{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} -- | contains a prettyprinter for the -- Template Haskell datatypes module Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr where -- All of the exports from this module should -- be "public" functions. The main module TH -- re-exports them all. import Text.PrettyPrint (render) import Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import Data.Word ( Word8 ) import Data.Char ( toLower, chr) import GHC.Show ( showMultiLineString ) import GHC.Lexeme( startsVarSym ) import Data.Ratio ( numerator, denominator ) import Data.Foldable ( toList ) import Prelude hiding ((<>)) nestDepth :: Int nestDepth = 4 type Precedence = Int appPrec, opPrec, unopPrec, funPrec, qualPrec, sigPrec, noPrec :: Precedence appPrec = 6 -- Argument of a function or type application opPrec = 5 -- Argument of an infix operator unopPrec = 4 -- Argument of an unresolved infix operator funPrec = 3 -- Argument of a function arrow qualPrec = 2 -- Forall-qualified type or result of a function arrow sigPrec = 1 -- Argument of an explicit type signature noPrec = 0 -- Others parensIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc parensIf True d = parens d parensIf False d = d ------------------------------ pprint :: Ppr a => a -> String pprint x = render $ to_HPJ_Doc $ ppr x class Ppr a where ppr :: a -> Doc ppr_list :: [a] -> Doc ppr_list = vcat . map ppr instance Ppr a => Ppr [a] where ppr x = ppr_list x ------------------------------ instance Ppr Name where ppr v = pprName v ------------------------------ instance Ppr Info where ppr (TyConI d) = ppr d ppr (ClassI d is) = ppr d $$ vcat (map ppr is) ppr (FamilyI d is) = ppr d $$ vcat (map ppr is) ppr (PrimTyConI name arity is_unlifted) = text "Primitive" <+> (if is_unlifted then text "unlifted" else empty) <+> text "type constructor" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> parens (text "arity" <+> int arity) ppr (ClassOpI v ty cls) = text "Class op from" <+> ppr cls <> colon <+> ppr_sig v ty ppr (DataConI v ty tc) = text "Constructor from" <+> ppr tc <> colon <+> ppr_sig v ty ppr (PatSynI nm ty) = pprPatSynSig nm ty ppr (TyVarI v ty) = text "Type variable" <+> ppr v <+> equals <+> ppr ty ppr (VarI v ty mb_d) = vcat [ppr_sig v ty, case mb_d of { Nothing -> empty; Just d -> ppr d }] ppr_sig :: Name -> Type -> Doc ppr_sig v ty = pprName' Applied v <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty pprFixity :: Name -> Fixity -> Doc pprFixity _ f | f == defaultFixity = empty pprFixity v (Fixity i d) = ppr_fix d <+> int i <+> pprName' Infix v where ppr_fix InfixR = text "infixr" ppr_fix InfixL = text "infixl" ppr_fix InfixN = text "infix" -- | Pretty prints a pattern synonym type signature pprPatSynSig :: Name -> PatSynType -> Doc pprPatSynSig nm ty = text "pattern" <+> pprPrefixOcc nm <+> dcolon <+> pprPatSynType ty -- | Pretty prints a pattern synonym's type; follows the usual -- conventions to print a pattern synonym type compactly, yet -- unambiguously. See the note on 'PatSynType' and the section on -- pattern synonyms in the GHC user's guide for more information. pprPatSynType :: PatSynType -> Doc pprPatSynType ty@(ForallT uniTys reqs ty'@(ForallT exTys provs ty'')) | null exTys, null provs = ppr (ForallT uniTys reqs ty'') | null uniTys, null reqs = noreqs <+> ppr ty' | null reqs = pprForallBndrs uniTys <+> noreqs <+> ppr ty' | otherwise = ppr ty where noreqs = text "() =>" pprForallBndrs tvs = text "forall" <+> hsep (map ppr tvs) <+> text "." pprPatSynType ty = ppr ty ------------------------------ instance Ppr Module where ppr (Module pkg m) = text (pkgString pkg) <+> text (modString m) instance Ppr ModuleInfo where ppr (ModuleInfo imps) = text "Module" <+> vcat (map ppr imps) ------------------------------ instance Ppr Exp where ppr = pprExp noPrec pprPrefixOcc :: Name -> Doc -- Print operators with parens around them pprPrefixOcc n = parensIf (isSymOcc n) (ppr n) isSymOcc :: Name -> Bool isSymOcc n = case nameBase n of [] -> True -- Empty name; weird (c:_) -> startsVarSym c -- c.f. OccName.startsVarSym in GHC itself pprInfixExp :: Exp -> Doc pprInfixExp (VarE v) = pprName' Infix v pprInfixExp (ConE v) = pprName' Infix v pprInfixExp (UnboundVarE v) = pprName' Infix v -- This case will only ever be reached in exceptional circumstances. -- For example, when printing an error message in case of a malformed expression. pprInfixExp e = text "`" <> ppr e <> text "`" pprExp :: Precedence -> Exp -> Doc pprExp _ (VarE