return ArrowT listT :: TypeQ listT = return ListT litT :: TyLitQ -> TypeQ litT l = fmap LitT l tupleT :: Int -> TypeQ tupleT i = return (TupleT i) unboxedTupleT :: Int -> TypeQ unboxedTupleT i = return (UnboxedTupleT i) sigT :: TypeQ -> Kind -> TypeQ sigT t k = do t' <- t return $ SigT t' k equalityT :: TypeQ equalityT = return EqualityT wildCardT :: TypeQ wildCardT = return WildCardT {-# DEPRECATED classP "As of template-haskell-2.10, constraint predicates (Pred) are just types (Type), in keeping with ConstraintKinds. Please use 'conT' and 'appT'." #-} classP :: Name -> [Q Type] -> Q Pred classP cla tys = do tysl <- sequence tys return (foldl AppT (ConT cla) tysl) {-# DEPRECATED equalP "As of template-haskell-2.10, constraint predicates (Pred) are just types (Type), in keeping with ConstraintKinds. Please see 'equalityT'." #-} equalP :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> PredQ equalP tleft tright = do tleft1 <- tleft tright1 <- tright eqT <- equalityT return (foldl AppT eqT [tleft1, tright1]) promotedT :: Name -> TypeQ promotedT = return . PromotedT promotedTupleT :: Int -> TypeQ promotedTupleT i = return (PromotedTupleT i) promotedNilT :: TypeQ promotedNilT = return PromotedNilT promotedConsT :: TypeQ promotedConsT = return PromotedConsT noSourceUnpackedness, sourceNoUnpack, sourceUnpack :: SourceUnpackednessQ noSourceUnpackedness = return NoSourceUnpackedness sourceNoUnpack = return SourceNoUnpack sourceUnpack = return SourceUnpack noSourceStrictness, sourceLazy, sourceStrict :: SourceStrictnessQ noSourceStrictness = return NoSourceStrictness sourceLazy = return SourceLazy sourceStrict = return SourceStrict {-# DEPRECATED isStrict ["Use 'bang'. See https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Migration/8.0. ", "Example usage: 'bang noSourceUnpackedness sourceStrict'"] #-} {-# DEPRECATED notStrict ["Use 'bang'. See https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Migration/8.0. ", "Example usage: 'bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness'"] #-} {-# DEPRECATED unpacked ["Use 'bang'. See https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Migration/8.0. ", "Example usage: 'bang sourceUnpack sourceStrict'"] #-} isStrict, notStrict, unpacked :: Q Strict isStrict = bang noSourceUnpackedness sourceStrict notStrict = bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness unpacked = bang sourceUnpack sourceStrict bang :: SourceUnpackednessQ -> SourceStrictnessQ -> BangQ bang u s = do u' <- u s' <- s return (Bang u' s') bangType :: BangQ -> TypeQ -> BangTypeQ bangType = liftM2 (,) varBangType :: Name -> BangTypeQ -> VarBangTypeQ varBangType v bt = do (b, t) <- bt return (v, b, t) {-# DEPRECATED strictType "As of @template-haskell-, 'StrictType' has been replaced by 'BangType'. Please use 'bangType' instead." #-} strictType :: Q Strict -> TypeQ -> StrictTypeQ strictType = bangType {-# DEPRECATED varStrictType "As of @template-haskell-, 'VarStrictType' has been replaced by 'VarBangType'. Please use 'varBangType' instead." #-} varStrictType :: Name -> StrictTypeQ -> VarStrictTypeQ varStrictType = varBangType -- * Type Literals numTyLit :: Integer -> TyLitQ numTyLit n = if n >= 0 then return (NumTyLit n) else fail ("Negative type-level number: " ++ show n) strTyLit :: String -> TyLitQ strTyLit s = return (StrTyLit s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Kind plainTV :: Name -> TyVarBndr plainTV = PlainTV kindedTV :: Name -> Kind -> TyVarBndr kindedTV = KindedTV varK :: Name -> Kind varK = VarT conK :: Name -> Kind conK = ConT tupleK :: Int -> Kind tupleK = TupleT arrowK :: Kind arrowK = ArrowT listK :: Kind listK = ListT appK :: Kind -> Kind -> Kind appK = AppT starK :: Kind starK = StarT constraintK :: Kind constraintK = ConstraintT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Type family result noSig :: FamilyResultSig noSig = NoSig kindSig :: Kind -> FamilyResultSig kindSig = KindSig tyVarSig :: TyVarBndr -> FamilyResultSig tyVarSig = TyVarSig ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Injectivity annotation injectivityAnn :: Name -> [Name] -> InjectivityAnn injectivityAnn = TH.InjectivityAnn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Role nominalR, representationalR, phantomR, inferR :: Role nominalR = NominalR representationalR = RepresentationalR phantomR = PhantomR inferR = InferR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Callconv cCall, stdCall, cApi, prim, javaScript :: Callconv cCall = CCall stdCall = StdCall cApi = CApi prim = Prim javaScript = JavaScript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Safety unsafe, safe, interruptible :: Safety unsafe = Unsafe safe = Safe interruptible = Interruptible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * FunDep funDep :: [Name] -> [Name] -> FunDep funDep = FunDep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * FamFlavour typeFam, dataFam :: FamFlavour typeFam = TypeFam dataFam = DataFam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * RuleBndr ruleVar :: Name -> RuleBndrQ ruleVar = return . RuleVar typedRuleVar :: Name -> TypeQ -> RuleBndrQ typedRuleVar n ty = ty >>= return . TypedRuleVar n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * AnnTarget valueAnnotation :: Name -> AnnTarget valueAnnotation = ValueAnnotation typeAnnotation :: Name -> AnnTarget typeAnnotation = TypeAnnotation moduleAnnotation :: AnnTarget moduleAnnotation = ModuleAnnotation -------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Useful helper function appsE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ appsE [] = error "appsE []" appsE [x] = x appsE (x:y:zs) = appsE ( (appE x y) : zs ) -- | Return the Module at the place of splicing. Can be used as an -- input for 'reifyModule'. thisModule :: Q Module thisModule = do loc <- location return $ Module (mkPkgName $ loc_package loc) (mkModName $ loc_module loc)