cabal-version: 2.2 author: Mitchell Dalvi Rosen, Travis Staton bug-reports: build-type: Simple category: Data copyright: (c) 2018-2025 Mitchell Dalvi Rosen, Travis Staton homepage: license-file: LICENSE license: BSD-3-Clause maintainer: Mitchell Dalvi Rosen , Travis Staton name: text-ansi synopsis: Text styling for ANSI terminals. tested-with: GHC == 9.8.4, GHC == 9.10.1, GHC == 9.12.1 version: x-revision: 2 description: Text styling for ANSI terminals using SGR codes, as defined by the standard. . Supports foreground\/background color, bold\/faint intensity, italic, single\/double underline, strikethrough, frame, encircle, and overline escape sequences. Some styles may not work on your terminal. . Also features terminal detection, so redirecting styled output to a file will automatically strip the ANSI escape sequences. extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: git:// library build-depends: base ^>= 4.16 || ^>= 4.17 || ^>= 4.18 || ^>= 4.19 || ^>= 4.20 || ^>= 4.21, text >= 1.0 && < 2.2, text-builder-linear ^>= 0.1.1, default-language: Haskell2010 exposed-modules: String.ANSI Text.ANSI Text.Builder.ANSI Text.Lazy.Builder.ANSI ghc-options: -Weverything -Wno-implicit-prelude -Wno-missing-import-lists -Wno-missing-local-signatures -Wno-unsafe if impl(ghc >= 8.10) ghc-options: -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode -Wno-prepositive-qualified-module hs-source-dirs: src