v) = pprName' Applied v pprExp _ (ConE c) = pprName' Applied c pprExp i (LitE l) = pprLit i l pprExp i (AppE e1 e2) = parensIf (i >= appPrec) $ pprExp opPrec e1 <+> pprExp appPrec e2 pprExp i (AppTypeE e t) = parensIf (i >= appPrec) $ pprExp opPrec e <+> char '@' <> pprParendType t pprExp _ (ParensE e) = parens (pprExp noPrec e) pprExp i (UInfixE e1 op e2) = parensIf (i > unopPrec) $ pprExp unopPrec e1 <+> pprInfixExp op <+> pprExp unopPrec e2 pprExp i (InfixE (Just e1) op (Just e2)) = parensIf (i >= opPrec) $ pprExp opPrec e1 <+> pprInfixExp op <+> pprExp opPrec e2 pprExp _ (InfixE me1 op me2) = parens $ pprMaybeExp noPrec me1 <+> pprInfixExp op <+> pprMaybeExp noPrec me2 pprExp i (LamE [] e) = pprExp i e -- #13856 pprExp i (LamE ps e) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ char '\\' <> hsep (map (pprPat appPrec) ps) <+> text "->" <+> ppr e pprExp i (LamCaseE ms) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ text "\\case" $$ braces (semiSep ms) pprExp i (LamCasesE ms) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ text "\\cases" $$ braces (semi_sep ms) where semi_sep = sep . punctuate semi . map (pprClause False) pprExp i (TupE es) | [Just e] <- es = pprExp i (ConE (tupleDataName 1) `AppE` e) | otherwise = parens (commaSepWith (pprMaybeExp noPrec) es) pprExp _ (UnboxedTupE es) = hashParens (commaSepWith (pprMaybeExp noPrec) es) pprExp _ (UnboxedSumE e alt arity) = unboxedSumBars (ppr e) alt arity -- Nesting in Cond is to avoid potential problems in do statements pprExp i (CondE guard true false) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ sep [text "if" <+> ppr guard, nest 1 $ text "then" <+> ppr true, nest 1 $ text "else" <+> ppr false] pprExp i (MultiIfE alts) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ vcat $ case alts of [] -> [text "if {}"] (alt : alts') -> text "if" <+> pprGuarded arrow alt : map (nest 3 . pprGuarded arrow) alts' pprExp i (LetE ds_ e) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ text "let" <+> pprDecs ds_ $$ text " in" <+> ppr e where pprDecs [] = empty pprDecs [d] = ppr d pprDecs ds = braces (semiSep ds) pprExp i (CaseE e ms) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ text "case" <+> ppr e <+> text "of" $$ braces (semiSep ms) pprExp i (DoE m ss_) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ pprQualifier m <> text "do" <+> pprStms ss_ where pprQualifier Nothing = empty pprQualifier (Just modName) = text (modString modName) <> char '.' pprStms [] = empty pprStms [s] = ppr s pprStms ss = braces (semiSep ss) pprExp i (MDoE m ss_) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ pprQualifier m <> text "mdo" <+> pprStms ss_ where pprQualifier Nothing = empty pprQualifier (Just modName) = text (modString modName) <> char '.' pprStms [] = empty pprStms [s] = ppr s pprStms ss = braces (semiSep ss) pprExp _ (CompE []) = text "<>" -- This will probably break with fixity declarations - would need a ';' pprExp _ (CompE ss) = if null ss' -- If there are no statements in a list comprehension besides the last -- one, we simply treat it like a normal list. then text "[" <> ppr s <> text "]" else text "[" <> ppr s <+> bar <+> commaSep ss' <> text "]" where s = last ss ss' = init ss pprExp _ (ArithSeqE d) = ppr d pprExp _ (ListE es) = brackets (commaSep es) pprExp i (SigE e t) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ pprExp sigPrec e <+> dcolon <+> pprType sigPrec t pprExp _ (RecConE nm fs) = pprName' Applied nm <> braces (pprFields fs) pprExp _ (RecUpdE e fs) = pprExp appPrec e <> braces (pprFields fs) pprExp i (StaticE e) = parensIf (i >= appPrec) $ text "static"<+> pprExp appPrec e pprExp _ (UnboundVarE v) = pprName' Applied v pprExp _ (LabelE s) = text "#" <> text s pprExp _ (ImplicitParamVarE n) = text ('?' : n) pprExp _ (GetFieldE e f) = pprExp appPrec e <> text ('.': f) pprExp _ (ProjectionE xs) = parens $ hcat $ map ((char '.'<>) . text) $ toList xs pprFields :: [(Name,Exp)] -> Doc pprFields = sep . punctuate comma . map (\(s,e) -> pprName' Applied s <+> equals <+> ppr e) pprMaybeExp :: Precedence -> Maybe Exp -> Doc pprMaybeExp _ Nothing = empty pprMaybeExp i (Just e) = pprExp i e ------------------------------ instance Ppr Stmt where ppr (BindS p e) = ppr p <+> text "<-" <+> ppr e ppr (LetS ds) = text "let" <+> (braces (semiSep ds)) ppr (NoBindS e) = ppr e ppr (ParS sss) = sep $ punctuate bar $ map commaSep sss ppr (RecS ss) = text "rec" <+> (braces (semiSep ss)) ------------------------------ instance Ppr Match where ppr (Match p rhs ds) = pprMatchPat p <+> pprBody False rhs $$ where_clause ds pprMatchPat :: Pat -> Doc -- Everything except pattern signatures bind more tightly than (->) pprMatchPat p@(SigP {}) = parens (ppr p) pprMatchPat p = ppr p ------------------------------ pprGuarded :: Doc -> (Guard, Exp) -> Doc pprGuarded eqDoc (guard, expr) = case guard of NormalG guardExpr -> bar <+> ppr guardExpr <+> eqDoc <+> ppr expr PatG stmts -> bar <+> vcat (punctuate comma $ map ppr stmts) $$ nest nestDepth (eqDoc <+> ppr expr) ------------------------------ pprBody :: Bool -> Body -> Doc pprBody eq body = case body of GuardedB xs -> nest nestDepth $ vcat $ map (pprGuarded eqDoc) xs NormalB e -> eqDoc <+> ppr e where eqDoc | eq = equals | otherwise = arrow ------------------------------ pprClause :: Bool -> Clause -> Doc pprClause eqDoc (Clause ps rhs ds) = hsep (map (pprPat appPrec) ps) <+> pprBody eqDoc rhs $$ where_clause ds ------------------------------ instance Ppr Lit where ppr = pprLit noPrec pprLit :: Precedence -> Lit -> Doc pprLit i (IntPrimL x) = parensIf (i > noPrec && x < 0) (integer x <> char '#') pprLit _ (WordPrimL x) = integer x <> text "##" pprLit i (FloatPrimL x) = parensIf (i > noPrec && x < 0) (float (fromRational x) <> char '#') pprLit i (DoublePrimL x) = parensIf (i > noPrec && x < 0) (double (fromRational x) <> text "##") pprLit i (IntegerL x) = parensIf (i > noPrec && x < 0) (integer x) pprLit _ (CharL c) = text (show c) pprLit _ (CharPrimL c) = text (show c) <> char '#' pprLit _ (StringL s) = pprString s pprLit _ (StringPrimL s) = pprString (bytesToString s) <> char '#' pprLit _ (BytesPrimL {}) = pprString "" pprLit i (RationalL rat) | withoutFactor 2 (withoutFactor 5 $ denominator rat) /= 1 -- if the denominator has prime factors other than 2 and 5, show as fraction = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ integer (numerator rat) <+> char '/' <+> integer (denominator rat) | rat /= 0 && (zeroes < -1 || zeroes > 7), let (n, d) = properFraction (rat' / magnitude) (rat', zeroes') | abs rat < 1 = (10 * rat, zeroes - 1) | otherwise = (rat, zeroes) -- if < 0.01 or >= 100_000_000, use scientific notation = parensIf (i > noPrec && rat < 0) (integer n <> (if d == 0 then empty else char '.' <> decimals (abs d)) <> char 'e' <> integer zeroes') | let (n, d) = properFraction rat = parensIf (i > noPrec && rat < 0) (integer n <> char '.' <> if d == 0 then char '0' else decimals (abs d)) where zeroes :: Integer zeroes = truncate (logBase 10 (abs (fromRational rat) :: Double) * (1 - epsilon)) epsilon = 0.0000001 magnitude :: Rational magnitude = 10 ^^ zeroes withoutFactor :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer withoutFactor _ 0 = 0 withoutFactor p n | (n', 0) <- divMod n p = withoutFactor p n' | otherwise = n -- | Expects the argument 0 <= x < 1 decimals :: Rational -> Doc decimals x | x == 0 = empty | otherwise = integer n <> decimals d where (n, d) = properFraction (x * 10) bytesToString :: [Word8] -> String bytesToString = map (chr . fromIntegral) pprString :: String -> Doc -- Print newlines as newlines with Haskell string escape notation, -- not as '\n'. For other non-printables use regular escape notation. pprString s = vcat (map text (showMultiLineString s)) ------------------------------ instance Ppr Pat where ppr = pprPat noPrec pprPat :: Precedence -> Pat -> Doc pprPat i (LitP l) = pprLit i l pprPat _ (VarP v) = pprName' Applied v pprPat i (TupP ps) | [_] <- ps = pprPat i (ConP (tupleDataName 1) [] ps) | otherwise = parens (commaSep ps) pprPat _ (UnboxedTupP ps) = hashParens (commaSep ps) pprPat _ (UnboxedSumP p alt arity) = unboxedSumBars (ppr p) alt arity pprPat i (ConP s ts ps) = parensIf (i >= appPrec) $ pprName' Applied s <+> sep (map (\t -> char '@' <> pprParendType t) ts) <+> sep (map (pprPat appPrec) ps) pprPat _ (ParensP p) = parens $ pprPat noPrec p pprPat i (UInfixP p1 n p2) = parensIf (i > unopPrec) (pprPat unopPrec p1 <+> pprName' Infix n <+> pprPat unopPrec p2) pprPat i (InfixP p1 n p2) = parensIf (i >= opPrec) (pprPat opPrec p1 <+> pprName' Infix n <+> pprPat opPrec p2) pprPat i (TildeP p) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ char '~' <> pprPat appPrec p pprPat i (BangP p) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ char '!' <> pprPat appPrec p pprPat i (AsP v p) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ ppr v <> text "@" <> pprPat appPrec p pprPat _ WildP = text "_" pprPat _ (RecP nm fs) = parens $ pprName' Applied nm <+> braces (sep $ punctuate comma $ map (\(s,p) -> pprName' Applied s <+> equals <+> ppr p) fs) pprPat _ (ListP ps) = brackets (commaSep ps) pprPat i (SigP p t) = parensIf (i > noPrec) $ ppr p <+> dcolon <+> ppr t pprPat _ (ViewP e p) = parens $ pprExp noPrec e <+> text "->" <+> pprPat noPrec p ------------------------------ instance Ppr Dec where ppr = ppr_dec True ppr_dec :: Bool -- declaration on the toplevel? -> Dec -> Doc ppr_dec _ (FunD f cs) = vcat $ map (\c -> pprPrefixOcc f <+> ppr c) cs ppr_dec _ (ValD p r ds) = ppr p <+> pprBody True r $$ where_clause ds ppr_dec _ (TySynD t xs rhs) = ppr_tySyn empty (Just t) (hsep (map ppr xs)) rhs ppr_dec _ (DataD ctxt t xs ksig cs decs) = ppr_data empty ctxt (Just t) (hsep (map ppr xs)) ksig cs decs ppr_dec _ (NewtypeD ctxt t xs ksig c decs) = ppr_newtype empty ctxt (Just t) (sep (map ppr xs)) ksig c decs ppr_dec _ (TypeDataD t xs ksig cs) = ppr_type_data empty [] (Just t) (hsep (map ppr xs)) ksig cs [] ppr_dec _ (ClassD ctxt c xs fds ds) = text "class" <+> pprCxt ctxt <+> ppr c <+> hsep (map ppr xs) <+> ppr fds $$ where_clause ds ppr_dec _ (InstanceD o ctxt i ds) = text "instance" <+> maybe empty ppr_overlap o <+> pprCxt ctxt <+> ppr i $$ where_clause ds ppr_dec _ (SigD f t) = pprPrefixOcc f <+> dcolon <+> ppr t ppr_dec _ (KiSigD f k) = text "type" <+> pprPrefixOcc f <+> dcolon <+> ppr k ppr_dec _ (ForeignD f) = ppr f ppr_dec _ (InfixD fx n) = pprFixity n fx ppr_dec _ (DefaultD tys) = text "default" <+> parens (sep $ punctuate comma $ map ppr tys) ppr_dec _ (PragmaD p) = ppr p ppr_dec isTop (DataFamilyD tc tvs kind) = text "data" <+> maybeFamily <+> ppr tc <+> hsep (map ppr tvs) <+> maybeKind where maybeFamily | isTop = text "family" | otherwise = empty maybeKind | (Just k') <- kind = dcolon <+> ppr k' | otherwise = empty ppr_dec isTop (DataInstD ctxt bndrs ty ksig cs decs) = ppr_data (maybeInst <+> ppr_bndrs bndrs) ctxt Nothing (ppr ty) ksig cs decs where maybeInst | isTop = text "instance" | otherwise = empty ppr_dec isTop (NewtypeInstD ctxt bndrs ty ksig c decs) = ppr_newtype (maybeInst <+> ppr_bndrs bndrs) ctxt Nothing (ppr ty) ksig c decs where maybeInst | isTop = text "instance" | otherwise = empty ppr_dec isTop (TySynInstD (TySynEqn mb_bndrs ty rhs)) = ppr_tySyn (maybeInst <+> ppr_bndrs mb_bndrs) Nothing (ppr ty) rhs where maybeInst | isTop = text "instance" | otherwise = empty ppr_dec isTop (OpenTypeFamilyD tfhead) = text "type" <+> maybeFamily <+> ppr_tf_head tfhead where maybeFamily | isTop = text "family" | otherwise = empty ppr_dec _ (ClosedTypeFamilyD tfhead eqns) = hang (text "type family" <+> ppr_tf_head tfhead <+> text "where") nestDepth (vcat (map ppr_eqn eqns)) where ppr_eqn (TySynEqn mb_bndrs lhs rhs) = ppr_bndrs mb_bndrs <+> ppr lhs <+> text "=" <+> ppr rhs ppr_dec _ (RoleAnnotD name roles) = hsep [ text "type role", ppr name ] <+> hsep (map ppr roles) ppr_dec _ (StandaloneDerivD ds cxt ty) = hsep [ text "deriving" , maybe empty ppr_deriv_strategy ds , text "instance" , pprCxt cxt , ppr ty ] ppr_dec _ (DefaultSigD n ty) = hsep [ text "default", pprPrefixOcc n, dcolon, ppr ty ] ppr_dec _ (PatSynD name args dir pat) = text "pattern" <+> pprNameArgs <+> ppr dir <+> pprPatRHS where pprNameArgs | InfixPatSyn a1 a2 <- args = ppr a1 <+> pprName' Infix name <+> ppr a2 | otherwise = pprName' Applied name <+> ppr args pprPatRHS | ExplBidir cls <- dir = hang (ppr pat <+> text "where") nestDepth (pprName' Applied name <+> ppr cls) | otherwise = ppr pat ppr_dec _ (PatSynSigD name ty) = pprPatSynSig name ty ppr_dec _ (ImplicitParamBindD n e) = hsep [text ('?' : n), text "=", ppr e] ppr_deriv_strategy :: DerivStrategy -> Doc ppr_deriv_strategy ds = case ds of StockStrategy -> text "stock" AnyclassStrategy -> text "anyclass" NewtypeStrategy -> text "newtype" ViaStrategy ty -> text "via" <+> pprParendType ty ppr_overlap :: Overlap -> Doc ppr_overlap o = text $ case o of Overlaps -> "{-# OVERLAPS #-}" Overlappable -> "{-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}" Overlapping -> "{-# OVERLAPPING #-}" Incoherent -> "{-# INCOHERENT #-}" ppr_data :: Doc -> Cxt -> Maybe Name -> Doc -> Maybe Kind -> [Con] -> [DerivClause] -> Doc ppr_data = ppr_typedef "data" ppr_newtype :: Doc -> Cxt -> Maybe Name -> Doc -> Maybe Kind -> Con -> [DerivClause] -> Doc ppr_newtype maybeInst ctxt t argsDoc ksig c decs = ppr_typedef "newtype" maybeInst ctxt t argsDoc ksig [c] decs ppr_type_data :: Doc -> Cxt -> Maybe Name -> Doc -> Maybe Kind -> [Con] -> [DerivClause] -> Doc ppr_type_data = ppr_typedef "type data" ppr_typedef :: String -> Doc -> Cxt -> Maybe Name -> Doc -> Maybe Kind -> [Con] -> [DerivClause] -> Doc ppr_typedef data_or_newtype maybeInst ctxt t argsDoc ksig cs decs = sep [text data_or_newtype <+> maybeInst <+> pprCxt ctxt <+> case t of Just n -> pprName' Applied n <+> argsDoc Nothing -> argsDoc <+> ksigDoc <+> maybeWhere, nest nestDepth (vcat (pref $ map ppr cs)), if null decs then empty else nest nestDepth $ vcat $ map ppr_deriv_clause decs] where pref :: [Doc] -> [Doc] pref xs | isGadtDecl = xs pref [] = [] -- No constructors; can't happen in H98 pref (d:ds) = (char '=' <+> d):map (bar <+>) ds maybeWhere :: Doc maybeWhere | isGadtDecl = text "where" | otherwise = empty isGadtDecl :: Bool isGadtDecl = not (null cs) && all isGadtCon cs where isGadtCon (GadtC _ _ _ ) = True isGadtCon (RecGadtC _ _ _) = True isGadtCon (ForallC _ _ x ) = isGadtCon x isGadtCon _ = False ksigDoc = case ksig of Nothing -> empty Just k -> dcolon <+> ppr k ppr_deriv_clause :: DerivClause -> Doc ppr_deriv_clause (DerivClause ds ctxt) = text "deriving" <+> pp_strat_before <+> ppr_cxt_preds ctxt <+> pp_strat_after where -- @via@ is unique in that in comes /after/ the class being derived, -- so we must special-case it. (pp_strat_before, pp_strat_after) = case ds of Just (via@ViaStrategy{}) -> (empty, ppr_deriv_strategy via) _ -> (maybe empty ppr_deriv_strategy ds, empty) ppr_tySyn :: Doc -> Maybe Name -> Doc -> Type -> Doc ppr_tySyn maybeInst t argsDoc rhs = text "type" <+> maybeInst <+> case t of Just n -> pprName' Applied n <+> argsDoc Nothing -> argsDoc <+> text "=" <+> ppr rhs ppr_tf_head :: TypeFamilyHead -> Doc ppr_tf_head (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs res inj) = pprName' Applied tc <+> hsep (map ppr tvs) <+> ppr res <+> maybeInj where maybeInj | (Just inj') <- inj = ppr inj' | otherwise = empty ppr_bndrs :: PprFlag flag => Maybe [TyVarBndr flag] -> Doc ppr_bndrs (Just bndrs) = text "forall" <+> sep (map ppr bndrs) <> text "." ppr_bndrs Nothing = empty ------------------------------ instance Ppr FunDep where ppr (FunDep xs ys) = hsep (map ppr xs) <+> text "->" <+> hsep (map ppr ys) ppr_list [] = empty ppr_list xs = bar <+> commaSep xs ------------------------------ instance Ppr FamilyResultSig where ppr NoSig = empty ppr (KindSig k) = dcolon <+> ppr k ppr (TyVarSig bndr) = text "=" <+> ppr bndr ------------------------------ instance Ppr InjectivityAnn where ppr (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs) = bar <+> ppr lhs <+> text "->" <+> hsep (map ppr rhs) ------------------------------ instance Ppr Foreign where ppr (ImportF callconv safety impent as typ) = text "foreign import" <+> showtextl callconv <+> showtextl safety <+> text (show impent) <+> pprName' Applied as <+> dcolon <+> ppr typ ppr (ExportF callconv expent as typ) = text "foreign export" <+> showtextl callconv <+> text (show expent) <+> pprName' Applied as <+> dcolon <+> ppr typ ------------------------------ instance Ppr Pragma where ppr (InlineP n inline rm phases) = text "{-#" <+> ppr inline <+> ppr rm <+> ppr phases <+> pprName' Applied n <+> text "#-}" ppr (OpaqueP n) = text "{-# OPAQUE" <+> pprName' Applied n <+> text "#-}" ppr (SpecialiseP n ty inline phases) = text "{-# SPECIALISE" <+> maybe empty ppr inline <+> ppr phases <+> sep [ pprName' Applied n <+> dcolon , nest 2 $ ppr ty ] <+> text "#-}" ppr (SpecialiseInstP inst) = text "{-# SPECIALISE instance" <+> ppr inst <+> text "#-}" ppr (RuleP n ty_bndrs tm_bndrs lhs rhs phases) = sep [ text "{-# RULES" <+> pprString n <+> ppr phases , nest 4 $ ppr_ty_forall ty_bndrs <+> ppr_tm_forall ty_bndrs <+> ppr lhs , nest 4 $ char '=' <+> ppr rhs <+> text "#-}" ] where ppr_ty_forall Nothing = empty ppr_ty_forall (Just bndrs) = text "forall" <+> fsep (map ppr bndrs) <+> char '.' ppr_tm_forall Nothing | null tm_bndrs = empty ppr_tm_forall _ = text "forall" <+> fsep (map ppr tm_bndrs) <+> char '.' ppr (AnnP tgt expr) = text "{-# ANN" <+> target1 tgt <+> ppr expr <+> text "#-}" where target1 ModuleAnnotation = text "module" target1 (TypeAnnotation t) = text "type" <+> pprName' Applied t target1 (ValueAnnotation v) = pprName' Applied v ppr (LineP line file) = text "{-# LINE" <+> int line <+> text (show file) <+> text "#-}" ppr (CompleteP cls mty) = text "{-# COMPLETE" <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma $ map (pprName' Applied) cls) <+> maybe empty (\ty -> dcolon <+> pprName' Applied ty) mty <+> text "#-}" ------------------------------ instance Ppr Inline where ppr NoInline = text "NOINLINE" ppr Inline = text "INLINE" ppr Inlinable = text "INLINABLE" ------------------------------ instance Ppr RuleMatch where ppr ConLike = text "CONLIKE" ppr FunLike = empty ------------------------------ instance Ppr Phases where ppr AllPhases = empty ppr (FromPhase i) = brackets $ int i ppr (BeforePhase i) = brackets $ char '~' <> int i ------------------------------ instance Ppr RuleBndr where ppr (RuleVar n) = ppr n ppr (TypedRuleVar n ty) = parens $ ppr n <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty ------------------------------ instance Ppr Clause where ppr = pprClause True ------------------------------ instance Ppr Con where ppr (NormalC c sts) = pprName' Applied c <+> sep (map pprBangType sts) ppr (RecC c vsts) = pprName' Applied c <+> braces (sep (punctuate comma $ map pprVarBangType vsts)) ppr (InfixC st1 c st2) = pprBangType st1 <+> pprName' Infix c <+> pprBangType st2 ppr (ForallC ns ctxt (GadtC c sts ty)) = commaSepApplied c <+> dcolon <+> pprForall ns ctxt <+> pprGadtRHS sts ty ppr (ForallC ns ctxt (RecGadtC c vsts ty)) = commaSepApplied c <+> dcolon <+> pprForall ns ctxt <+> pprRecFields vsts ty ppr (ForallC ns ctxt con) = pprForall ns ctxt <+> ppr con ppr (GadtC c sts ty) = commaSepApplied c <+> dcolon <+> pprGadtRHS sts ty ppr (RecGadtC c vsts ty) = commaSepApplied c <+> dcolon <+> pprRecFields vsts ty instance Ppr PatSynDir where ppr Unidir = text "<-" ppr ImplBidir = text "=" ppr (ExplBidir _) = text "<-" -- the ExplBidir's clauses are pretty printed together with the -- entire pattern synonym; so only print the direction here. instance Ppr PatSynArgs where ppr (PrefixPatSyn args) = sep $ map ppr args ppr (InfixPatSyn a1 a2) = ppr a1 <+> ppr a2 ppr (RecordPatSyn sels) = braces $ sep (punctuate comma (map (pprName' Applied) sels)) commaSepApplied :: [Name] -> Doc commaSepApplied = commaSepWith (pprName' Applied) pprForall :: [TyVarBndr Specificity] -> Cxt -> Doc pprForall = pprForall' ForallInvis pprForallVis :: [TyVarBndr ()] -> Cxt -> Doc pprForallVis = pprForall' ForallVis pprForall' :: PprFlag flag => ForallVisFlag -> [TyVarBndr flag] -> Cxt -> Doc pprForall' fvf tvs cxt -- even in the case without any tvs, there could be a non-empty -- context cxt (e.g., in the case of pattern synonyms, where there -- are multiple forall binders and contexts). | [] <- tvs = pprCxt cxt | otherwise = text "forall" <+> hsep (map ppr tvs) <+> separator <+> pprCxt cxt where separator = case fvf of ForallVis -> text "->" ForallInvis -> char '.' pprRecFields :: [(Name, Strict, Type)] -> Type -> Doc pprRecFields vsts ty = braces (sep (punctuate comma $ map pprVarBangType vsts)) <+> arrow <+> ppr ty pprGadtRHS :: [(Strict, Type)] -> Type -> Doc pprGadtRHS [] ty = ppr ty pprGadtRHS sts ty = sep (punctuate (space <> arrow) (map pprBangType sts)) <+> arrow <+> ppr ty ------------------------------ pprVarBangType :: VarBangType -> Doc -- Slight infelicity: with print non-atomic type with parens pprVarBangType (v, bang, t) = pprName' Applied v <+> dcolon <+> pprBangType (bang, t) ------------------------------ pprBangType :: BangType -> Doc -- Make sure we print -- -- Con {-# UNPACK #-} a -- -- rather than -- -- Con {-# UNPACK #-}a -- -- when there's no strictness annotation. If there is a strictness annotation, -- it's okay to not put a space between it and the type. pprBangType (bt@(Bang _ NoSourceStrictness), t) = ppr bt <+> pprParendType t pprBangType (bt, t) = ppr bt <> pprParendType t ------------------------------ instance Ppr Bang where ppr (Bang su ss) = ppr su <+> ppr ss ------------------------------ instance Ppr SourceUnpackedness where ppr NoSourceUnpackedness = empty ppr SourceNoUnpack = text "{-# NOUNPACK #-}" ppr SourceUnpack = text "{-# UNPACK #-}" ------------------------------ instance Ppr SourceStrictness where ppr NoSourceStrictness = empty ppr SourceLazy = char '~' ppr SourceStrict = char '!' ------------------------------ instance Ppr DecidedStrictness where ppr DecidedLazy = empty ppr DecidedStrict = char '!' ppr DecidedUnpack = text "{-# UNPACK #-} !" ------------------------------ {-# DEPRECATED pprVarStrictType "As of @template-haskell-, 'VarStrictType' has been replaced by 'VarBangType'. Please use 'pprVarBangType' instead." #-} pprVarStrictType :: (Name, Strict, Type) -> Doc pprVarStrictType = pprVarBangType ------------------------------ {-# DEPRECATED pprStrictType "As of @template-haskell-, 'StrictType' has been replaced by 'BangType'. Please use 'pprBangType' instead." #-} pprStrictType :: (Strict, Type) -> Doc pprStrictType = pprBangType ------------------------------ pprType :: Precedence -> Type -> Doc pprType _ (VarT v) = pprName' Applied v -- `Applied` is used here instead of `ppr` because of infix names (#13887) pprType _ (ConT c) = pprName' Applied c pprType _ (TupleT 0) = text "()" pprType p (TupleT 1) = pprType p (ConT (tupleTypeName 1)) pprType _ (TupleT n) = parens (hcat (replicate (n-1) comma)) pprType _ (UnboxedTupleT n) = hashParens $ hcat $ replicate (n-1) comma pprType _ (UnboxedSumT arity) = hashParens $ hcat $ replicate (arity-1) bar pprType _ ArrowT = parens (text "->") pprType _ MulArrowT = text "FUN" pprType _ ListT = text "[]" pprType _ (LitT l) = pprTyLit l pprType _ (PromotedT c) = text "'" <> pprName' Applied c pprType _ (PromotedTupleT 0) = text "'()" pprType p (PromotedTupleT 1) = pprType p (PromotedT (tupleDataName 1)) pprType _ (PromotedTupleT n) = quoteParens (hcat (replicate (n-1) comma)) pprType _ PromotedNilT = text "'[]" pprType _ PromotedConsT = text "'(:)" pprType _ StarT = char '*' pprType _ ConstraintT = text "Constraint" pprType _ (SigT ty k) = parens (ppr ty <+> text "::" <+> ppr k) pprType _ WildCardT = char '_' pprType p t@(InfixT {}) = pprInfixT p t pprType p t@(UInfixT {}) = pprInfixT p t pprType p t@(PromotedInfixT {}) = pprInfixT p t pprType p t@(PromotedUInfixT {}) = pprInfixT p t pprType _ (ParensT t) = parens (pprType noPrec t) pprType p (ImplicitParamT n ty) = parensIf (p >= sigPrec) $ text ('?':n) <+> text "::" <+> pprType sigPrec ty pprType _ EqualityT = text "(~)" pprType p (ForallT tvars ctxt ty) = parensIf (p >= funPrec) $ sep [pprForall tvars ctxt, pprType qualPrec ty] pprType p (ForallVisT tvars ty) = parensIf (p >= funPrec) $ sep [pprForallVis tvars [], pprType qualPrec ty] pprType p t@AppT{} = pprTyApp p (split t) pprType p t@AppKindT{} = pprTyApp p (split t) ------------------------------ pprParendType :: Type -> Doc pprParendType = pprType appPrec pprInfixT :: Precedence -> Type -> Doc pprInfixT p = \case InfixT x n y -> with x n y "" opPrec UInfixT x n y -> with x n y "" unopPrec PromotedInfixT x n y -> with x n y "'" opPrec PromotedUInfixT x n y -> with x n y "'" unopPrec t -> pprParendType t where with x n y prefix p' = parensIf (p >= p') (pprType opPrec x <+> text prefix <> pprName' Infix n <+> pprType opPrec y) instance Ppr Type where ppr = pprType noPrec instance Ppr TypeArg where ppr (TANormal ty) = parensIf (isStarT ty) (ppr ty) ppr (TyArg ki) = char '@' <> parensIf (isStarT ki) (ppr ki) pprParendTypeArg :: TypeArg -> Doc pprParendTypeArg (TANormal ty) = parensIf (isStarT ty) (pprParendType ty) pprParendTypeArg (TyArg ki) = char '@' <> parensIf (isStarT ki) (pprParendType ki) isStarT :: Type -> Bool isStarT StarT = True isStarT _ = False {- Note [Pretty-printing kind signatures] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GHC's parser only recognises a kind signature in a type when there are parens around it. E.g. the parens are required here: f :: (Int :: *) type instance F Int = (Bool :: *) So we always print a SigT with parens (see #10050). -} pprTyApp :: Precedence -> (Type, [TypeArg]) -> Doc pprTyApp p app@(MulArrowT, [TANormal (PromotedT c), TANormal arg1, TANormal arg2]) | p >= funPrec = parens (pprTyApp noPrec app) | c == oneName = sep [pprFunArgType arg1 <+> text "%1 ->", pprType qualPrec arg2] | c == manyName = sep [pprFunArgType arg1 <+> text "->", pprType qualPrec arg2] pprTyApp p (MulArrowT, [TANormal argm, TANormal arg1, TANormal arg2]) = parensIf (p >= funPrec) $ sep [pprFunArgType arg1 <+> text "%" <> pprType appPrec argm <+> text "->", pprType qualPrec arg2] pprTyApp p (ArrowT, [TANormal arg1, TANormal arg2]) = parensIf (p >= funPrec) $ sep [pprFunArgType arg1 <+> text "->", pprType qualPrec arg2] pprTyApp p (EqualityT, [TANormal arg1, TANormal arg2]) = parensIf (p >= opPrec) $ sep [pprType opPrec arg1 <+> text "~", pprType opPrec arg2] pprTyApp _ (ListT, [TANormal arg]) = brackets (pprType noPrec arg) pprTyApp p (TupleT 1, args) = pprTyApp p (ConT (tupleTypeName 1), args) pprTyApp _ (TupleT n, args) | length args == n, Just args' <- traverse fromTANormal args = parens (commaSep args') pprTyApp p (PromotedTupleT 1, args) = pprTyApp p (PromotedT (tupleDataName 1), args) pprTyApp _ (PromotedTupleT n, args) | length args == n, Just args' <- traverse fromTANormal args = quoteParens (commaSep args') pprTyApp p (fun, args) = parensIf (p >= appPrec) $ pprParendType fun <+> sep (map pprParendTypeArg args) fromTANormal :: TypeArg -> Maybe Type fromTANormal (TANormal arg) = Just arg fromTANormal (TyArg _) = Nothing -- Print the type to the left of @->@. Everything except forall and (->) binds more tightly than (->). pprFunArgType :: Type -> Doc pprFunArgType = pprType funPrec data ForallVisFlag = ForallVis -- forall a -> {...} | ForallInvis -- forall a. {...} deriving Show data TypeArg = TANormal Type | TyArg Kind split :: Type -> (Type, [TypeArg]) -- Split into function and args split t = go t [] where go (AppT t1 t2) args = go t1 (TANormal t2:args) go (AppKindT ty ki) args = go ty (TyArg ki:args) go ty args = (ty, args) pprTyLit :: TyLit -> Doc pprTyLit (NumTyLit n) = integer n pprTyLit (StrTyLit s) = text (show s) pprTyLit (CharTyLit c) = text (show c) instance Ppr TyLit where ppr = pprTyLit ------------------------------ class PprFlag flag where pprTyVarBndr :: (TyVarBndr flag) -> Doc instance PprFlag () where pprTyVarBndr (PlainTV nm ()) = ppr nm pprTyVarBndr (KindedTV nm () k) = parens (ppr nm <+> dcolon <+> ppr k) instance PprFlag Specificity where pprTyVarBndr (PlainTV nm SpecifiedSpec) = ppr nm pprTyVarBndr (PlainTV nm InferredSpec) = braces (ppr nm) pprTyVarBndr (KindedTV nm SpecifiedSpec k) = parens (ppr nm <+> dcolon <+> ppr k) pprTyVarBndr (KindedTV nm InferredSpec k) = braces (ppr nm <+> dcolon <+> ppr k) instance PprFlag flag => Ppr (TyVarBndr flag) where ppr bndr = pprTyVarBndr bndr instance Ppr Role where ppr NominalR = text "nominal" ppr RepresentationalR = text "representational" ppr PhantomR = text "phantom" ppr InferR = text "_" ------------------------------ pprCxt :: Cxt -> Doc pprCxt [] = empty pprCxt ts = ppr_cxt_preds ts <+> text "=>" ppr_cxt_preds :: Cxt -> Doc ppr_cxt_preds [] = empty ppr_cxt_preds [t@ImplicitParamT{}] = parens (ppr t) ppr_cxt_preds [t@ForallT{}] = parens (ppr t) ppr_cxt_preds [t] = ppr t ppr_cxt_preds ts = parens (commaSep ts) ------------------------------ instance Ppr Range where ppr = brackets . pprRange where pprRange :: Range -> Doc pprRange (FromR e) = ppr e <+> text ".." pprRange (FromThenR e1 e2) = ppr e1 <> text "," <+> ppr e2 <+> text ".." pprRange (FromToR e1 e2) = ppr e1 <+> text ".." <+> ppr e2 pprRange (FromThenToR e1 e2 e3) = ppr e1 <> text "," <+> ppr e2 <+> text ".." <+> ppr e3 ------------------------------ where_clause :: [Dec] -> Doc where_clause [] = empty where_clause ds = nest nestDepth $ text "where" <+> braces (semiSepWith (ppr_dec False) ds) showtextl :: Show a => a -> Doc showtextl = text . map toLower . show hashParens :: Doc -> Doc hashParens d = text "(# " <> d <> text " #)" quoteParens :: Doc -> Doc quoteParens d = text "'(" <> d <> text ")" ----------------------------- instance Ppr Loc where ppr (Loc { loc_module = md , loc_package = pkg , loc_start = (start_ln, start_col) , loc_end = (end_ln, end_col) }) = hcat [ text pkg, colon, text md, colon , parens $ int start_ln <> comma <> int start_col , text "-" , parens $ int end_ln <> comma <> int end_col ] -- Takes a separator and a pretty-printing function and prints a list of things -- separated by the separator followed by space. sepWith :: Doc -> (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc sepWith sepDoc pprFun = sep . punctuate sepDoc . map pprFun -- Takes a list of printable things and prints them separated by commas followed -- by space. commaSep :: Ppr a => [a] -> Doc commaSep = commaSepWith ppr -- Takes a list of things and prints them with the given pretty-printing -- function, separated by commas followed by space. commaSepWith :: (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc commaSepWith pprFun = sepWith comma pprFun -- Takes a list of printable things and prints them separated by semicolons -- followed by space. semiSep :: Ppr a => [a] -> Doc semiSep = sep . punctuate semi . map ppr -- Takes a list of things and prints them with the given pretty-printing -- function, separated by semicolons followed by space. semiSepWith :: (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc semiSepWith pprFun = sepWith semi pprFun -- Prints out the series of vertical bars that wraps an expression or pattern -- used in an unboxed sum. unboxedSumBars :: Doc -> SumAlt -> SumArity -> Doc unboxedSumBars d alt arity = hashParens $ bars (alt-1) <> d <> bars (arity - alt) where bars i = hsep (replicate i bar) -- Text containing the vertical bar character. bar :: Doc bar = char '|'